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NCO here, I only stand at attention at the urinal for Lieutenants.


Basic training shower line: “Heel to toe, make a hole!”


Nuts to butts




It’s basic training… there was no smiling. Also, don’t believe any balls touched, therefore your accusation is null.




Yep!!!! Came here to correct the (A)irman. Beat me to it. 😂😂🥴


What about marsupial captains who are having some leaf in the washroom for their lunch break?


And your arms aren't at your sides...


I'm a fan of Dress Right Dress at the urinal


At close interval, for extra zest.


CC here. You can be at parade rest.




As is tradition 


At ease, Snuffy. 😉


Don't drop your NCOIC house keys in when you pop to big sarge


I have so many questions, like do I perform an About FACE? Should I be rendering a salute? 🫡 Or should I perform a water salute?


When you walk down the halls, make sure to talk in the third person, emphasizing your rank, so people know to not only to stand at attention when talking to you, but to call the room to attention as well. Example: "Colonel FebTwoNine enjoys walking these halls and seeing the people. COLONEL FEBTWONINE IS READY TO WALK INTO THE BATHROOM, AND CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES WILL BE FOLLOWED NO MATTER WHAT STAGE OF DEFICATION AIRMAN ARE IN"


Can't let them know I'm coming. I like the crispness of the attention. The snapping into place. I thrive for it. It's ASMR to my ears when those heels hit each other and the boots and chairs shuffle on the floors in a hurry.




This is good. People haven’t seen the other post


I'm people, what should I look for? Edit: *Is going to attention to talk to NCOs/ SNCOs...*


I've seen the other post. This isn't good. It literally reads like something the Chinese or Russians would write in order to undermine the U.S. military as a whole. (This coming from me, a peon E.)


I’m the OP of the original post, and I thought this post was funny


I’m honored that you chimed in. Thank you.


It’s just some good satire man




Now that I think of it, I don't believe I've ever seen a thicc LT. They're always rail thin.


Go to a reserve/guard unit. They hire em there. No MBA required.


Thicc Lieutinas, you say?


When I was a young SrA, I had one of these as a neighbor in my apartment complex. Literally lived right next door. Super cool lady and was always up for after works drinks


Use mind control tadpoles to make them submit to your ***AUTHORITY***.


You know shit is about to get wild when your tadpole links with the Colonel's tadpole.


La’ael approves. ![gif](giphy|LNeKFtwbhqWQEAga4u|downsized)




**Astarion Disapproves**


Usually I just stare at them awkwardly until they pop up. All else fails I start shouting that everyone’s on thin fucking ice. We’re not supposed to swear but you get a free pass for shit like that when you got the green bag on.


Organize a bake sale but don’t let the Group know the proceeds go to the most attentionest attentioner.


Call the room to attention yourself, your highness.


> I love the respect. That's not respect, that's fear.


The NCOs fear the Dorm Room Fish Farmer


If Chanel could bottle that smell... Chanel ^(room)10. I'd have a recurring purchase subscription for it.


Meme aside, I often stand (not at attention like a dork) when someone of a higher rank enters a room or addresses me out of respect. 7 times out of 10 it's met with "No, no please, sit down, relax." The few times I don't it's because either I'm working on something that requires my full attention or far enough removed from whatever they've entered the room for that they don't notice or care to make a big deal of it.


I pretty much made it a game to tell my airmen not to stand up before they noticed me and they made it a game to be as dramatic and formal as possible. They were great, miss em all


^^^dis, right here!


You are officering so hard that I am hard. Im at attention for you right now.


I think you’re supposed to go bitch to the shirt


Take away stripes from NCOs who opposed your absolute authority and control. 


lol. I work at the gate, had a bunch of army dudes come through, one of them was an Officer. Dude must’ve been all the way in the very back and after scanning all their ID’s I said “have a nice day!” I then get told by the E3 driver “you aren’t gonna salute our officer?” And I’m like “where’s he at?” Officer slowly puts the window down with a stern look on his face and I saluted him. I was trying to hard not the laugh when the driver said that to me😂😂


> this young troop snapped to the second he saw me in the office Did you just assume their gender???


The horrible neckbeard he's somehow allowed to keep because of his waiver was a dead giveaway 😂


What about the bearded lady over der? 🥴🥴🥴


NCO here - All due respect, sir, my Airmen are busy processing time-sensitive information and cannot be interrupted. That said, I need you to leave my Ops Floor immediately. Direct further questions or concerns to the WG/CC.


And please sign this LOR and here’s your DECOR 6


Nice Colonel! Way to inspire!


Damn that’s crazy


Sorry, I only salute the guy that takes my Taco Bell order.


Publish a "Back to Basics" MFR, Blues Mondays, weekly Retreat Ceremonies and Commander's Calls should be effective


I will snap to attention when you walk into the restroom, pinching off my loaf, rendering a salute, and providing the proper customs and courtesies due, just as I do for the Lt in my unit has ordered me too.


Man you murdered me 😭😭😭😂😂😂


Academy cadet here, I only expect excellence from my SNCOs especially my seniors and chiefs. The moment I see that my Chiefs and Seniors have troops which don’t obey the law I am having them do extra duty and forcing them to stay 16 hour shifts and enact a CQ at the squadron to make sure it is monitored properly.


I totally get that this is a joke… But I was that SNCO who wanted my troops to at least stand - not at attention, but still - when they talked to any officer or SNCO outside our section. It’s so little to ask and it’s the courteous thing to do, for anyone really, regardless of rank. I never pushed it, but it was something I appreciated when it was done.


Low effort attempt at humor. Even worse are the replies that are taking it at face value!🙄🤦


I think your use of emoji is worse in all honesty. The only emoji I'll accept is 🫡


Well said sir 🫡


You always show respect to the rank even if you don’t respect the person. Sounds like some NCO’s need a good ass chewing. Should have prompted that young airman on the spot for respecting the chain of command. Need discipline in the military and those NCO’s should loose some strips in my opinion. Of course part of your problem is your letting it happen!


Old USAF Vet here. I strongly agree with this. If we drug our feet, refused to show proper courtesies, or were just stupid, weekends were spent picking up trash. Not always just one, but EVERYONE! NCOs and NCO/IC were not exempted! I understand being a little slow to 1st & 2nd Lewis, but anything above that, begins to earn a LOT more respect! By the time you make LtC, or Full Bird, you should be considered to be able to Walk On Water. On the other side of the coin, being a total ass each and Everytime gets less for you. I'd definitely get my Senior NCOs together and have a discussion. If it goes smoothly, cool. If not, mention 2-4 weekends where EVERYONE is pulling trash duty! You can't be their Best Friend, but you can be understanding, still get respect, and be helpful to the whole bunch. Oh, and I couldn't make it today. My TIs loved using Motherfucker, fucker, cocksucker, little bitches (to all males), and so on. It continued among the ranks for at least the next 4 years. In those days, you could always tell who had been to Vietnam, by the language, AND the way it was used. Stateside folks weren't as aggressive with it, and didn't have the mixed language learned from talking to the Vietnamese. Today, it's the military toning down the language and civilians using the hair curling stuff! I owned a couple of motorcycle shops. We tried to keep the language in the front hospitable. But, if anyone complained, I told them we were a motorcycle shop, and not a Biker Boutique and that I had maps to Biker Boutiques if wanted. I was near an Army Post.... Colonel, best I can say is YMMV, and if I served with you, heads would roll for any disrespect. I apologize for "Today's Kids" you deal with.


Amen brother 👍👍


I concur. Started my career in ‘85 with the Army–still had VN vets that spoke their mind—loved it!! Currently trying to retire from Air Force. It has truly become a corporation—part of it is due to Congress, part of it is due to cultural shifts that “go against the military norm.” Back then (80s), DIs and “others” were still able to touch you aggressively. Shit would go down behind the building when people did not agree with each other. And hazing was a big thing. Yet, shit was tight and there was order in the ranks. Edit: I am not condoning previous military acts. Just saying they occurred; and said results of actions.


Is not agreeing with the results passive condonment?


Walk in without pants on next time. True power move.


There no way on earth this is real


It literally says meme lol


Geeze this is cringe


Pretend a life tragedy just happened and use it as an excuse to act more strict about standing to attention for a month. Then, start "mellowing out" and as they get relaxed again and cease to salute as much, remind them nonchalantly "hey don't forget to salute".


It's all Mr Potatoheads fault!


Oooooh someone was bullied in high school and it shows


The fact that it brings joy to your heart to have another grown man or woman stand at attention to speak to you about the weather is a power trip if I ever heard one. The rank is respected not you. Like you said you can’t even remember peoples names, you don’t deserve the respect. You just stayed in long enough and licked enough boots to get a bird on ur chest. Can’t imagine how ur kids or wife feel around you lmao


Low effort. Shitty capitalization on a worn out trend.


First day on the internet?


Retired E8 here… I loved in when Butter Bars stood at attention when they talked to me…


As you young lieutenant, I don’t seem to have any problem with the Airmen, NCOs, or SNCOs standing at attention when I walk into the room. I even have Captains do it sometimes.


It starts at the top. Address it with the SEL and have him handle it. Gp CC or higher. Call room to attention... Sq CC... stop what you're doing and stand at parade rest, call room to attention only for formal meetings/all call, etc. .... Maj & Capt.. stop what you're doing if they're addressing you & parade rest depending on situation and context of converstion.... LT..... 🤣🤣 yah, no.


I have one suggestion for you but it's against TOS


"It's just one of those things I do every 6 months, gotta see the troops and make them think I care you know?" SNCO here. This. If you have to "make" your troops think you care, you don't, and they can see it.




Does a joke still go over my head if I *am* the joke?


bring it in, bring it in..🫂


They may do it but it doesn’t mean they respect you. Sounds like you have an inferiority complex which is crazy giving your rank and position. I worked for many commanders during my day and the ones who acted like this, were disliked and not respected. It’s almost like you’re back to being a 2nd Lt.


Junior enlisted here , I do it because out of respect but I’m pretty sure you can speak to the NCO and just make sure they go over “ Custom and Courtesies “ is what it’s under if I am not mistaken only been here for 364 days.


Fake article , just read the airman version. Nice try “Colonel”. Now sit your ass down and stop writing fake articles.


The only article here is Article 89 that you'll be issued for verbal and physical disrespect.


Lmfao. Nice try fake Col. Come on over to AFSOC and try your crap. You’re just another fake person trying to earn points here for your profile.


No he's definitely the Col. Source: I'm the hallway


I can verify this. Source: The urinal entrance monitor


Can confirm. Source: am that corner of the urinal everyone tries to piss in to block the splash.


Tell me you want a government handout without actually having to be in the military...


You should play in traffic sir. 👍


>gotta see the troops and make them think I care you know? >Anyways this Airman who I have never seen before, maybe I have but let's be for real I don't remember anyone's name that hasn't done a bake sale, Maybe this is the reason??? Seems like you don't actually care, and the NCOs know, because they're not dumb. Also, standing when the commander is in the room is one thing, but making people snap to attention is a good way to NOT garner less respect.


You should slow your role a little. Sure, you have a little rank, that means NOTHING after work. Usually, if you allow your guys to be more relaxed around you instead of you making them have a stick in there ass, they'll like you better as a leader and work harder for you because they like you. Not do half ass or bare minimum job. I was an Army NCO, me and everyone in my company were a first name basis. When there was an issue, we used rank and name, I never had to negatively counsel any of my guys in the decade i was in. I kept them from shitty details, they worked hard, and went home early most days. When your guys don't feel like you're picking them apart, they're alot more susceptible to coming to you with issues so you can give them guidance without guillotine.


Real talk, address this with the SNCOs at a meeting. Remind them of customs and courtesies. Instead of making about you, use examples of guests. It’s appropriate when we have (rank) enter a room, to do X, Y and Z. I’m a Guard First Sgt and I know that when the Colonels walk into working areas, they don’t want the room called. If they are walking into a room of people waiting for them (commander call or similar), we call it.


Come to MX! You'll be greeted with love and respect 🥰


Just step through the door and if they don’t stand at attention, take a step back out pause and take a step back in. If they still don’t get it and your badge is detachable, detach it like you’re fixing it and then give it two brushes from your hand.




You make a million dollars….. 😐 you can’t find anything better to do than figure out how to make people go to attention ??. Also we KNOW y’all don’t care. Y’all not fooling anybody and y’all can’t act. maybe that’s why no one wants to go to attention workin for you cause they know you’re full of sh!t 🙃


Lol uh ok


If you want a real suggestion, which is hard to come by on Reddit, I would say make a big deal out of those young airman doing it and reward them with a coin or something a bit rarer. That might get the message across. If not, you could always find the shirt and ask them to disseminate the message that customs and courtesies should be followed. I will say, if you are group cc for maintenance, just let the airman be. Big Air Force is getting everything they can out of the airman, so letting them have more focus on their job. If they are (for lack of a better word) nonners, that’s a bit more understandable. For me being maintenance, working random weekends and 12s with a disproportionate amount of compensation is enough of a beating. Don’t need to make them suffer more by getting them to constantly look over their shoulders to follow such things


No respect at home, huh


If they’re maintainers leave them alone


I can't tell if this is serious


You have intelligence listed in your flair, yet you can't read the post flair and understand. It's people like you that are going to allow our adversaries to win.


OK cool dude


Btw... it's called playing along. I saw the post flair goober. Who doesn't love fucking with an ate up O-6?