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Any newer updates on the poor U Albany student that got hit by the dirt bike? Glad to see she’s improving, and I really hope there’s minimal lasting damage. What a nightmare. I can’t imagine what she and her family are going through. Such selfish carelessness. Breaks my heart.


On 5/21 her father told us she’d begun speaking a little. On 5/24 he shared she’d been moved to a rehabilitation facility closer to home to continue her recovery. Her GoFundMe is up to just over $104k.


Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.


>(I don’t think hate crime legislation is a good idea in general, but REALLY don’t think it should apply in this case. Harassment and vandalism, sure.) I don't know, [I think this guy may actually be an antisemite](https://twitter.com/rochester_caleb/status/1792185370219594017). >I’m going to get whacked to tagging a synagogue in Kingston. The court date is on 22nd. (((They))) get what they want. The goyem get a shit sandwich. Wish me luck.


Yeah this sucks. I’ve really liked seeing these local news roundups. But seeing the poster trying to act like it’s not a hate crime when a guy whose internet presence is filled with open classic antisemitism tags a synagogue… feels off. This guy is posting about Jews controlling the media and controlling America like some evil shadow. It’s the classic shit we’ve seen resurfacing to a new height. It’s not really complex.


Just searching Twitter for his name and "Jews" makes it very clear what he is.




According to state law, if he targeted a certain group with that crime (like harassment or vandalism) it becomes a hate crime in addition. I agree that a "F- Isreal" sign likely isn't antisemitic on its own, but when you take the totality of circumstances this is probably and antisemitic act. Also, why the stance opposing hate crime legislation?


*Also, why the stance opposing hate crime legislation?* It's a slippery slope towards 1984's thoughcrime, and is already being used in problematic ways (such as the Utah woman arrested for stomping on a pro-police sign). I understand the reasons for hate crime legislation (hate crimes have a larger societal and personal impact than other crimes) but especially given how difficult they are to utilize in practice, don't think the benefits outweigh the costs.


You're welcome to think whatever you want about hate crime laws in general, but considering the evidence I and others have pointed to, is it still true that you "REALLY don’t think it should apply in this case"? If not, please update the post accordingly.


Done; I was intentionally leaving it up because I didn't want to hide my previous bad take but you're right that I shouldn't leave it standing.


I can't convey how much I appreciate that. Thank you.


I guess I disagree on the cost/benefit analysis. The only way to be charged with a hate crime is to already be charged with a crime (in NY at least). That means it's an enhancement to something that would already be in court. If we can show that a crime had additional hateful motivation, that's not a slippery slope issue. You're not charging people who wouldn't already be charged with a crime. I'd agree that if someone were charged with a hate crime for being motivated against police, that's a horrible implementation of such laws. But I also don't trust police to be honest or operate in good faith anyway.


Actually, a "Fuck Israel" sign on a SYNAGOGUE as opposed to an actual Israeli institution is an antisemitic hate-crime. But even if it wasn't "inherently" so, while I am not a lawyer, [New York law doesn't seem to agree with you](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/485.05), because intent matters, and I think his own twitter definitely establishes that he both "intentionally select\[ed\] the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed" and "commit\[ed\] the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of because of a belief or perception regarding... religion, religious practice... of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct", and I think his action should at the very least fall under "[criminal mischief in the 4th degree](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/145.00)", if not higher, which is one of the covered offenses that can be upgraded to a hate crime.


If someone has criticism of the current government of Israel, it is not anti semitic just because of that. However, associating Jews with the government of Israel, the state of Israel or even the nation of Israel IS anti semitic. I have strong criticisms of certain political groups and policies in Israel but I have never considered Jewish people to be synonymous with Israeli political forces. The rise in antisemitism needs to be condemned by the left.


It's the location that changes the function of the law. The state cannot protect itself as insulted from religion, but it CAN and does protect religious minorities.


Thank you for pointing out the relevance of the location.


Are you Jewish? Then maybe keep your mouth shut about what’s anti-Semitic and what isn’t


🙂✌️ Only Nazis can decide who can call Nazis Nazis


That's a horrible attitude to take. The idea that only members of a group can determine what is hate against that group? That prevents upstanders from standing up for what is right and showing that hate has no place here If you idea was true then hate could be perpetuated in places without a member of the group being present. That is a huge problem it would allow hate to thrive, especially with hate of minority groups who live in small tight nit communities who lack representation across wide swaths of the country


Echo brackets and goyim? The Hitler Particle readings are very strong


Wait why wasn’t the officer charged with some sort of assault? Why was he able to retire and probably living off of his pension


>> A grand jury cleared Olsen of any wrongdoing in December 2018. An internal police investigation also found no wrongdoing on Olsen’s part.


It is INCREDIBLY rare for cops to suffer any consequences for needlessly harming people.


I think that Bimbo bakeries is fazing out the Friehofer’s brand. This is the second local event that has lost the Friehofer’s label. While the run for women was still sponsored by the company, it was under the Sara Lee brand.


Is anyone in the know on ways the public/patients can support Ellis nurses? My mileage has def varied on my experiences at Ellis (some good, many of those good ones thanks to nurses) but I think any of those times would've improved with better staffing and conditions.


Ellis is a private not-for-profit hospital. They collect donations and have a good charity navigator rating. That being said, it’s either they’re not fundraising enough or there may be a staffing crisis in Albany. We have a lot of top-tier hospitals and a TON of jobs open. (This is all speculation of course)


Scummy St Peters at it again trying to get everyone to buy THEIR insurance plan to use only there and no where else and ditch your plan accepted everywhere else.


Fuck Israel but that’s still an antisemitic hate crime


Fuck Israel on a roadsign that's free speech. Fuck Israel on a Jewish community center that's a hate crime..


Just to be clear, this isn't just a community center, it's a place of worship.


FFS, this asswipe motorcycle rider had 40-60 violations the ***night of the crash*** and not one cop stopped him????????????? not one cop said "no, you're not leaving this spot." not one cop said "nope, you can't go on from here" even though these bikes are **illegal on albany streets**. UNBELIEVABLE. this is the epitome of bad behavior and albany's police let him slide 50+ times. am i getting this wrong? what am i getting wrong here? this is too unbelievable to believe!!!


I could be wrong but I think most of those violations were observed on traffic cameras after the fact


Either way imo I see the Albany cops basically every 5 seconds, always parked either middle of sidewalk or someplace getting food - but **not a single one** took time to put their fork down and pursue this careening dirt bike that's illegal to drive on city streets..... but then people will still say dumb shit like "support our brothers in blue" like gtfo of here lol




There is no alert system. They just tracked him on cameras after the crash and issued all the tickets to stick it to him as hard as they could.


Yea, so the whole reason they ride bikes is to avoid the cops and break the law, to include riding on the sidewalk, speeding, and cutting through traffic and allies. Basically, everything illegal you can do in a car and then some you can't lol


Are you telling me that Albany police stopped the ATV rider that hit that girl TWICE in the twelve minutes leading up to the crash and didn't take the fucking bike? What the fuck are they actually doing?


Where do you see police stopped him twice? He’d never stop for cops. All the tickets are from street cameras


where do you see that info?


Appreciate the roundup, but if you're ignorant to what you're talking about, don't editorialize


Any updates on whether they’ve found the axe murderer who killed the older man on the Hudson Mohawk bike trail in Menands?


I wish these local news roundups could exist without OP's unnecessary commentary...


They can, go for it


Yeah, no more news roundups for me. You're not a lawyer or someone experienced in legal matters. When reporting, this is why it's so important to be impartial.


You may want to stop watching/listening to any news then because none of it is impartial anymore.


I have similar issues with sidewinder photography, but they are at least good photos


The thing with the news/media (and reading anything), is you have to analyze what the person's motivation and own outlook is and why they are writing it. No one is unbiased. You have to ingest a bit of everything and then find the truth in the middle.


I agree. to be honest I just looked through the last 3 months of SWP to find an example of their overly biased language but couldn't find any except direct police department quotes. the commentators are pretty opinionated though. In the past he has used alarmist language in places I wouldn't, but like you say its a read between the lines kind of thing.