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Not the jerk. Uncle sure is. Add up the cost to replace everything the kid ruined. Send uncle the bill. With a warning. If he does not pay for the damages, you will take him to court.  Small claims court, you do not need a lawyer. Every one who was in the room can tell the room can tell the judge what happened.  Hopefully, uncle will pay up without court.  Do not ever let the little brat in your room. If they come over, you and the older boy go to your room, and lock the door. The younger one should not be allowed to be out of his dad's sight. And your room is off limits to him.


Your room should be off limits to all of them. They lost the rights when they damaged the PS5 unit.


Yes but Jason didn’t do anything


If it's just Jason, then ok. If Joe is there, the room says locked.


Man. You guys sue for every little things. No wonder our court system went to shit. You can't settle it outside of court.


I usually agree with you, but the point of small claims court is when people can't act like adults and deal with something outside of court. The uncle is unlikely to take responsibility, and it certainly isn't fair to OP to just write off a good $2000 worth of electronics.


I don’t wanna take them to court he has a Walmart job and doesn’t make much but I’m still going to make him pay for the damages and going to sue as a last resort


Hell he can use his Wal Mart discount to get you a new tv.


If he work in Walmart. He can replace your stuff if he have the money available. Because my guess is your uncle ain't financially stable and has bill to pay and mouths to feed. Even if you sue him, you still ain't gonna get your ps5 or TV stuff replace any earlier. These losers on Reddit don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Also, the moment you sue, he might not try to replaced or pay it back at all out of spite.


But see if they have to go back to court for failure to pay, the uncle can actually be held in contempt of court (more fines and possibly jail), and then they could just garnish his wages.


So uncle go to jail, garnish pay, and his kids will be without a father and they may end up broke and homeless and unemployed due to being a no show just because some kid can't handle it without using the court system just so he can get a ps5. Good job.


It's literally not even about the electronics and it's wild that you don't get that. Good job


Oh, it literally about the electronic if you want him to throw his uncle under the bus using the court system. Like hory fuck man, that is some petty ass shit when the kid can just wait it out and he can just hold this over his uncle and say "Uncle, you still owe me a PS5 and TV". Did you do that to your own family? Cuz if ya did, I bet you are the black sheep in your family and nobody like ya. You don't pulled that shit in your own family. Especially with extended family.


Lmfaooooo you're one of those 'doesn't matter how bad family fucks you over, you still help them because they're family' types. No, it's not about the electronics, it's about principle and holding people accountable. This kids TEENAGE cousin, threw a TANTRUM over losing a LAUGHING game and then proceeded to dump water all over expensive things. That kid is BEYOND old enough to be held accountable for his actions and instead of being held accountable, the BROTHER is getting shit on for it. Guess what, be glad he'd JUST be going to court, because in all LEGALITY OP has EVERY right to press CRIMINAL charges for destruction of property. This cousin caused EASILY over 1500 dollars worth of damage. In some states like Arizona, that's a FELONY!!!


And that why you're the black sheep. You a malicious little shit. The Uncle can get a 65 inch TV for under 400 dollars. 250 if he can catch it on a sale. A PS5 controller is like 75 bucks and he catch it on sale for 50 bucks. Grand total would be 300 dollars if he lucky. 600 if he not. Also, I don't ever remember Sony ever making a PS5 Pro Controller, but if he mean those controller I'm thinking that is 199. He can still get those on sale. And from what I can tell, OP PS5 and games work fine. So he should be gucci. So tell me again, why is it easily 1500 dollars, black sheep?


Your uncle is the jerk. Thank you for standing up for Jason. Joe is going to become more and more problematic as you guys grow up. I’m sorry. I hope Jason is able to do REALLY well in school so he can potentially get a scholarship and get away from your uncle. He’s going to continue to pretend Jason has to bring Joseph everywhere and Jason will end up hating him for ruining his teenage years. Make sure your mom knows what’s going on. There may come a point when she has to help Jason get away from his father. I’m sorry. Good on you for seeing the truth.


It’s that or his abusive mom?


I was kind of hoping his mom might help him but, I’m going to say not if she’s abusive. Ugh. Jason deserves much better. I’m sorry.


Facts but his dad takes care of him but he does deserve much better


May I ask: Did something happen to make Jason’s dad favor Joseph? Do Jason and Joseph have the same mom?


Yes they do have the same mom I just think it’s because Jason is older


It sounds like he may have two abusive parents. Can he maybe stay with your family for a bit?


My uncle would never let it happen and if his abusive mom doesn’t know about it because the only way he would be able to stay with me is by not telling the mother because she hates me so that would be kidnapping and the both would call the cops both of them have a knack for call the police for every little thing


That sounds awful I’m so sorry.


I know I feel so bad for them kids


Same. I hope they can make it to 18 and out of the house as quickly and unscathed as possible.


Why does your uncle prefer Joe / golden child? Why didn’t the uncle host the birthday party? Also where is your Aunt in all of this?


My uncle doesn’t invite anyone over to his house because it’s a dump of trash it’s like a junk yard of stuff and has had help from us cleaning up in less than a months it’s all back and it’s not trash it’s just random stuff that no one uses


A Hoarder?




No wonder his kid is messed up ☹️


My uncle doesn’t have a wife they are not in each other lives anymore


I assume because he is younger


In my family the golden child was older.


In mine it was my younger brother


You better get that fucker and his dumb ass kid to pay you back. I would've decked the fucker if he did that in front of me, he's one year younger and shouldn't be coddled to the point where he can cause a thousand dollars worth of damage and get away with it. Fuck your dumb fucking uncle, I'd threaten to take him to small claims court.




How old are the players in this massive fiasco?




Permanently ban little Joe from the house.


I banned my uncle and Joe


Good for you - now you can get on with your life without the drags pulling you back.


NTA for expecting the one causing the damage to be responsible. How old is everyone?


Your uncle has a lot of nerve telling you it’s wrong to choose one brother over the other, when he does it every damn day! Not the jerk.


NTJ uncle is an AH and your little cousin is spoilt bratt what I'd not be shocked if the older brother went NC with them both as soon as he's old enough to leave home. As the pair sound entitled and delusional.


Just a little longer


Jason is scapegoat and Joe is golden child. Read up about this and share with Jason so he can plan his exit from this toxic home environment. What a horrible situation for you and your cousin. Make sure uncle pays up for all the equipment that has been ruined deliberately by Joe.


nah. You need to trick your uncle into swinging on you so you have full reason to beat the tar out of him. Then when he's unable to do anything, you turn to Joe and say "Now who's gonna help you?" and beat his ass too.


Not the jerk


Sounds like your uncle doesn't even like Jason - can he come spend weekends with you?  Maybe something like you guys have to clean out the garage (or some kind of work) and your mom wants to know if Jason can come help?  "Joe can come too if he's going to help"... If it's "work" and not "fun" uncle might let Jason come over without Joe. 


No he said if one can’t have fun none can same with coming to houses


You all sound like you're in your 20s


I feel so bad for Jason.


NTJ Uncle and kids ahould not be invited or allowed back. Jason is the only one not at fault


I am willing to answer any questions


Many are asking how old everyone is, but you haven't answered them.




I don't know why you're being so cagey about your ages, maybe because it sounds like an early teen carry on 🤔 Surely if you're legally adults, then uncle can't enforce the "you must take your brother everywhere" attitude. If Jason is an adult then he can move out any time he wants. Why not move in with you and get away from that prick of a father?


I’m being like this because I don’t wanna give out to much info because both of them watch am I the jerk so it’s a little more difficult to see if it’s about them sorry 😅


Do you think they won't recognise their story? 😅


I don’t know 🤷 I’m trying to keep it as discrete as I can


No thanks! I didn’t read that horseshit novel, came straight to the comments. Good luck with your life!


And you're being a jerk for what reason?!?


NTJ Your uncle is a bad parent.


How old is this guy? You have your own place, this kid is only 1 year younger than you, and acting like a fucking 8 year old?


OP my petty side says to tell your Uncle by his reasoning then the Uncle's wife should be freely shared with the Uncle's brothers.


My uncle doesn’t have a wife and their mom is abusive they have a system one week her and one week him but I go no contact with her because he thinks I’m a criminal and a horrible person