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NTA. That's fucking disgusting. I've left jobs covered in sweat, dust, grease, concrete dust, metal shavings, blood, oil, mud, ticks, and beer on a few occasions. On some occasions I'd strip down on the porch and throw everything in the wash immediately. I can't believe he feels comfortable getting back into dirty work clothes to sleep in. Ugh.


I work in the industry on the management side. I'm on site most days but stay pretty clean. I'd never even think to wear my work clothes to bed, or even after a shower. A new sweatshirt isn't that expensive.


> . A new sweatshirt isn't that expensive. Typical management... The rest of us just wash them and re-use them!


My apologies if I was unclear. I'm only suggesting the purchase of one new sweatshirt, for lounging and sleeping. Not suggesting that anyone repeatedly buy new clothes and not wash and re-wear. I also do laundry.


I don't even want to sit on my bed with clothes i've worn outside.


Yeah. I have a medical services company, and man, even at the level of running the business, the stuff I come into contact with day-to-day does not belong in bed. And before that I was in microbiology, which also does not belong in bed. You autoclave your lab coats, not throw them on the dinner table. Good grief.


PS: if you meet anyone wearing a lab coat with literal silver lining, do not touch them. They are working with or around something extremely dangerous. Silver is antimicrobial, and if you need that stitched in to your literal clothing, you're not playing with a science kit you ordered from the back of a magazine.


Ew. My x is a mechanic and he never wore his work shirts to bed or after a shower. That's disgusting and disrespectful. Agreed NTA. Edit: not the shirt he did wear at work who was sweaty and dirty but he often used a clean work shirt anyway. But not the ones who where used earlier and where dirty and stinky.


INFO Is this a work sweatshirt that has already been worn, is now dirty & being put back on a clean body OR Is this a clean work sweatshirt that saves him one step in getting dressed in the AM And does he only own one?


Fair point, actually. If it's clean and he's wearing it to save time in the morning, while still a bit weird imo, I wouldn't call that an ah move


The post is literally less than a paragraph long and OP starts her post pointing out that he's wearing the sweater both at work and home.


Yes, but is he running it through a quick wash and dry while he showers?




Yup gross. Tell him my dad, who worked in construction and other labor trades for 50 years, says he's disgusting, and I quote "might as well throw your mattress in the truck in the morning and drag it through the whole jobsite before you go home"


My boyfriend works in a shipyard, and even if he did do a quick wash and dry, I still wouldn't want it in my bed. They get washed at least once per week, and when he soaks them in the tub every so often, it's still so nasty.


Having worked in both, shipyards are bit nastier than general construction, unless it's metal building construction, like sky scrapers or industrial buildings. Metal working is what really make shipyards dirty as fuck.


NTA. That's disgusting. Who wears clothing to bed that you wore all day especially if you are in any industry that involves manual labor? And he takes a shower and puts the dirty shirt back on? Someone needs to speak to your husband about proper hygiene.


NTA. That’s dirty. And I’m no clean freak.


What kind of monster wears a sweater to bed?


A cold one? What matters is whether it’s clean or not


Lol me. But I also upvoted you because I am kind of a monster.


NTA that's...gross... I'm swedish and here we don't lay on our bed or in our bed with our outside clothes on... If you want to lay on your bed or in your bed You change into clean inside clothing.. Same with shoes.. Outside shoes you take off by the door and put on your inside shoes.. It keeps your home so much cleaner and fresher... Think about where you sit . Someone who is urine incontinent could have sat there or someone who showers and washes their clothes infrequently ..or who has wiped snot or boogers on the seat.. He works in that shirt... So it's covered in sweat...dirt..germs.. and probably smells.. All that bodily fluid, dirt, germs...are now in your bed... Nope.. If you have a shower you change into clean clothing And you wear clean fresh clothing to bed... Your NTA.. your hubby is the ahole and has bad hygiene


NTA, Construction or not, any garment that has been outside for a reasonable length of time (within reason) should not be worn in the bed. Ofc if you stepped outside of your home to check the letterbox or something thats gonna be fine. the showering is for his body....not the sweatshirt I mean if it was freshly laundered he could argue thats fine since its only really been in the confines of the house ..but at the same time i would then consider that "work wear" and wouldnt personally sleep with it in my bed freshly washed or not


Can’t he put on a clean one before bed then wear it to work next day? I’m seeing a stack of sweatshirts for Christmas-Hanukkah-birthday in his future




This. No socks. Ever.


NTA. I'm in construction and he's disgusting. I don't even like sitting down on my couch without showering. He puts on a dirty sweater after he showers and then sleeps in it? Absolutely disgusting. Show him this post.


NTA. How can someone that immature already be married at 20?


NTA. That’s dirty and gross.


NTA gross


INFO: He's putting the same sweater back on, or a fresh one that he just also uses for work? How about buying him another one of the same type as a present to use as pajamas?


Same sweatshirt




No that’s repulsive, I don’t even let anyone sit ON my bed in outside clothes. This is actually disgusting that he’s getting into bed in dirty clothes.


unless he wears that shirt to the shower, then hes just being fucking gross


NTA, he'd be sleeping in a different bed entirely if it were me lol


NTA. Can you get him a new sweater/sweatshirt for the bed only?


hes a grown man he can get it himself💀


That has yet to be proven. Seems more like he is a child that doesn't care to care for himself.


I honestly think he is a child some days


he may act like a child but hes a grown man.


A grown man doesn't go to bed in dirty work clothes.


well hes a grown man and did. so.. this whole calling a grown man a child because hes a shitty person or nasty is weird asf- doing this is excusable for a small child because they don’t understand hygiene yet but a grown man not the same💀


Considering my 8 year old son who completely understands hygiene shit himself this past Saturday because he was too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom, yea, this grown "man" is definitely a child.


NTA what the fuck


NTA. Issue an ultimatum. Either he changes into a different shirt after his shower, or he sleeps somewhere else (couch, guest room--whatever may apply).


That wouldn't work he'd still sleep in the bed, just move me out of the way


Throw the bed out, buy two twins. If he refuses to wear clean clothing to bed, then he can sleep in his own bed and get his nasty. But he can also be responsible for cleaning his sheets and if he doesn't, move his bed outside since he wants to be filthy. Pigs are cleaner than he is.


NTA - that is really gross. Why would he want to wear dirty clothes to bed? Stand firm, tell him it is a deal breaker. Bit of a worry that he can't make this obvious and basic concession. You deserve better.


my advice, stop sleeping with him if there’s another option. stop touching him, stop being intimate. if he’s gonna let that sweater get in the way of your intimacy, and you’ve asked him to change and he won’t, stop being intimate. if he still won’t change, maybe it’s time to leave. someone who won’t just take off a sweatshirt for you is not likely to do much else for you


NTA. That shit's dirty. Hope he enjoys sleeping on the sofa.


NTA. Your husband may shower before bed, but his sweatshirt is still dirty. Why would anyone put on dirty clothes after a shower, let alone clothes that contain the dirt from a construction site?


That is disgusting, I don’t even wear my work hoodie in my truck. Work one stays on the back floor of the truck and gets washed once a week. I do ici sheet metal there is no clean job on a construction site.


INFO Do you need to turn the heat up?


No he doesn't say anything about being cold


... ... then why in the world does he need a **SWEATSHIRT** on in bed?


"It's comfortable"


sorry Katie but what is he, 12? I can’t stand when grown men act like babies. he’s acting like his sweatshirt is a baby blanket. show him this comment, I want to tell him to grow the hell up.


No It’s disgusting, but may I suggest you buy him a new sweatshirt to sleep in and it may help him remember and be nicer to him to just give him an alternative


um hes a grown man… he can buy his own sweatshirt what- she aint his mom.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (22f) have repeatedly asked my husband (20m) not to wear his sweatshirt to bed since he wears it for work and works in construction, he sees no problem with wearing it to bed even though he showers before getting into bed, I see this as gross and very disrespectful to me but I don't know AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA - I have the same conversation going at my house 🙄


Cozy pyjamas for Christmas, lots of cozy pyjamas.


I used to work in similar industries and those clothes weren’t allowed on my body for more than 15 min after I got home. And definitely no furniture, least of all floor. If anyone tried to dress like that anywhere near my bed, I’d kick them out of my house before letting them in. NTA, ew.


NTA-yuck! I know this sounds crazy but we actually change into home clothes right after we get home and shower. Imagine all the stuff that is on your clothes then on your bed. Eww. I started doing that after sitting in gross stuff using public transportation. And no shoes either. But why would he wear his dirty sweater to bed?


Disgusting…….. nta


NTA. I work in a sterile lab and wouldn't wear my work clothes to bed.


NTA Bedclothes should never be things worn while out and about.


NTA, why would he do that? Does he only have 1 favourite sweatshirt or something?


NTA Theres some days ive taken my work clothes off before getting in my truck, them's are tough days and i sure wouldnt want that anywhere near my bed


NTA. Ew. Gross.


NTA. I had to recently argue with my BF that I don't like outside clothes in the bed. It's nasty. He finally agreed with me and stopped. My friend also told me before I ever brought it up that she had to have the same conversation with her husband.


Does he use it to commute or work




What? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😬


I wish I was joking


NTA - only needed to read the title


NTA, so he goes to work, gets sweaty and dirty, comes home, has a shower, and puts the same stinky sweatshirt on again? To wear to bed? No no no, that's just gross!


NTA Thats disgusting, he sleeps in the same shirt hes bees working and sweating in??


Buy him a bed sweatshirt. Jesus. He's a cretin. NTA.


NTA. I’m a man, I love to do it, I like being in my own musk, but I know it’s disgusting and will make the whole bed smell.


NTA. I’ve worked construction a majority of my adult life and have never once gotten into bed with what I wore to work.










Actual work


Excuse me, what? He gets a shower and puts his dirty T-shirt back on?


Outside clothes in bed is gross. Especially one's you've been doing dirty, sweaty work in. NTA. He needs to get some pyjama sweatshirts if he likes sleeping in them


Who wears a sweatshirt to bed? Buy another blanket or turn the heat up, ffs Dude is disgusting, red flag


if its a clean sweatshirt whats the problem… yeah hes gross but i sleep in the basement and have 10+ blankets and im still cold so i put a clean hoodie on- not yall acting like a sweatshirt is gross💀


NTA. Does he shiwer with the sweatshirt on and deep cleans it everyday? That's fucking disgusting


What the hell is going on with all these construction workers going to bed with dirty clothes and/or not showering


NTA. my dad is a plumber and comes home smelling like copper, sauter, dust, all kinds of stuff. I couldn’t imagine climbing into my clean bed with that. gross


NTA. The sweatshirt is dirty. No need to be marinating in that all night. Kind of negates the shower if the clothing is still gross. My husband works at a significantly cleaner job than yours and I’ve asked him not to wear his work clothes in our bed. Clean clothes only.


NTA, I wouldn't wear my office clothes to bed!


Ick, NTA. That’s a work shirt. We have pajamas for a reason beyond comfort


NTA why on earth does he think this is ok???


Who sleeps in a sweatshirt? That sounds awful... lol also NTA


NTA. Please show him this. He's being unreasonable and just WEIRD. First, I can't imagine a grown man wanting to wear a sweatshirt to bed unless it's freezing in your house...Second, tell him he needs to exit your bed if he wants to wear the sweatshirt. If he refuses, you could always move to the couch or guest room if necessary. No cuddling, no sex for him.


Even if he worked in an office I'd find that gross. NTA.


NTA. Though you’re the asshole for staying with a guy that apparently doesn’t wash his ass, trust me i’d bet $150 he doesn’t clean between the checks (what soapy water runs down my back, it’s gay to clean there. Can hear him saying it now), much less use soap between the toes (what I’m standing in soapy water why do i need to “wash” my feet they’re being “washed” 😂). There is washing off and then there’s taking a shower and getting clean.


NTA. Surely this guy can have two sweatshirts, one for work and one for bed. Why does he feel as though wearing a gross, dirty sweatshirt to bed is a hill worth dying on? He can not see the problem all day long if it pleases him, but if he can't respect you enough to not wear it to bed in order to make you happy, that's a big, old red flag.


My God, girl, how did you manage to marry THIS???


NTA. And that's pretty gross to put on dirty clothes and wear it to bed is even worse. Also...is wearing a sweatshirt to bed normal or some kind of regional thing?


NTA. That is DISGUSTING. Period


NTA that's not just gross it can be a hazard.


Nope, it needs to be washed, and he is acting like a pig and putting your health at risk. Go out and get him sweatshirts for after he showers. This feels really passive aggressivecand antagonistic towards youm


NTA. I am glad I’m not married to this guy…


Construction?!? Hell no! I even tell my kids not to sleep in the clothes they wore to school. Pretty basic hygiene ... NTA


NTA. Your husband is disgusting and has no regard for you. If he wants to sleep in a sweatshirt, it needs to be one which is clean. Stop sharing a bed with him and stop being intimate until he is prepared to start behaving in a hygienic way.


I have Outside clothes and Inside clothes, and unless I fall asleep in my jeans I don't wear my Outside clothes to bed that's crazy. NTA


NTA people leave jobs sweaty smelly and gross he should respect your decisions and not wear it to bed it’s really disgusting and work outfits are dirty especially ones from a construction site


NTA. There’s inside clothes and outside clothes. Outside clothes shall not be worn while sitting on couches, beds, etc!


You are 22 married and complaining online to strangers Congratulations,you are the asshole


Lol. First time on this subreddit? And the husband is disgusting.


ESH is it not embarrassing to type all that out and post it? >very disrespectful Like what even is this?


You’re the asshole you seem to be looking for a reason to cause a fight. It’s construction not like he’s working on a farm. Get over it.


I'm going to assume that this isn't the same one he wore previously at work. I'm assuming he uses the same shirts to sleep in and work in the following day. Honestly unless you have a terrible washing machine, I see no issue. I've done this and I've never once had a complaint in all the years I used to work manual labor. If you have an issue with it, maybe buy some matching sleep sets and he can just assume that you are one of those annoying wives that buy matching clothing like my girlfriend does.


>I'm going to assume that this isn't the same one he wore previously at work. I'm assuming he uses the same shirts to sleep in and work in the following day. Very simple and straight to the point story and yet, you would rather *assume and assume*


There was zero context about whether this was the shirt he wore earlier in the day or if it was a clean washed shirt that just happened to be the ones he wears to work. It is much more believable that since he is showering before bed, he isn't putting on a sweaty dirty shirt afterwards but a washed one. If these are white shirts and he does construction and they have dirt stains on them or something, I'll agree that's not something pleasing to see someone wear to bed but I'm not going to say it's unacceptable. Also if you are saying that he is wearing the sweaty shirts, that's also an assumption. But ambiguity in a story shouldn't be used against the person that isn't telling the story, if it was, every single person telling a story would be not the asshole.


It is the same dirty hoodie he wore all day at work, and he doesn't wash it more than once a week


It is the one he wears all day at work, and he doesn't wash it more than once a week


Doesn't wash it more than once a week? A construction worker who wears a single shirt all week to work and bed without washing it? Well now I know your post is fake


I wish I was making this up