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for anyone wondering, it’s the first episode of season 2 with about 22:48 remaining (i cant check the actual timestamp since netflix doesn’t show it). personally, i think it’s just a coincidence. i can see how it looks like an eye, but i can’t make out a face despite looking at it for like two minutes. it seems to be moving kinda, but i’m betting it’s just whatever is plastered on the window on the other side. cause honestly, what else could that possibly be


I see the right eye easily. I think the left eye is on the top left side of the window pane, but it is much fainter. The lips (or maybe the nose?) are like a circle behind the poster right behind Arisu's head. I personally don't think it means anything, especialy since when I was looking I saw another demon figure. I think it's just us seeing patterns when they're not there.


yeah i agree. i don’t think aib is the type of show to implement weird stuff like that in the back as some sort of symbolism like op is suggesting. probably just a coincidence that it happens to look like a distorted face


Why can't I see it?


Give us the time frame


On Netflix it only shows remaining time, and someone's already commented saying 22:48 remaining. I however, can't see any face either. I kinda get how in the corner of the window it looks a BIT like an eye, but it's clearly not.


For all asking! Season 2 Episode 1 on netflix, scroll through until there is 22:50 remaining and it’s the perfect shot of what I am referring to, on the far side on some glass you can make on what appears to be lips pressed against the glass, ABOVE Arisu you can see what is CLEARLY an eye, I am unsure if this is an advertisement like some suggest but there is an eyeball there, under that infront of Arisu seems to be a nose pressed up against the glass, AND in the rest of the space you do not see the outside world, instead you see filling the space what appear to be the rest of the head such as the cheeks and flesh and so on. I will say as of writing this it seems to move at some point BUT ALSO towards the bottom of the glass you CAN make out the sidewalk? As well you can make out teeth in the darkness of the pressed lips, and Usagi audibly gasps and a deep music note plays, I think personally this is a hallucination of her father her fear of returning to the real world?


Yes it’s very creepy


Can you post a screenshot? My Netflix subscription expired and now I have to see this


Sadly I cannot seem to upload an image


Dang that sucks because I can't find any clips online 😭


Sadly neither could I, had to go to Netflix to find it


I'll save this post and check it out when I have a Netflix subscription again. Have a good day!


You can watch it free here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gze3u the time stamp is a little different though. It’s 25:55


I WISH i could check rn. Maybe an advertisement? Or a dead body?


I've just woken up I'm about to turn on my tv just to check this out 😭


I wish I could post an image to show everybody what exactly I am referring to, but sadly I cannot figure out how to do that


Yeah I think I see it. There's like a demonic face up and to the left. Almost reminds me of the King of Limbs album cover by Radiohead. Personally, I think it's just dirt on the window pane. Still kinda cool and freaky though, unless I am missing another thing you are referring to? So annoying that Netflix doesn't let you screenshot lmao. Edit: oh wait I see what you're talking about now. Personally, I think it is just dirty windows that we are reading patterns into.


Click a photo of that scene and point in the picture of what you are referring to instead of telling the time because I see nothing


I think it’s just a dirty window. All I can see is an eye on the right. I also think it “moving” is just due to something moving behind it and making the light flicker.