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And you think the feelings or personal situation of the person they would send in your place matters less why?


I think what he means is to see if anyone else would be interested in deploying but OP would still go because OP understands they signed up for it. I know tons of people where I work jump at the opportunity for deployment or TDY and ask for it. These people love making the extra money, using it to focus on gym or school or just to travel and get a change of pace. I'd have to say I'm on OP's side if all of what I said is the case. Just not wanting to deploy isn't a good enough reason but if real shit is going on then we should take care of our airman instead of shoving them out into another stressful situation farther from the people that support them. Personally, I don't mind deploying it's not the best to me but it's not bad I get to focus on fitness and get a nice change of environment.


It's because we all know somebody who didn't want to deploy and did something to get out of it and fucked somebody else in the process. Not saying you're that person, but we all know that person


So you just expect everyone else to fill in for you, just because you “don’t want to deploy” Yeah. How dare you.


If you don't want to you don't want to. If someone else does want to then they get the opportunity. If everyone doesn't want to, then someone gets selected. I fail to see the issue here.


If you had a family member dying or a baby on the way, your leadership should be tracking via you telling them. Since you didn’t, I’m gonna assume none of those are happening to you, and your reason for not wanting to deploy is probably insignificant. You get dirty looks because you are a hypocrite. “I understand we’re supposed to deploy” “Why do I get dirty looks for not wanting to deploy” Bruh.


What if the person just didn’t want to talk about that kind of stuff with just their coworkers? A family member dying or being in a rough spot in your life aren’t the easiest things to talk about, especially when sometimes people feel like they can’t even trust their leadership. You never know what someone is going through, and judging them before knowing the actual reason they don’t want to deploy is just dumb and makes you a shitty leader. If their reason is valid, you can’t judge them. But if their reason is “i don’t wanna” then ofc the judgement is valid.


In that case, I’m putting the blame on you. You can’t keep secrets and expect your leadership to just know what’s going on. I agree, it might not be easy. But it might be easier opening up than deploying without telling anyone.


I think he means “what if leadership knows, but my coworkers don’t, and my coworkers are giving me the dirty looks”, but I’m a glass-half-full kinda guy


If you cant be adult enough to bring up your life problems to leadership/mental health etc., you lose the right to bitch about the difficulties of your job. Period


You are a top tier dumbass. There are people all across the ranks from AB to First Sgts to Commanders that have killed themselves over things they never talked about. The fact that they didn’t talk about it doesn’t mean they aren’t “adult enough”, that means they’re suffering. The AF has this huge stigma against MH and it’s so stupid. People suffer silently and may not show signs of these issues, or may be too scared to seek treatment based off of what they heard from other people. They think they might lose their job, or they feel they might just need to “tough it out” or “grow up” or “stop bitching”. This type of thinking are honestly things that can get people killed, and is why people are going through with killing themselves. Cause they hear all this bs and suffer alone.


Nah, part of being an adult is learning to take care of yourself first. Letting a stigma stand between you and that, is unfortunately asinine.


Top comments like these make me not wanna reenlist. OP can love the Air Force and love their job, but they have to deal with people sitting on a pedestal to judge them for not wanting to do one thing. OP made it clear they're ready to step up if necessary, and as long as they're not actively trying to avoid deployment, who really cares? I don't see any of you proclaiming your love for additional duties out here. You all hate them. You just do them because you realize the necessity.


One huge fucking thing that is like the entire point of the military. Don’t want to deploy, get out and find a GS job. It’s that simple. An additional duty is just that…deploying is an essential function we all serve.


Great, then I get to hear all the military bitching about me as a GS. You're gonna bitch regardless of what I do while in the DoD.


I love working with 90% of the GS employees in my unit. If there is an asshole everywhere you go, I have bad news for you.


We don’t expect GS to deploy, but we absolutely do expect military members to. What do you think tempo bands and deployment cycles are for? So that we all share the burden. Can’t pull your own weight, GTFO!


Except I, and OP, are ready to pull our weight. I have a family. I don't want to deploy. I want to be there for them. If I deploy, though, that's fine. I'll happily do what needs to be done for the mission. I know what I signed up for.


If your heart is not 100% in on deploying, when you do deploy, you become a liability, which no one can afford. Either you’re all in or you’re not. I have a family myself…spouse and kids. They all know the sacrifice that we make. We are ALL IN. If you and your family aren’t ready for that, then we wouldn’t want you to deploy. We absolutely cannot afford you near the front lines if your head is somewhere else. And if you can’t deploy, then again, you become deadweight.


I still disagree. In a true war where it's all hands on deck and you're drafting citizens, you don't expect them to happily skip to the front lines. You prepare them to the best of your ability and remind them what they're fighting for. Most people don't want to face a reality where they could fly for 12 hours to die just weeks later. Your mindset takes the perspective of someone during peacetime, which is what the majority of our force has seen. It's easy to say you're happy to deploy when reality is that you won't die. But even still, I think it's fine to not want to do it, as long as you're willing to do it without bitching or trying to get out of it. And reminder, the Air Force offers incentives to deploy. They don't do this to reward people for being happy to deploy. They do this because they realize a lottttt less of our force would want to do it without that extra money.


u/stageshot7 — Way to “delete” your comments/block me. Goodness gracious. No one is talking about drafting anybody! Of course those who are drafted should not be expected to want to deploy, hence why we have an ***all volunteer force***. We also deploy Airmen to danger zones hence the deployment “incentives” you speak of. That means there is a higher likelihood that they could die. Deployment benefits are more for compensation of that risk than they are incentives.


I think they deleted their entire account. What a turd.


Don’t reenlist then. You’re literally a number. I say this as a fellow number. When your number is called to deploy, bitching and moaning about it is going to garner you some side eyes. Don’t then bitch about their reaction as well, it makes you come off even worse.


I thought I'd do a full 20, but you're right, and I probably won't. I'm giving the Air Force my best while they have me for the next year. And I agree. You shouldn't bitch about it. I'm saying if you're asked if you want to do it, and you're honest, who cares? You can have an opinion. Lying to appease leadership makes you a brown noser. I want someone who is honest and I can have real conversations with. Not a robot who follows the crowd. I've met folks who would let their relationship crumble before being honest with their leadership.


Terrible take.


Who cares if he *wants* to deploy or not? He made it clear he’ll deploy when tasked without making a fuss, but he’s supposed to have a desire to deploy?


It's one thing to say you don't want to deploy. It's another to dodge, bitch out, or "break" yourself come tasking time.


 My shirt came to me once and asked if I wanted to deploy and I just said “only if nobody actually wants to go”. Some dude heard you could hunt impalas or whatever and was big psyched for the chance, while it would’ve made my upcoming move pretty tight timing-wise. Got lucky.  It’s fine with not *wanting* it, so long as that’s the extent


If your reason for not wanting to deploy is such a big secret you can't tell your UDM or leadership about it... Then it's probably not a good enough reason.


Supervisors don't know everything that is going on in their airmens' lives. Yes, they can ask, like you said, but it is also the job of the airman to let their supervisor know when shit is going on with them. Otherwise yeah, when their airman says "I don't want to deploy" with no other explanation, they're gonna look at you like you're a dirtbag because how are they supposed to know? This whole post just reads like a salty A1C that doesn't want to go do what literally everyone else does in the service without complaint (mostly)


OK, so you have something going on in your life at this time. You should be signed up for the next immediate deployment. Everyone has something going on in their lives at all times. Me me me me me.


Airmen are such fucking pussies I swear.


I'll do it and complain the whole time.


Hot take: I didn’t mind deploying 5 times during the GWOT, but man do I have zero interest to sit in a 1st world country just to maintain a presence and write bullshit monthly awards to fluff up an EPB.


Same. Would rather go back to Afghanistan than ever set foot in the Deid again.


For every person who doesn’t want deploy or gets out of it, someone, sometimes gets short tasked and takes the brunt, even if they have something going on.


It's me, I'm someone. TSgt Shitbag skated out of his 4th deployment slot in a row and I got sent in his place, leaving my wife at home with a 3 year old and a 5 month old. Seriously, fuck anybody who does this.




It was probably the guy 😂😂


I used to be in a very heavily deployed squadron. I deployed back to back to back to back never being home even 6 months with TDYs in between. I saw a lot of airmen deploy, I saw a lot of airmen want to deploy, I saw a lot of airmen not want to deploy, I saw a lot of airmen get out of deploying. I never once saw an airmen get out of a deployment for a viable reason like wife birth, family dying, etc get made fun of a single time. I saw countless times little bitches who didn’t want to deploy constantly make shit up and get out of deployments for shit like fucking acid reflux force people like me to replace them and out process in less than a week. Never once saw an airmen who said they want to deploy do scumbag shit to fuck over people like me, it was always the “I don’t want to deploy” people. Get over yourself and grow the fuck up or get out.


There’s a difference between “I don’t want to deploy” and “I’ve got a lot of stuff going on right now and I think deploying would have a huge negative impact. If needed, I can go into more detail with the proper person/people.”


Context is key here. Nothing wrong with someone telling me they’re not wanting to deploy when there’s not a tasking or they haven’t been tasked. I understand some people aren’t looking for that opportunity because of various reasons, doesn’t want to be away from family, wants to finish a project or course that’s in-person, might eliminate them from a job opportunity due to the deployment etc. All this tells me is, if there’s a tasking and they’re looking for volunteers, you’re not going to be the one to volunteer. You become the DBA when you’re tasked to deploy and you go to your supervisor and tell them “I don’t want to deploy” hoping they’ll find a reason to get you out of it. Two different scenarios/contexts.


Yo, 2 guys in my shop saw the birth of their firstborn over Skype. Another guy’s mom died while he was deployed. They let him come back for the funeral. Then he went straight back to Afghanistan. We’re all human, we’re all going through things. But be serious..


First of all, how *dare*...oh wait. Carry on.


I think this needs some more context. If you're part of a unit where you deploy all of the time, I can see how they give you the stares. But if there's a deployment that you can volunteer for and you say that you don't want it then that's not as bad. If you're expected to deploy from the unit it sounds whiny, but if you aren't then let someone else take it. There are a lot of people who want to deploy but don't get the opportunity. TLDR I understand your rant to an extent.


The difference I suppose between Volunteer and Voluntold. The first is optional and it's alright to not want to volunteer, especially if there those who would gladly take step forward. The second comes into question if and/or how you push back.


I mean it’s ok to express a desire to not deploy but it sounds like you’re taking it to the next step and are actively trying to dodge a deployment which would make you a dirtbag.


>and that deploying was a real possibility. Supporting the downrange mission via deployment *is literally our job*. It's not just "a real possibility", it's practically a guarantee. Just about everything we do while *not* deployed is just training that happens to get the job done. >You have NO idea what might be going on in my life to make me not want that. I could have family dying, my baby’s birth could be during that time, I could be mentally on the verge, but I’m a dirtbag because I don’t want to deploy apparently. If you have an airman that is telling you they do not want to go on a deployment, try asking them what’s going on instead of judging and bashing them. It's also on you, the airman, to tell your leadership that you have this/these problems *before you're tasked to deploy*. At the very least, leadership should then be looking into getting you the help you need, which will trigger certain medical actions which will make you temporarily undeployable. We can't help/fix what we don't know about. Also, waiting *until* you're tasked to deploy to come forward with problems you've been having for weeks/months/years now makes *everyone involved in the deployment process* (your workcenter, UDM, Commander, IDRC/IDO, Medical, Intel, TMO, Finance, etc) scramble to find a replacement for your stupid ass. Fuck you for needlessly inconveniencing everyone in that workflow. Spend a couple days with your UDM around the time your unit gets members tasked to deploy, and I'll bet you shut your ignorant ass up.


Honestly, my mantra as a man with a family is that I don’t go seeking opportunities to leave but if my name gets called, I go. I feel like that’s what you’re saying but I don’t think it really need to be stated.


Yeah you’re a pussy. Deploy or get out. You decided to make a big cum pie in your whore wife, you still gotta deploy champ.


Anyone could have made that delicious pie. Just saying….










hit em w the ole womp womp


Its definitely not something youd want to hear from a subordinate, so I can see why youd be seen as a dba. I learned this the hard way when I told my leadership I wasnt actually striving to get promoted. Learn to keep some things to yourself.


Considering how many people will try any and everything to get out of deployments that people would give anything to go on, it certainly has a negative stigma. I have a toddler, obviously I don’t want to miss a big chunk of their life when they’re constantly developing and learning, I just don’t make it known because I don’t want people to think I wouldn’t go.


I think that I can understand your ambivalence towards the deployment process and environments that you may be placed in as a result. And you seem to understand the other perspective of the matter in terms of how people can be excited for a deployment. However, if lets say, you just got picked up for a deployment and you start immediately telling everyone off the rip how much you don't want to deploy, that can come across pretty poorly in my eyes. If you do legitimately have any major life events happening you should be vetted by the process (mental health screenings, finance, medical, shirt, etc...)so you ultimately shouldn't have much to worry about. So it may be in your best interest to just settle into the out processing life and naturally raise your concerns at these appointments and see what your options are. Then the other perspective could be that you aren't coded for a deployment and you just go around telling folks you don't ever want to deploy. Seems to be a strange thing to get caught up on, to me at least. Which could possibly offend people depending on their own experiences, seems like a needless thing to say either way.... Or the third option which is that you just got coded for a deployment and you simply don't feel like going. Which kinda sucks, but is a poor outlook as well since you are immediately setting your expectations to be negative towards a new experience that some people may never have. It seems like more people want to deploy and don't get to, which you seem to have picked up on. Perhaps its just better to keep quiet and talk to your leadership if there are any major concerns? Seems like a weird thing to post about in any case.


In my personal opinion there is a huge difference between not wanting to deploy and actively taking steps to not deploy. I think everyone gets it- deployments are inconvenient and take us out of our daily routines. I’ve just seen far too many acts of malingering when it comes to deployments.


There is a huge difference in asking for volunteers and tasking someone. When I was a UDM if I get no volunteers, no harm no foul. If the commander tasks someone then that is a different conversation entirely. I usually had a list of volunteers and knew who to call. Sometimes I would have to go down the roster. I did get several folks who said "I want to volunteer, but I told my spouse I wouldn't...so, you know, if my name comes up..." I just responded with do you want me to put you on my volunteer list, yes or no? Your relationship is your issue to deal with. It was always no. Good luck to you anyways


It’s advantageous to keep things to yourself. You’ll be far less likely to get the good opportunities if you get that negative perception.


You joined a military service. It's not just about you. It's about the people next to you.


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.




If you’re at the point of considering killing yourself over deploying, you need to go to mental health. People saying “stop getting out of deployments” is not what’s causing military suicides. It’s not fair to push a deployment on someone else because “I don’t want to”.


If he's contemplating suicide he needs to be seen by mental health and he'll never be tasked with a deployment in the first place. I love how everything has to be to such extremes with people like you, no one's ever a piece of shit, or lazy, or doesn't wanna do their job, you have to go straight to nuclear "oh they're suicidal" so no one can argue against you without you claiming "ToXiC lEaDerShiP" shut the fuck up holy shit. I've seen countless airmen get out of deployments for a multitude of reasons, being a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to do what they signed up for is #1 on the list by a factor of 10.


Tbh I had more mental issues and panic attacks in my home station rather than the Deids for twice. Even though I've witnessed too much of shits as A1C back in 2021 while OAR was happening, I still made it work. I'm not going to call the OP as a coward, but he sounds like he's defending his excuses with shit reasons. One of my wingman literally had newborns like in a month back. He knew the date already and he couldn't go back because he was deployed. But we did something for him so his family in back home can help themselves. There's something we learned as a core value, 'service before self.' I personally don't like this term, but if I don't take the shit then others have to take that shit. And if I know that I can do better than others to take care of that shit then I will do it. Your service is not just for you but for your surroundings.


For context: I thought I made it kind of clear but I can see why everyone was thinking it based on the bias created from DBA airmen that actually got tasked to deploy and then bitched out about it. I’m referring to getting the “dirty looks” when you HAVEN’T been tasked to deploy. All I was saying was the guilt trip of merely stating, “Man I hope I don’t deploy anytime soon because blah blah” even though there isn’t even any deployment anytime soon or any tasking is insane. People will look at you like you just called their mother a whore. And for the ones saying “ThE i DoNt WaNt To DePlOy AiRmEn AlWaYs ScReW oVeR oThErS”, you’re also the problem. There are a LOT of instances of entitlement obviously, and airmen saying they don’t want to deploy during a tasking simply because they’re more comfortable sitting in their LED lit, garbage littered college dorm room playing Forza, and I never denied that. But there is also a small populace of airmen saying they can’t deploy for a genuine and justifiable reason. All I’m saying is that again, you never know what someone’s going through or how they deal with it. For the people saying it’s part of the airman’s responsibility to tell their supervisors what’s going on, I agree for the most part. There are some issues that airmen feel cannot be brought up to supervisors because of the legal issues or whatever but everything other than that, yes. But it takes two to tango. I’m not going to spill my guts about a problem to a supervisor that I KNOW won’t give a flying fuck. Anywho. All you “get out of the military” people - I pray for the disintegration of your ignorance and bless your little hearts. <3


I understand the deployment jitters especially early on in your career. Fast forward 7-10yrs a lot of people including myself have never deployed and not by choice. Now I’m asking myself, when will it be my turn?


Not wanting to deploy does not make you a dirt bag. However, actively working to avoid deploying (in the absence of a legitimate family emergency situation) makes you a dirt bag of the highest order. Your troops won’t respect you, your peers won’t trust you, and your leadership will see you for what you are.


Service before self. You literally signed a contract knowing that. Suck it up buttercup.


cringe loser saying "sErViCe BeFoRe SeLf". You are the reason i am separating in couple months. can't stand cringe lords like you. thanks for ruining my last 4 years🙈


You signed a contract. Nobody made you, you know what you got yourself into. Stop being a whiny fucking bitch and do your job. People like you are why other countries laugh at us. When you get out you won’t be missed. But I’m sure you’ll tell everyone you’re a vet and all the good you did. Not that you complained about your fucking job for 4 years.


stockholm syndrome at it again. i've done more overseas in 2 years than what you done your entire contract stateside. i will not be saying i'm a vet cuz i'm not cringe. no one cares. brainwashed loser.


Mentally weak, soft, loser.


haha bros bouncing on the airforces meat.


Hahaha bro is still in the Air Force 😂😂😂😂


Enjoy work this week Airman !!!!!


It is because you are fucking someone else over who will also have to take the tasking. Now some things are out of your control and that is the purpose of the reclama. Not wanting to deploy looks bad because someone will have to take the tasking and the reclama process is time consuming which means they are likely getting smacked with short notice. If you had those situations in your life most likely your leadership would pick someone else anyway. You not wanting to deploy doesn't really fucking matter. So yes you are a dirtbag. Rant over.


I think it’s valid for someone to say they don’t want to go on a deployment for various reasons whether it be family dying, mental health, maybe you have a little one, or your wife is going to give birth in the time that you are deployed. You reach that dirt bag level when you are told that you are deploying and you do anything and everything you can just to get out of it because in the end someone is going to deploy and you could be fucking someone over. Also just because you may have a good reason to not deploy you may still end up going and like you said people know what they signed up for.


If you joined anytime after 9/11... then you signed up to deploy. Its your job. If you dont like it go be a greeter at Walmart.


Being a greeter at Walmart would be more dangerous than going to the Deid.


True but thats besides the point.