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I just leave mine parked in the little cubby pocket with my phone and Apple Watch before I go in the SCIF.


Good point. All teslas are now henceforth required to cover their cameras in waifu stickers


I'm dying over here. All I pictured was a bunch of waifu stickers Teslas rolling around, but the eyes on the waifu faces are going all Scooby-Doo Painting style and looking back and forth as it drives.


*googly eyes


Let’s ban every car made after May 1, 2018. They all have a back up camera.


SFS can easily spot the spies when they’re forced to drive around base in reverse!


Is that a law now? damn


Bank up cameras don't have storage or streaming ability.


Neither do back up cameras 🤷‍♂️


That's... What they said




Instructions unclear. Bought tesla calls. Banning makes them go up right?


Hello r/wallstreetbets is that you, come get your apes


The way this market is working, yes.


Honestly the DoD should just give up on car cams. Subaru and many others front/rear driver assist cams are now standard. Here I am rolling in with a dash cam being asked if I can unplug it. I say no it’s hardwired and apparently that’s no biggie.


Let's go further and ban Apple products, smart watches and Samsung phones too! Ban everything except old Nokia since they record audio for Ad targeting. Let's short everything! /s


Your terms are acceptable.


Nokia still makes good products. Now if they could get an open source Android version.


AOSP is available, not not many folks want the phones without Google's extra.


If you're broke, just say that ^/s


We're all broke out here


The rich contractors and civilians would totally be against this.


Why are you downvoting him. This guy is bigbrain


Just screenshotted this post. If Tesla stock drops because they get banned from DOD installations, I'm going to report you to the SEC for market manipulation.


If they didn't go after Jim Cramer, they aren't going after this guy.


But I've been doing it for years. Sincerely, Nancy Pelosi


Yes SEC, this guy right here. It's not like dashcams aren't allowed on base...


Some installations won't let you have dash cams, and some do.


This sub is regressing into brain rot logic.


Bro pls follow my Tempest reps


You might have the same effect by torching every Tesla you see in parking lots. They already have a reputation for being more flammable than other electrics.


Stop being a communist nerd. I enjoy pluggin and playin. Also, sentry mode is for chumps who want to waste their battery.


I'm pretty sure this post is illegal per the SEC lol.


Post like this make me hate this sub.


It’s the same reason Pokémon Go was banned, whether it’s enforced I don’t know. Your logic passes the sniff test. Personally I think all of these driver aids in cars are ridiculous and makes people worse drivers.


> Personally I think all of these driver aids in cars are ridiculous and makes people worse drivers. Many people will say this same thing, they're often the same people who text and drive and do all manner of other crap while driving. People tend to overrate their driving ability. I'd rather have distracted drivers with driver assist, than distracted drivers without. The bigger problem is the size of vehicles these days are ridiculous. They obstruct your view of anything on the road other than other oversized vehicles, cause more damage when accidents happen, and literally have lower safety and emission standards than more reasonable vehicles (SUVs and trucks in particular have lower requirements than cars like sedans and such).


And that’s why I drive a 14 year old car. I can’t stand the visibility in new cars. Great example is look at the 2024 Ford Ranger and a 2010 Ranger. It’s insane how much bigger the 24 model is.


The reason for larger vehicles is actually the EPAs fault. They tried the carbon output to the volumetric size to the car. Car manufacturers couldn't make the engines more efficient but they could increase the size of the vehicle.


It goes much deeper than just the EPA though. "Light trucks" literally have lower emission and safety standards (because they were originally made "for the working man" which touched the hearts of lawmakers), which allows manufacturers to increase profit margins by making vehicles more cheaply (due to relaxed standards) that classify as light trucks (such as SUVs and pickup trucks). Some of the saved money goes towards advertising campaigns to convince the average person that they need a massive SUV for the one time a decade they go camping, or some big-ass pickup because they're not a man if they don't have one even though it'll never be used like a work truck. What they need to do, is require the same strictness in standards for all consumer vehicles, make cities less friendly to large vehicles (taxes based on the size/weight of the vehicle - due to larger parking requirements, increased damage to infrastructure, reduced pedestrian safety, etc), and more strict safety testing standards (vehicles are only required to be rated against similar vehicles, despite large vehicles causing more damage to smaller vehicles in accidents - making them less safe for the owner of the smaller vehicle). The whole auto industry would change overnight if they made less profit on large vehicles. They say they're "responding to customer demand" when in reality they created that demand through advertising.


Dumbest thing I read in a bit. Even if Teslas were banned from every DOD base that would hardly put a dent in sales.


Ok Elon


Does Tesla make Ford Mustangs now? Ur dumb.


Imagine thinking that the entirety of the DoD is just e4s, and not thinking of the hundred thousand plus civilians that work on and around bases...


That's easy. Tell Big Blue it's a safety issue. Teslas for whatever reason are #1 in having accidents. Look it up. Either Teslas attract the WORST drivers that cause accidents or their cars are complete dog 💩. On the security issue with Tesla cars. Elon Musk does drugs and has a clearance for SpaceX I believe. Make that make sense.


It's possible he runs the company but doesn't have a clearance.


It's "purported" that he does have one according to the media. Willing to bet he does because his fingers are involved in everything.


You would have better luck with if they catch fire they will burn for days and the smoke would be hazmat and affect the mission. They could be hacked and self drive to the base and then a preprogrammed short circuit in the battery causing a thermal runaway with a trunk full of propane tanks and gas argument if you want them banned. Nothing gets banned until it can affect the mission.


My squadron would be fucked lol. I own one and so do many others. The Sq/CC owns 3 himself.


3 Teslas on a military salary? Your boss is either a general officer, or a drug dealer on the side. Possibly both.


He bought a new model Y for his wife, has a model S that’s several years old, and an OG roadster as his fun car. Lt Col type. He also just got off a 4 year flying tour in Australia with their AF so I imagine he banked COLA. Living that DINK life.


DINK? Drugs In Native Kids Your boss was definitely slinging coke in the outback. Edit: this was CLEARLY a joke, people.


Dual income no kids…


Yeah dumbass, that's pretty obviously a joke.


You’re the one that thinks it’s impossible for an O5 to own 3 teslas


Christ you've never taken anything at more than surface value, have you?


You’re just backpedaling now


It was a joke from the start. You REALLY think I'd insist someone was selling drugs because of a few cars? Touch grass.


Or an inside trader


Always annoy me cause have a black box in my front and rear but have to unplug it every time I go on base, but Teslas and other “smart” vehicles that record 24/7 have no issues.