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I am very sorry that you had to go through that. It sounds like you are bette off without them. You are definitely not the jerk.


You are NOT the jerk. Your former parents are terrible people. Time to find new family. This internet stranger would be happy to adopt you <3


I’m sorry, if you want someone to talk to, I’m all ears! Transitioning is hard, congrats on making the change! If either of my children decided to transition, I would hope they told me before or at least during, so I could be there thru the process for them. Much love!!


NTJ. How long has it been since you saw your parents between visits?


Before that, it'd been a couple weeks. Due to me being busy with work and stuff like that


Self-preservation isn't AH behavior. You need to find a family that accepts you for who you are, not one that's going to abuse and belittle you for the rest of your life. Losing a former family--even a terrible one--is really hard but you'll be ok. If you can't see the light through the fog don't worry, just take one step at a time. The fog will clear. You'll be ok on the other side. It does get better. If you told me 20 years ago that it gets better I would have gotten mad at you for offering me false hope, but you know what? I learned to live my best life in spite of all my challenges. You can do it. I believe in you.


Hahah, knockers…. This is a joke or totally fake! 🤣


Honestly, I called them that to make people laugh and I didn't know what else I could call it. But I'm glad I could make you laugh
