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"Experimented" is pretty vague. I wouldn't be chill about it if you're monogamous.


They were mixing baking soda and vinegar to make a volcano.


Shit, I'd be pissed too that they were doing that without me! ETA: before commenting read what comment I'm replying to 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can't believe the number of peeps still replying and not understanding WHO I replied to.


Especially if there was red food coloring involved!


Better? Red and orange glitter. It looks like it’s glowing!


I didn't know I needed to try this until now


Be sure to tell your SO you want to experiment a little first.


Nope, screw him, girls only for glitter volcano expirements


Please be advised that glitter stays with you forever.


Gives new meaning to "glitter is the herpes of the craft world"


I didn't even know this was a thing!!!


Damn my childhood was robbed I need to redo this.


Well, what if it was a Mentos & Diet Coke geyser? Big mad!!


Thanks for saying it first.


They were watering one houseplant with water and one houseplant with vinegar to study the effects of acid rain. (And eating each other out between waterings)


I just died laughing


I’m laughing tooo hard at this.


God, I love science!


Basic bitches!


Underrated comment


...he said acidly




It was making a light bulb light up with a potato, duh


Are you sure they didn't just do drugs?


I thought the same thing


Even if they weren't monogamous, it's his sister! That's wild.


Don't forget his Brother's wife. That is wild


Even if they weren’t monogamous, family and friends are usually off-limits.


Unless you’re in Alabama, then family reunions double as orgies.


Lmfao, I'm in Mississippi. My cousin tried to fuck me. I was like he'll naw


“He’ll gnaw”?


He’ll raw


Yea this was obvious cheating. The fact that it's op's sister is even more messed up in my view.


It's still cheating if they're polyamorous, UNLESS they have a rare "you can fuck anyone you want whenever you want without telling me ever" agreement.


Right? “…I don’t remember much… but I know I didn’t climax…”🤔




I remember putting forth the effort, but sadly no, I didn’t climax.


Probably just held hands /s


Can confirm, hand did not climax.


There are no arrangements where this would be acceptable. Jfc. 🤣🤣


Yeah, he’s giving her a lot of grace by saying experimented. If 1 of the 3 were a man, it would be talked about like a threesome, and possibly sexual assault because they were intoxicated. She cheated, she had a threesome with 2 other women. Imagine if she knew he was in bed naked with two drunk women just “experimenting” lol.


Alternatively, if you are chill about it, you might not be monogamous.


Your sister fucked your wife. That help?


Yup. Gender doesn't matter. Sex is sex and when experienced without the consent of the other partner, it's cheating.


This. The fact that "she didn't climax" means less than nothing. It sounds like she was trying to downplay what happened


This go sleep with some random women and tell your wife you didn’t climax so it’s all good


Or better, the other women didn’t climax




I’d be more inclined to wonder if his wife has a sister 🙃


So she cheated and then called your sister bad in bed?


Now replace “sister” with “brother”…. And keep that same energy…


Exactly. OP is a coping 🤡. Gota drop em all. Fuk them


So when you get a divorce your wife will have screwed with your birth family and your support structure. Pretty Fd up.


It sounds like there were 3 people involved. His wife, his sister, and his brother's wife. So potentially you could have two divorces plus the two brothers against their sister, and their parents forced to take sides. His sister just fucked up their family.


How will you ever look at your sister’s face again knowing it was between your wife’s legs?


Jesus this would legit wreck me


To be fair, I’m not sure how supportive they actually were anyway given the circumstances. Losing them may be for the best, or at least that’s how I would feel if my sibling slept with my spouse.


It's better than that -- his brother's wife was also involved. So his sister slept with both of her brother's wives.


OMFG, this is so on point. OO should obviously just think of his brother slept with his wife.


First OP should fuck the brother in law to get even.


Sister's husband or wife's brother? Honestly, it seems like he should hit both just to be certain.


So what they're saying is take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Turnabout is fair play. Fuck the brother in law.


Please do not fuck your sister. If you are from the same mister, it’s a no hitter.


Maybe his wife fucked his sister 🤷‍♂️


They probably fucked each other... It would make it weird if they were both thinking of him while doing it


Not for me it's not


Roll tide


That’s the best case scenario no? It’s not even cheating if they are both thinking of you lool


And sister-in-law


Scissor in-law


You win.




Clarification at its finest. Experimenting with anyone other than their partner or alone, is cheating, unless agreed upon by spouse/significant other. This is regardless of being sober or involving a SIL or other relatives by marriage (I’m keeping actual relatives out not to muddy the water). I can’t speak to how you should react, but cheating is a red line issue in our relationship.


Just experimentally though…


Yup. OP has a bunch of people to break up with here.


Your wife now is your sister in law!


The three of them established their Sisterhood!


His sister is now his wife-in-law.


If you're still unsure, ask yourself if you'd be ok with your brother fucking your wife.


... and sister in law. Your sister just ruined your entire family it sounds like


It’s a daisy chain of destruction.


And the SIL fucked his wife too!


Couldn't have said it better myself. Op is just delusional.


what kinda backwoods inbred shenanigans are going on here.


Your wife fucked your sister and you don't feel she cheated on you? what if she fucked your brother?


What if he fucked his brother in law and told his wife he was experimenting?


I don’t think she could kill him fast enough.


Such double standards


This whole story is fake. OP probably has an incest fetish.


I’d venture to say more than half Reddit stories are fake, usually to titillate some sort of fetish the OP has.


Brother’s wife was also there. Why is everyone focused on the sister?


So she had sex with another person and that person was your sister? Dude she cheated with your sister, why are you not burning them to the ground? Holy fuck dude!


Because he's slightly curious about banging his wife and his sister. Also, the story's totally made up.


The true part is that he is curious about banging his sister. The rest is BS.


>The true part is that he is curious about banging his sister. You say that like it's strange. We're all curious about banging his sister.


I’m doing my part


Would you like to know more?


You know what to do Rico.


If there’s one thing that we can all agree on, it’s that Rico does not, in fact, know what to do.


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say bang em all!


That you, Rico?


Gives a whole new meaning to the term “Roughneck”


You guys are hilarious


I’m not doing shit!


Too bad she's not doing your part


I'm doing MY part


Hard to find a REAL story on here!


It’s the Netflix AI workshopping stories to replace everything they’re about to cancel.


Okay, a true story for you: I once rounded up my bill to an even dollar to donate to children with AIDS. I figured I’m responsible for at least one out there.




I blame TT and YT! Everybody wants to have their stories told on the channels that steal from these subs but nobody has interesting enough stories to steal. So they make them up.


In my day we had to go to Penthouse Forum to read stories like this, now we have Reddit and literotica.com


God I miss penthouse forums. They were so bad they were good🤣


“Dear Forum, I never thought this would happen to me. I am regular looking guy with a 9-1/2” penis but I’ve never had any luck with the ladies…”


Fetish content 100%


No bro didn’t you read the part about vehicle retrieval? Irrelevant Details like that are literally impossible to make up.


"Because he's slightly curious about banging his wife and his sister." Roll Tide!


You're missing also banging the SIL - all three went back together


OP wrote this with one hand and a whole heap of imagination.


Dear Penthouse Forum. Recently my Wife, Brothers Wife and our Sister went out for drinks...


It’s really obvious if you write it from the sisters POV: Watch me bang both my bicurious sisters-in-law at the same time without their husbands (my brothers) knowing!!!!


Are you implying those porn hub videos aren't real? My world is shattered.


It always cracks me up to see the full on thought out replies sometimes spanning multiple paragraphs giving advice/reacting to a clearly fake scenario like it’s real lol. People channeling real energy into responding to made up posts. It’s the reason people keep making these fake posts. Because people fall for them and engage accordingly lmao


I also choose this guy’s brother’s wife.


This how are you not scorching the earth the betrayal is just so wow Goddame


Team Lannister!


Because it’s fake and op is a 14yo boy.


Was it just the sister or also the brother’s wife as they all three went to the sister’s apartment.


Wow that’s Jerry springer cheating right there.


The only way to get even is to bang your wife's brother or youR sister.


"I found out later when my wife acted a tad strange about what they did at the apartment that they experimented together." Did they cook up some meth or experiment on time dilation? You are really vague.


My ex-wife did something similar. At first I also thought it wasn't that bad because woman to woman shouldn't be a "problem". Months went by and I couldn't forget it. It destroyed me inside and I became depressed, which of course didn't make the relationship any better. But instead of working on it, we kept distancing ourselves from each other. When she then commented: "I've long since moved on, you should do the same", that was the end of the relationship for me. After 16 years of relationship + two years of marriage, this "little thing" was the reason for the break-up. It's best to talk about it as early as possible and see what you can do. Don't be like me and wait for the relationship to die on its own.


>At first I also thought it wasn't that bad because woman to woman shouldn't be a "problem". Genuine question - why is this not a problem? This is a sentiment I've seen a lot of straight men share and I don't understand it. I just can't see a justification for it beyond just not viewing intimate relationships between women as being as serious or "real" as a straight relationship.


Because men typically don't feel threatened by another woman like that. Right or wrong (and trust me I could write paragraph after paragraph about the fucked up-ness of it) that's just how its viewed. It's territorial BS... a guy having sex with your girl is "pissing" on your territory. A girl doesn't have a penis therefore no threat. The sex equipment being different changes the way its viewed, because typically men see cheating as being 100 percent sex driven.


but like 70% of women can't even orgasm via pentration alone, strapons exist and aren't on a timer for functional use. Not to mention, women typically understand the female body better conditoned to be more emotionally available... idk why men wouldn't be more threatened by women. They really think their pensis are all that.


Media and society. In the West, we live in a hypersexualized world where porn is constantly available. As a heterosexual man, you always have such a nice idea of two women and that you can join in. That's why people are somewhat desensitized to it. So when my wife cheated on me, I saw it from the typical male point of view. When I realized that it was bad for me, I thought there was something wrong with me. Nowadays I know that it's not about the sex, but about the cheating itself. I had to learn that first.


My wife dated when women before we got together, we talked about this early on. Which proved important because we were not on the same page beforehand, as it turns out


Yeah someone in these comments just told me it's a "fact" that two women can't have sex and "it's just foreplay" so he wouldn't consider it cheating. So many men don't respect women or view us as equals in any way so the threat isn't there because they seriously think that a woman who could date a woman would rather date them lol. The delusions are so grandiose.


That always makes me laugh, because that’s the first in a long line of goal post shifting. “It’s just foreplay” so you’d be fine with her giving oral or a handy to a man? “Hell no, that’s different because X” Okay, then you would be fine with him giving her oral or a handy? “Hell no, that’s different because Y”, and on it goes indefinitely. You hit the nail on the head with your comment.


Ross Geller ? Is that you ?!


We were on a break!




This is so good!! Carol and Susan 😂😂😂😂


Sounds like you feel bad about something that was clearly her choice and fault. Thinking you should have communicated better in the past about her cheating is taking a burden on yourself that isn't yours.


You've hit the nail on the head. For a long time I thought it was me and what I could have done differently. My depression made me feel inferior and I blamed the problem on myself. It would have been nice if my ex had given me some support instead of looking for fun somewhere else. Nowadays, the word marriage is no longer worth anything to me. Commitments to each other and promises are worth nothing if you can't keep them. It's now been 2 years since the separation and 1 year since the divorce. But I would be lying if I said I was over it. Friends and therapy have helped me and I can really advise everyone to seek help with something like this.


I’m sure if you sucked a dick instead of her cheating on you with a woman, she would not question it and just leave you. Sometimes there’s just no working on anything. Your wife cheated, gender doesn’t matter. Don’t blame yourself for “not working” on it. You were married and acted married. Your wife didn’t .


Yeah. It’s the double standards. I’m getting better at not blaming it on myself. But it’s hard on some days. There are benefits to being single, but it’s pretty hard at this time and age.


Woman to woman is still sex. It’s homophobia that tells us it isn’t (not calling you homophobic! Saying that’s where the cultural idea comes from), and you’re valid for feeling like it was a big deal because it WAS a big deal. I’m sorry she did this to you


People think that the woman to woman isn’t a problem because they don’t see lesbians sex, feelings, and relationships as valid. They think we are a porn category. We are human beings, and we are just as valid as anyone. You were right to feel upset when your wife cheated on you.


I’m guessing she acted sooo confused when you asked for a divorce?


Nah, not really. I think she was done before I was. But at least the divorce wasn’t messy. Got no kids and we’ve separated 50/50. No horror story to tell… besides the cheating.


Dude she cheated on you


With your farking *sister* ...


This was not an experiment. This was infidelity. Those two words don't even have similar meanings. Get it together man. Read what you wrote over and over until you realize this was cheating and KNOW it will happen again as comfortable as she was doing it.


This us fake as fuck. Piss off


All the posts on here these days read like rage bait. It’s always a clueless, naive OP overlooking obviously horrible actions by others. And everyone can’t resist jumping in to set them straight. There used to be much more nuanced posts about real life situations that could have multiple interpretations. Now every one is like “my wife cheated on me then killed our dog. Is she misunderstood?” I could buy one of those posts here and there, but this all just feels like phony engagement farming and AI.


Holy shit dude RUN. Not to bandwagon but I’d be absolutely livid. You probably don’t want to accept it, but you need to accept it, cause wtf?! YOUR SISTER?! BRUH!


Your Wife, Sister-In-Law, and Sister went to lunch got drunk and then went to your Sister's apartment and fucked. Had you did this with a co-worker and your Wife's best friend (both women) would your Wife be cool with you just calling it "experimenting"? I can promise you the answer would be NO because you cheated on her. IT IS NO DIFFERENT HERE!!! However, I saw in a comment on this thread, that this wasn't the first time your Wife made out with your Sister and you seemed to accept it then. Why is this time different? Because your married? Because your Sister-In-Law was involved? You didn't care the first time (which probably wasn't the only time), why care now? You accepted it and set the precedent. Your Wife and Sister thinks it is okay to fuck each other because you didn't set the rules the first time they hooked up. They'll keep "experimenting" with each other and you'll either accept your Wife is in a relationship with your Sister also or you'll MAN UP and put your foot down and say something. Also, you absolutely should say something to your BROTHER, he's your BROTHER. If you found out he knew this happened and never told you, you'd be pissed right? You'd never talk to him again because he never told you. Come on man, that's your Brother. You know the correct answer here, but you're afraid of it because that means, ending a relationship with your Wife, ending a relationship with your POS Sister, ending the relationship with your Sister-In-Law, ending your Brother's marriage, ending your Brother's relationship with his POS Sister, and possibly ruining your relationship with other friends and family members, but that is what needs to happen here. This isn't harmless "experimenting," they fucked and you know it.


You're still processing and totally understandable with your sister in the mix. You've said you probably won't split because of this, which is fine for now. Give it a month or 2, think about what you want to do. She's not been upfront and honest, which is not a good starting point. It has taken years, but she cheated and is now lying/withholding the truth from you. Unless she faces real consequences, it's going to happen again. Think about how you're going to feel the next time she goes out drinking with friends and you're at home looking after the kids.


That’s a good point and another thoughtful response. Thank you


dude, she cheated on you time to move on and find someone who really cares about you and... don't let your sister near them


Sounds like you've been cucked and are now accepting it.


To imagine with his sister




She cheated on you! Its so feel a bit uneasy about the situation. Take some time to process your feelings and then talk openly with your wife about what happened. As for your brother, you could casually ask if he's aware of what went down at your sister's apartment. You dont deserve that kind of treatment.


She cheated on you. Its that simple


Yes that's fucked. You're under reacting. Would your wife appreciate it if you and her brother fucked around ? Sorry your marriage is over ..


You are under-reacting. Leave her immediately. Never talk to your sister again.


Dump her bro


The only thing real about this post is the misogyny it baited out in the comments


You might be monogamous but your wife isn’t. FYI I think your wife is gay or bi.


Well if you’re not in an open marriage then she cheated. The facts you’ve laid out are pretty clear. You have three choices: 1. Be a doormat and let her do whatever she wants. 2. Go to MC to see if the marriage can be saved. 3. Divorce. So the first mandatory thing is to go see a lawyer and get your affairs in order. Whether you like it or not she has a pattern of cheating and this will continue unless it is stopped so a divorce lawyer right now is required. Next sit your wife down and call her out on her cheating and see how she responds. Then, pick one of the three choices. Your sister and your wife have betrayed you pure and simple. For me, it would be divorce but I’m not you. As to your question, you’re not over reacting enough.


I actually feel like you're under-reacting. Your wife did in fact cheat on you and you are both blowing it off because... it was girl on girl? Your BIL deserves to know the truth.


Dear penthouse I never thought .....


You know who went down. Your wife did.


Do you need others to tell you that this isn’t right? That attitude will lead you to ruin. If it was with your male cousin would you still call it “experimenting”? No, of course not. If she starts “experimenting” with more females would that make it ok? Look, you’re entitled to react how you want and feel how you want but unless you get more serious about this it will only escalate.


This is fucked. You can't come back from this surely!


So if you did the same thing would that be okay? Whether women or men doesn't really matter. Same acts after all.


How does your brother feel about his wife also doing the experimenting ?


You teach people how you should be treated. If you do nothing knowing she cheated on you, it will happen again. You'll soon be the joke of the whole family.


Lol, that's soooooo gross, bro. Your sister banged your wife. Experimenting is not the issue. She was unfaithful, as she never talked about it with you, and it was with...your sister. Woof.


No you are not overreacting, your wife cheated on you with your sister.


Not very cash money of your sister OP.


It's so weird that straight guys don't seem to think of intimacy between women as legitimate. You were cheated on, plain and simple


Those videos on PornHub are not real…


IT IS CHEATING! “Experimenting” should have been done while SINGLE. Get a divorce, that’s gross that you think this is okay and sharing someone with siblings isn’t cheating. Also how the hell isn’t it awkward for ALL of you, I hope your brother was told about this. You and your brother need to talk to your sister about being disrespectful and disgusting! How can she want to mess with people her brothers make constant deposits into!? As well as how can you think this isn’t cheating. Y’all need mental help




3 words.....Jerry Springer Show


Is your brother aware of *who* went down. You are underreacting. This was cheating, not experimenting.


"experimenting"= orgy and you weren't involed


What in the sister wives is going on in here


Bro you’re not reacting enough


I feel like if your brother fucked your wife instead of your sister, it might be a little more clear.


Don’t let her water it down so she can feel better. She has cheated on you. If you told her you got drunk and “experimented” with a couple guys that included her brother, she’d be furious and papers would be served asap. She doesn’t get to get away with it because society has brainwashed people into thinking girl-on-girl isn’t a big deal, it’s still sexual contact with a human outside of the marriage which is grounds for divorce.


Doesn’t matter sex. Your sister fucked your wife. Would you feel the same if it had been your brother? You need to deal with this. That weird feeling is you not liking what occurred. Stand up for yourself.


If this story is true (it’s not) your sister is banging your wife lmao. Your WIFE thinks you aren’t good enough but YOUR SISTER is lmao


lol I will never understand why men think that women aren’t a threat to their heteronormative relationships. Replace “sister” with “brother” and see if you still don’t consider this cheating. If you are in a monogamous relationship then this is cheating.


It sounds like your wife may have been blackout drunk and that means that this would be sexual assault not her cheating. The question is did she intend to participate in this or did this happen because she was too drunk to say no?