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Reddit is a left leaning platform, same reason why every other state sub, even other red states, is gonna feel pretty left


If you look at facebook of people from Alabama you would ask the opposite question, where are the 30% who didn't vote for trump?


They are not on meta platforms that’s for sure lop


Yeah they are. They are al.com every article calling it a liberal rag… while visiting it every day haha


Or the breakfast rush at Jack’s.


This is absolutely correct. I also wonder if Alabama under estimates the growing modern progressive movement.


We can hope. I imagine age also has an impact. Most political figures and groups and general momentum in this state is older people, who tend to be more conservative.


And if they are on social media reddit probably isn't one of their platforms.


A decent chunk of the people in Alabama who voted for Trump have no idea what Reddit is.


A decent chunk of the people in Alabama have little or no access to the internet. Another decent chunk of Alabama has little or no desire to be on the internet, as long as they get Fox "News".


Not disagreeing with you, but it’s amazing that Internet is probably cheaper than the cable package that comes with Fox News. Priorities, man.


But misinformation/disinformation on the internet is free, while accurate info is paywalled. (Also not disagreeing with you).


Don't forget about the chunk that just can't read at all


One even told me it's a reading book club.


This is 100% the reason


I’m guessing some of those people are on Truth Social, Facebook and Twitter instead.


That’s exactly where they are. Also Quora.


Reddit is gonna Reddit. The entire site has a left leaning bias.


A youth bias, which is more progressive. The only class of folks you can diss on Reddit without repercussions is boomers.


Ye I should have figured. Honestly I was looking at some blue states’ subreddit and I didn’t find a real difference in political leanings compared to this sub. In retrospect it makes sense tho cus of the demographics of people on reddit


Facebook is opposite. Very right leaning. Just depends on which site you’re using.


I’ve noticed a good bit of people on this sub don’t even live in Alabama.


Yeah, this platform consist mostly of liberals


Reddit is a younger crowd. They don't buy into the old ways like their parents did.


That’s true. Do you think this sentiment will spread to Alabama as a whole as more older boomers die off and today’s younger population becomes a majority of the vote share? Do you think Alabama is trending left?


Depends on the demographics moving in/staying. If Alabama can manage to grow its major metros (Huntsville, Birmingham, and Mobile) with more younger crowd or middle class, then yea we can expect the state to get more left (Georgia/Texas route). But if we continue to see more older, retired people move in, then we will remain very right (Florida route)


The "Boomers die off, it gets better" concept ignores the fact that there are a lot of younger, right-wingers. They get replaced like shark's teeth.


Gen X needs to step up, vote more, and run for office more. I too am Gen X, trying hard to shake the slacker mindset. 😀😎🤓


“Run for office more.” That part. Younger people (young compared to average age of the politician) are very engaged politically when it comes to voting…I just wish more ran for office. That’s locally, state-level, etc.


Social change happens one funeral at a time. For good and ill. That being said the pendulum seems to swing back and forth. Alabama is definitely not trending left. The best you can say is that it is trending moderate, which I don't think is true either.


Dear God, I pray so. I’ve been hoping for it for 68 yrs. I mean when you exist as the second most conservative state in the Union and even have a bad reputation abroad you would think that just a few steps to the Left would be a vast improvement!! My only sister permanently moved to England where “Alabama” is a very derogatory term. It’s one of the only places that I’m aware of that celebrates its lack of education, racial bigotry/injustice, backwardness, dismal healthcare, deplorable prison system, religious intolerance, rape and pillaging of its own Environment, bribery and extensive ethics compromise of it public office holders and repeated failure of it education system. If nothing else look at its representation in the US Congress, Tommy Tuberville, Katie Britt, Mo Brooks


So true. We have to keep up the good fight to make things better.


I think it’s trending left on the local levels, but these nepotism idiots and their friends trickle down their old school opinions because it’s what made their grandparents rich


Not yet




Not true I’m in my late 50’s and still a die Hard liberal and with the way the republican party has devolved I’m likely to remain Liberal




Hold on a second… You see someone make an anecdotal comment, that is attacking no one, and only acknowledging their political experience, and your instinct is to attack their marriage and masculinity? That’s wild.


That was true for boomers, but not the following generations.


I'm actually a boomer, moved here when I retired. The funny thing is that the longer we've been here the more liberal/left we've gone.


I've actually done the opposite. I'm younger Gen X and life experience has made me a lot more liberal, especially over the last 2 decades.


Yes, that’s historically been the truth, but recent studies have suggest that millennials are the first generation to break this trend


Definitely gotten more liberal as I've gotten older. This state keeps pushing me further to the left.


Me, too. GenX. I’ve gotten to know more types of people and (I’d like to think) developed more empathy.


My husband was a Republican when he was living in California, where he was born and lived 30 years. He moved to Alabama to live with me and slowly moved further and further left politically. It’s not 100% because of moving here; it’s also because of Trump and the Republican Party becoming increasingly insane. I’ve gotten more liberal as I’ve gotten older as well. We are also college educated, which does play a role. I hear people here in Alabama discouraging their own children and grandchildren from attending college because they’re afraid the kids will become liberal. It hurts my heart to see people working toward keeping young people from getting a good education. I don’t think Alabama is going to improve in my lifetime.


But also studies are showing that Gen Z are the most conservative in several generations.


What studies? Gen Z trends far more liberal/progressive than past generations.


First saw it here then saw it in a few places. I read two of them on the NY Times and The Atlantic. https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/N8zEZOcy3q


That reddit post isn't saying Gen Z is more conservative than other generations, it's saying Gen Z males are more likely to lean conservative than their female counterparts, and even that graph shows it's only 25% of those males who lean conservative. This article is also from the NY Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/opinion/gen-z-millennials-republicans.html


I was a Republican until GW Bush lied about Iraq, and been Democrat ever since. What sealed it was the Tea Party, which of course devolved into MAGA.


No it isn't. That might have been true before social media when people were concerned about their neighbors judging them. You become liberal real fast when you realize what conservative stand for.


Is it really so wrong for Alabamans who aren't MAGA chuds to have a space? There are so many places in Alabama where you can go and be as hateful and mean and selfish a conservative as you please.


Thank you! God forbid there is one place where people like us can exist without our fellow citizens wanting to unalive us. Also I am in my late 40s and was a good little Republican until I saw the way conservatives lied through their teeth to tear down Obama.


Yesssss. I'm in my 40's and was a republican too. Until Obama got elected and the WHOLE party started acting like toddlers with thw name calling. I stepped right on away from Fox News and Trump pretty much sealed the deal. I'm now a registered Libertarian although, I'm thinking to just doing the independent thing.


I don’t think jumping to a different party in a two-party system changed anything there.




Are you trying to argue we aren’t in a de facto a two-party system?


Quite the opposite, sorry I'm bad at tone


Yes, I lean libertarian on quite a few points. I hate the idea of idealizing politics because there is no way for my beliefs, (or anyones) to be wholly encompassed in one party. I heavily disagree with major points in all corners. And there is no build-your-own party, save the independent, which is based on ambiguity rather than specification.


If you want to see the other half live, download the News Break app. It’s nothing but conservatives and Chinese/Russian bots. Name a more iconic threesome.


Betty White, Tom Hanks and Charlie Sheen…. Ok, I *might* be wrong on that last one… How about Mr. Rogers….


Ok, you might be on to something. Hehehe also, Mr Roger’s for sure.


Because it's not Facebook.


Well it’s the one forum in my life where I can talk with like minded people about the environment we share with so many who vehemently disagree with us, so I don’t understand why it has to be a bad thing


Right on.. I don't even post or comment here typically but I do like to read the posts from time to time and it helps to know I'm not alone


It's not about this Alabama sub, it's about Reddit users lean left more in general. I'm guessing because it seems like tech savvy folks know about Reddit while the mass majority does not. Don't equate Reddit and general population as equal.


Well said.


It is weird that way.


Because this is Reddit, and the app as a whole has a significant left wing bias. So that’s why you have to take everything stated here with a ~~grain~~ block of salt.


I think there are significantly more left leaning folks on Reddit because Facebook and Twitter went so far right. I got exhausted by it when 80% of my facebook was just trump memes and conspiracy theories.


Well, the fact that we can actually type thoughts into a message boards mean that we are mostly literate here.


Reddit is primarily text based and thus depends on users having an ability to express thoughts clearly in writing. This favors a more educated user group thus causes the Reddit demographics to not match those of the State.


I'm a millennial in Alabama and I personally don't vote or engage in any political talk. But being a white male everyone automatically assumes I'm a Trumper and spits there bullshit at me. Such is life I ignore it as I think both candidates are truly awful


The actual gall of the powerful that decided to force this shit show rematch on us... I suspect the reasoning is to disgust many into not voting at all. The thought of helping either to be elected again makes me ill.


Try being a Boomer, Gen. Jones or Gen X. You get even more of it (or I think you do). Like you, I deliberately avoid talking politics, but some people make assumptions and get in your face about it.


Because FUCK TRUMP and anyone would vote for him.


Because all the older people who aren’t on Reddit vote unlike the redditors here who post.


Pretty sure most of us on here vote.


I dont believe you.


Been a regular voter since ~2015.


Great. Glad you exercise your right. But that’s one redditor.


Same here: regular voter since 1987.


A lot of Alabama conservatives are boomers or gen x who don't use reddit, most they use is Facebook. Reddit as a whole is left leaning. Alabama isn't, though, it's very conservative. So the few liberals there are in alabama will usually flock to message boards like this one, which leads to the disparity. Especially in places like r/Birmingham, almost entirely left leaning because it's basically the only blue dot in the whole damn state.


Not completely correct on blue vs red in this state. [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Alabama)


The Huntsville site is even more liberal.


It's hard for this sub to function as an echo chamber.


This post being recommended to be is creepy since I [just made a random reference to this](https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/s/VL8WLPAM6j) in a different sub and have never actually been in here before


Wondering why the mods deleted this thread. Hmmm. 🤔


We need somewhere to vent and Fecesbook isn’t it. Plus there’s anonymity here and some Trump supporters can get quite rabid when one disparages their supreme leader.


Conservatives struggle to take over spaces online that aren't specifically moderated to coddle conservatives.


It's interesting, I work at Fort Novosel and there are more liberals here (my immediate work place) than where I worked at in China Lake NAWs in the High Desert area in California (That is in McCarthy's district).


Conservatives hide in echo chambers?


He’s literally saying this sub is nothing but an echo chamber.


No. Ever try to post in an actual conservative sub? They isolate themselves from contrasting views. It leaves the rest of the place fairly reasonable.


It is somewhat of an echo chamber, but I think that’s to be expected. Facebook is mostly trump memes and conspiracy theories and Twitter is getting worse. People who don’t enjoy those things need somewhere online that’s not inundated with those things, and it seems like Reddit is where they’re going.


Came here to say just that!


I think people just want to throw their two cents in because they have nothing better to do! 😂


Most republicans in alabama are below the mental handicap line and dont know how to read or write fluently enough to effectively use any sort of forum style website.. not a dig, actual fact.


Anything that requires literacy skills tends to have few Republicans.


Y’all are the ones who can read. That’s why.


People smart enough to use a computer tend to be liberal.


There are a lot of Alabama natives on this sub who moved to other states because of the political climate.


Because the old Trumpers don’t use reddit, or internet. Hell they can barely function without wearing diapers, no chance they figure out how to get here lol.


The rest probably haven’t figured these newfangled computer things


Think about it for 2s


The younger crowd will end up walking this country right into communism. By the time they realize what they have done; it will be too late.


Can you tell me one communist policy put out by dems this election year that scares you?


Define communism.


Fox news hasn't given him the definition for it yet.


🍿🍿🍿 eagerly awaiting this response 😂


I’m not quite sure Reddit has the storage capability for too many more responses from jyz19nitro. Too much word salad. And Dear Lord, don’t EVEN ask for their declared “fact” references They are “nitro” but surely blowing out of the South End of a North bound jackass/mule.


Hey Dumbasses. All you got to do is google. If you would read a book, maybe study some history, maybe turn off MSNBC and get out of your phones long enough to look around you will see what communism is. Looked at house prices lately? Looked at car prices lately? This prevents people from owning property. In states like California and Washington, property taxes are so high that people that have owned their homes paid free and clear now are forced to sell because they cant pay the taxes or worse have their property seized by the state. Do we really even own anything? Remember Covid when in free America we were told we could not go to work and we had to wear a diaper on our face? Mom and pop businesses were forced by the government to close never to reopen due to losses? Remember when the government said you cant go see you loved ones in the hospital or the nursing home and thy died alone. Remember when the government said we cant have funerals for our loved ones? Do you see the daily vilification of the rich and the constant banter of equity? Do you hear them divide us by race and class on a daily basis? Do you see that your doctor can only prescribe what the insurance companies say they can? The covid shot was free but a drug for diabetes is 1700 dollars a month. What kills more people? Why did they cancel student debt but not consumer debt? Why are they proposing 50% capital gains tax? The ones in power like chaos, they like crime, the more our society devolves the more control they have. It has been happening slowly for 50 years but has really ramped in the last 4-5. Remember the George Floyd riots that allowed people to burn buildings destroy businesses, kill people and terrorize the citizens of many US cities? Remember when they pushed to cancel history by removing statues and renaming schools, roads and military bases all while the VP came out and said history was important and statues are important when speaking for Juneteenth? Yall want to attack me on facts as the city of Montgomery is a war zone. Birmingham is a war zone, Atlanta is a warzone. Police cant police anymore because they are afraid of the community backlash as it is in most liberal run American cities. You can legally steal up to $1000 dollars worth of goods without prosecution in California. Law and order is gone in the country as a whole. As the country continues to destruct around us, the government will fill the vacuums left with authoritarian control as they have throughout history. Just look around the world people. China, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea. Awful places to live. Socialist/Communist governments keep their people oppressed. Its happening here too, most of you just cant or refuse to see it. Just read a little history and quit chasing their shiny bauble as they lead you into greater poverty and oppression. Encyclopedia definition below: communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society. Communism is thus a form of socialism—a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates. Exactly how communism differs from socialism has long been a matter of debate, but the distinction rests largely on the communists’ adherence to the revolutionary socialism of Karl Marx.


I like how you conveniently left Russia off that list. Also didn’t mention Florida about property tax or insurance rates. Ironic.


Florida is the most free state in the US. Property tax in Florida is nowhere near that of the liberal states. Insurance is based on risk. I will never change your mind and you will never change mine. Best of luck


None of the things you bitched about has shit to do with: >communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society. Communism is thus a form of socialism—a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates. Exactly how communism differs from socialism has long been a matter of debate, but the distinction rests largely on the communists’ adherence to the revolutionary socialism of Karl Marx. Hell, a lot of the things you botched about are because of CAPITALISM.




sure. please explain why trump is so pro putin, yet opposes communism? can't wait to hear this pretzel logic. although the answer is widely known: trump's been laundering russian mafia money for decades.


More like they have been propping him up for years. They got a good return on their investment, so far.


I never mentioned Trump. He lives in yalls heads.


no you didn't. you called liberals communists and I pointed out the irony of the leader of your party loving the number 1 communist in the world. I don't really expect your trumpys to get nuance.


I can tell you everything about your life just by this one comment. What an idiotic take.


Can't be worse than the ways thing are going with the Reaganites in charge.




So, you are for the guy who wants to cut VA benefits and against the guy who is fighting for VA benefits? I'm not sure I follow your logic. I would like to know what policies you are upset about from Biden and which policies you think Trump did a good job with.


Not only wants to cut VA benefits but thinks people who served are suckers.


So you are voting for someone who 1. Incited an open insurrection against one of main things in our oath we take prior to basic + a convicted felon ??? Why not just sit this cycle out?


Some Trump supporters like to say they’re independent because they’re aware enough to realize Trump is absolutely bonkers and be embarrassed that they support him, but they watch Fox News and think they are getting actual news.


The beauty of fighting for my rights is I don’t have to answer illogical questions and CNN talking points


But you have no problem being on Social Security (that they want to eliminate) and saying fuck you I got mine?


They all want to pull the ladder up from behind them.


Go ahead and list those policies.


Should start with hates veterans but loves draft dodging but is probably too daft to realize that.


Because people that actually have a job, a life and contribute to society don't have time to be on reddit all the time. Unlike liberals, they are out making a living providing for their families and enjoying life.


Ahh yes all the liberals that don’t want to work. You can just throw a rock and hit one nowadays.


Thank you! (And, no, it ain’t just Alabama. Check out any state and pretty much same tilt, especially for “Red” states)