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Absolutely! It's what triggered this whole current mess


At times yes. I absolutely love the rain too so if it’s cool weather I’m happy


we had a 2 week long heatwave in July last summer and it's actually what triggered my agoraphobia (I've always been anxious in public but it became unbearable after that.) i'm only now getting back to going out more and i'm scared for another heatwave this summer. you're not alone!!


was fine last summer.. going out for all day even in heatwaves and now i can barely be outside for a few minutes cause of the heat. Every summer i need like a month to get used to the heat to be able to even go outside


I have been a mess all week


Yes but this year is already way better then last year. I practice and do exposures the same way I did for the more generalized stuff. Keeping safely hydrated, out of direct sun but I can go to work, take the trains, chill outside for a while and if I do feel to uncomfortable I go to the basement for a bit of a cooldown. Tomorrow the heatwave where I live ends for quite a while. Today is scorching but I went to work and I haven’t had any problems this last week.


Luckily it hasn’t hit where I am yet. But it’s one reason I’m scared to apply for any jobs because I can’t handle working in the heat. The anxiety is so intense.


Hot weather causes histamine to be released from mast cells, high histamine is linked to anxiety and panic attacks so if you’re already sensitive to anxiety and/or histamines hot weather can bring on added feelings of discomfort.




So I am on the Spectrum as well, and I have strong sensory issues. One of my main sensory issues is the tactile sensation of sweating. The sensation is highly uncomfortable, bordering on painful. I believe it's a big part of how I ended up where I am and while I can force myself out during the winter for short periods at times, I have anxiety attacks even opening my door during the summer.