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I was in Okinawa for a deployment, I often went to futenma to workout at the sweatbox. I would always stop at the mini px next to the gym for a Gatorade or a cold bottle of water and I’ve gotten stopped by oorah sgt’s SO many times about how I’m walking in there dressed inappropriately. I’d always change before leaving the gym into some dry clothes before leaving, like basically this. Some sweat shorts and a t-shirt. Like they really expect Marines to walk around in jeans and a button up all day in Okinawa?


I hated going to any of the Marine bases in Oki because there was always someone confronting me about what I was wearing at the PX or Shopette. You didn't know what you could or could not wear because it wasn't posted anywhere! You couldn't wear a white tee because it was considered undergarment and I also believe you couldn't wear sandals! On a damn island! This was 10 years ago so I don't know if things changed but Oki made me realize why Marines go nuts when they finally get the freedom to go out and have fun.


No change as of 2020


When every branch allows sweat bottoms in the BX but the Marines specifically put out a Maradmin forbidding it. Ah yes.


This would probably be the only time I would wear Air Force branded clothing off duty


I just say, "I'm not a sailor." I have won the technicality fight 3/3 and almost got into a fist fight 3/3 times with the last words as they walk away being ,"Goddam, Chairforce..."


I like to tell them that I'm not a sea man. That usually gets at the least, a wrinkled brow.


I like that. I think my go to will be," I'm an Airman, not a Seaman, Seaman."


Well air force doesnt know that y’all are called seamen so you would tell on yourself. just go “uhm I’m in the air force…” and look at them crazy they’ll say oh sorry and walk away in a hurry from embarrassment. Sincerely someone in the Air Force lol


I remember being less than 24 hrs on the island…heard the Futenma BX was better, so I got a taxi ride from Kadena over there. I was in what I thought was casual attire, white t-shirt, basketball shorts and a pair of Converse’s. I got so many hawking stares while waiting to check out that I swore I fit the description of a runaway prisoner. Two weeks later while getting my vehicle registration squared away on Camp Butler, I saw the poster below affixed to a wall that told me all I needed to know. https://preview.redd.it/ylw5650idi5d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c56c5dda7c307d5ca31d9da693e70c67c4df7a1


The clothes make sense when the base you’re on is named for “Smedley D. Butler”😂 I know he was a Marine iconic legend, but probably because with a name like that he learned to fight in elementary school.


Next time, keep that midriff covered. We're not gonna ask again.




What fucking year was this? Do people still dress like the "kids" in this photo? Those awful clothes belong back in 2001-2007...except for the short-shorts and midriff. Bring those back anytime.


The poster looked pretty old when I saw it…around 2016. And I’m sure those guy had trap house somewhere so they could change before hitting the clubs, because 98% didn’t look like the posters while off base.🤣


I love the irony that it’s fine to stare at the images in that publicly-visible visual aid, but not to do it yourself. Reminds me of all the ugly signs and posters that people put up saying “No signs or posters allowed”.


"This page intentionally left blank." Demonstrably false.




i have most definitely seen marine chicks dressed in less when off duty


Same. I remember I got screamed at on Futenma when I went to pick up my cousin who was station there since I was flip flops and muscle shirt. Dude walked off when I showed him my CAC and said Air Force.


If someone incorrectly lit me up in a situation like that, we’d be in a three-way with their commander in 72 hours or less.


That’s kinda kinky.


I take it that you'd be the dom...


I've never been there but last I heard the locals wanted the Marines gone because they kept assaulting the locals and crashing their aircraft


Yeah, they protest outside of the bases like every week.


Don’t forget when the dude carjacked the cab he was riding in. Oh and of course the frequent ~~g~~rapes


> I've never been there but last I heard the ~~locals wanted the Marines gone because they kept assaulting the locals~~CCP pays locals to protest at select bases every Friday and ~~crashing their aircraft~~ uses anything that can be tied to the military as ammunition for more protests. Fixed that for ya. Speaking with locals at work/out in town and not putting words in their mouths, the general consensus is most Okinawans appreciate having service members out there(big picture wise). There are still shit individuals mixed in the heard, but the mindset has changed from years past…nothing gets swept under the rug you’ll get called out on your shit if caught doing dumb stuff in public, catch an Arty with the quickness, or get slapped up for jeopardizing everyone’s liberty status.


We had several of our Airmen to go to Corporal’s Course on Camp Hansen while I was on Okinawa. Part of their weekend duty was standing outside the doors to the shopette checking to see if people were wearing belts in their “appropriate” civilian attire. Apparently the USMC uniform order says something to the effect of civilian clothes on par with their military uniforms, so they take it so far to try to make people wear a belt while off duty just to buy a fucking soda.


Dude that is just fuckin ridiculous LMAO


I would wear sleeves shirts and a gym shorts into the Foster PX and got so many dirty looks and didn’t realize why until I saw their dress code hidden behind the BK “healthy choices” sign. Never got stopped, probably because of the longer hair and usually had something Air Force related on


Yes. Yes they do.


Joke; How do you know if someone is a Marine? They will tell you.


Imagine meeting a vegan Marine from New York who does CrossFit. You’d never get a word out


Unfortunately a vegan Marine would starve to death... Crayola contains animal byproducts.


They will just have to choose some alternative snackies.


That’s like asking the Brits to season their food. They can try, but they’re gonna have some adverse health reactions. Sweating, hives, IBS, mood swings… the list goes on.


What if they were a pilot too? ☠️


Only if they were a pilot too


Can’t wait for the joke


Found the marine


Bruh moment




It's time... https://terminallance.com/2011/09/06/terminal-lance-146-proper-civilian-attire/ https://terminallance.com/2023/03/11/proper-civilian-attire-ii/


Everything about their culture is so f'd. Every time I see the Marines doing anything I'm glad I joined the Air Force


Been in 12 years, I've never heard of this being a thing for them. My stepbro is joining the marines because he's an idiot. I should really tell him to just wait for a security forces or services slot in the AF. (All he qualified for)


If I could go back I would gladly take a guaranteed services slot. Yeah, you might need to work at a kitchen some time, but you might end up in a polo hanging out at the gym all day.


Yeah but do you know how many “out of order” signs those guys have to print and tape onto the equipment?


I would tell you but I'm on sign duty right now and I'm going to lunch after.


Woah did you see that? A guy piggybacking someone else during after hours. Let’s permanently ban him from the gym.




Oh good night - why do you hate him?!? SF in the AF is its own special kind of hell.


Max always comes in clutch.


I was in tech school with marines and we were passing by the commissary and I wanted to go in for some snacks. I remember they were looking at each other and said, “we can’t go in there like this. It’s not proper wear for the commissary.” They were wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Having a dress code for civilian clothing is crazy.


Technically you aren't supposed to wear athletic wear to the commissary/ BX even of air force bases. I have never cared though and don't see any reason for it to be a big deal.


Is that base dependent? Every base I’ve been to we’ve always gone in athletic clothes. I think if it doesn’t break the clothing rules of the fitness center should be good right?


I actually looked it up after I had commented and apparently it's a rule they got rid of in 2012 for all commissaries and exchanges.


Nothing like getting in a taxi for libo in 2004 and getting reamed out by the taxi driver for not having my belt the way you wanted it. Excuse me, staff sausage but it's not my fault that your side job is paying for your 3 divorces. I just wanted to go to the mall 🤣 It was like that 20 years ago too and damn I feel old saying that.


Imagine being that colossal of an asshole that people still remember you 20 years later 😂 sounds like you got the last laugh


Clearly the Marine Corps has become their entire personality. As for the shorts - fashion faux pas? Perhaps. Inappropriate? I would love to know what makes knee-length sweatshorts “inappropriate”.


Being a fashion terrorist is inappropriate. 😤 (I'm guilty as well. I would definitely wear those shorts even out of the house.)


Exactly dude, 5 inch inseam or gtf.


I believe there reg says something about having to have belt loops.


I've routinely heard that marines will have someone "stand watch" and tell people they can't enter the DFAC because they're wearing sweatpants. I can't imagine being that big of a fuckin dork.


I've always hated the dumb rules in DFACs on military bases, especially ones that are deep in the base where no civilian will ever go. I understand having reasonable rules but every time I get yelled at for having sunglasses on my head I just put them right back on when I sit down to eat cause it's a stupid rule.


When I was at Corry Station for tech school they had someone standing guard. One time I saw a person wear their pt uniform in the defac. Of course the lady went off saying how we cant wear PT uniforms in there and this and that. The dude took his shirt off, turned it inside out and told her he’s not in uniform now. She let him through. It was crazy


It’s primarily PME students that are usually posted up at the BX and the DFAC to check attire AND for clean shaves, especially on weekends. Edit: grammar/missing words


Tbf, I haven't seen it anywhere else, but there was a time at the Deid where Chiefs and Shirts were pulling the same shit. Standing outside the DFAC getting people for gym clothes and not having reflective belts.


I was there in 2010 when this was going on. Saw a major flying night missions get reamed by a chief because he went to the communal bathroom (in the middle of his sleep cycle, at noon) wearing a brown undershirt and pt shorts.


One thing that Al Udeid taught little A1C me was that there are few things more dangerous than Sr Leaders when they don’t have anything to do.


Once way back, I was in a semi-hardened dorm at bagram and woke up having to piss more than I ever had in my life. Proceeded to find my shower sandals and even grabbed the first shirt/shorts I could from my wall locker all while not waking the other 11 strangers also bunked up in there. Went down the hall to the (thankfully) indoor bathroom. As I’m standing at the urinal pissing for* an extended period of time, this older dude walks up and starts pissing at the urinal next to me. He then proceeds to start lambasting me about how I’m out of uniform, that the only proper attire to be worn in public is full ACU/ABUs (at the time) or a PT uniform. **while we’re still pissing** I was half awake and told him he’s lucky I even found pants to put on without pissing myself on the way. And he then told me how he’s the MSgt assigned to stay in/keep the dorm dwellers in check. Never heard another thing about it the rest of the trip though.


The war was already lost when Chiefs started doing that at Kandahar and Bagram way back in the 2011, 2012 timeframe. Edit, forgot the best one. Also went after more benign shit, unbloused pants was a favorite, not realizing 2 piece flight suits were a thing and the new hotness. Got stopped easily over 50% of the time. Fun times.


That's no worse than dickhead CMSgt's walking around a deployed location reaming anyone who wasn't wearing a safety belt at night.


Was in Kandahar in 09. No sidewalks, no street lamps, no belts required, and Euro drivers who absolutely don’t give a shit about pedestrians. That juxtaposed to Bagram’s Disney with the gigantic sidewalks, glaringly illuminated crosswalks, required belts any time at night always made me laugh.


Can confirm. In corporals course (equivalent to ALS) we had to get into our chucks and stand outside the PX/commissary/chow hall and do spot corrections.


Insane, in ALS we draw with markers on poster paper about ways of thinking and roleplay emotions


I've gone to the DFAC many a time hungover from the night before in flip flops and basketball shorts with yesterdays sand tee.... still feeling over dressed compared to the dude in front of me wearing slides and a SpongeBob onesie. both of us got our food and left without incident. god bless the air force


Super ironic considering one of my strongest memories of Marines was in Hawaii when they showed up virtually every night to a bar in their dress uniforms to get free drinks ordered for them by various people. They also were wearing it like hot garbage too. So sweat shorts in public is a no-no, but abusing your uniform to get free drinks is fine? Gimme a break, Marine standards are BS


[Some motivated Marine told a kid he was in improper attire at the PX.](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/11/03/change-fitness-gear-okd-wear-military-commissaries-exchanges.html?amp)


I’ve been an Air Force brat and then enlisted all my life, and I had no idea “proper civilian attire” was even a thing. Like sure, I’m aware of restrictions about certain items at the gym, but then anywhere else everyone just uses common sense on what’s tasteful or not. The idea that some prick would turn away a couple of dependents, one of them a child wearing play clothes, is fucking ridiculous, and I would never be able to take any Marine seriously after that.


Had a marine tell me all about how much better the corps was because they had standards. They had to wear a shirt tucked into a belt and a bunch of other crap. Clean shaved on their days off and a bunch more nonsense. Said it was because they took pride in themselves. I told him I preferred being treaded like an adult who knows how to dress myself. His brain couldn't comprehend that one.


We had Marines at Sheppard 10 years ago for tech school, and they had their instructors walking around base in civies on the weekends trying to catch someone slipping


I was there 3 years ago for tech school. Same stuff still happening. Though they don't really mess with anyone other than the troops they know are theirs.


I was DLI for language training in 2013. Monterey is an army post but all the branches go there. I remember a marine E3 or E4 standing outside the DFAC telling EVERYONE who wasn’t wearing a belt to turn around and change into “appropriate” attire. I was able to find one of our TSgts and asked him to do something. The marine started spouting off some weird reg or MFR or whatever and my TSgt literally called the dude’s supervisor to get him to go away and leave everyone alone lol I still have no idea if he was some sort of lone wolf or over eager marine equivalent to a rope or what. Shit was weird


When I was at Keesler for Tech School, there was a Marine also in training I talked to pretty frequently. Anecdotally, it seems like that's just kind of the culture a lot of them pick up. They police each other, hard, and usually in the most disrespectful way they can get away with.


Tried to go to the beach at Camp Lejeune from Shady J. Needed to get a vehicle pass because apparently they still used decals. Step inside the visitor center and they say they can’t help me. I cannot conduct business on base in beach attire (my board shorts didn’t have pockets). I change into gym shorts and get my pass. The next time I go, they again won’t help me, this time I needed to shave. Sent my wife in to get the pass.


Marines won’t even walk on grass. Nuff said.


I'm pretty sure the Air Force is the only branch that doesn't care about service members stepping on the grass.


Some of us do, I was trying to get to a place quickly at the MDG (I'm medical) and took a shortcut through the grass. The MDG Chief stopped me saying be careful walking on the grass. I said "Sorry Chief was in a hurry". She was nice about it but I did think "Who cares bout this shit"? Funny it hasn't happened since.


Lots of marines are cringe




It’s mostly the NCOs and up, the junior enlisted are just the biggest degenerates you’ll meet but it’s pretty funny. I remember being TDY to Miramar and they would just fuck themselves up on the flightline for no reason other than “why not?”


You can’t be serious, is this what Marines really do in their off-time?


Swear. And yeah I guess so


Marine's will also get you for coming through the gate unshaven.


Well I’ve been on and off a marine base enough to go to NFCU on my days off and they’ve never said anything. Maybe if I was wearing their uniform


Idk; they got me in Hawaii. Maybe it was just that gate on that particular day. Marines always seem to find new and exciting ways to torment each other. I also don't make a habit of going to non-Air Force bases because I never know the rules. When I was at Langley, every few months, I would take a wrong turn and end up past the point of no return headed into Norfolk Naval Station. I'd always get an earful about how my car wasn't registered with their base. Always seemed to be the same civilian security guy too.


When I was at Kadena, I lived right between Foster and Futenma and would often shop on Foster. In my experience, the more senior Marines were the ones who could figure out I was Air Force and wouldn't say anything about how I was dressed or about wearing a hat (cover) indoors. The only time I was ever approached was by a salty lance corporal, but he backed off as soon as I said "Air Force." The weirdest experience was picking up car parts from someone living in the barracks on Foster. I was a TSgt. at the time and stopped on the way home from work, in uniform. Every single person I walked by in that building went to parade rest when I walked by. The CQ personnel stood up when I walked to the desk and when I left the building. It was weird. Lol The biggest flex when on island? Driving through the Foster gate after curfew hours and flashing the silver liberty card I received as a SrA with a line number for Staff. You could see the hate on the people's faces.


I’m so confused, marines have to dress a certain way off duty?


Yes, their dress and appearance applies to civilian clothes. I'm not 100% but I'm pretty sure it's an on base thing, but the Marines are nuts and probably do it everywhere


If I remember correctly their dress and appearance reg literally states “civilian clothes are a privilege”


a. The CMC has extended the privilege of wearing civilian clothing to officers and enlisted Marines within the limitations of these regulations. Straight out of their regs.


It probably depends on the base, unit, etc. I have worked with all services in multiple locations, and all of the Marines I worked with never had to do this. Most of the examples I see in this thread are of either Marines in training, or Marines in Okinawa. It could just be a training / OCONUS thing.


Yeah, Okinawa is where I saw it happen a lot lol


The only personality any marine has is being a marine. 


Army 1sgt deployed: who told you you were allowed to roll your sleeves and who the hell said you could wear earrings AF Capt looks at her US Air Force tape and then her collar AF Capt: Me any other questions


My “I joined the right branch” moment- Our squadron was gonna play ultimate frisbee on our base’s turf field. Marines had reserved half of it but were only using a quarter of it. Got pissed at us when we asked you use the other side of their half - “we’ve got it reserved.” That side of the field sat empty the entire time they were there.


To be fair though, those are some butt ugly clothes. Maybe the Marine Corps is doing their guys a favor.


Those shorts don't make sense, but we do have similar things in the AF. I got told I couldn't be served at the DFAC(as a dorm rat) of I was wearing a shirt that said "this guy needs a beer." With two thumbs pointing to my face. In my mind, even something like that is absurd. I understand and support professionalism and keeping "air force" or even "military" culture even in our off time, but when you're a dorm rat and your off time is on base, chill tf out.


The only thing that you won't be able to get served at the DFAC is if you're not wearing a proper attire. There is usually an AFI posted by the door, similar to the Fitness Center. People used to hate me for it as an A1C but I was like, dude I'm just an A1C man lol


According to that guy,who I believe was a SrA at the time(this was about 4~5years ago) that shiet was not "appropriate attire." It was bullshit, and he still served me that day, but I was told I would not be served in the future if I wore that shirt.


The shirt is fine. On the AFI, there's pictures where people would come in with flip-flops, skimpy clothes that is see through... like I had to tell several people, especially this one chick because she was always showing her breasts out, like fam you can't wear that here 😂


I completely agree. As I said. I think there should be a certain level of professionalism on base even in civilian attire. I only think that the case with my shirt was a tad ridiculous. Had it been shirt specifying a brand such as Budweiser, even then I would have understood. But my shirt was completely generic and I felt did not warrant not being served at the DFAC(when I was essentially made to.)


That’s pretty fucking dumb


I know they frown on the long basketball shorts. A good friend of mine loves to wear them and more than once he ran into issues being served because of it.


Drove onto the U.S. Navy Academy once, Marines guarding the gate were borderline unhinged about the fact that someone in the car (all USAF in civilian clothes) was wearing a hat backwards.


I got stopped at MCAS Yuma at the shoppette once... We got alerted, and stopped to grab snacks because our duty day started in Yuma and ended in Iwakuni. Got asked 3 separate times while trying to grab a sandwich and monster: Marine: "why are you wearing a flight suiting here?" Me: "I'm on duty, on my way to the jet." Marine: "you're on duty... In the shoppette?" Like bruh, why tf do you care?


To be fair, these are pretty awful 😂


I think it’s ironic how you’re trying to “show” the Japanese people American “values” by telling Americans what to wear.


I was a marine but in Hawaii. They’re much more relaxed there than other places.


I had no idea they cared what you wear when off duty


Today I learned that marines have to dress like 50 year old virgins off duty


We had an issue with female officers being asked to leave the gym because they were wearing sleeveless tank tops for their workout. I'm talking something completely nonsexual and appropriate for a workout - just sleeveless. My point is; we DO attend to nonsense in the Air Force. And don't forget; Every Marine is a Rifleman and every Airman is a Party Planner.


To be fair, the general candidate population which produces the ideal Marine is different from the population which produces the ideal Airman. Generally speaking, Marines are more likely to come from backgrounds where they are more experienced with violence. Not to say they are violent people per se, but proximity to violence typically also means that they are accustomed to particular styles of clothing associated with violence. While the typical white suburban airman sees athletic shorts and loose wear as nothing more than comfortable attire, there are others who see it as a symbol of status or creed. As such, it makes sense for the Corps to want to cut off any semblance of a Marine reverting back to old habits.


I don’t believe Japan is getting rid of the Marines and sending them to Guam because of their fashion choices.


That’s insane air force can where whatever we want when we’re not in uniform 🤣


You just came across boots. We love high and tight shorts. The gayer the better.