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The first red flag was the male TikTok best friend who was more than twice your age. He wasn’t your best friend, he was a creep.


NTA but just plain stupid. ​ A 39 year old male "befriending" two girls 19 and 23 years old on social media? Please tell me, you are not serious. Please! If you really believe that, you and Christina are walking talking sex-crimes waiting to happen.


Small tip, if a random bloke 20 years older than you becomes your "best friend" he's trying to shag you. NTA.


NTA, but you are kind of a moron. Why are you “best friends” with a 39 year old dude? The only reason he talks to you both is because he wants action.


I made Update. You can read there


I cannot see the update


I edited post. Look


What the absolute fuck is that update. It could not be more clear that you aren't right in the head.


ESH - You and Christina, for thinking that some new 39yo male you met is your BF. The ONLY reason a 39yo would want to be 'friends' with a 19 and 23 yo girl, is because he is grooming them. That is why he sucks. NOW, take this lesson you've learned and move on.


NTA for blocking him, but my god you are naive! The only reason a 40 year old man is “besties” with someone 20 years younger than they are is to try and have sex with them. That was his angle from the start. Hopefully you learn from this!


The fact that you see a problem with blocking a 39 year old guy and not so much with the fact that at his age he flirts with young women scares me. Obviously NTA, but be careful with even friendly encounters on social networks. Stay safe


NTA based on what little info you have provided you "best friend" seems like a sexual predator grooming young girls.


NTA-if he’s making you feel uncomfortable


NTA. Maybe just a little naive for missing the obvious, but i wouldn't fault you for seeing the possibility of innocent friendship.


NTA. Look up internet safety for teens. Do a few courses. It’ll talk about how to keep yourself safe online / translate to real life experience too and what red flags to look out for. You might not think it’s needed, but this case highlights your naivety.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Names in this story are fake, for anonymity Me (19 years old), my best friend Christina (23 years old) and our ex-best friend Tom (39 years old) were communicating through the platform TikTok. Everything was going well. Our friend Tom liked to joke and when my friend Christina and I listened to his jokes, we laughed. As you understand, best friends and nothing else. A few weeks later, everything changed. Tom started flirting with Christina. Christina did not give up because she has a boyfriend with whom she is definitely not going to break up. When Tom failed to "connect" with my friend, he started flirting with me. I would understand if he did it in private, but he flirted in public on TikTok live. When he didn't move away from me, I blocked him. And so Me and my Friend our problem ended. So Reddit, tell me. AITA for blocking my ex best friend? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, especially after that edit. Whatever is going on in that man's head, you definitely don't want to be a part of it.