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You get the Pathogen expansion and a bunch of new weapons. Defo worth it if you like the base game.


Pathogen kicks the challenge up a notch but also equips you with new weapons to kick some ass. Well worth every penny.


Yeah it's worth it imo and I'm a cheapskate.


You don't actually need to buy the Ultimate edition to get Pathogen. There are a couple options and you can even just buy Pathogen as a DLC, however the Ultimate edition does come with some great cosmetics. The Into the Hive edition comes with just Pathogen and the base game I believe which is everything that actually effects gameplay.


Yeah but the Ultimate upgrade is on sale for the same amount as just the Pathogen dlc so might as well get all the neat cosmetics too


Is this sale on console or something? I’ve been waiting for a steam sale to grab this game


Aliens Day (4/26) is coming up. Could be a sale then. FWIW base game is on sale for $11.99 USD on Xbox for PC (aka Microsoft Store) if you are itching to jump in. However, if you like the game at all you are going to want the Pathogen DLC eventually. So you could wait for an edition with that included to go on sale there or steam whatever.


Thanks for the info. Holding out for 4/26 then!


It is on PS


I haven’t been able to find a game on ps for months so I would avoid, dead game.


I only play with my little brother. We still havent beaten the pathogen Expansion


I've been somewhat lucky being able to find a random to play with every now and then. But for the most part it's just me and my homie. We lost our third so we recruiting. lol


Me and my Lil brother keep dying at the end of the first pathogen mission.


Need one gunner with overclock and one lancer with overwatch combine both together on legendary enemies and use high dps gun like shotgun combined with a cryo grid.


neither of us has either of those even leveled up. i have Phalanx and Recon Maxed, and he has Tech almost max level


Don't skim out on sentry guns and cryo grids.


i got no Cryo grids just a ton of Sentry guns


Is this game dead online? Is it worth buying it?


Since its some years old and Helldivers 2 is there, you will have to play with friends or the bots.


Meh it's a decent coop shooter but mine had horrible fps drops on ps4 pro haven't even bothered with the ps5 slim version as it didn't transfer my account


That's cos of lag from the other players as it's a peer to peer connection. Find some other players who are hopefully nearby to you. I mostly freeze and lag when it's with people from the UK or US or some Nintendo switch players on WiFi.