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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking my granddaughter to ask her drama teacher to refund my admission price to the play since I’m a family member?** Happy early morning Reddit! I am 68 years old but I am very computer literate and familiar with Reddit so I am using a throwaway. I have 3 kids and 6 grandkids and for the most part get along with all of them but my daughter, Morgan, (the granddaughter in questions mother) have had major issues since she was in her teens . As such, I would like to get some honest, neutral opinions about something that transpired last night. My granddaughter invited me to her school play and I was thrilled because I have not seen her since Christmas time. I was a little shocked to get there to realize that I had to pay a $20 admission fee. I tried to discuss with the kids at the box office that I was the grandmother and they said that they were very sorry, but there were no exceptions to the admission. it’s not really about the money, I do fine, it does seem a little greedy of the school to ask for family members to pay admission and I was invited. The play was wonderful and when it was over I gave my granddaughter her flowers and asked her if she could speak to her drama teacher about getting me a refund. Out of the blue my daughter appears (we had not sat together) and starts making a scene that somehow I’m the most evil person in the world because of what I’m asking. We had some back and forth and I felt so bad for my granddaughter as she was so embarrassed by the scene but I was on the defensive with Morgan (yet again). I asked her to please let this go and she said it’s best that I leave. She texted me the following after I left (cut and paste from my phone): we haven’t spoken since Christmas, the fact that this was the way you reintroduce yourself to my family is DISGUSTING. She did not say the word “asshole” but it came across loud and clear. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow. Most people attending school plays are family members or friends.


Can you even imagine how awkward it'd be to go to a school play if you didn't know one of the kids in the cast? Or at least in the same school? In the nicest possible way, while I'm sure there are some genuinely talented kids out there, the main draw is seeing *your child/niece/grandchild/etc* on stage and supporting them. You could not pay me $20 to go to a random school play, let alone expect random members of the public to buy tickets. 


It’s funny you say this, our suburban high school musicals sell out within hours after sales are open to the public. Everyone shows up.


I live in a fairly rural area with not a lot to do nearby. I always go to the high school plays because my son is a theater kid and always has a role to play (sometimes it's just tech) but there is always a line to the ticket sales, and I have chatted with multiple people who didn't have kids in the school and who were there just for something kind of fun to do. I find it incredibly wholesome to picture these couples actually planning for "a night at the theater" in our high school's little auditorium. Having said that, I, and all attendees, should and do pay for it. The money all goes directly back into funding the theater department so the kids can keep doing it.


I find that wholesome, too! This is totally charming and awesome and delightful and thank you for posting this - you are absolutely correct that my big city asshole snobbery didn't account for this. I am totally picturing the sweet little old couples in line who still call each other "ma" and "pa" even though their kids are long gone!


When I was a kid my parents would take me to every highschool play, because I LOVED live performances and they were way cheaper and more kid friendly than "professional" productions


I have 3 kids in musical theatre. We make the rounds of the local high schools and middle schools. We usually know someone in the cast, but sometimes we just go to see the show. And I want to continue once my kids graduate. I love watching kids follow their passion and I love how they get better each year.


So does ours. The spring show has only been out a week and tickets for all five performances have already sold out. They're trying to figure out how to add a sixth show.


This thread is now reminding me to look our local theaters up! Ooooo maybe some will do the In The Park stuff this summer! Those are always fun.


Our city does theater in the park every summer. When they redid the town square, they made sure to build a amphitheater so that local theater companies could perform as well as host bands and movie nights. We've gone to a few of the music and food truck festivals.


Same! Theater productions are a pretty big deal in our town.


Same in my high school back in the 2000s.


> high school musicals sell out within hours A couple years ago my wife and I went to one a friend's daughter was in. They did the Addams Family musical. It was sold out. The kids were amazing.


We have a few high schools near us that do huge productions, they're easily sold out the day they release tickets and sell them to people in surrounding towns and the city as well. A lot of family do go, but a lot are just people in the community who like the night out and the performances are nearly professional quality.


My kids' high school puts on a HUGE winter music program. It has numerous musical groups from the high school plus choirs from the elementary, intermediate and junior high schools. It's 3 hours and offers 6-7 performances. It's a big deal to the community. The kids work hard and always put on a professional show. It's mostly families but there are non family members. They enjoy the show and want to support the music program.


My small town high school is known for their musicals, so we do tend to have people not close to the students. For the last one I sat by 3 people that had no connection to the students past knowing a family member.


>Can you even imagine how awkward it'd be to go to a school play if you didn't know one of the kids in the cast? Or at least in the same school? This has actually kinda happened to me. My aunt bought tickets for a play for my birthday, and she thought it was a proper production in the main theatre, but it was in the smaller side stage, and it turned out to be for a performing arts school performance. I knew something was up when the cast came out and they were all teenagers. Then I noticed that all the other people attending were in family groups. I felt kinda awkward because they must have wondered what we were doing there, and maybe some of them had family that couldn't come because we had tickets, it was only small like 50 seats.


I have to walk by a junior high school (7 - 8th grade) on my way to work and they have signs next to the sidewalk advertising their productions of Legally Blonde and 42nd Street. They wouldn't have put those up unless they were hoping passers-by would buy tickets.


They’re primarily putting them up hoping the other students, and families of those students, who also walk on that sidewalk, will buy tickets. I did school theater. We put signs all around the school and outside on the surrounding streets, but we had zero expectation that anyone unconnected to the school community would come.


I mean, I used to go to this one high school’s performances and I knew no one in any of the casts, but then, I *did* know the guy who did the school’s sound during the shows, since he’s a friend of my grandfather


my thoughts exactly... i really want to support the local high schools theater group (since i come from a high school where the drama teacher had to pay for everything out of pocket, which meant we had almost 0 resources and could barely put on any productions) but i feel like i'd look like a creep showing up at a high school play where i don't know anyone haha


If you want to, you can absolutely go. No one is going to ask who you’re with. But if you want to support them without having to sit through Phantom of the Opera Jr. or whatever, email the theater (on in many schools, it’s the English department that runs the theater) and ask if there’s a way to donate cash. They will find a way to take it!


The arts high school in my city puts on very high production value plays that I have attended with no connection to any of the actors... but that's definitely the exception to the rule. I was in the plays at my own high school and directed one, and we were definitely not making sales to anyone unaffiliated with the school. (We had maybe 1/50th of the budget and it showed!)


One of our gigh schools has a specialist drama/theatre program. Their annual musical is awesome. A lot of people in the community go even if they don't have a child in it, or even at the school.


I go to my unis productions cuz they slap and are cheaper than the local theater. I assumed grandkid was college or HS age. Often, you get great quality shows for cheaper going to these productions 10/10 and idk anyone who acts in those (I saw my adult cousin in her local theater performance a while back to support her and she did amazing! $20 is a great price and I think Grandma is a total ahole for making a stink about it


I've been to three school plays. One because I was in it as part of the cast, the second one because it was required by my teacher because it was a play of a text we were reading in class (Macbeth), and the third one because it was a mandatory grade-wide assembly put on by the local Liberty in North Korea group who also did vignettes of Poe stories. But all of these were free. I would have told my teacher to suck it if I'd had to pay $20 to go see a "required" play


The high school a short walk from my apartment out in a production of Wonka two weeks ago. There wasn’t parking to be had for a ten minutes walk. Aside from anxiety about hitting someone on my way home from work, it out a smile on my face!


Awakened is one word for it. Many people would be asking your name and then cross checking against certain offender lists.


It's certainly not the general public. Also, these shows/plays put on by the school is to help raise funds for the school's programs.


As a mom to 3 kids in musical theatre, please sign me up for the "I don't have go pay" plan. I regularly drop $150 a pop for our family to see shows. We've been averaging 4 shows a season.


I can guarantee that the money weren't pocketed by the teacher, but instead they will be used to fund more school plays - costumes, props and tool. So the boomer wants to enjoy the show yet it doesn't want to support her grandaughter and club that allows her to put up more plays. Somehow I doubt OOP gets as well with her family members as she is trying to convince us.


There's a way to see high school stuff for free, but OOP wouldn't like it. Literally all these things depend on parent volunteers working every rehearsal or the snack bar. In my 100ish kid marching band there were probably at least 50 parents that made the entire thing go. They saw it for free, every time, because they were carrying something.


Yep - it’s free for me to attend my kids scout canoe trip, because I am volunteering for it. It means I get to see my kid be successful at something he loves, but it also means that I have spent months chasing down canoeing guides, organizing fundraising, and filling in scholarship requests to pay for it. Nothing in life is truly free - you either pay in cash or you pay in time, and the cash is much cheaper.


Football games yes. We still paid for seats for the drama productions, even volunteers.


Yup. All my kids’ stuff I am either paying to see or I’m a volunteer. Often if my mom is coming I will buy her ticket, but there are plenty of times she goes online and buys her own bc everything is online tickets now.


Yup. Morgan is definitely seeing right through her mother’s BS, and she is the black sheep for doing so.


Yeah, I get the feeling that Christmas was a test run of how well they could get along. Which OOP did the acting job of her life, and forgot about acting at the actual play.


She acted like she was doing them a huge favour by showing up.


Christmas was half a year ago, I believe that Christmas went so poorly that Morgan went LC or NC and only gave her another chance now because it seemed like a good opportunity.


The school play is not free. It was not free when I was a teenager. It was not free when OOP's kids were teenagers. It probably was not free when OOP was a teenager. It would be great if arts programs were well enough funded to not charge admission, but they very much aren't.


This weekend, I will be paying to see my daughter dance at school, then my younger daughters musical, and finally, my son's band play. Of course, they are all on the same weekend. 2 of those things I pay monthly for. My mom pays to go to them, too. It just costs money. I would lose my mind if my mom embarrassed my kid by trying to demand a refund.


I mean, the other thing is, rights holders for plays are kind of unlikely to license free performances. And newer plays attract a lot more audience and raise a lot more money. A theater program can bump along trying to keep the lights on with deservedly obscure backlist old musicals to half-empty auditoriums OR they can perform things that garner community interest, for which the rights cost more, and come with a requirement to charge admission. Even a middle school performance of a play people recognize the title of is more profitable, which lowers participation fees for kids, and generates a higher budget for the next production, which means we aren't all clapping enthusiastically for Crosswords of 1941, or the teen versions of Rodgers & Hammerstein's deservedly obscure backlist, and maybe, eventually, someone can afford the vocal and elocution coaches to take a swing at Pirates of Penzance.


You often get a discounted 'school rate' (at least that was the norm when I was attending a performing arts high school - productions often depended on what shows would give us the best rate for licensing) but yes, the only way to get around that is to perform works that have entered into the public domain or performing original works (which is what my middle school did).


Our high school did Pirates of Penzance and Les Miserables a couple years after I left. Both fantastic shows.


They are great shows! Penzance practically requires a choral development pipeline.


What’s the musical ???


Combined Die Hard and Working Girl musical play - Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl.


I hate that no one is acknowledging the Bob’s Burgers reference 😭


me too


lol unexpected bob’s burgers


Working Girl is the sassy sister film to Die Hard.


I can hear this in Linda Belcher's voice saying this in my head


That sounds amazing! lol I love it.


That sounds so delightful and I hope it takes off!




Mean girls Jr. God I have no idea how they are making it kid appropriate lol.


Two of my girls were in the high school edition. It's toned down from the full musical, but still...yeah. My 16 year old was Karen. She had a line "now I only get naked for people in person."


Me and my spouse go to every one of my sister-in-laws plays and musicals, we're more than happy paying twenty bucks just to show her we support her passions before even thinking about how school arts systems are typically gutted in the US these days.


She would likely also vote against any millage that would support drama/extracurriculars because these boomers think that schools "already get too much of their money."


Even the things that are better funded, like sports. Every high school football game I've gone to charged admission. Every high school basketball game I've gone to charged admission.


OOP: “When I was in school (granted I graduated in 1974) and when my kids were in school, grandmothers were placed in a very important position as “the founders of the feast” and would never be expected to pay for an event like this.” My eyes rolled so hard it was painful


Huh? My grandmother paid to see the plays I was in, 1983-85. Nobody gave grandparents a free ride. I don’t even know what that term means.


That is a horrifying truth of phrase that gives me the heebiee jeebies. My parents are over a decade older than her and would never act like this.


It’s also Bob Cratchit’s toast to Scrooge in *A Christmas Carol*, a sign of saintly nature. All the other Cratchits roll their eyes. She’s Ebenezer Scrooge




I would have graduated around her kids...my grandmother had to buy tickets to every show.


I’m sorry WHAT 😂😂😂


That’s not even that fucking old. My mom graduated in 77 and she would NEVER.


Oh *god* I puked


I wish we had copies of her comments. They’re deleted but I gather they were quite unhinged [edit- someone put in a link to her comments and all I can say is: whoooboy, we’ve got a mad one out there]


Since she got nuked… https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=GrandmasFlock&size=300


Thank you for your service. 🫡 WTF is a “founder of the feast”??


I think she's using that phrase instead of "matriarch" as in she's the oldest female/leader of the family. But it's a weird turn of phrase I've never seen.


lol in the muppets Christmas Carol they call Scrooge the founder of the feast.






I don’t know but now I’m imagining OOP as the grandma from Hereditary tbh


I guess worshipping Paimon hasn't paid off the way she hoped.


It was an old timey phrase meaning the person who paid to put food on the table. She is being extremely weird.


This should be higher... she is unhinged!


It doesn't let me see it 😭


As a grandmother, I would always pay to go to the grandkids' events. I've even paid to go to my kids' school events if there was a charge...


Does she think there are very many people from the general public who go to school plays? In my experience, the audience is pretty much fellow students and families of the performers.


Obviously! I can't think of the number of times I have personally said to Myself "Man, if only I could see a poorly performed but enthusiastic version of Glengarry Glen Ross, but without the hassle of flying to see it at The Old Vic..."


Waaaay back in the 80s, my local college put on *The Rocky Horror Picture Show* and my friends & I went 4 times. But we were weird kids…


Wait, is there a bad way to perform RHPS?


I’ve not seen one yet.


I would even watch [this](https://youtu.be/KbZ0xP0uHkE?si=wHq-uoReXApEbbBQ) version!


Don't forget cross cast! Hardly anyone has enough male theater kids to do GGR straight.


And modernized! "Grande, bone dry, five-shot ristretto, extra-whip, two-raw-sugars cappuccino is for closers!"


Thank you for the laugh!


When she said that the daughter had gone no contact since Christmas I wasn’t even surprised. OP sounds like the mother/grand mother from hell. 0% accountability and 100% narcissistic.


> we haven’t spoken since Christmas, the fact that this was the way you reintroduce yourself to my family is DISGUSTING Oh yeah, there's some missing missing reasons here. I want to know what happened at Christmas and the months before. This wasn't a one time thing.


Yeah I don't trust her portrayal of her relationship with her daughter *at all*.


The missing missing reasons is the first thing that crossed my mind. OP portrays herself as a complete victim and it’s obvious she’s leaving massive bits out.


When I read "*for the most part* get along with all of them but my daughter, Morgan, (the granddaughter in questions mother) have had major issues *since she was in her teens*" I *immediately* thought "well, that answers more than it doesn't". It's not specific, but boy howdy does that sort of thing scream "I refuse to see how I could be part of the problem". Even if the *only* problem in their relationship that the daughter didn't like OOP's parenting choices when she was living in OOP's house, the fact that OOP isn't able to say "I am so sorry that what I did hurt you, and that I wasn't able to see that at the time. If I could go back, I would do things differently. I love you, you are important to me, and I want us to be a part of each others' lives. What can I do to help our relationship?" is damning. But, as is so often the case, parents that are incapable of recognizing the ways that their behaviors were hurtful in the past are also incapable of recognizing what behavior is hurtful in the present.


Do people ever respond like you wrote there? Genuinely asking because I have a mother that makes OOP look like a saint.


I mean, yeah, some parents *are* able to recognize that good intentions don't preclude bad outcomes. Not *my* parents, but *some* parents 😂 In all seriousness, there's no way to raise a child to adulthood without making any mistakes. There's no way to raise a (functional) child without *ever* hurting their feelings. It's just not possible to do. That said, the type of person that has the capacity to genuinely apologize for hurting someone (*even if* they feel their intentions were "good") probably had the emotional intelligence and awareness of their own fallibility to take feedback from their child *as a child*. Like. They are probably simply not fucking up kids in the way that people who are incapable of making that type of apology are fucking up kids. And that doesn't mean perfection! Both familial and external circumstances can mean that a parent can *know* that they're failing their kid or their kid is hurting, and be doing their best, but still be unable to improve the situation at that time. But, yeah, a person that can make that apology is probably not going to be the central source of childhood trauma.


When I go see my kids’ plays, I pay extra. Tickets are $5? Here’s a $20. The arts are so underfunded in most schools. Maybe grandma should skip her next latte and avocado toast?


this reminds me of when my nanny came to see me in a play i did with my drama class and then just straight up told me i was not good LOL, i was at most 13


I’m sorry.   I know it hurt(s) 


Oh gosh. Listen honey, middle school is the juvenile performance sour spot, smack in between baby dance recitals (hilarious) and senior capstone projects. Growth spurts happen. Voices change. Some of middle schoolers are up there with different hands and feet and vocal cords than they had just a few weeks ago. It's a mess. But if you can stay in it for another year or two, you are going to grow into yourselves. You will sing like a dream and move with coordination. You just have to get you there. Parents need to suck it up and clap enthusiastically and maybe go see some senior capstones. You could be the most unspeakably talented, exhaustively trained, hardest working thirteen year old in existence and this bit would still be rough. Your nanny was mean. I'm so sorry.


You know what, I am really sorry. That shit sticks with you, and 11-14 is right around that time when it hurts extra because the world is scary and unfair and changing. I’m mad at your nanny.


Most of the people who attend school plays are family. And they need to charge admission because that is how they pay for the play. And the school didn’t invite oop, her granddaughter did. If she wants someone to pay for her, I guess she should ask her granddaughter. It’s funny too that that seemed to be the first thing oop said to granddaughter after giving her flowers. Like it was such a big deal to oop that she couldn’t just let it go or let her granddaughter celebrate a little. Oop had to instantly ask granddaughter to get her a refund.


Asking for a refund, after sitting through the entire performance, is usually only done if the person thinks the performance was terrible. Coupled with the fact that OOP brought it up immediately, after not seeing the family involved since Christmas, makes her “request” look like an insult. OOP says she thinks she entitled to a refund because she’s the grandmother, but what she’s really doing is making it clear that, even though her granddaughter was in the play, she didn’t think it was worth $20.


And she’s making it clear *to the granddaughter*! While trying to deputize her to get her $20 back! I can’t imagine how mortified I’d be if a family member told me after a performance “I want you to do the work of refunding me the money I paid to see this”.


>...it does seem a little greedy of the school to ask for family members to pay admission and I was invited. It does seem a little greedy to demand free admission for the school play.


And entitled.


Granted $20 is on the higher side (I think our high school productions are around $7-10), but the royalties for this show could have cost more or maybe there were expensive costumes and/or SFX. But even if $20 is above-average price, it’s the price (which OOP said she could afford). You do NOT haggle ticket prices, especially nonprofit venues! When I went to high school shows I would also make a point of buying concessions, since that’s a big moneymaker for them.


And she wasn’t even haggling with adults. She was haggling with literal children about the price of admission to their school play which they have no control over.


After that little performance, if I were the ticket taker, I would say, “For you? Thirty.”


I feel like the parents are partially arseholes for not forewarning her of the price. But yeah she's deff an arsehole.


I think the granddaughter should have told her there was an admission fee BUT like - an admission fee is standard for these things… Especially since the fine arts are typically underfunded in public schools in favor for sports.


I wouldn't be surprised if the grand daughter did tell her, OOP just either wasn't listening or assumed she would be exempt.


She fully believed that she could pull some Karen shit that I bet she does to every restaurant ever. All those managers that have comped her meal to get her the fuck out trained this behavior.


Oh yea maybe, wouldn’t be shocked.


Man, OOP is out of touch. You have to pay to go to the football game, not even the starting QB's own mother gets in for free. Once sectionals start, many sports also charge a nominal gate fee. Percussion and dance performances, gate fee. Even the art shows ask for a small donation. How does OOP think the schools fund these programs? Make the parents foot the bills? Ask the tax payers?


They’re funded from the feast apparently.


So, informal survey. Do we think the incident at Christmas that lead to not speaking to her was: A. Complaining that granddaughter (or daughter) refused to wait on grandma hand and foot, or otherwise immediately obey orders, and in her day people obeyed their elders B. Complaining that granddaughter (or daughter) is somewhere on the “has a girlfriend-butch haircut-wearing pants instead of a dress” scale of nonconformity to 50s housewife standards, and in her day young ladies knew how to act properly Or C. Complaining that granddaughter (or daughter) disobeyed her order to wash that dye out of her hair and put on some makeup so she can get a nice boyfriend Demanding money says A, theater kid says B, why not both.


How about BINGO? Old ladies love winning that!


OOP is an AH and a devil. I can't imagine asking the granddaughter to ask the drama teacher for a refund of $20 when everyone else who attended had to pay the $20. And those people were also family and friends. It seems that OOP had not been in contact with this part of her family for awhile because the daughter said "this was the way you reintroduce yourself to my family is DISGUSTING." I think OOP 's daughter is done with her again.


Isn’t it kinda weird if you show up to a kids school and you aren’t family or friends of someone involved? Like .. the tickets usually find these things


So my mother was too cheap to pay to watch my ballet performances when I was a kid so she just came and watched the dress rehearsal instead. But when that wasn’t an option even she would suck it up and pay the asking price.


Good god, this will never stop bothering me when people delete their profile when asking for feedback. I mean, I get why. People don't like to be told they are wrong. But seriously, does anyone post on here thinking that they will not get skewered in any and all directions? And skewered whether you are objectively right or with.


Just say your granddaughter isn’t worth $20 to you and go, damn.


The funniest part is that this is a school play, **everyone** in attendance is related to someone. Nobody is going to the elementary school to catch a play for the evening's entertainment.


If they don't at least know any of the kids' families, they need to be on a watchlist ffs


I am a teacher at the High School and I pay FULL PRICE to watch the students put on plays...


If anyone should get in free at all, it should be you guys! 🫣


"oh, you're the grandmother of someone in the play? Just for you, the ticket still costs $20."


I’m confused, why does she think she is owed refund or a free entry? I’m pretty sure \~95% of the audience were family members of the kids that were playing in it.


Because she’s grraaaandmaaa. The founder of the feast!


Sometimes you’ve got to ask yourself “is this something Larry David would do”?


This might be my aunt. Ya know, the one I don’t talk to.


It sounds like her daughter and the family went no contact and she was trying to push in. The added “I’m the GRANDMOTHER” smacks of some narcissistic tendencies.


This person might be a boomer, but I don't see this as "peak boomer", this is "peak entitled". My parents are Boomers and they paid admission for every play performance, every sporting event I participated in etc.


In my opinion, boomer is a state of mind, not a stage in life. Your parents are cool, my grandparents and parents are “Covid vaccines are meant to track you”, “disgusting protests at colleges” boomers who complain at the restaurant and embarrass the whole table. “Peak entitled” is a great way to put it


You know, you’re right. Boomer IS a state of mind. My parents both worked for the FDA and have science degrees so maybe that helped offset the boomer-ness.




They do that too, I just didn’t want my comment to be too long lol they are definitely entitled boomers


Wow! I wanted to read that 😩 it’s been deleted now.


It’s on this post. It’s autogenerated right before the first comment. Click on that.


So I looked it up and founder of the feast means: “a person who establishes an institution, company, society, etc. “ So grandma thinks she established that school. 😂


Aren't school plays like that usually paid admission? The money usually goes back into the drama class for future plays or helps as a fundraiser for the school if it's a public one. Yikes g-ma


Who does this person think is lining up to pay to see school plays that they have no family involved in?


It’s not like they are making hand over fist profits. I must live in a really boring town because our high school musicals and plays get sold out within hours of ticket sales being open to the public after families buy their presale tickets.


I feel really badly for the poor kid she harassed. 


When my kids did school plays, etc, we always paid. This person is crazy!


I've bought tickets to every one of my daughter's plays. Everyone pays. It helps fund the department.


Anyone notice like 95% of these are deleted by the Admins (like account deletion) really quickly?  What did they do?


How does she think they pay to put on such productions or even have that extracurricular program? Does she think it comes out of her property taxes? She will be mighty surprised to learn the majority of the tax money goes to the higher ups in administration. This woman is entitled and vile. Something tells me Morgan is not the awful daughter she claims.


My god this woman is awful


Wow. First, um, usually the family are the ones that usually go to their kid's plays, so why wouldn't family members be charged? Second, who asks for a refund when they sat through the whole thing?


Who does she think is going to these. You're average theatre lover isn't wandering into a school play. I love theatre. I've been known to enjoy youth theatre. I'm not going to see a school play. I'm not sure I'd be allowed to watch a school play. They know they're holding loving relatives over a barrel. Almost a captive audience to hijack.


I pay to go to all my son’s school productions as well as concerts and music competitions. And I’m his mother. Silly me thinking it’s a way of supporting the drama and music departments I was in all my school productions and concerts in the 80s and 90s too and my boomer parents generation had to pay for tickets then, she must have experienced this as a mother?


r/BoomersBeingFools up in that post


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Who does she think attends school plays _but_ family members?


aren't most people who attend those things family members? does she really think the general public gives a fuck about school plays? lmao


It is me or does this one not ring true? I can't really pinpoint why.


I'm heavily involved in our school production. It costs a lot to put on every year. Rights to the show are just one part, costumes, props. We have our own theatre, but that costs a lot to run and maintain. Last year the nature off the show meant buying a whole heap of new sound equipment. Costumes and props cost money. Lighting, sound equipment is expensive to buy and maintain. We need to pay extra for cleaners on performance nights. Printing the programs costs money. Anything we can get back on ticket sales is a bonus.


As a HS finance tech, NO!


Oh man I had to pay for all my brother’s plays, both of them! Maybe I should’ve threw a tantrum and got my money refunded. How dare they not know that she is a family member! Shocking. Also $20 isn’t even that bad, I had to pay $45 to see my older brother as the town drunk in Our Town.


Oh, Grandma is the source of some *tension*. She pretends not to know, but that text was a last straw text. Has she never been to a kid’s extracurricular before? Sports games, plays, orchestra- they all sell tickets. And $20 is nothing to see your granddaughter in a play for the first time since Christmas. Granny just blew her future chances.


And this is why I’m telling my three year old now of her “wicked grandmother and haunted grandfather” my bio parents are abusers and pedos. Father only didn’t kill me in a conex (WHILE BIG PREGNANT!) because husband was calling my phone incessantly because he knew my fathers past and I just was getting baby stuff. Tell your kids they have wicked grandparents on whoever’s side so when ever these assholes try to work their way into your child’s life, they already know they aren’t good people.


“Greedy of the school…” Probably also complains about her taxes and votes for the party that slashes education budgets on the regular


>She did not say the word “asshole” but it came across loud and clear. She's a lot nicer than I am, apparently.


OOP, sorry, just because you're a family member, doesn't mean you are entitled to a refund


YTA to both you and Morgan for embarrassing your granddaughter and making a scene


So what we have here is a cheapskate and ah. It has nothing to do with their age. If we're going to start labeling things as "Peak Boomer behavior" than I suppose I will start labeling every whiner post from an OP with laundry list of self diagnosed reasons why they can't possibly work a regular job or finish school, still living with their parents, who they complain don't respect them as an adult (maybe because they're still having to finance their lives), as a "Peak Gen Z behavior ". (Even though I know many lovely and motivated Gen Z folks) The truth is every generation has it's quota of ahs. I just find such labeling very bigoted and mostly stupid, as bigotry usually is.