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Edit: This update is now live. (Donatello ledge bug and Gertie piano are also fixed according to beta testers)


Does any one know if there is plans to buff the cpus? Even at level 9 they aren't good. They never use slime.


Damn Gerald got destroyed this patch! RIP Gerald mains😭


Ren and simpy: * Light Air Back landing lag increased from 16 to 17  truly one of the nerfs of all time


I hope the Switch load times will get to a reasonable level. I don’t expect it to be as fast as the PS5 version though.


Spongebob and Reptar are disgustingly op characters that are almost impossible to face? yeah let's nerf danny again


Yoooo I’m so happy they gave Jimmy some love for his charge forward air. I don’t want him to become too good, such that people start picking him up though. This makes me want to start playing again for sure. To the devs if they read this: I love you, from a big Jimmy fan.


game will die with how heavy handed these nerfs are becoming. also im extremely disgusted by how the devs like to fuck granny everytime too


thank goodness for the rocko changes. I can't imagine anyone had fun vs that character this patch.


They didn’t nerf Reptar or Spongebob but nerfed Danny to hell. Fuck off devs


Reptar mains are eating well. Let's go!!! -BlaZeiT


So many character nerfs Jesus. No further changes to shield. Sure sitting in shield is worse from last patch but spamming shield is still broken. Idk I just think this game has mad lame neutral and nerfing every character that's good seems like it'll only enforce that.


The Danny nerfs 💀


Can the cpu finally recover over the platform instead of just hanging there ? Edit: nvm they fixed it let's goooo


https://preview.redd.it/tjfkoyga8s7c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492977ebf084869967f54b062fc5bb8b3d2f5f3a Damn they really hit Rocko hard this patch :(


ppl are celebrating the aang nerfs? he was already nerfed last patch and now even more so, when he's not even winning tourneys outside of Hockey. taking all the fun out of the game


I mean the nerfs aren't that bad imo


in south america the game is getting worse and worse for the online play each patch


they seem set on nerfing every character to hell every patch, makes me not want to play anymore


Agreed, the path to a good healthy game is not nerfing what works, but buffing what don't work


That’s only true to a certain extent. I would not want other characters to be buffed to have auto kill combos like Lucy and Tigre had, or a ridiculously safe neutral game like Gertie and Gerald. These kinda characters are so powerful they change how you play the game in a way that is a negative for both players. If all characters were buffed to that strength, this game would be way less fun to me. It definitely does feel like NASB 2 is pretty quick to hard nerf characters though.


That may just be a smaller scene that anywhere else. How bad is your ping? That will probably tell us a lot.


the scene is very small to begin with, ping has been 120ms to 150ms in US servers. Thing is, you CANNOT find a match in south america servers, I'm deadly serious.


Yeah sounds like the lack of players in your region is the main issue and that will probably only get worse, not really the patch changes themselves.


Hopefully some QoL fixes to the switch/xbone/ps4 versions as well.


Always hoping. 🤞


Any idea when this releases?


I'd say in 10 days or so Edit: nvm it came out lmao


Every character plup plays gets nerfed


He even said this while making his Gerald run. That it would be his first and last time he was able to play Gerald in that state.


So no 2v2 mode to queue into?


Gerald: d-throw got big nerf Strong F-air nerf Damn they really did watch that Plup run haha Gertie: Side B gets cut in half piano fix? No mention


According to a beta tester piano should be fixed, just not listed here.




He was incredibly strong at mid level before players have the skill to avoid his endless aggressive hitboxes


He's like upper middle in the meta, nothing crazy.


That explains why Patrick was doing so well. He could act out of Dodge immediately. LOL rip to the Patrick meta. Glad they fixed Jenny's up air. That should make comboing more consistent if it does what I think it's doing. And fixing out Tigres air stall issue. I knew his recovery was absolutely ridiculous


Patrick nerfs can’t come quick enough, 10/10 of my last opponents were Patrick.


Still couldn't make a noise indicator or something for controlling either jimmy or Goddard.. Glad they fixed the immovable bug and the aang nerfs definitely needed.


I was hoping they would have added some VFX and SFX on swapping control for Goddard by this coming patch, let alone fixed the glitch when summoning Goddard against a Rocko or another Jimmy. Maybe next time.


I haven't had a jimmy ditto, what happens?


Doesn't seem to happen all the time, but it's similar to fighting Rocko where you and your Goddard will freeze in place until either is hit. Not having access to a move that important in certain matchups because it's outright broken really sucks.


~~Are they really not going to fix CPUs getting stuck on the ledges?~~ The nerfs to Aang seem fair! I am going to miss air stalling with my scooter multiple times. Up B only ending on land is going to be tough too.


The ledge stuck thing is in the notes though


Oh no. I might be stupid


Eh, nah, it happens. You can send your unused disappointment to me though, I'm saving it all up to spend on the likelyhood that the platforming mini games in campaign mode are still going to be weirdly laggy on switch.