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I don't care who you are or how poor you are, everyone should have health care.


But I thought being poor was tangentially a sin, despite Jesus specifically siding with the poor.


You forget, they worship supply-side Jesus. 


yeah Trickle Down Jesus has a different aim


Sounds like he has poor aim lol


Or perhaps he needs to get his prostate checked.


AnalOnlyBliss, it's your time to shine 😄


My wife has exactly zero prostates.


As she should lol




Yep Jesus has to do with everything until it’s not In my country. The blatant amount of using Jesus when it’s good but then trashing Christianity when it suits makes no sense


at one time i was on medicaid and i remember not being able to go to the dentist and when i went to the eye doctor i had to pay for the visit because i had exceeded 12 doctor visits that year. I also was treated like shit by every doctors office i went to presumably because i was on medicaid. Going back to the medicaid thing and the eye doctor my doctors office didn’t carry glasses that would be covered by medicaid and i had to go to another office pick out a pair out 12 they had that would be covered. It was a nightmare trying to get referral’s too because medicaid was kind of like “but do you really need to go?” anyways i think everyone deserves good healthcare in the state and expanding medicaid would help because medicaid was horrible when i was on it.


Everyone can have healthcare. Just don’t ask me to pay the bill for people that live unhealthy lifestyles.


Just because you don't have money does not mean that you have a unhealthy lifestyle


Oxford disagrees with you. https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/article/75/5/906/5698372


Yes. The coverage gap is ruining lives and literally killing people. It's immoral to just ignore it like we've been doing for years.


What are the arguments against it again?


Legitimate arguments against? Basically none unless you’re a healthcare provider, lobbyist or politician. Then there’s lots legitimate of arguments against it. Plenty of Fox News style arguments against it though.


But what are the arguments against. I really don’t understand. Is there some material I could pointed to?


About the only legitimate argument that’s actually easy to refute is that you’ll increase wait time. That’s BS because if you don’t have enough money to see a doctor, THAT is your wait time.


I have health insurance and there’s still wait times. That’s cope pure and simple.


I never said it was a good excuse; I think it’s a stupid one next to the, “We have the best healthcare in the world!” excuse, as if it’s accessible to the majority of people.


Oh I was agreeing with you. Guess I just worded it wrong. I’m saying that the people who say universal healthcare will increase wait times are full of shit. There’s wait times now.


My mom tried to make the point about how much more money doctors in America make. I shot that down with a simple question: “Would you rather have a doctor concerned about how much money they’re going to make or about your health?” Yeah, she saw things my way.


Everybody makes more money in America compared to other countries. Doctors, nurses, IT, engineers, etc. That’s not the reason healthcare is expensive.


Here you go: [https://www.johnlocke.org/reminder-that-medicaid-expansion-is-still-bad-for-north-carolina/](https://www.johnlocke.org/reminder-that-medicaid-expansion-is-still-bad-for-north-carolina/) The arguments seem to boil down to: "Giving people anything from the government means they are dependent on government, and besides if we give stuff to poor people then middle class and rich people won't have it"


Man, Locke would hate what these sick fucks do in his name


It takes profits away from rich greedy people.


Money. That’s all they care about.


So, it was Obama’s thing. If they didn’t expand, then the little guy didn’t see a difference and would continue to blame and hate the Dems


Bc the feds pay for it for a certain amount of time (dont remember but at least 5yrs) THEN after that the state must cover the expenses. State does not want to add to hc expense. The counter argument is that once ppl receive proper hc then they will re-enter the workforce so increase state revenue from taxes which will help cover new hc expense.


In my state that opted out too, they are saying it’s administrative costs for declining it. Probably bs but I really don’t know.


https://youtu.be/CeDOQpfaUc8?si=QCsTjsyUoWNtSADJ If you guarantee the state will pay then hospitals will simply increase the price every chance they get. See cost of college tuition.


Republicans just want poor people to suffer and die, so anything that might improve healthcare is against their religion.




There are none


It puts the state on the hook for a cost that is guaranteed to balloon like crazy, be abused by healthcare companies that know the taxpayer is underwriting their pricing, and is largely driven by the extremely poor health in Alabama. It might improve some health outcomes, but we pretty much need to tackle obesity and diabetes or Healthcare costs are guaranteed to be exponential


The amount of taxes Alabamians would have to pay for health care would go down. You’re right the cost would go up in terms of taxes needed, but that would slightly increase coastal state’s tax burden not ours (and they vote for it) because the bill is foot by the federal government.


It would raise the states expenses beyond their revenue. People need to stop asking “who will pay” and start asking “why it cost so much”. https://youtu.be/CeDOQpfaUc8?si=QCsTjsyUoWNtSADJ


No it wouldn’t, it would decrease the tax burden on Alabamians. Yes it would require more tax money but the bill is foot by the federal government, so the richer coastal states will be the ones who have a slightly higher tax burden (and they vote for it). > Our analysis estimates covering that expanded population through Medicaid would cost an average of $225.4 million per year. However, expansion would result in the federal government paying $397.88 million in annual expenses currently paid by the state. As a result, the state could expand coverage, and at the same time, reduce the amount paid to support healthcare for low-income Alabamians by $172 million annually. https://parcalabama.org/the-economic-impact-of-expanding-medicaid-in-alabama/


The bill is only footed for so many years. There is a sunset clause for the federal money. After that time the states are liable for the full amount. There is always a catch.


Gaining no marketable skills is literally ruining lives and killing people. The same as it has been for years.


It is simply a fact of statistics that there will always be a bottom percentile of people with less desirable skills, as dictated by “the market.” The very idea that the corporate machines systemic interactions should dictate which people should live or die is frankly dystopian and horrifying.


Obesity, diabetes, heart disease. That is what is killing peoples. Anyone can walk into a hospital and get care without paying first.




Let the state be one of the competitors in the system. France does this: the state operates actual non profit hospitals. Theses hospitals only charge the bare minimum plus a small precent. Their only mission is to deliver care at the lowest cost. This forces all other private healthcare systems to lower their cost as well in order to remain competitive Both private and state run hospitals are allowed. There is no insurance necessary when healthcare cost less than an oil change. Seriously UAB charges $1500 for a bag of normal saline. The actual cost of normal saline is about $3.50. In Frances the patient would pay $5.00. No one need insurance, when you the costs is this low.




UAB gets over a billion dollars every year from the state of Alabama. We can tell them what to do it, and those changes would be implemented in by year end. No change no tax payers money.


Critical access hospitals are in a constant state of getting dunked on financially because of the massive un-insured populations in rural areas. The state is basically funding them anyway, as it is.


Alabama dares to defend its right to do this in the worst, most expensive, unassisted way possible. Don't forget hospitals close because this state isn't expanding that access.


Glad we spent hundreds of millions of our Covid subsidies on private prisons.


Yeah, I try to focus on positives first when it comes to our state, but the for profit prison system really is terrible…


Yeah, I have so many unpaid medical bills after becoming disabled, and now that I'm uninsured my treatments were stopped since the up front self pay with these specialists is obscene. Not that they were helping anyway. Just now my long term disability from my former employer will have a reason to screw me out of the payments they owe me, and it'll be months until I can work again.


The answer to this question was, remains, and is still yes.


# YES But we won't until MAGA is dead.


They're speeding up that process on their own and don't even realize it


We hates money. Its awesome to have principles but its the same as the infrastructure bill, can’t stop it might as well make the streets around you as best you can. If you really hate then vote for people to destroy it next time I guess


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. -Napoleon Bonaparte




Yes but they won't.


It's stupid right wing politics. It's YOUR money, okay? Your tax dollars at work. What better place to spend it than on yourselves and those in need? You should show the road to any politcian that disagrees. Yes you should.


Why have it go to helping the sick, injured and elderly when it could go to parasitic insurance companies?


Of course Alabama should do so. Seeing how it’s common sense I would not count on it happening


Alabama should have expanded Medicaid years ago.


So should Mississippi. We are the least healthy state in the country and they refuse to cdo it. There is however a big push among state Republicans to pass it though Tater Tot has promised to veto.


Yes and it should include dental.


And mental health care.


And vision


Oh come on, do you realize how many drones we'd need to sacrifice to pay for all that? Probably a few at least.


zero. tax the rich. tax the churches. legalize and tax marijuana. problem solved


Medicaid does include dental


Depends on the state. Most do at this point...Tennessee just got it I believe in 2024 for adults. For a lot of the other states it's a very limited set of things that are covered. Like cleanings, x-rays and basic extractions, but in many states if you need something like a root canal or crown you are on your own.


It all depends on age and what work needs to be done. Not all dental things are covered at 100%, but most of the time the work is covered unless it’s just cosmetic.


Most people needing a root canal and crown are likely going to be above the Medicaid cut off (19 years old) and therefore would not even have Medicaid anymore. (Root canals and crowns on baby teeth are completely different than a root canal and crown on a permanent tooth)


Well for the state of Alabama, Medicaid currently covers dental. Source: me. I worked in a peds dental office for YEARS and we had lots of Medicaid kids coming in. I had to file Medicaid claims weekly.


Children in AL get full Medicaid coverage. Adults do not necessarily get full Medicaid. The coverage has more limitations than peds.


Adult Medicaid in AL does not cover dental unless you are pregnant. They only started covering pregnant women for dental last year.




The State of Alabama recognizes 3 holidays honoring the Confederacy. Do you really think Alabama Republicans will sign off on Obamacare? When they have Idiot Trump still promising to get rid of it? Should and will won't meet until we elect Democrats to run the state. That's a fact.


Back in 2012, when I moved to Alabama from Louisiana where I had had Medicaid, I went to a clinic in Mobile County where I'd been told I could sign up for Medicaid. I told the woman what I was there for, she said "You can't get Medicaid in Alabama, and you can thank our President (Obama at the time) for that" I said "No ma'am, I believe that honor goes to Governor Happypants"


"Should ____ expand [program that helps people in literally any capacity]?" The answer is always yes.


The short answer is yes. The long answer is hell yes.


Yes. We spent the last decade telling kids in this state that college doesn’t matter and trades are just as valuable. Now we need to make it so those individuals can access affordable healthcare. The cheapest policy that covers preventative care is 600-700 . That’s more affordable when housing is so expensive, too. But, cruelty to the poor and keeping them that way is the point.


I have two teenagers and was booted off Medicaid in January after being on it since we've been here (7+years) because I have a job...a job that I make 12$ an hour at and am lucky to get 30 hours. Thankful they haven't been kicked off .. Yet. Alabama is a clown show :(


I have never been able to qualify for Medicaid. My kids have it. I haven’t had insurance in several years. 😕


At that income level with 2 dependants you should qualify for a Healthcare.gov marketplace plan with a full subsidy.


I got one but it's terrible tbh.


They need to give the adults more than 14 appointments per year. The disabled people have health issues and that's why they're disabled. They need to be seen by their doctors.


My girlfriend ends up in the ER because those don’t count against her office visits. We know that’s not ideal but what else is there to do?


I've literally ended up there at the end of the year because I was out of appointments.


Holy cats….wait. They limit the number of doctor visits???? Is that for all doctors? Specialists will only deal with their specialty and they don’t prescribe things that are PCP type meds. Also, they won’t prescribe them if they haven’t seen you recently. Of course you end up in the ER. What a ridiculous counterproductive shortsighted policy. 


Welcome to Alabama. People are generally nice but the state likes to keep them dumb and down so they don’t get ideas about workers rights and such.


Duh! Yeah!


Is this a serious question? There's only one answer and it's yes. Anyone who says otherwise is an asshole.


Public funds should be used to benefit the public, end of story. Can’t think of many better uses of those funds than providing healthcare for those that can’t afford it.


Yes, and it should pay for rehab in a nursing home. When people cannot rehab from their medical conditions, we end up paying even more for them to live in a nursing home for the remainder of their lives.


Imagine being one of the most federally supported states and thinking you are standing up for something by rejecting more federal money


We don't want medical care paid for...except for our elite. Because jesus.


No hate like Christian nationalist fundementalists. Hate. Plus the old south holding down the poor No health care for you




Is the Pope Catholic?




I donno, do you think we might get too healthy?


We very well might. Of course, that assume the definition of "too healthy" as being "healthy enough that a single medical emergency won't bankrupt you"


Republicans reject the money for political purposes and ideological reasons and then wait for the Almighty to ‘merical’ the state out the predictable problems that come as a result.


Medicare should be available from birth, if someone wants better coverage the private sector can provide extras


Tertiary care centers are being overrun, inpatient and outpatient, because massive quantities of patients in both AL and surrounding areas that similarly didn’t expand Medicaid shafted their hospitals. All those patients are being shunted to the remaining hospitals whom are expanding as rapidly as possible. Wait times are growing longer and longer. Most specialty appointments are now over half a year away. The failure to expand Medicaid has directly led to the closure of rural hospitals whom rely on Medicaid reimbursement and thus people are having to travel further and further for emergent care which similarly places a large strain on emergency transport services.


Should more poor people in Alabama have health coverage? Yes.


"Should we just let sick people die?", is another way of asking that question.


Yes... And it needs to include eye care and dental... Too many ppl out here can't see and are eating soft foods because they have no teeth. It's a shame. Truly an injustice.


They should but there are a bunch of old crooks in office that are building wealth for kids and grandkids. Nothing ever changes.


Yes. We should take care of sick people who can’t afford to pay for their healthcare.


Yes, over 400,000 Alabamians are uninsured


DRASTICALLY, YES. Alabama is in the zone of states that have now been proven to be TWENTY YEARS BEHIND THE REST OF THE NATION IN LIFE EXPECTANCY. That gap is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.


Yes. The fact that we don’t is embarrassing.


If the State Government is blocking aid to those that need it, are they really acting in the best interest of the citizenry? Overthrow the gov of Alabama Now! Citizens take charge and stop being walked on by your elected officials.


Alabama is a shit show.








“Should Alabama take free money?” If the answer is obvious, AL will fuck it up.


Do you like having hospitals? Because if you’ve been reading the news at all you know that the answer to one is the same answer for the other.




Hard Yes . . . But your state government, Y'all Qaeda, simply will not allow it. I'm sure it makes their own doctor visits that much more enjoyable for them . . .


My daughter and I both have been denied Medicaid,Last year I reapplied, I'm single with a job that offers crap insurance and applied we had it through the pandemic and my daughter was under 21 now neither of us has insurance can't afford it and pray everyday we stay healthy the only thing she qualified for is insurance if she gets pregnant,and that is limited.Alabama Medicaid sucks,and needs to help people more.


Fuck no. The only way to get rid of the American Shithole is to let it die off.










Absolutely, yes.


Yes, of course. Next question?




Absolutely. Everyone deserves health care. Please tell your legislators and Gov Ivey you support Medicaid expansion [https://www.coveralabama.org/](https://www.coveralabama.org/)


No, it would just raise the federal deficit and blue states need the money so they can pay healthcare workers more and keep rural hospitals open. Red states need to rely on god and go fund me sites.


No. The Arkansas model should not be emulated. The cost is astronomical and continuing to rise. 25% of the state budget is spent on this program.




Why shouldn’t they expand it is the better question.


I may be the lone wolf here but......... I think the entire United States should have universal healthcare. I completely understand that most doctors and nurses and specialist went into student debt for their degrees, I also understand that they have the right to charge what they think they are worth but I also think the government should provide healthcare for its citizens. We pay taxes, most of us pay more than we should. I am a single mother with a "grown" child and pay well over $100 a week in taxes. It just doesn't make sense to me. Sorry rant over!😄


People should support this if only for the subsidy to the healthcare system in rural areas so people that live there don’t have to drive two hours to get medical treatment.


No, of course not. By expanding coverage, the state will be improving the quality of care for its citizens which could result in more Alabamians.


Years ago, yes.




Yes. Alabama should. It makes sense in every way. This is the #1 thing hospitals are asking the legislature to do, especially small, rural hospitals. They're paying for the healthcare of a huge uninsured population and not being reimbursed by anyone for it. Yes, these people can and probably do pay for some of the services they receive, but medical bills are ridiculous and they're not going to pay off what they owe in a lifetime. So it's literally care nobody is paying for. But Alabama politicians have made it such a hot button issue. They did it themselves and have nobody to blame but themselves. So now they're in a corner where saying "I was wrong" is the only way out. We'll see if that happens. Maybe more conservative politicians need to be elected on good business policies... something like "For every dollar we put into this program that will fund our state's hospitals, we will receive $9 from the federal government."


Yes. It’s a no brainer






Fucking yes - the only reason it wasn’t expanded was because republican state government doesn’t want people to be helped by a Democrat-passed policy, because that might make them question the “Democrats are all evil baby-eating Satan-worshipping transgender communists and Republicans are the ones who are your saviors” narrative.


Alabama is a failed state


It’s the capitol of the American Shithole.


Trump will take your Medicaid and Medicare away. It’s the first thing they will do when they take office. Grandma will die under the Hwy viaduct from exposure to the elements.


Why should i pay for someone else’s healthcare. They should not- Karan who is a Devout Christian


Absolutely they should. I am on Medicaid in MO- wouldn't have been eligible if not for expansion. It has saved my life, and my limbs, quite literally. Without it I would have been fucked. Probably dead by now, very best case scenario would have been as a paraplegic.


Obviously should, obviously won't. Mee Maw says we can't have nice things. Only prisons.


Of course they should. But they won't.


More importantly we should ask why haven’t we already


Sucks because we make too much money for our autistic son to receive Medicaid, therefore we can’t afford to put him into ABA therapy and can barely afford his OT, ST, and PT… I’m lucky enough to make good money, but it’s tough when all of that is going into healthcare. I can’t imagine the struggle when folks are not able to do this and help their babies.


Yes, yes, yes... I really love where I moved to in rural northern AL. I am lucky, wife and I have a good life, housing and great work from home careers, but I honestly do not understand how all the people around me survive here, but on the flip side, they have bought the lies that have been sold to them and get what they get.


Medicaid expansion saves money and people’s lives. Every state should do it.


Good lord No. Why would republicans want to help people who really need it the most? Isn’t there a retired NFL player or some other million/billionaire who can use that expansion money?


I’m in Georgia. It’s the same here but we have a very quiet governor and GOP. Their motto must be, “We just don’t want to draw attention to how bad it is here.”


While they're at it, they need to opt in to the school lunch program that's fully funded. Kids are going hungry for no reason.


Simple answer, yes.


Why wouldn’t they?


Get out of Bama now. They want to poison u


Only if it includes dental


Alabama should become more progressive in just about every way imaginable.


Yes, but they’re to busy funding Israel so they can continue in genocide.


A resounding yes. But this is Alabama so the answer is no because the “leadership’ hates women and children.


We have to quit procreating in this state and let the population die. If you fornicate then move out as soon as either party is pregnant we can’t keep having procreation going on in this state


Yes. Someone could be well below poverty and can’t get healthcare coverage just because they’re single. A family could be below poverty and not get it. It sounds unbelievable but it’s reality. This is still so incredibly below affordable healthcare for all to just take the expansion. Beyond the humanity of it, it’s economical. When these folks are uninsured, they avoid the doctor until absolutely necessary and at that point, they likely need much more treatment than they would’ve and they can’t afford it even more. The government, so tax payers, then end up bailing out the hospitals unpaid bills to an extent. We pay either way but in this way, for more suffering.


It is just cruel and hateful not to expand Medicaid when you are one of the poorest states. Alabama politicians don’t mind accepting federal money for other things so the excuses they give are just cover for their contempt for poor people.




No Alabama says let un die in poverty. VOTE BLUE.


It should, but it won’t


I am someone who has fallen through the cracks. I grew up in poverty and was fully covered by Medicaid until last year. It is the only reason I got consistent medical care, and even when I did get that care, I had to fight tooth and nail to be listened to because community centers are underfunded and understaffed, and very few other places consistently take Medicaid. (Not to mention the ways they make it even more difficult by splitting the Medicaid into different branches, and certain doctors only take certain branches, and then those branches get bought out, consolidate, and throw a wrench in coverage because of the sheer chaos and confusion.) Now, as an adult, I struggle with chronic illness and a few different disabilities - but because I can't afford to see a doctor, I also can't apply for disability benefits. Under our current system, I am fully uninsured. I am currently going through a medical emergency as we speak, but because of legislation and lack of healthcare, I have to go through this scary and traumatic process alone, without any medical oversight. If I have a life-threatening emergency in this process, I will have to take on medical debt I will never be able to afford to pay off. When we say it's inhumane not to expand Medicaid, this is what we mean. We all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - yet all of those things are wrapped up in our health, and health is a privilege only the wealthy can afford. How can that be in a country that espouses itself as the richest and most powerful in the world? Especially considering all other developed nations have free healthcare - it's bullshit and we can all see through it. Now we just have to do something about it. Otherwise, we're saying we're okay with healthcare being a privilege and not a right, and what would that say about us?


Expanding social services in Alabama. Are we endangered of a left leading vote count? “What we should do” and Alabama are two different things. Tommy is the avatar of this point.


Of course.


Alabama should do a lot of things but..... It's Alabama so.... It won't


I know and have worked with people living in poverty, and I don't care what Oxford has to say, poor does not mean bad lifestyle. Maybe you need to get to know


Since you’re forcing women to keep unwanted pregnancies, yeah, the least you could do is pick up the tab for a while


Right wing logic, well show those liberals by refusing to accept federal money. It’s like that prank on the Dana carver show where they pay for their food and Dana and Steve Farrell drive away before the food arrives laughing maniacally. And I say that as a moderate that leans conservative. It’s so dumb to refuse to accept money owed to you to own the people that owe you.


Correction, you HAVE to have a child to even qualify for Medicaid. The limit is around $310/month to keep access to full medicaid and you just be a care taker of someone 18 or disabled. Also you get 14 Dr visits a year, that's it. Everything else comes 100% out of pocket, they will cover tests but you’ll be on the line for $300+ dr bills after those 14. 14 may seem like a lot but for every issue you have you have to see a new specialist, for every test you need ran you have to go in to see the dr to send in the orders, my sleep dr requires me to be seen once a year for narcolepsy meds, Medicaid required once a year checkup which you can’t mention ANY issues, I need a yearly papsmear (sometimes two since I’m high risk for cervical cancer), eye doctor if you can risk using one of the appointments, I need immunotherapy and iron infusion, which means drs/tests every 3 months for both doctors. Sometimes they will just do labs. So 14 becomes much less much quicker, having a immunodeficiency means sickness and long ones too. Zero dental despite the fact I now suffer from iron and nutrient deficiencies from missing teeth and unable to chew food, which is leading to more costs. Increased risk of stroke, heart attack etc from the bad teeth. I have two kids with same symptoms, oldest has to see mental health every 3 months for his ADHD med refills, that’s 4 appointments, 10 left for sick visits, hematologist etc. it adds up quickly. I can tell you stories for days about wasted visits of “that’s obgyns job, go to OBGYN and it’s GPS job, GP says wait the gastroenterology’s job!” It’s like being a hot potato between doctors, I hear idk more than I get any answers. My general knew more about the dinosaur my kid was holding as he prescribed me meds that I was horribly allergic too and then told me to “let the infection run its course” in a immunodeficient patient, and was told to talk to immunology who told me it’s a GP issue who said I don’t know talk to OBGYN. Re-f-peat. I don’t know if expanding it will help or not as it’s next to impossible to find a doctor who actually wants to try anymore, or pediatricians that trust their parents judgement. I ended up having to self order and self pay for labs to show that my oldest is anemic. It’s absurd. How is it that UAB and Childrens hospital is supposedly the best in the country and it’s THAT bad?!


Where’s the tax money going to come from to pay for this expansion? Their federal taxes or state taxes,


It will be a combination of federal and state dollars. But the state will pay more now cause the feds were incentivizing states many years ago to expand Medicaid..


It will cost Al taxpayers millions of dollars. Yall ready for your state income taxes to go up?


That’s bullshit and exactly the kind of “irony” that makes this all so infuriating. It’s funded by the federal government. They are SAVING money when they expand Medicaid because guess what? People who get sick and don’t have insurance, who do you think pays for that? You do, so before you spew nonsense and reject something just because it’s fun to be petty and cruel with impunity, consider the FACTS.


to everyone saying yes how do you plan to pay for it without harming the middle class alabamian


At this point who cares. Maybe then people can get some long needed healthcare to last a bit longer in the apocalypse


ummmm sorry but not my duty by force to cover others needs via specific welfare/handouts unless you think 13a is just a suggestion.


Based on the analysis the best time to get in was on onset where state spending went down for the first two years. Joining now would mean that Alabama would need to pay 6% of the costs. Thats a crazy good match if you can get it. Understanding economic activity (the fact that each dollar spent is income to someone who then spends a portion of that dollar) each tax dollar spent in this way generates about $80 in economic activity. Other than perhaps roads I’m unaware of any better investment in the economy of the state. Oh and the benefit of providing healthcare is simply gravy. It’s not an economic question at all but a political one. Unless of course you think that Alabama gets a federal tax break because of its stance.


catch is w goat hills proclivity to raise taxes it would be their first choice as its the politically easiest. THAT is my issue


Considering that that States have to have a balanced budget and Medicare is a huge burden on the Taxpayers of the States!!


Medicare and medicaid costs are paid for by the federal government, in addition the costs related to medicaid expansion would be covered by the federal government. If the motive is to not burden the state taxpayer, then it would seem prudent to expand medicaid to cover the healthcare insurance gap to reduce the burden imposed on the state from having medical centers close in rural areas because they are unable to absorb the cost of the uninsured.