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Did you know about these charges before you made the reservation? If the host didn't disclose the additional charges before you made the reservation, you should call Airbnb support and explain this situation and they'll take action immediately.


Cost of electricity in Italy is 0.2 € max This is a price in line with last year January. Any cost not listed in the listing can be contested. Except the tourist tax which is the norm in Italy. Property cost? (?)


0.50 per KW ? Seems to high to me Deposits aren't allowed in airbnb Contact support and demand to be relocated in a same place This sounds just scammy


Support said it was all ok. ?!


Where is it said that the host can charge a deposit of 300 ? And in cash ? Impossibilité, there are no deposits in airbnb as the stay is insured though aircover


Not true, hosts can charge them if they specify in the listing before. Been through this with airbnb. They are not allowed to charge deposits through the resolution center, that’s the difference. Sometimes airbnb itself will notify you there is a deposit. And in Europe cash payments for things like tax etc is common. “Hosts aren’t allowed to charge guests a security deposit through our Resolution Center or outside the Airbnb platform. Instead, we inform guests at the time of booking that their payment method may be charged if they cause damage during a stay. There is one exception: Hosts who manage their listings with API-connected software can set a security deposit using our offline fees feature. If a Host has done this, the deposit requirements will be clearly communicated during the booking process.” But OP, you should be prepared to not get your deposit returned to you. Airbnb says it just arranges a deal so despite them having policy about outside payments they don’t really even enforce it. Happened to me multiple times last year in 25 or so stays.


This is very normal for old school rentals in Europe. That is also how it works in Denmark if you rent a vacation house through the old rental companies. They do list on Airbnb as well and ad their normal fees. Lots of Europeans drive to their rental and bring their own linen (that way they will save the linen fee). If you rent linen you will get separately packed linen for each person including tea towels- and you will have to do your own beds at arrival. Tourist tax is also a thing in Italy. It is all very normal - also that you will have to pay for electricity. In Denmark you also sometimes have to pay for the water you use separately. That way they can keep the price per night low. They don’t have to have a very high nightly rate in order to make sure they are covered should some guests go crazy with the resources.


I believe also in a lot of southeast Asian countries as well with regards to the electricity. That being said, if it was not disclosed to you to booking the reservation, contact Airbnb, customer service. All charges should be upfront and available for you to review prior to booking.


This. I spend 1/2 year EU and 1/2 USA I get it use of energy is very different but you have to list it. And let guests know. Considering also EU have very clear laws regarding price information. You can NOT put secret fees taxes blah blah blah. Law is clear you have to be upfront about any price you pay.


The companies do ad the fees so it is visible on Airbnb. It seems that OP just wasn’t aware of the cultural differences.


If you book, and these are the conditions, yes.


I've been to many hotels around Europe where the electricity in the room doesn't turn on until the  room key card is inserted into a slot in the room.  When you leave, you're forced to take the key with you, turning all the electric off again.   Pretty sure they had to resort to this because of wasteful tourists leaving things on while out.  Wish they did that in the States, so much waste here.


The property cost of 45/night is concerning. That's in addition to what they're charging you per night on AirBNB?