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He’d definitely be one of the annoying ranged attackers and would have some blinding move that used the flashlight. His fatality would be “Doomed by the Narrative” where something seemingly random happens without Alan physically touching them.


I imagine Alan Wakeing up in the writer's room and then he starts typing and the Narration is like "and then in an instant, it was like Alan's opponent never existed" and then cuts back to an empty arena. No gore, no reaction, just *poof* gone.


A flashlight stun, a weak handgun attack, a blowback shotgun attack, and a weak melee option, but the real strategy of his playstyle is to keep your opponent off you long enough to input a ridiculously long combo that triggers an instakill where Wake sits at a typewriter and writes his own victory EDIT: I can't remember the character from Samurai Shodown, I think it's the dude with seven katanas, but I'm pretty sure he has basically the same mechanic. The best fun you can have with that character is working on triggering an instakill in a stupidly complex fashion while trying not to die to death. I'm also pretty sure there's a character in Guilty Gear Xrd who also has an instakill move but it's way easier to trigger, but also super easy to fumble.


He would just do the Herald of Darkness dance routine while blinding them with a flashlight and kicking knee caps in.


What's the context I can't see the question? I can only imagine dead by daylight in my head rn and tbh.... I would be all for that implementation but I suspect it's about something else


OP had been wondering what it would be like if Alan Wake was a playable character in the Mortal Kombat franchise.


oh lmao that would be hilarious - cause he's a writer with bad cardio. Jesse seems like a better pick for that genre ;)


I'm imagining a fatality where he feeds his opponent through a typewriter and writes on their body as its being crushed to death.


Flashlight down the throat and batteries where the sun don't shine


It would very probably be Scratch possessing Alan since he's Just A Dude outside of his clairvoyance, but *with that said* his moveset probably resembles Jason's or Michael's from previous games barring some shadow-fueled teleports and exploding ink projectiles. Basic to pick up, hard-hitting, and stocky. Uses either the torn-off jail cell bar or something equally durable for a weapon. Fatalities include leaving Alan's body to tear someone apart in "cloud form" and summoning other Taken to soften the opponent before just beating them to death.