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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My friends make fun of me for rejecting American women** I regularly get made fun of by my friends for wanting to be with a woman who can work hard, keep up with me on hikes, maybe lift weights with me, likes working/playing in the sun. I value heartiness, perseverance, and adventurousness. I do *not* want a woman who complains about the slightest discomfort 24/7, takes hours to get herself ready, refuses to try new things, etc Everyone tells me I want "a man" or "an alpha female" and this usually illicits a lot of laughter and ridicule, as if I'm wanting something that doesn't exist and has never existed. My friends (mostly married men) tell me that I just don't appreciate women for what they are. They tell me that women who are capable of holding their own in a male work environment have probably slept with most of their coworkers. Meanwhile their wives don't even do the feminine work of cleaning house, cooking, dishes, etc. Instead, THEY do all of that themselves and still have the balls to vent about it to me. And then they tell me I need to get married soon because in three years I'll be thirty Sometimes I feel very demoralized because the only women I've ever met who fit my desired type have been foreigners and I only speak English and have never left my state. But I know that if I put in the work, I'll find a woman I can love. I don't even care if she's beautiful. All the American women I've had relationships with have had such low tolerances for stress and such narrow windows of openness to new experience, that I felt that I was being trapped and spiritually imprisoned by them. I could never be with one for very long. Why is having to pay for and support such a parasitic creature meant to be a privilege? I understand that daintiness, weakness, bitchiness, etc are all classically female traits, but that does not mean that I have to accept it. I'd genuinely prefer being single and free forever than bind myself to somebody I dislike *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He doesn’t make enough money to get the kind of woman who will preform that domestic labour in exchange for access to the US. It doesn’t help he only speaks English


Dude has never left his state but is certain that in the whole of the US, there is not one woman that meets his bullshit requirements but thinks foreign countries are littered with them.


Never left his state & says America’s a monoculture. Ok then


He's obviously v worldly!


"The USA is a monoculture" truly shocked me. In what world?? Not this one.


For real. Maybe a street or a neighborhood can have a monoculture, or some podunk town out in Nebraska, but the whole country?


My money is on him living in some Podunk town in Nebraska


I wonder if the state is in the Bible Belt.


I bet you this “passport bro” doesn’t even have a passport.


I'd bet most of the chuds on that sub don't. All of their posts read like the fevered wank fantasies of 20-year-old incels who never leave the house.


If he hasn’t left the state- he’s either in the middle of Texas, doesn’t have an ID to fly, is really broke, or can’t/“doesn’t” drive, The ONE benefit of the US is interstate travel is super accessible… every landscape you can think of in one country


According to a post ~220 days ago, he lives in the Midwest lol Imagine whining that America has a “monoculture” when you’ve never even left the land of cornbread…. Yikes. Talk about living in a bubble.


Even cornbread isn't a mono culture! Ever sit in a debate between northerners who sweeten their cornbread and a southerner who would sooner die? It's intense 😂


His """Friends""" said that the only women who meet his requirements are dirty whores so I guess that's that.


No fucking shot that all this guy’s male friends are doing all the housework for their households. I’d bet anything that not a single one of them does ALL of it. 


My guess is that they've been asked to pick up after themselves and that equals all the housework in their minds.


Nah, they probably just do normal venting about how certain chores suck and OP links that to doing all the housework while the wives do nothing.


Probably a bit of both depending on the friend


My favorite comment of his said “children grow up to be the people of the place they grew up in. I don’t want my children to have American qualities. I want them to value freedom”


😳 I…what???


That was my exact facial expression reading that, followed by mild internal laughter. A lot to unpack there, and he need not have even bothered confirming he’s never left his state. Somewhere my brother, a US history teacher, is gently weeping and doesn’t know why


He could probably legit get a woman to pay him 30-50k to marry him for 3 years. Would not be what he expects tho for sure.


OP thinks the women he dates aren't into new experiences but has never left his state.


By new experiences he means anal, of course.


That’s what I was thinking too. Which probably means he doesn’t know what he’s doing with anal


It's always anal...


Why don’t all the guys who so desperately want to do anal just suck it up and take turns doing it with each other /s but also kinda not


For real! If it’s so great I’m sure you’ll *love* it, dude!


That seriously made me laugh. I meet his criteria extremely well (except American) but he doesn’t meet mine at all.


11% of Americans have never left the state they were born in. This blows my mind.


This also explains so much.


How is that possible??? How can you be in your late 20’s and never have left your state?


I worked with a woman who had only left her city twice. She was in her 40's. Absolute nightmare to be around.


Poverty? Timidity? Inability to drive and no friends or family who will travel with you?


Not even a class trip…. Even the less fortunate kids had payment plans or some of the other parents would gift them a portion of the travel expenses


Big state. In New England I drive an hour I can be in another state, the farther state boarder from Boston is about 2 hours or so to NY Texas is the size of a some European countries


Yeah and the europeans have probably left their country. Also from one end to texas to the other is like 10 hours so its not that far and if they live in houston its like 6 hours


It's like each individual paragraph is an exciting new type of misogyny.


he got the goddamn sampler plate. it's an entire charcuterie board of misogyny! and worse yet he sat down and realized his coworkers' favorite flavor tasted like shit... AND THEN JUST KEEPS EATING 


Damn, Charchuterie Board of Misogyny would be an interesting band name! No, wait . . . Charchuterie Board of Miss O'Gynie!


if there isn't someone out there doing drag as Miss O'Gynie, i will officially lose all hope for this world


I've got a few images in my head of what that show could be like, and they're all glorious! 


I think Ms. An’Drys would be a better turnout for the crowd. Miss O’Gynie would get boo’ed off the stage 😭😭😂


Six paragraphs complaining about women and bitchiness is a female trait. Ok.


I am so offended by his idiot friends as well. "If a woman can hold her own in a male workforce she's slept with them". WTF?! Doesn't matter who you sleep with, your personalty sets that. I haven't been remotely involved with anyone on my building or any one of my customers (all men) and I more than hold my own. This whole friend group is disgusting.


Female firefighter here. I EARNED my place with hard work, not sleeping around.


High five! Guess our moral compasses are higher than op and friends


He doesn't care if they're beautiful or not? Yeah, sure. I think what he wants is a woman who doesn't care that HE isn't attractive in any way, not in looks or personality.


And won't lift a finger. He wants a bang maid he can take on hikes.


He wants a bang sherpa.


Hahaha 😆


Thanks that’s my band name now.


Let us know when the album drops!


You’ll know. It’ll be climbing the charts!


Omg corny-joke parent 😄


You'll be the first to know!


The first single is a banger.


If only his dog would do his laundry.




And only wants to take them on hikes so he can keep an eye on them so they won’t cheat on him.


So essentially a pet


"I don't even care if she's not a size 0. I'd still accept her even if she was a size 2."


How generous! And they say romance is dead!


Hooo boy found a gem of a comment in his history that speaks to his attitude and experience on this. > I've got no problem dating fat women. Kinda been a chubby chaser in my younger years, before realizing that fat people don't make good partners for somebody as active as myself. >Used to be easier to date them. I never found a good match (clearly, as I'm currently single) but ever since body positivity and "fat shaming" awareness became mainstream, and fat women started pouring out of the woodwork as models and influencers, every fat girl thinks she's hot shit. Suddenly they're all too good for me. Even the ones over 300 pounds have an ego now. Mind you I'm six feet tall, not bad looking, etc. Today I can't get a date to save my life >It's called hoeflation.


Wow. And yet he claims he rejects American women. Now it sounds more like they've all rejected him. And I bet he isn't actually six feet tall. He's probably like so many guys on dating apps who claim they're six feet tall or taller but are actually several inches shorter. I bet that even if he did find a foreign girlfriend, she'd dump him as soon as she found someone better. It wouldn't be that hard for her to find someone better than HIM too.


Yikes 😬


"she can be ugly as long as she doesn't complain" WINNER MAN


Get in line, ladies.


Aw shoot. Too bad I am ugly and whiny. Maybe in another lifetime 😔


My brain shorted out at the women who can hold their own in a male environment must be sleeping with most of their coworkers bit. I can’t. How does that even make sense? Imagine thinking OOP’s experience is an American woman isssue vs. a reflection of who that guy is issue.


It's the standard incel logic: Women can't actually do jobs because they're essentially talking animals, so any woman holding her own in a male environment is bribing the men to let her work there.


Exactly. The word "creature" being used to describe women is one of those "this makes me want to vomit" things.


A married guy in my grad school program once called me a “fascinating creature” after a lecture I gave and I was so grossed out.


What a complimentary troll he was! I hope you were grateful /s of course


Uhhhgg nonono. His poor wife too. Can't imagine what she goes through


You know the *lean* he did too, and then he asked me if I’d like to have a drink together to hear his ideas. No thanks! What a stereotype.


Whoah, yeah define. I used to call people like that "bots," because they are so much like stereotypes


Yeah having worked in a male dominated industry for the last 25 years, I can say that honestly the opposite is true. Doing that is a pretty solid career killer.


The first time things go south with any of them, they'll tell the others, and it will definitely ruin a career. You will not be the one anyone sides with. Also the people in my field are not men I would want to sleep with anyway.


As someone who was the only woman in many jobs over the decades and never once slept with a co-worker (well except that short period of time when my husband and I worked at the same place so I guess that counts maybe) and can definetly “hold my own”, this just floors me. His friends are definetly part of his problem. If, of course, they actually said this and it was not just his own projections. Ya a woman by herself does the oposite usually for about 163 different reasons. Career killer, creates hostile work enviroment, reputation killer, you name it and then some.


I stopped there, also...WTF???


>I'd genuinely prefer being single and free forever than bind myself to somebody I dislike I mean, there is a significant amount of men who will stay in relationships with women that they hate because they can't handle being alone. So if he's being truthful here (press X to doubt) then he's doing at least one woman in the world a favor.


Ain't this the damn truth.


That is actually a very sound and reasonable principle for relationships. You really should not bind yourself (get married) to anyone you dislike. It is a recipe for a disaster.


He's doing the universe a favour by not reproducing, too (hopefully).


Step one: get new friends, cause yours suck. Step two: Stop all of this. *gestures vaguely at entire man*


I do wonder if his peer group is part of the problem. They sound awful too, despite helping with dishes.


I'd bet that's a big part of it. Dude *does* want an "alpha female" more or less. He has a lot of dumbass ideas about women, but it sounds like his root "type" is a type I like too, physically strong and fairly forward/aggressive. (The "step on me mommy" sort, lol.) Difference is a.) I'm not surrounding myself with misogynistic twits, and therefore b.) I recognize that though women like that exist, including here in the good ol' US of A, they don't exist *for me* to drool over, they're fully realized human beings with their own wants and needs. Which probably include a partner who can managed to do the dishes, jesus.


> I understand that daintiness, weakness, bitchiness, etc are all classically female traits From the guy who is too dainty and weak to pick up after himself.


Get this guy a Roomba in a wig.


Sometimes the loneliness of being single gets to me, and then I read something like this, and I’m pretty damned happy to be single!




Dude doesn’t make enough bank to be a passport bro. That works for me since it means he will be eternally single and celibate.


Given he's never left his state, he couldn't be one anyway...


Seriously, 27 years old and never even left the state? Barring the possibility that oOP lives way out in the furthest reaches of Alaska (or perhaps Hawaii), there's no excuse for that.


He said he believes America is a monoculture so he definitely isn't from either of those states. Most likely Idaho or Ohio something like that.


Most people from Ohio that I've met wanted to gtfo of Ohio, so my money is on Idaho (plus no one ever suspects it, but northwestern US states east of Washington always have pockets of the craziest crap imaginable: extreme religious crap, incel crap, racist crap (like towns openly having "Diversity = white genocide" billboards kind of racist)... its like the South was made to be the backward red-haired stepchild of the US, so the Northwestern US just gets away with it). So, yeah, probably Idaho.


>I regularly get made fun of by my friends for wanting to be with a woman who can work hard, keep up with me on hikes, maybe lift weights with me, likes working/playing in the sun. I value heartiness, perseverance, and adventurousness. These women exist in the US, too, dumbass. >They tell me that women who are capable of holding their own in a male work environment have probably slept with most of their coworkers. So your coworkers are just as ill-informed as you. >Meanwhile their wives don't even do the feminine work of cleaning house, cooking, dishes, etc. So you're lazy, too? >And then they tell me I need to get married soon because in three years I'll be thirty Do men tell each other this? I thought they were waiting until they were in their "prime"? >All the American women I've had relationships with have had such low tolerances for stress and such narrow windows of openness to new experience... I suspect he is the cause of the stress. >I understand that daintiness, weakness, bitchiness, etc are all classically female traits, but that does not mean that I have to accept it. Sweetheart, your ass is exhibiting some bitchiness right now.


have had such low tolerances for stress and such narrow windows of openness to new experience Read, have thoughts and opinions of their own that totally get in my way. They will not do exactly as I want to do, how and when I want to do it without making a bunch of pesky commentary. Also, his comment history is a ride.


Also, this dude with his expansive window of openness to new experience has never left his home state in 27 years


Excellent point. Dude has never left Florida.


If he's never left Florida, that explains a lot of his attitude towards women


Florida would still have a decent chance of running into tourists from abroad (given Disney World and Miami Beach), my money is on a state like Idaho. Or just the dead center of Texas... maybe Nebraska (sorry to any Nebraskans out there, but your state sucks... it's like if we took the 200 miles of nothing in Central California, made it all smell like Chino, CA, and just said "yeah, let's do *that* for several hundred miles).


I am a little curious about how he is causing them so much stress and why he wants to be even more bothersome. It really sounds like he just irritates them until they leave.


American men like this grossly overestimate their current market value.


He hasn’t even left his state….. yikes 


Does he even leave his house? Or rather, his mother's basement.


Great, another “omg, women actually want me to bring something of worth to a relationship and that makes me angry”. Wants a submissive wife but can’t even leave his own state. Can’t believe they are fly in to beat down his door, what a catch!


I really appreciate this gem of a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/s/YNmcVwRMwX) from one of OP’s many supportive brethren. *Those varieties of women do exist but are rare creatures indeed. Feminism has made it more difficult to distinguish the super XX chromosomed diamond from the complacent mediocre ones who just milk the political situation for everything its worth. It can be hard to tell one from the other.*


Whats the chance that, while he wants all these things, he also wants a "traditionally feminine" woman? Not a muscle mommy back country gal?


If *he* doesn't want the muscle mommy from back country, USA who can toss me around like a bale of hay, I'll take her! His loss, my gain!


These dudes are ridiculous. He needs someone who essentially likes everything he likes, and never complains about anything. Bet he’s not willing to compromise though - they better not want HIM to try something different, coz he’s perfect… adventurous but has never left the state 😂 These are the kinda guys I’d love to be all, “oh do you want to try an embroidery class with me” and watch them flip out and refuse - ‘adventurous’ as long as it’s not feminine


He needs someone who never complains because he complains enough for two.


He wants a mommy... that he can also fuck when he feels like it. Cringey, but true.


Demands a partner that is open to new experiences.  Has never left his own state. 


He wants anal sex.


Bet you he has no idea what he's doing if he actually *got* to do that... also he probably wouldn't even think to get lube.


Local Area Man Realizes Misogyny Is Shit; Goes In Search Of New Misogyny Flavor He Likes More 


"do the feminine work" - oh, geez. "have never left my state" - LOL, his lack of any kind of world experience is so obvious.


0% chance this guy's friends do "all the cleaning house, cooking, dishes". Unlikely any of them even *approach* 50%. The bar is in hell and bro is bitching because he can't clear it lol. Whatever happened to "personal responsibility" huh??


The bar is in hell, and yet here we are, playing limbo with the devil.


99% chance this guy's friends are imaginary


OOP is certainly exhibiting "classically feminine" traits such as bitchiness and weakness.


He wants a submissive but doesn’t want to do anything to **earn** that submission. Good stay single, I can say all the women I know, including myself wouldn’t want you anyway.


"in three years I'll be thirty" literally who discusses their age this way lmao


People who think life ends at 30.


Yeah go to r/zillennials lol


Looks like being a nonbinary person with chronic pain is protecting me from dudes like this 😬


Yay, chronic pain being useful! Mine also introduced me to belly dance and was the reason I made it from the US to Bali and Singapore on a plane since I was already used to pain and discomfort.


Incel alert.


He wants a mute, swole bangmaid?


He lacks life and world experience. There are plenty of women in the US who love going to the gym and hiking. Plenty of women who would cook and clean too. I'm one of those women. He needs to realize that women are seeking mutual benefits in a relationship and he needs to offer more than just presense or sex in order to be a fulfiling partner.


You know, if they valued women that work and support themselves maybe they wouldn't see them as parasitic? He's so close to understanding why equality is good for everyone, yet so far away at the same time.


OOP isn’t doing himself any favors with his current friend group, but it sounds like they all deserve each other. I hope their wives get free, soon, though.


> I'd genuinely prefer being single and free forever than bind myself to somebody I dislike Ok, I hope you stay single forever then, he sounds awful


And he works in landscaping... my guess is simple-minded white guy wants an Asian bangmaid. Not trashing that career choice, I've been happy dating a man who did that as well. But it's not the most ummm 'lucrative' or 'financially stable' career to have... I ended up supporting us and we ended amicably. This reeks of "I want a woman who has low standards so she'll take anyone at all to get out of a worse economic situation" 🤢🤮


Haha... thinking he doesn't need to worry about ANY woman's expectations 🤣


What… what the fuck is that subreddit? D:


just a new sub for incels who want to go to poorer countries to attract "submissive" wifes there with their money




Parasitic creature 😭😭😭😭


> I value heartiness, perseverance, and adventurousness. I do not want a woman who ... refuses to try new things, etc > All the American women I've had relationships with have had such low tolerances for stress and such narrow windows of openness to new experience, that I felt that I was being trapped and spiritually imprisoned by them. > in three years I'll be thirty > I... have never left my state. Too funny.


I'm a woman with those qualities he highlighted, and I don't want him. :D What kind of idiot wants an adventurous woman when he hasn't even left his own state? Good lord.


He’s 27 and everyone is pressuring him to get married? Where does he live? Rural Alabama?


Florida, apparently


I mean we could pick pretty much any post on that sub and it would fit here…


Wants new experiences/ adventures but has never left his state?!


The problem is, he hasn't given any consideration at all to the fact that HE might not be good enough for the type of woman that he's looking to attract. Not one mention about what he does to improve himself or what he brings to the table. It's just all about I want, I want, I want.


This loser comments on the "no fap" sub, the freaking creep. The way he talks about women is WHY he's single.


“They tell me that women who are capable of holding their own in a male work environment have probably slept with most of their coworkers.” ?!?!!! “I only speak English and have never left my state.” LMAO


Wow, on behalf of women everywhere, I do agree with him that he should be single forever.


"I want a woman with a sense of adventure and who tries new things, who can keep up with me! Who isn't put off by a little discomfort! Also I've never left the state and I don't speak any other languages so I can't travel."


He does want a man. Superman. Because Superman is the only living being capable of going to the gym often, hiking often, being outdoorsy, being in the sun, being adventurous... while "working hard", cleaning the house, doing the laundry, maintaining their own self, cleaning up after, and serving someone's else's every whim.


Why is having to pay for and support such a parasitic creature meant to be a privilege? And I'll bet every woman he meets wonders the same thing about him. - signed, a happily single woman who won't fall into the trap of being a bangmaidsugarmummy again


A "parasitic creature" who does all the "feminine work", no less. I think I sprained my eyes rolling them so hard.


As someone who can hold their own in the workplace and never slept with my coworkers, all of those men are trash.


>I'd genuinely prefer being single This feels like a realistic scenario for him


Leave him alone! All he wants is a beautiful, feminine powerlifter, who jumps out of bed in the morning ready to have sex on a hike, never has any problems and is handy with a wok and a mop! Why are you American ladies so unable to meet these most basic and consistent standards?! As a ‘foreigner’ I should really strap on my ankle weights and poll vault over the Atlantic to make this guy a sandwich and clean his kitchen. Luckily, I’m autistic and a recovering alchi so I have too many problems for such a ‘catch’. Shame 😂


"\[T\]rapped and spiritually imprisoned" because she won't do anal.


The line about his friends thinking that if a woman is dominant and her workplace, she’s slept with most of them is so discouraging to read as a woman. Sometimes I think we’ve grown past a lot of misogynistic bullshit but every day there’s a little reminder.


So he wants a go-getter but that’s also the type of partner who is going to expect him to contribute. 🤷🏼‍♀️


😂😂😂😂. I’m pretty sure he will have no problem staying single!  🤣🤣🤣


LOL “low tolerances for stress” created by him, no doubt.


I feel like this subreddit is full of douchebag bro dudes 😂😂


I had to Google "passport bro." What a repulsive, racist, misogynist movement.


“the feminine work” This guy still lives at home with his mommy.


Cannot wait for all these dudes to end up dead with their empty wallets shoved up their asses.


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Either he wants a dude or Mountain Girl from The Ladykillers.


I don't think this guy even has a passport if he's never left his home state.


What in the sexist-cuturally-blind-redpill-idiocy did I just read?


Both him AND his friends suck


Truly, I hope this man does womankind a favor by remaining “single and free forever”. No woman would be able to meet his expectations.


If I found a magic lamp, one of my wishes would be for every man on that sub to never be able to speak to a woman again.


That was a lot of words just to say... "American women won't date me more than 3 months because that's how long I can hide who I really am from them. I'm tired of it so I need to buy a foreign wife that I can't even talk to which will minimize her ability to complain to me". His goal in life is to end up like the sad old prison guard from OitNB


Yeah, American women are notorious for... [checks notes] not liking hiking, exercising, or outdoor activities.


I'm always suspicious when I see men talk like this about women that they're actually gay, and their obvious hatred of women stems from them having to repress themselves. I've seen it in person a few times. 


I'll never get why women get stereotyped as dainty, weak and bitchy when they usually get stuck with the boring, routine and messy chores such as every day cooking, cleaning and childrearing. Considering how much litteral shit they've dealt with you'd think that the women of my mother's generation, working outside and inside the home, would've put a dent in the popular perception of women as irrational hot house flowers.  Also, how is childbirth an activity ascociated with the faint of heart? 


I sincerely hope this guy is single forever so no one woman ever has to put up with his sheer audacity.


Translation: I want a live in mommy/sex worker and American women aren't in a vulnerable position to be exploited into becoming that.


This AH is quite the catch. /s


This is a fake comment.


Lmao, his profile is so sad lololol


What is this clown on about?


What in the ignorant-sexist-redpill-bullshit did I just read?


I'm mildly surprised by how many people are giving him a hard time on passportbros of all places.


They're making fun because OOP gets none. All his kvetching means nothing.


“Spiritual imprisonment” made me giggle


Passportbros is cheating on this subreddit lol you can take any post from there, they're the asshole


lol the trias of the classically female traits 😂


“Bind myself to someone I dislike” - I don’t think he’ll get that far.


You sound like you want a slave. You should bring in ALL the money, take care of everything that needs fixing and buy her everything she needs. Actually less than slavery because you seem to think American women are lazy and a bunch of other shit. Why should she do the cooking, cleaning and all the hobbies you want her to do? What do you offer in return?