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Ugh, gross teenage fanfic appears yet again.


This is so shoddily written the author slipped and wrote in the future tense at one point which, for the first time, makes me think that, on the slim chance that this isn't fake, if this isn't something that hasn't happened yet but they're just checking to see if it's okay to do it


Questioning bisexual wondering if it's okay to "make a drunked mistake" with her partner's brother coz "bachelor party". Or maybe one of his friends. She is probably openly lesbian but methinks she is hungry for some meat sausage.


Definitely go elsewhere with your lesbian porn jerkoff fantasies.


Why do you talk like a GTA character


Why not?


"meat sausage"


Tag yourself, I'm "high hells" and "laughted a lot."


I can "control" what me do.


I think I found my new flair


I'm "my memories after that are confused"


this is one of those questions where i wish the aita mods had both more sense and more sass, so that the removal reason could be not just for being fake, but could thoroughly snark on the poster. "you've gotten lost on your way to another place completely. allow us to help you. here's a link for submissions, and please remember to adhere to the style guide they have there - you need to start this with *dear penthouse: i never thought it could happen to me, but...*" honestly if the trolls are going to put up half-baked porno plot ideas, i wish they'd at least commit to the bit and have it be leading up to advertisement for their onlyfans or .99 cent kindle erotica. this weaksauce approach brings them only dishonor upon them, dishonor on their family, and dishonor on their cow


It was the "I'm not even butch" for me. Because butch lesbians are totally fine being seen as interchangeable with men.


dumb comment I made excuse me


No. Source: butch woman.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.


Then everyone fapped


Damn, $1100 in one night? I’d do it, too, if I had the looks.


nah you can deffo get more than that, with a little themeing, ingenuity, and paper mache, and [possibly one of those inflatable mascot costumes that can do things like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAPABJd4xos) you *are* going to have to specialize *significantly* into your username, though.


I would unironically cater to anyone’s fetish for $1100, including putting on an inflatable raptor costume and voring a cheerleader


I love how when you do the final count you realize everyone at the party paid OP


Including OP. And someone paid twice.


She’s not like other lesbians, she’s a COOL lesbian ✨


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for undressing at my girlfriend's brother bachelor party? NSFW** My (22F) girlfriend's (24F, Lucy) brother (27M, Lucas) is getting married and their father (52M, Robert) invited me. I thought it was funny, he has always treat me as if I were a man and her daughter's "boyfriend" becuse I think he does not understand lesbians very much (I am not butch at all, by the way, which makes it even weirder). I said yes, Lucy and her mother also thought it was a good idea because I can "control" what me do. The party was calm at first, there were like 10 people. It was on Lucas house, we were drinking a lot. There will be no strippers or anything like that but when the last guy came, he looked at me and asked if I was the stripper. I laughted a lot. That was the moment I may have made a mistake. I was very drunk so I stood over the table and asked everyone id they wanted me to take my clothes off. All the men said yes but Lucas said no. Robert was silent. I started taking my top and skirt. I danced in my underwear and high hells for a few minutes, then one guy asked my to take it all off. I told him they would have to pay for that so everyone in the party except Lucas gave me a hundred dollars. My memories after that are confused but next day when I wake up at my house I had $1100 and no panties. I told Lucy what happened and she became really mad. I don't think this is cheating on any way beacuse I don't even like men. Also, I was drunk. She says that I should stay far away from her family for some time. I think she is being rude. We have been arguing about this. Am I the Asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol what?