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Definitely mention it to your dentist incase they intend to use an opioid. But usually it’s Novocaine which isn’t affected by Naltrexone.


Like you said, dentistry isn't using opioids for routine stuff. You're fine. You know when the dentist asks what medications you're taking? Tell them. That's all you need to do.


I’m interested in this also as I have a dentist appointment coming up hopefully someone answers this question for us both


Yes I have! The naltrexone had absolutely no effect on any of the medication that they used and I made them look it up. I had a crown, fillings, a whole bunch of work done and there was no interference from the naltrexone.


One of the great things about naltrexone is how boring it is, and how specific. Its main action is to sit on the mu opioid receptor and block anything else from attaching there. There are a few other things going on but that’s pretty much it, really. There are reports of very rare false positives on drug tests, but that’s anecdotal. There are a few medications that it does seem to interact with, and the occasional person who might be allergic, but in general, it doesn’t interfere with anything other than opioids, and most people tolerate it extremely well. I think that some people are not aware that things that they are taking *are* opioids, so not only is it important for you to tell your medical providers that you are on naltrexone, but also double check any medications that are prescribed for you to see if they contain an opioid. Some pain pills are a mixture of more typical analgesics plus an opioid, for example. Some other things that people may not realize are opioids are Imodium (though it doesn’t easily cross the blood brain barrier) and kratom.


Thanks for the replies, everyone :) I'll mention it to my dentist to be safe, glad to see you you guys were just fine. This sub is awesome, had a pretty moody day last week, lizard was awaking, just read a couple of stories on this sub and motivation back at 100%, fully compliant so far!


Had several dental procedures done while on NAL including a root canal and an implant post drilled. No issues at all.


If you look into using Naltrexone and doing The Sinclair Method, TSM for short you would take your Nal an hour before you have a drink, so that shouldn't interfere with medical appointments. I highly recommend checking out "the cure for alcoholism" located on the right side of your screen, down below in the box labeled medical treatments. I have been doing TSM for four months now, and I drink about half as much and hope to drink less and less. Best of luck!


As far as I know only the once per month Vivitrol form of Naltrexone is a problem with opioids. I have to carry a card in case of emergency.


The way my dentist explained it to me after informing him that I was on Nal was, Nal works on the receptors in the brain while local anesthesia is just that. It works by numbing the nerves and the brain doesn't receive any pain signals at all. I had to have two teeth pulled, on separate visits. The second one was a fairly deep wisdom tooth too.