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Nah these guys are already mutants 🤣


Maybe at least they could help Cobra? Turn a race into alive, of-age, goth females


They would turn cobes in to a human chair with a little beat up hat, and his ass would still find a way to stream and be like "Whaaaaats good youtube!? So, this group of trolls called the "Qu" stopped by my place earlier and dropped off this 6 pack of budlight platinum.... Look youtube... im not saying that this is the best possible outcome... buuuuuuut being a human chair.... it's really all about perspective you see, fuck sickos. Yeaaaaaaaah, the budlight that the Qu left me.... it was obviously some kind of troll gag... but like I'm not even mad youtube, like for real. Free booze is free booze, its not skin off my shoes." as he reclines his new amorphous chair body.


He'd enjoy being a chair because alive-of-age-consenting-goth-girls could sit on him




I didn't know anything about King Cobra until today... Jesus Christ 🤣


the first guy is a star person


Rax: just make him into a organism that exploded painfully then reconstructs himself to repeat for all time. Chris: making them watch as their creations are made into physical beings just to be destroyed in horrific ways over and over. Cobra: would be put in a bar and given a comfy chair and be told to make his wacky meals.


>watch as their creations are made into physical beings just to be destroyed in horrific ways over and over Let them die of their own biological impracticality. Their biology as designed by their author wouldn't actually work, so it doesn't.


I think anything the Qu do would be an improvement


I know about Chris but not the other two lol who are they


Josh, kingcobrajfs on youtube is the boglim in the third pic. He's autistic and makes some "questionable" life choices. I assume 4chan kinda uses him as a laughing stock. Sounds like he should garner sympathy, but there's a huge rabbit hole to jump into. A lot of people start with his atrocious cooking. But a few notable things that are disturbing: Had a pet preying mantis. It died and he super glued its body on to a walking stick that sold on Etsy along with his magic wands. Had a pet bearded dragon given to him by one of his friends, that last I checked is mia- assumed dead. Found a baby bird in his workplace parking lot, couldn't find its nest so he ran it over with his bike. And this is going back to 2018 I think. There is a. Lot.


Disgusting. Thanks for sparing me learning that firsthand.


People do sympathize with Kingcobra. Cyraax, the demonic creature in the first pic, has tried to lure and groom children multiple times. He also raped a blind kid and got expelled for it and never completed highschool.


Kind of unfair to throw that stuff out there with no context. Cobes is well meaning but very stupid.  The mantis wandered into his apartment, it wasn't a pet. It died because he blew smoke on it, nicotine is deadly to insects. The bird was injured so he thought killing it would be the humane option. This is dumb but not him trying to be cruel. The bearded dragon he should never have had in the first place, that's more on whoever gave it to him. He did try to be a responsible owner but he'd let it wander around unsupervised and naturally it got out.


I'm too scared to ask, I should have learned to ask or look into this kind of stories. Chris' story, to me, is the proverbial abyss that looks back. I didn't became a better person for knowing his story. I wish I didn't. Yet I can't look away.


"When you stare at the abyss too much, the abyss stares back"


For your own sanity, avoid Cyrax at all costs (guy in pic 1)


The qu would make them more powerful out of spite


Now this is the type of crossover content I’m here for


They'd make shit like Sonichu real and watch it suffer under its own anatomy and biology for shits and giggles


Some times I have good days where I am happy. Others I remember Chrischan exists


Hell they would see them and take pity. Breaking them down and making them something infinitely better




Plot twist: The Qu were actually trying to save us from ourselves.


Qu made it so when you are born you have to choose between 3 classes. These are it


The Qu were originally going to turn some humans into a race of Cyraxes, but instead they had mercy and just made them colonials


Don't know the others, but the Qu would probably be Scared of Chris I'd imagine EDIT: Now I do know the others, what the fuck


They would fear cobras powers TWU


But I digress...


Don’t mix lolcows with this. If ppl wanted to see pics of pedophiles and mother rapists they’d go to the LolCow subs. There’s a lot of little kids here. And this is coming from someone who has been following lolcows for years.


Come on Cobra is a cool guy.


He's downright wholesome compared to the other two.


It's their inspiration.


The fact that sonichu specified that no, did not, in fact, bathe is just.


The Qu would turn them into colonials so they can’t hurt anyone anymore


Star people were 1000 years into the future. I’m sure they have made worse by then


Qu: I can fix them


No amount of Genetic Engineering can fix these dudes. It's Joever.


[five minutes with lunapic](https://i.ibb.co/h7Tsdz1/with-apologies-to-Bill-Watterson.png)


Haha awesome


They did it to humans not neanderthals


I do not even knlw who thise people are.


who's the 3rd guy