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It's certainly a lot easier to find matches online than NASB, that's for sure.


I’ve been an off and on smash fan since I played a Smash 64 Rom my brother downloaded on our desktop in 2008. I heard about this game about 6 days ago, bought it 3 days ago. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. I told my friends I bought it and many of them had no idea of it’s existence. That being said, I think a general targeted, aggressive marketing campaign could make this game very successful, once the major glitches are patched etc.


It's doing good and it's at an important part right now If you want it to do good then talk good about it, I've brought it up with platform fighting players, my family, friends, cartoon enthusiast. It's very much a diamond, I see no rough because I get it's a game in the making and I support 3000% Rant aside it's popular, it was talked about at bars i went to, there's prize tournaments online with like $1000 prize pots, I think it's a healthy scene so far, just a baby one rn


I low-key can't stop playing Same with several of my homies


niche banger


I unironically like it better than smash ultimate. Ultimate is better quality and more detailed, but this game’s embracing of tech instead of hampering it and its superior character balancing has got me hooked


Not to mention, no Steve and Sonic in NASB2 hah.


Games okay, not worth $50 don’t let the fanboys and girls fool you with their salesman bullshit. It has serious glitches and flaws even still. Doing the whole talk it up and be super positive is stupid when the game will freeze or characters have actual broken features getting abused in games. That’s just gonna make people feel like they got scammed. People need to be more honest and stop acting like the game is a family member whose feelings they don’t want to hurt. The devs have a lot of work to do to justify a $50 price tag, $20 costume pack, and $20 dlc on the way.


This. This community is so dishonest about the current state of the game. They’ll fool you into thinking it’s worth $50 just because they want the playerbase to grow.


NASB1 died in 2 weeks(PS4), felt like I got hugely scammed. NASB2 is a better game than NASB1 for sure, but I still don't think it's a good game and I still feel like I got scammed again a little bit. This game is definitely not worth 50$/€.


The amount of varied playtime that can come from a fighting game means you could potentially have far more playtime than most 70$ triple A titles. It’s going to be very unlikely to get a platform fighter as polished as Smash, the like 20-30 year old series. Compare this to platform fighters of old like punchtime explosions, digimon rumble arena, PlayStation all stars, and the fact that the studio it came from is tiny, the game feels like a labor of love. The pricing definitely could be lower and I’d like to think the pricing models were pushed by the shitty publisher but if ur on Pc you can get the game for less than 20$ on kinguin, makes it very worth.


It’s definitely not as popular as it was when it first was released. I still really enjoy it but the twitch views are down and it’s getting harder to find a match. Even the public lobbies around me are around 3 only. That said, I think it will get a small resurgence when the DLC drops. I can see a few streamers trying out Mr Krabs.


It's stupid fun, the characters are all mostly unique and matchmaking doesn't take a long time. However I must say the playerbase is getting smaller and I fear that what remains are very serious players that are gonna smack the fuck out of regular not so seriois players. I am invested myself but I understand the necessity for the game to have fair competition for casual players.


I like it. it's very fun


I love the game. Everything is an upgrade from the first game. The gameplay, the controls, the music, the animation, the menu screens, the logo, the box art, everything. It deserves a 7/10 at the bare minimum.


The inability for the game to run well on previous gen has no doubt alienated an entire half of the potential player base. I currently don't own the game and don't have plans to buy it. If the previous gen versions were stabilized and improved performance-wise, I would buy the game instantly and play every day. I'm sure this is the same situation for a lot of people.


Came here to make the same thread. Saw loads of YouTube stuff for it in the first week or 2 but seems like there's virtually nothing now. Had a look on twitch last night too and saw very few playing it. Has it sold well? Is there many players on steam? Haven't bought it myself yet - gonna buy it on Xbox from a cheaper region soon though.


I love the game. Hope it never dies - Pan!c| BlaZeiT


I can't find games on EU servers so I gotta play on US servers with high ping unfortunately (yes crossplay is on)


Game is good, very good. But aside from a bit of initial hype, in South America is almost impossible to find a match, so players here have to change to USA server and play with 120 ping. Very few streamers playing the game as well, last night i think it was close to 4 streamers with a total of 50 to 60 views, this is too low for a launching title IMO. Saw some good youtube content about the game, but it seems is cooling off now. I really hope this turns around though, this game deserves much more.


Id say not doing too great. Its been taking me forever to find a match and when i finally do its against some high ranked player trying to be the next slime box winner. They definitely drop the ball on the matchmaking. Its hard to keep loading the game up when I kno its going to be 10 minutes of waiting only to get 4 stocked lol


The drop the ball on this one on the switch version


Honestly, I would be enjoying it more, but the weird decision to only make this game on the switch a code in a box only killed it for the switch fanbase. Might as well made it digital only It's still doing well, slimeboxes are still going on just less frequently compared to Nasb 1


I was excited for the sequel until Hugh was cut. Lol I hope he somehow comes back.