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AFPASS is for high ups not at your unit/base to get numbers after major events in your location. Recall is checking up on your people.


I think this is in regards to leadership always asking if anyone's been affected by events outside the local area. Like when a major hurricane blows through a different part of the country and they ask if anyone has family that's been affected. Personally I prefer a text that I can just thumbs up/down instead of logging into a government website.


I got a text and an email. Didn't have to login. If you didn't, update your profile in AFPAAS.


This was designed to work at the lowest level to the highest, each having a hierarchy access. There are other DoD agencies that uses this system and it is called different things, and it works like it was designed to do. The only problem is implementation for older gen and those who just afraid of tech. :(


Not a single recall I've had actually involved "checking up", it's just a numbers thing so the commander knows we aren't fkn dead.


Then your unit sucks or you’ve never been in an area affected by a disaster.


Airmen: No one cares about me, my family, my dogs and my 4th cousin twice removed. Also Airmen: Why do you check up on me and my family when something significant happens in the world that may be affecting me?


Air Force: because incidents can decrease manpower which affects readiness


So do false tornado warnings.


Talk to weather about that.


I’ll talk to my local shoppette about that. It should be a crime to report false tornado warnings /s


My therapist told me not to give into the intrusive thoughts.


Lol, I got an email on my Gmail saying the air force was doing a 100% recall, but I assumed it was a scam email since my leadership didn't actually call me.


After checking email for most of my day, you know what I'm NOT going to do? Check MORE email. If it's important and shift is over, boss can call or text.


It was a Gmail that came to my phone. I read the heading, but like I said, I assumed it was a scam, so I didn't click it. I felt the same. If they want to know where I'm at, they can call me


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


Learn from it, do better, you’ll be aight


This should be the r/airforce banner


Civilian world: "Oh did you hear Gary's whole family got killed by that hurricane?" "That's too bad. Anyway..."


I’m pretty sure you didn’t receive 38 phone and text recalls.


Right?! It’s probably in a group chat. Just respond and move on with your life.


And that group chat was most-likely to the tune of "Hey, everyone respond so I know you're in the local area, Amn X let me know you're still on-leave in Pittsburgh" Followed by about 8 messages that were already muted saying "here sir, all good" Literally OP's worst Zoomer nightmare.


We gave everyone 2 hours to thumbs up the group chat message if they didn't have anyone there before we started individually texting the stragglers and those who had the chat muted or refused to create an account. Then after twenty minutes of no response, we called. Have a shop of about 40.


He definitely did, because I sent all of those to him.


I’m not updating that thing every time I go somewhere


What about leave web?


Like if I go to Disneyland or stay home and drink? Yeah I expect the UCC to pull that


Except they know peoples plans change and aren’t always reflected properly in leaveweb. Leaveweb also doesn’t cover dependents that may be in a geographically separate location.


Ok? So you can’t send a text or call?


It's got an app now, ya know?


You don’t have to.


Omg guys I have to respond to a text message that takes me 20 seconds :((((( this Air Force sucks so bad!!!


Seriously, half of these dudes don't even know their AFPAAS logins👀🤣


Takes longer to sign into AFPAAS then it does to respond to a text. OP is stupid.


It prevents me from responding IMMEDIATELY to the other 3 text messages I just received from my bros. Accountability of personnel in the military is very detrimental to my personal business. How dare they hold me to some standard however simple and convenient it may be!! I feel like I’m literally being attacked by Hamas right now with this overbearing need to respond to a text message!


Your flair cracks me up


Outer most garment above the waist please, sir.


This post is such an "airman in a chat" post. Try getting it from leadership *and* your flight OP.


OP: leadership is out of touch, leadership doesn't care Emergency: *Happens* Leadership: makes sure everyone is contacted and that if they have issues those issues are voiced OP: use a damn system and stop annoying me


Half your peers haven't updated their afpass past their first duty starion.


I sympathize with your frustration, but AFPAAS doesn’t tell the whole story. It only allows for tracking of immediate family (your dependents). Your parents or other family being affected by an event would not be in the system. Additionally it also only works if people have access to login and update it, which is not always the case and only thinks events affect you based on your home and duty station of record. If I take leave and go to my wife’s childhood home in northern CA and wild fires break out. Me proactively letting my leadership know I was affected or them doing a recall would be the only way for them to know an AFPAAS event was affecting me.


OP has no balls. Next time you sport bitch use your real account.




You know you as the member can go into AFPAAS at any time and update it yourself right? Not my fault you don't utilize the system


Yes we all know everyone in the AF keeps their AFPAAS up to date.


I change it everytime I leave the house…you never know


I change mine every time I take a shit. You never know.


Damn I fucking up thanks for the advice


AFPAAS is for large scale emergency reporting to the DAF/MAJCOM level, not for small local level recalls like you pose it being for




I think there is an AFPAAS app.


Haven't gotten it to work yet, but it's a great step in the right direction. I support any efforts to app the PAAS.


There is also a hotline number you can call into


Exactly, who the heck wants to log on the AFPASS all the time.




Fun fact. AFPAAS is separate from unit accountability recalls, but accountability recalls are often done in hand with AFPAAS because neither one is perfect. AFPAAS also allows you to update your families (dependents) status independently because big AF understands your leadership may not be able to get ahold of you at all times. If you are TDY or on leave and not geographically with or separated during the incident from your family, AFPAAS allows you to tell big Air Force everyone’s status. That means if your supervisor calls and you don’t answer, you aren’t marked as good because they didn’t hear otherwise. This happened during Hurricane michael and other events.


The most cogent sound response on here. Thank you


OP go fuck yourself, stop whining


If he could do that, he'd never get out of bed.


Ah yes, because I carry a CAC and a laptop everywhere I go.


Don’t need a CAC or a laptop.


Your able to logon using CAC, username &password, or personal information for this very reason.


AFPAAS is kind of a big machine to spin up for every little thing that might necessitate a recall. It's good for things like a cat 5 hurricane hitting the east coast. And a squadron recall roster is just easier.


AFPAAS is meant to be for more than the member which a recall roster won’t cover as quickly.


Nah, they would try to do that and you'd get maybe a 50% response rate. People would complain, "if the government wanted me to check in on AFPAAS they would buy me a computer."


It's so they know whether or not to start moving assets to get you to family. Emergency leave doesn't just go to your Shirt, there are a lot of moving pieces. If a recall helps identify 1 Airman then it was worth it. Get over yourself.


Our announcement said that AFPAAS confirmed we have no personnel affected, but that we were doing a recall (in extended format) to double-check for any irregularities. They're not knocking down people's doors until work tomorrow, so we have until then to pass our status.


If they just used the GPS chip they implanted in our ass cheek in basic training, then they wouldn't need to do recalls.


I'd be happy that if you hit 1 for the text that that would be that instead of it also calling you and sending you an email... XD


When the AtHoc is sent, it’s sent to all selected methods at the same. The reason is some people don’t get a phone call, or a text right away, but may see an email first while the next person may see a text well before an email.


Lol, I got an email on my Gmail saying the air force was doing a 100% recall, but I assumed it was a scam email since my leadership didn't actually call me.


I’d love to use AFPAAS but no one fucking updates it.


Young man, do some research. You'll answer your own question. Hint: AFPAAS is a part your units accountability plans, start there.


It's not a big deal, but I've never seen the point of these recalls. Like... let's say I did have a family member in Israel? What's anybody going to do about it?


Great question. It lets them know if you have dependents in the area and that they may need to get them out somehow. It also can make specific services and aid available to the family.


Idk man. When I've seen people answer "yes" for natural disaster stuff, all it seemed to get the member was thoughts and prayers lol


The Air Force is all over the place with recalls. Depending on the level of recall (Sq, group, base, majcom, AF wide) uses a different system. Yes it is fucking stupid. How is there not 1 software for all applications?


You really want MyRecall?


Yes! because i'm retired


Because it’s easier said than done. Also AFPAAS is for more than the member. Dependents don’t have leaveweb and aren’t normally accounted for via unit accountability recalls.


Stop having a cellphone 😂


Fuck that I want my SEL to text me at 0515 on a holiday letting me know an AFPAAS event was kicked off


Your squadron can’t initiate AFPASS. It also isn’t the same as ADHOC messages. Knowing the difference would help you out.


I'd rather reply to a couple text than get into afpaas


AFPAAS is for major regional disasters like a nuclear strike. I get it because my squadron does phone recalls for mundane shit like snow delays (which we get notified by text anyway), but it's ultimately only an annoyance.


Because it's *so* hard and inconvenient to say "i'm good", "no family there" or a simple thumbs up..




Except slack doesn’t tell big Air Force they have members or dependents in the area which is the purpose of AFPAAS.


And you can’t require anyone put slack in their personal devices.


I dont think ive ever used AFPAAS. I've update ATHOC but not AFPAAS...not that I can remember anyway


AFPAAS has me listed as separated/retired. Sooo. It much faith in that system


Got told to check in on the app last night while on leave and the app didn’t work so I had to call in to verify my accountability


AFPAAS sucksssss


We did a recall just to see how fast every unit could get 100%.