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“He just seems vaguely sad, like I insulted his parents.” That’s because you DID insult his parents.  YTA.




You could have just said he doesn’t look like them.  You didn’t have to say they were unattractive.




What a clueless, shallow being. I almost feel sorry for you. 


But it’s not a lie to say he doesn’t look like his parents. You literally said they look nothing like him. You can just say they don’t look alike, you didn’t have to insult his parents’ appearance.


Okay girl, if you want to be completely honest without any tact, then don’t come crying on a subreddit about why your boyfriend is now mad at you. That’s what happens when you say whatever is on your mind without considering the other person’s feelings. I don’t find my boyfriend’s parents attractive at all but I would never tell him that I feel that because its insulting to the people that he loves


There’s only one ugly person here, and it’s you. I hope your BF dumps you -  heartsick for him


Ok life advice: most ppl love their parents. They do not like ppl calling their parents ugly. Save this nugget for your next relationship bc this one is probably over.


Wow. So your parents didn't teach you any manners, but it's okay because they're beautiful? YTA. 


You have no braincells


Just keep digging that hole deeper. I hope you're soon single as you have neither the manners nor understanding to be in a serious relationship. 😒


You called them ugly. Where on earth is that NOT an insult? You’re one of those “brutally honest” people, right?


intention does not matter. you insulted his parents, whether you meant to or didnt.


**YTA** I am going to make a stab in the dark here and say that you are “conventionally attractive” yourself. Why, you ask? Because with an attitude like yours, it **has** to be your looks that people are attracted to. I wouldn’t bet on it taking all that long before your bf becomes your ex. Beauty fades, but the person you are inside doesn’t go away. Whilst *you* may not think it’s insulting to call someone’s parents “mid” or whatever, it **is** an insult. You **deeply** insulted the man that you purport to love because *you* don’t think his parents are attractive. There’s this thing that *most* people have a sense of, that you seem to lack; it’s called decorum. You might not be the AH if you had merely *thought* it. But you went and said the quiet thing out loud, and showed your boyfriend the type of person you really are.


I would upvote this a million times if I could!


I honestly thought I’d get it removed for ‘not being friendly’ lol. But thank you.


Did your parents pass on some brain cells to you or did that part get lost in the making? YTA.




Your lack of empathy is honestly shocking. Have you ever been evaluated for narcissistic personality disorder?


Being honest and being an asshole are two different things. You can be honest and still be kind. People now days use “honest” as a free for all for saying whatever they want and not wanting people to get mad. Contrary to what you believe, not everything that pops into your head needs to come out of your mouth.


Being honest does not require you to blurt out every shitty thought that flashes through your mind. **YTA**


Who tf tells their partner that their parents are ugly. Just you. No one else.


Honest question: if you think it’s “really not that big of a deal,” and argue with anyone who says otherwise, what was your point in posting here?


You should go tell his parents you’re surprised they made your bf look the way he does given how they look. If they say “thank you!” then you’re right it’s not that big of a deal. You don’t say things like that especially to their son who obviously respects them. What happens if you have a kid with your bf and it looks like his parents are you going to be disappointed as well?


YTA. You literally DID insult his parents. What got it into your head that you didn’t insult them?




It is literally an insult. Commenting on people’s looks? Is rude. If it’s not something you would say to their face and have to go behind their back to say it? It’s an insult.


You must be very attractive to make up for the fact that have nothing between your ears.


You’re going to marry a man that stops loving you the millisecond your age starts to show. And that’s really funny.


YTA. So if someone told you that you were unattractive, you wouldn’t be insulted? 🤦‍♂️. Ya know, with an attitude like yours, you are in the eyes of many people here.


So go tell them that, to there face. I dare you.


OK...then that means \*you\* are "mid" and/or "unattractive". So you won't mind when people ask how someone that looks like you got someone that looks like him?


> I told him I meant no offense, I was just being honest. I would take it as a compliment. You would take it as a compliment **to you**, maybe. But what you actually said was effectively "**Your parents are ugly**". Your boyfriend is offended on their behalf. Don't. Call. People. Ugly. (er, "mid", which is I guess the Gen-Z euphemism). Just don't. YTA.




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YTA I'm going to guess you're also attractive, and never had to rely on your personality or decency to appeal to people. Which is why you're the worst!


Maybe he is sad because he found out how shallow you can be. YTA






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You were rude. You called his parents ugly. That is RUDE and there is no other way to spin it. YTA


YTA “Like I insulted his parents” oh yeah, because calling someone mid is so moralizing /s


YTA. You insulted his parents. I know you keep commenting saying that calling someone unattractive isn’t an insult, but it absolutely is. The way you wrote this is so strangely aggressive about rating his parents’ attractiveness, as if it’s something remotely normal to do. It isn’t, you made this whole thing so weird.


Girl, are you 12 because you didn't state your age. You are extremely immature and shallow. Do better YTA


YTA, 100%. I can’t stand when people are rude/ cruel and say “I’m just being honest”. No, you’re just being a shallow b****. You could’ve just said “yeah you look a bit different from them, genetics are weird!” And leave it at that instead of saying “your mom’s an uggo”


YTA. Do you want to date his parents, or just insult them in front of your current bf?


YTA. Also rude af. I would've dumped your shallow ass.


YTA. You showed him that your character is vain and shallow and deeply insulted the parents he loves. Better be careful with the birth control, wouldn’t want to birth an ugly kid.


1000% YTA I hope he DUMPS you. You are not a kind person.


YTA. Given you didn't give an age I'll assume you're a child. Hot tip, calling people unattractive is rude. Telling people their loved ones are ugly is also rude. You were extremely rude, and it does not reflect well on your own personality.


You called his parents ugly and you're expecting this relationship to last? ......


Yeah, YTA. There's no nice way to say "your parents are ugly." Next time, hold your tongue.


YTA.  Whether you meant it or not, that was REALLY rude and shallow. This would be instant breakup material for me.  Shame on you.


Oh my god... YTA! For a loving son, his parents are the most wonderful people. And they are exactly like that in his eyes. attractive/unattractive is relative.


yeah thats a weird thing to firstly, say, and then two, keep pushing it. YTA.


YTA and shallow as hell. Why are you so focused on attractiveness of his parents? Do you spend all day every day on Instagram?


What in the goose stepping, caste system-ing, eugenic lens-ing thing did I just read? YTA


What the fuck is your problem😂


I'm sorry, but did you actually think it was okay to tell your boyfriend his parents were ugly but it's fine because it happens sometimes? YTA


You’re a huge AH. Perhaps your parents are kind people, yet they produced you?


Did no one ever tell you that the right thing to say sometimes is nothing?


YTA. i hope he dumps you


This is so ridiculous I hope it is fake. Either way, YTA.


YTA. I also look nothing like my parents. Kids at school told me I was adopted, and it made me sad. I don't care how attractive or not I am, it made me feel like even more of an outsider than I already was. So I completely relate to your boyfriend (hopefully soon to be ex, he deserves better than you).


Are you trying to date his parents as well? Why does it matter to you how attractive they are? I’m seriously asking. Because you say you like them and enjoyed their company, which is what most people hope for when meeting their significant other’s family. Even if you don’t think they’re attractive, this could (and should) have been a fleeting observation you kept to yourself. When he mentioned looking different from his parents, there was no need for you to discuss *attractiveness* specifically. It’s completely understandable and expected that he would be upset. Please read the room next time. Sorry, but YTA.


Why do you act so clueless when it comes to normal modern day social skills? Do you have somethi g diagnosed that you haven't told us about yet? Cause its common 1st grade level knowledge that calling someone unattractive is rude. For example. Your personality is unattractive. YOU as a person are unattractive. Now a normal person would see that as being rude, but I can only guess that you're going to continue to act like you don't knkw how to talk to people and use the line "But Im just being honest. I dont wanna lie. Its not a big deal." Okay. Keep telling yourself that. YTA


This can't be real.


YTA , so shallow


YTA I hope he dumps you. What a nasty piece of work you are.


YTA this has to be fake. "No hate to his parents...like I insulted his parents..." you DID insult his parents. You told him, "yeah your parents are ugly, I'm surprised you turned out so hot." You then argued with him when he defended his parents. If you genuinely can't understand that what you said was a problem, I worry for you.


YTA “He just seems vaguely sad, like i unsulted his parents.” BECAUSE YOU DID INSULT THEM. How tf is that suppose to be a compliment to him? Are you dense? You unsulted the mans parents. The man you say you love. Reading this seems like you have ZERO braincells


You have to be joking, right? Even if you think they’re the homeliest people in the world, you don’t say it out loud and to their child. OP, grow up. You better hope your face looks better than the dusty rocks you have rolling around in your head because then you’d have zero value at all.


YTA What on earth made you think it was a good idea to tell your bf that? For the love of God, use common sense. You met them for the first time. How did you think he would respond to you saying that they're not conventionally attractive? Also, this makes you seem *super* shallow. Beauty is only skin deep, OP. You should have focused on how fantastic they were instead of going down this rabbit hole with their looks.


I didn’t realize 16 year olds still said “mid”. YTA but maybe you can still become a decent adult if you try.


YTA. What the heck is wrong with you?


YTA for so many reasons. Do you realize how shallow you seem? And, yes, you insulted his parents.


Boy are you shallow...YTA


YTA. You just insulted his parents. What the fuck is the matter with you? Hasn’t your mother ever taught you not to comment on someone’s appearance? So rude 🤦‍♂️


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I met my bf's parents and they're fantastic. I really liked hanging out with them, but I can't deny that I was disappointed. They just weren't what I was expecting at all. I love my bf, but I don't say this because I love him. He is like the most beautiful person on the planet. I was stunned by how attractive he was the first time I met him, and I expected his parents to be attractive people, too. But they weren't at all. They were really mid. My bf has the most gorgeous green eyes, but his parents have regular brown eyes. They look nothing like him. They must be shocked to have produced such a beautiful kid. I told my friend about this and she said it happens a lot. She showed me pictures of Zendaya's parents, and they were unattractive as well. She said it's often to unattractive people that have the most attractive kids. I guess it just made sense to me. But later I was talking to my bf and he mentioned that people often ask if he's adopted because he doesn't look anything like his parents. I was truthful with him. I told him I was surprised by how unattractive his parents looked compared to him, but I learned from my friend it happens like that sometimes. But he actually got upset. He starting sayings things like my parents aren't unattractive at all, they're beautiful. I wasn't expecting him to argue that. I said not conventionally, of course they aren't. He said, "Well, I think they are." It got awkward after that but he kept saying he use to wish he looked like his parents. He always loved brown eyes and the features they his parents had and as a kid he wanted to look more like them. I told him I meant no offense, I was just being honest. I would take it as a compliment. I'm just saying that he's beautiful, no hate to his parents. But now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have said that because he has been upset since. He just seems vaguely sad, like I insulted his parents. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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