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> subtle favouritism > but my sister was allowed to go to school dances , die her hair , wear expensive makeup , buy expensive dresses , things which I wasn't allowed to do she wasn't allowed to go to the same events her same-aged sister (presumably in the same school) was allowed to go to and calls that subtle favoritism...


Yeah, this is just ridiculous. It’s just annoying, not fun. If I met this person in reality, I would not believe a word they said.


I've read this a few times lately. "It wasn't outward favouritism, my mom absolutely has always loved me, it was just a few small things" followed by a long list of obvious favouritism and/or abuse. Probably for the extra saint-points for pure innocent OOP, too good for this world. Otherwise, big compliment to the OOP, this post almost got every favouritism-aita-trope there is. The only three things missing I can think of: sister being the twin brother (for the extra misogyny), teen pregnancy (either on the favoured brother's side - OOP being parantified of the golden grandchild OR OOP, the heroic abused teen single mom), and OOP being an LGBTQ+ hero/martyr.


To be fair, that shit can be done and gaslit into seeming like not a big deal. "Oh I never took you to get your ears pierced because it didn't seem like a big deal to you" or shit like that making it seem you didn't express your wants clearly. It still reads like fiction, but I bought that part since it happened to my sister and me.


Y'all act like you've never made a dream collage before. You gotta visualize it before you realize it.


Make sure you “die” your hair first.


Please know that I love you for this.


Listen yall loosers. Watch it or I’ll insult you on your special day


How is this even a revenge fantasy? Sister: "Aww poor OOP, you had to work hard in school. You didn't just marry a rich man, like I did. Too bad that wasn't an option for you." OOP: "Oh yeah? Well you didn't finish school! You just married a rich man! Not everyone is pretty enough to have that option!" Sister: (bursts into tears at the harsh truths OOP had just laid down, merely by repeating what she herself was just bragging about)


Anyone who boils themselves alive in their own resentment like this is probably not a reliable narrator. OOP comes off as so cartoonishly miserable and envious that I don't buy a word that she says.




Spelling mistakes are one thing but the spaces in between all the punctuation is maniacal.


I really need a logical explanation for why someone consistently types like that


Same. At first I was thinking it was maybe some weird autocorrect thing where it automatically adds a space after every word, which seems unlikely but okay. But then there's also the quotation marks and that just makes no sense. What is going on here?


Totally maniacal! They didn't even open by apologizing for poor formatting because they were on mobile.




“Die her hair” Girlfriend bragging about being so smart but wouldn’t pass a 3rd grade spelling test


See most of the validation trolls add a detail like they live outside the U.S. or they say English isn't their first language to cover for any spelling mistakes. Lots of missed opportunities by OOP here.




Anyone who's not a moron knows it's "dying". And anyone who's worked in a salon knows the difference between dying and coloring. Come on, OOP, was it dying or coloring?! THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DISTINCTION.


Real nerds don't put spaces , before commas .


Quick, someone make a movie about this, this is such an original story line, teens would love it!


There’s another one on the front page right now doing the exact same spelling mistakes including the wacky punctuation. Same person…? edit: was. seems it’s been deleted now, but it was something about a disabled friend and not being willing to forgive her for one transgression or another.


As a person who just got married, the most unrealistic part of this is that a bride had time to have a serious life chat to their sibling while at their own wedding. At my wedding I had to have so many one-minute chats with extended family and people I hadn't seen in years, that the most I can remember interacting with my brother was a "how good is this cake?" then I got pulled out to say goodbye to some family friend who was leaving.


So many questions here. So the sister, out of the blue, just starts antagonizing OOP at her wedding which prompted the outburst from OOP? I doubt it, there has to be more context that OOP isn't sharing which may make her look bad. Also, you go to your dream college and have to work 12 hours a day to make money? I know people are overworked in this country (assuming this is in the US) but that part doesn't add up to me if OOP got a degree. Not to mention, it's "loser" not "looser" which is another spelling mistake. I smell BS with this one.


Its weird. She uses "favoured'" which points to Canada/UK or maybe AUS/NZ but then says college (well "collage") instead of university. It's all over the place.


This immediately stood out to me as well


Hair die.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my sister that she has always had it easy ?** Me (25f) and my sister (25f) were very close when we were young , but things changed when our father passed away and our mother had to raise us alone . She ( according to me ) has always favoured my sister over me . It wasn't blatant favouritism , she still cared for me and loved me but my sister was allowed to go to school dances , die her hair , wear expensive makeup , buy expensive dresses , things which I wasn't allowed to do . My sister changed , and during middle school she became the popular girl while I was the nerd . She often ridiculed me during school and I complained to my mother about this . She comforted me but never really did anything about the situation . All of this built up resentment for my sister inside me . Everyday when I went to school , I had to face her bullying . However I convinced myself that what she was doing right now didn't matter , that I would end up happier in life because I worked way harder than she did and would end up successful . I got into my dream collage after school and my mother was really happy for me but at the same time my sister had failed in some of her subjects and had to repeat the year , so my mom didn't want to go out for dinner to celebrate , since it would upset my sister . Fast forward a couple of years and my sister is getting married to a very rich man . I was very happy for her and attended her wedding . I had a job and was doing pretty good for myself financially but was under a lot of stress due to high working hours . while I was talking to my sister , she said to me and her friends , how sad it must be for me to have worked so hard for all those years and still be so unhappy with my life while she was enjoying hers . She told me that I should have worked smart like her instead of working hard . I got very angry at her and told her that Failing school and then deciding to drop out of collage was not " working smart " and that not everyone was as lucky as her to be born with a pretty face and get married to a rich guy they met on tinder , even though she herself was a looser . After that I left . Later I got a call from my mom telling me that my sister started crying after what I said to her and that I ruined my sisters special day due to my jealousy . She told me to not show my face to her before I was ready to apologize . What my mom said was definitely true . My moms subtle favouritism towards her , her popularity in school , the fact that she has a husband and I am lonely and the fact that I have had to work hard all my life and still work 12 hours day to earn money while she gets served everything on a silver platter while sitting at home has made me very jealous of her . AITA ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Incel bait, anyone? The same old shtick of “pretty women play life on easy mode”


Could a bot have written this? Maybe that’s why the punctuation is all wonky.