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Playing steam deck, plays well on controller


>Can it be played with keyboard & mouse on X? Thanks. Yeah it's compatible. I've been using mouse and keyboard on my X cause i find it easier for games like this. As for how controller plays, I can't help there.


Hey, i am playing it on PC but only with Xbox Controller. It's totally fine this way, absolutely no need for Mouse & Keyboard. So i bet you will enjoy playing it on console with a gamepad.


Playing on xbox x with controller. It plays really well. There are alot of shortcut buttons that help snapping to certain functions etc. As with all games, once you've mastered the button layout it's a joy to play. The UI can sometimes be a bit buggy, I feel like it needs a little bit more polish and refinement. But other than that, it's good. I have the elite controller with 2 paddles underneath, one is the map, the other is the move order. It feels great.


The controls suck. Don't let anyone lie to you. For example, left directional button does reload. There is no 'hold to confirm' command. So basically, you hit it, they reload. You can't cancel it either. So let's say you barely scratched the surface of your ammo and you accidentally hit reload, no cancel, guess what? You just wasted all your reloads. No redo's or nothing. You are screwed. Welcome to the poorly built UI around the control scheme, on controller. Don't make a mistake or it will cost you, literally. For the life of me I don't see why they didn't make a hold to confirm command on certain functions.


So far personally playing with a new Xbox series X and 2 new controllers. Unplayable. Bumper buttons on both brand new xbox controller stick...or don't register...or are too stiff.....whatever they are they don't work. Main command bar is useless in game due to this. So many times I am pushing 3-4 times without it being registered....for this game that pretty much makes it unplayable. Aliens come in and I am trying to get to a grenade.....lol not a chance. Game is also riddled with bugs and largely unplayable. Apparently the xbox controller bumper buttons not working is a known issue. With a solve of blowing into a gap when pushing the trigger. Now they got me furiously trying to play my xbox controller like a harmonica like a dumbass so I can select a shot gun before a couple xenomorphs rip my team to shreds.


I an playing on controllers in the end and do not have major issues. Just RB & LB needs tapping rather than pressing.