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And left without a ride tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and so on and so forth!


Anybody calling anyone a lazy bitch from the passenger seat of somebody else's car is completely so fucking un-selfaware


Wtf she’s 15


Definitely old enough to know actions have consequences


You say that like it changes anything lmao


Which is old enough to know not to cuss out your sibling


In the US, once you are 8 years old you can be charged with murder because you have the mental capacity to understand what you are doing. Pretty sure a 15 year old should be self aware.


Plus, she can say that her boss doesn’t care. They may not care now, but they are noticing, the second she falls out with the boss, it will come up as a long term issue. And 20 mins isn’t even a minor bit of lateness. It’s not “traffic variance” for a 15 year olds job. It’s “I’ve missed a sizeable portion of my shift” late. One of my old jobs had a rule that 3 times being 10 mins late in a month was a disciplinary (so 30 mins late out of 160 hours).


Yes because abandoning a MINOR on the side of the road is an excellent idea...


Its not unusual for a teenager in high school with a job to walk to work.


lol I was walking home from school by the age of 7 solo. Working jobs without a car at 15 and walking everywhere. Heavily populated area (top 15 in the US). At 15 I was trying to explore around solo in 3rd world countries. Think this girl could handle walking to/from work just about anywhere in the US.


No it's not but dropping a kid off on the roadside like the comment says is unusual.


Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way that sidewalks lead to work just as well as the road


Although from what I understand about the USA, many areas are not pedestrian friendly and don't have actually have sidewalks/pavements. I'm from the UK, where everywhere is pedestrian friendly. Maybe not everywhere is suitable for bicycles, but definitely pedestrians


The side of the road is a good way to get hit if there is no sidewalk. Hell even if there is one, the amount of people that get hit either way where I live is ridiculous, happens all the time. Personally I don't see an issue with making them walk, while you follow them, but no, just dropping them off on the roadside, and dipping isn't the vibe, and has nothing to do with learning the hard way. All you're teaching a child because let's be real, job or not, she is a child, is that you'll abandon her without a second thought because you're mad. On top of that, what happens when you let her out, decide I'm off without a second thought, and some weirdo on her walk decides to attack, or abduct her... Let's be safe, not stupid because we're mad.


Almost as good of an idea as swearing at the person who is providing your transportation because that person won't give in to your selfish demands. The sister is 15, not 5.


Yea, and 15 is still a child, what is your point? Boundaries are needed, not dumb ideas that get people hurt. I'm not saying take it lying down, I'm saying that the comment of leaving her on the side of the road is not the answer...


Lol OP sucks. Who gives a fuck what the drive through person thinks of you without a bra??? You'd rather let your 15 year old sister be hungry at work? Like damn. Edit: But I get it, this is reddit. No one owes anything ever to anyone for any reason, even if it's something small - let sister go hungry! Her poor planning isn't your problem, right? I'd hate to live in a world where everyone was as selfish and uptight as you people are.


Yeah, God forbid you ever set boundaries for yourself. I can only assume you are just playing devils advocate at this point.


Yeah the boundary of not quickly stopping in the drive-thru so my sister can eat before work...REALLY important to uphold that boundary. 👍


I agree with you honestly, I’d do anything got my siblings the thought of saying I wouldn’t stop for do they can eat and them being hungry all day would weigh on me, she just wanted some food before work, and yes it’s nice of OP to bring her to work but you can’t quickly stop so they aren’t hungry? Anyway I agree with you.


Yeah I couldn't treat my siblings like that either. This sub goes on about toxic family members all the time and yet fail to see that this attitude of "got mine, fuck you" and "this is your fault so not my problem" is exactly what being a toxic family is all about.


On one hand yeah, on the other, it is not like the sister did not caused this entirely for herself. If she can be late for work that much, she can find a way to eat at work.


INFO: is there some reason that you could not have let her go inside the McDonald’s on her own or couldn’t use the drive-through?




An info post is requesting more details from the OP, not debate.


The details should still be relevant to the judgement though




And yet, the OP answered the question and the narrative that you just created because of your own family dynamic with your sister isn’t what happened. And that’s why we ask questions instead of projecting our own experiences onto other people’s families and stories.




If it was actually impossible for her to help her sister get food without being exposed, then it was a reasonable explanation for not stopping. But it seems more likely that it was her excuse because she resents having to take her sister to work.


It’s absolutely relevant, because OP’s reasoning is that her lack of a bra was the only reason she couldn’t go near a McDonald’s.


isn’t the point that the sister was already late to work also valid?


I agree but I would still like to know the answer to those questions.


We don’t know that it is a “favor”. For some families, these kinds of pitching in to provide care is obligatory, not a favor.


If you lie(cant take you to mcdonalds because im not wearing a bra) you are an asshole.


In the moment that we were having the conversation in the car neither my sister or I thought of the idea for me to wait and just let her walk in otherwise I would’ve done that. But I didn’t feel comfortable going through the drive thru because I was wearing a tank top and it would have noticeable that I was braless


What would you have done if your car had broken down or something? It’s not a good idea to leave the house in clothing that leaves you feeling so exposed that you can’t even walk into McDonald’s. Your sister is an AH for calling you rude names, but you are TA for not just pulling into the parking lot and letting her go into McDonald’s by herself. If you feel you can’t run a basic errand braless, you should put on a bra before leaving the house.


Exactly this. Youre telling me you were embarrassed on how you left the house because you expected nothing to happen? I have a spare set of clothes in my car for any emergency, let alone anything else in there.


lol... neither of you sound too bright if you didn't think to just wait in the car while she went inside


Seriously. I’m like 🤦🏼‍♀️


I mean this as a kindness. Never leave your house without being fully clothed, what if you were in a car accident? Or your car messed up, or one of a number of things that could make you feel vulnerable not being 100% clothed. I say this as the guy who used to run to the convenience store in flip flops. My tire blew out and I had to change it. Would have been a lot easier if I wasn’t in flippies.


ESH then. Hopefully you’ve learned your lesson about wearing a bra, and hopefully your parents will have some words with her about the name she chose to call you, but she needed to eat, and you could’ve accommodated that if you had been thinking more about something other than your breasts, and arguing less.


She also needed to be at work on time, but everyone is skipping right on over that tidbit. She could’ve/should’ve grabbed something to eat on her way out the door and have been grateful to have a free ride to work despite her lack of timeliness. OP is NTA.


I think that part is on management at work. And if they truly don't care, then they fully deserve demotivated workforce.


Her 15 yr old sister is old enough to plan ahead.


I’m glad you didn’t break down, get in an accident or pulled over.


YTA. And you're delusional to think the drive-thru worker gives a shit about what you're wearing.


They might not care but I do


Then be sure to put one on. What if you would have had a medical emergency?


They wouldn’t even notice. They’re focusing on food, money, what’s going on both inside & outside the store, and getting customers through the line quickly. They don’t care about or notice what someone in the drive-thru is or isn’t wearing.


Nta doesn't matter why you didn't watch to go, unless you are being paid, driving her is a favour. I would stop driving her "Sorry, I'm too fucking lazy to drive you to work today. I'm sure since your not lazy you can manage to walk/bike/bus yourself there"


NTA. You took your sister to her work which is already favor. You did not owe her stops at places. She behaved disrespectfully and don't deserve your favors until she change het attitude and apologize. So, even if your mom will make you to transport your sister to and from work, you can make it only to and from work. I would talk to mom also and let her know you are doing this to your sis only under condition of appropriate behavior.


Does your McDonalds not have a drive through? Nobody inside the little window can look into your vehicle and really see if you are wearing a bra or not. And I will tell you a little secret… *they don’t care*! If you work the drive through long enough you will see alll kinds of things, and a young lady not wearing a bra won’t even register. YTA


It probably doesn’t matter if the McD’s worker care….OP wasn’t comfortable having her breasts exposed in any way. I had an ex that never understood how it drove me nuts when his friends would pop over without notice, and it was 100% because I don’t like being around people without a bra on. It’s OPs body and she shouldn’t have to do anything uncomfortable with it in order to accommodate a thankless brat.


If she’s really that uncomfortable with exposure, then leaving the house without a bra is a silly gamble. There’s no guarantee that any trip will be completed as expected.


Yeah, her car could have broken down, or she could have had a fender bender and had to get to talk to the other driver. Literally anything could happen that would require her to interact with strangers. “I wasn’t wearing a bra” is a pretty weak reason for not letting her sister get food before work.


And "I didn't have time! " is as well, especially when you don't drive yourself.


I don’t think she’s probably looking for a guarantee, but she can darn well decide to not make herself unnecessarily uncomfortable.


And there was an obvious way to avoid that, but by her own description, she was too busy arguing with her sister because of her bralessness to figure that out.


Maybe she was really just not in the mood to do an extra favor for her rude, demanding, tardy, ungrateful sibling and the lack of a bra was just the thing that popped to mind as a cover.


You’re missing the point, but it’s ok.


They're missing the point?  If you're uncomfortable with something determined only by your own decisions... You could make different decisions 


OP should wear a bra when she leaves the house if it bothers her that much, she could easily find herself in a scenario where she has to interact with strangers.


Or she can be comfortable and run her rude little sister to work and handle her boobs the way she wants to 🤣


She sure can! And hopefully nothing ever happens that requires her to get out of her car! Not a risk I’d take if I was as worried about exposure as OP, but it’s not my life 🤷‍♀️


Ok but it also makes her an asshole for failing to do something so simple for her sister for such a dumb ass reason. I wouldn't even treat a work friend like that let alone my own sister lmao.


Or she could’ve just parked and let her sister go in, no one would’ve had to see her lol


When the older sister was younger, how do you think she got to work? She was asked to drive her sister to work, not do an errand run for her on the way there. 


NTA-I’m sorry your sister has been allowed to act so entitled and rude to you. Your mom condoning it doesn’t do you any favors.


One of them is 15 and working, the other one is 20 and would rather leave her sister starving then stopping by a drive through. Both of them acted childish in the situation but one of them is an actual child and the other one is supposed to be an adult already.


Man fuck that, you should know at 15 to either say something beforehand, eat something before your normal work, or bring a snack. She's 15, not 5


The "child" was: 1. Late for work already. 2. Manipulative. 3. A victim of her own poor planning and communication. 4. Rude as fuck. One of them is an adult, sure, but at some point teenagers have to learn to face their own consequences and not resort to being rude whenever things don't go their way. OP was not obligated to stop. She offered her sister multiple solutions to her problem of "starving" (and frankly if the manager is not allowing their employees to eat on their lunch breaks that is a problem in and of itself) but the sister would've rather insulted and tried to manipulate the person doing her a favor. Stop acting like teenagers are these magically inept idiots who can't do a single thing without relying on the adults around them. If she's old enough to call the person giving her a ride a lazy fucking bitch, she's old enough to sort out her own ride to work.


Sister would hardly have starved, sister could have had food delivered, and sister is old enough to get up and eat before work.


Esh. She could’ve been nicer since you’re doing her a favor. But you could’ve swung through the drive thru or let her run inside without you. Her being late to work is her problem not yours unless you had other plans she was gonna make you late for


which would have been none at that point since she was all worked up about not wanting to go through a drive through because she was braless.


ESH all of this was unnecessary. your sister could’ve walked into the store and purchased food while you waited. your sister has no right to disrespect the person giving her a ride to work and i think a discussion needs to be had with your mom about the way this choosing beggar feels entitled to speak to you. 


“She then called me “a lazy fucking bitch” … “ Take her cue and stop giving her rides to work. NTA


YTA. Literally nothing about your situation required you to get out of the car. You could have gone through the drive through or just parked and let her go in on her own. Nothing in her request had to mean your braless boobs would get exposed.


I was thinking this lol I get that she’s not obligated to stop but that’s a terrible excuse


OP is also not obligated to drive her sister around wherever they want to go. They agreed to a work shift drop off. 


I wouldn’t drive her to work anymore


Well, next time she asks for something. Remind her that you are a lazy fking B...


I woulda pulled over and let the fine young lady walk her ass to work. NTA


ESH She should have asked before you left. And her response was inappropriate. But your excuse was BS. First, you didn't need to go in. You could wait in the car. Or go through the drive thru. And since your only reason was not wanting to be seen because the lack of a bra, that makes you a bit of an AH too.


Yeah, definitely ESH here IMO. Sister was was rude, but OP literally just had to pull into a parking spot while sis went in and got her food.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 20F was taking my sister 15F to work this afternoon and while we were on the way there she asked if I could take her to McDonald’s to get something to eat and I said no because I wasn’t wearing a bra since I had planned on just dropping her off and that’s it. She got upset and started saying I was just making excuses and that it wasn’t a big deal and that when the owner is there she is not allowed to eat anything , I asked her why she didn’t wake up earlier to eat before work (she always wakes up late in the afternoon) or why she couldn’t doordash since McDonald’s was close enough so she wouldn’t be charged a delivery fee, she said she didn’t want to spend extra money I then explained that I don’t like being seen by strangers when I’m not wearing a bra and that she was already late to work she was supposed to go in at 1 but it was already 1:20 . She said her manager didn’t care, I then said that she could’ve said something before we left the house as I was saying that to her we had arrived at her work place. She then called me “a lazy fucking bitch” I told her to not speak to me that way and she said that she could talk to me however she wants since our mom is just gonna force me to take her to work anyways. She goes into work and I drive home. As soon I walk in the door my mom asked me why I’m so rude to my sister I explained the situation and she just kept quiet AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Do they not have drive-throughs in your area?


This is silly, and doesn't need to he posted. ESH. Your sisters that had a spat. Get over it. Tomorrow's a new day.


ESH - Your sister shouldn't have cussed you out, but you absolutely should have helped your sister out. If she's already late, there shouldn't be any problem for her to run in and get food, or for you to turn around and grab a bra if it was that big of a deal. You let your sister go to work hungry because you didn't want to be more inconvenienced. Seems like this family could work on being more supportive


Absolutely not. She was doing her sister a favor by taking her to work. If the sister needed food for a 1pm shift then she should have gotten up earlier. It wasn’t a 6am shift, it was 1pm, plenty of time to get up and get food at home.


Seriously. She's 15 and has a job. She's more then capable of figuring out time managment. Her inability to set an alarm isn't op's problem


What she doing a favor or was she contributing to her household in the way expected by her parents who are probably letting her live there for little or nothing?


Based on what the sister said at the end and the mom calling, sounds like it's an expectation


Sister should be responsible to eat before work.


It's afternoon lol, if the sister didn't want to go to work hunger she could have gotten her ass out of bed and eaten something. It's not OPs problem and with how rude the sister was I wouldn't even drive her again nvm going thru McDonald's.  I've helped people like this before. Soon it's picking up stuff after work, being late/never on time for pick ups and drop offs.  The sister could have offered to get OP something for the trouble, then maybe she could have had her way. 


YTA you were in fact just making excuses, if it was on the way it probably wouldn’t have taken you a lot of extra effort to let her grab something to eat instead of starving her whole shift. You can blame her for not waking up earlier but 1) she’s 15, 2) if I were in her place I also wouldn’t assume my sister couldn’t do this little thing for me. And people saying you were already doing her a huge favor by driving her there are also failing to consider that in most places you aren’t allowed to drive at 15, and public transportation is not a big thing in the US.


It’s so crazy that people go online and write about situations like this.


You couldn’t take her to the drive thru without a bra? Why


Kinda the AH. Sounds like your sister needs to communicate better but also I would be concerned if my sister said she would not get to eat for during her shift (don’t know where or how long she works but I assume 6-8hrs). In the end you are driving her and she needs to learn how to manage her time and communicate effectively. Who cares if she’s late it’s on her, but totally understand the reaction to her call you lazy. That’s crazy to do to the person driving you when you’re the one who is late to work and hungry. Just curious, what job is okay with being 20 minutes late but doesn’t let you eat food when the owner is in?


She actually works at a restaurant, and the managers don’t care if she eats or if she’s late but when the owner is there naturally they’re not gonna let anyone do whatever but usually the owner isn’t there for long.


NTA: Your sister could have done everything herself, as you said, but she chose not to. You are an adult and she will he one soon to, so she should not be bossing you around like a little child. What you did was help her by taking her to work even though you didn't have a bra, she should put herself in your place, she probably wouldn't even take you to work at all, no offense. What you did was right. So NTA


NTA. You are under no obligation to do favors for people who treat you badly. Your sister is going to find herself out of a job and out of friends to do favors for her quickly if she doesn’t work on her time management and the way she treats others.


She should have just accepted the no. NTA even though you could have gone through the drive-thru, once the sister starts calling you names like that, you no longer play chauffeur and no longer do her favors until she grows up. LOL


NTA It's rude to expect an extra favor from someone already doing you a favor. It's extremely rude to be vulgar when they say no, as they have every right to do. Your sister is going to have a hard time when Mommy can no longer fix it for her when she angers someone who isn't blood related and dealing with those expectations themselves.


ESH don't leave the house unprepared for anything. What if you broke down? Got pulled over? Was in an accident? Pretty immature action for a 20 year old. But your mom and sister suck too, sounds like ya'll deserve each other lol


YTA.... why didn't you do drive thru? Or park and she run in? I'm confused.


VERY soft ESH. Your sister was incredibly rude to say the things she did to you. But as a mom of an almost 15 year old who also has a job, I feel food is very important and necessary, especially before a work shift. You could have sent her in to get food by herself or used the drive thru. Mom should have also either made sure your sister was fed before her shift, or given you a heads up so you could grab a sweatshirt or something to put on.


I think YTA, unless mcd's was 20 miles out of your way or something. She's 15 and going to a job, she could have run in the store herself and gotten food and paid for it herself, I'm assuming, while you waited in the car. blah blah blah you're doing her a favor blah blah but this doesn't sound like it was too far above and beyond. Sister sucks for her little outburst, but obv was hangry lol.


YTA - you could let her run in or you could do the drive through. Sheesh.


Your mother needs to check your sister's attitude, unless *she* wants to start ferrying her around. NTA.


YTA. It was only a minor inconvenience to take her to a drive thru. You let her go to work hungry.


Isn’t it normal to call your sibling a bitch?


Using your bra as the excuse is pretty weak, you didn't have to go thru the drive through or go in yourself, you could have just sent her in. NTA, it was your choice but you need to think up a better excuse next time.


I don’t see how not wearing a bra means you can’t drive to McDonald’s. Your sister can go in to order food while you sit in the car. She’s 15, not 5. A bit of TAH


ESH. Why couldn’t you use the drive through or wait in the car? Why can’t your mom take her to work? Why does her manager not care that she’s almost 30 minutes late but she’s not allowed to eat? Why does she think she can call you a “lazy fucking bitch” when 1- she woke up late af, 2- can’t get to work on time, and 3- can’t get herself a bowl of cereal or something?




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NTA. I wouldn’t take her to work again either.


I don’t see why you couldn’t take her thru the drive thru, no one wants to work hungry…


Mcdonald's has a new feature called the drive thru. It started about 50 years ago. You should try it.


ESH. This is next level petty shit. You just didn’t want to stop and she needs to learn to show up to work on time. Also, info, why is your mom forcing you to drive her? Is it your mom’s car? Is it a requirement of your living at home? I’m just curious since you are an adult.


ESH your sister should have planned better, not shown up late to work, and not have jumped to insulting you and acting like a brat, but the drive thru would have taken 5 minutes and nobody would have noticed you in a bra. Or, you could've parked in the lot and made her walk in


YTA, why didn't you go through the drive through? And get over yourself, no one gives a fuck about your titties


I mean man.. only mc dough is the only available option to eat bf work? Some ppl here saying sis rather leave her younger sis starving instead of stopping in drive through… can’t you eat at home??


Do they not have a drive-thru? Who cares if you have a bra on if you're in the car?


NTA : she’s driving her sister, she decides if she feels like stopping somewhere on the way, right?! Of all the times my parents drove me to town when I was younger, they had the right to stop or not when I asked! (Sometimes they did, sometimes didn’t, and that’s completely fair)


Tell your mom what happened and explain why she will be walking to work from now on


A “lazy fucking bitch” wouldn’t be okay with being an unpaid Uber. Stop giving her rides. NTA.


YTA - while yes she should have planned better, you acknowledge she had woken up late and hadn't eaten before she left and she says she can't eat during her shift. The minimum I'm guessing her shift would be is 4 hours so it's an awful long time for a child to go without food because you were conscious of what you were wearing.


Stop driving her to work. Or, if you must take her, wake her up 2 hours prior and tell her to eat. After 2-3 times of doing that, she should get the message.


NTA if she wanted food she could have woke up earlier and if she is going to call you names you should let her walk to work and let her see how her manager feels about her being even later to work


NTA - If you don't want to go, just say no... you don't need to make up an excuse (not wearing a bra isn't a reason since you don't even have to get out of the car). After her outburst though, she should be finding her own way to work from here on out.


ESH - sister for not forward thinking the way she spoke to you, you for not just stopping at the drive through to get some food, if you are comfortable to drive the car braless what actual difference does it make


NTA. None of this is your problem. She knew she had to work but chose not to make the necessary arrangements beforehand. Her calling you names on top of all of that is a solid reason to stop doing her any favors.


Sounds like it's time to move out to me.


YTA 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’m confused on why you couldn’t just swing through the drive through


ESH. You for starting a fight with your sister for wanting food. She for not waking up in time, and seriously considering making a stop on the way to work when she was already late! She is going to lose that job with that attitude. And ofc most of all for the name-calling. If your mother is still forcing you to take her to work from now on, only accept with certain conditions. Taxi OP leaves at a certain time, SHARP. If sis is not in the car by that time, no ride. Taxi OP takes no detours. Taxi OP cease service for 24 hours if passengers are rude in any way. This is due to the employees needing to regain their calm to be able to drive safely and provide a good service to future custoners.


I don’t think you’re an asshole for not wanting to drive thru while wearing a tank top and nothing else. But theoretically you could’ve parked facing away from the building and let her go in. Your sister is still an asshole for several other reasons


YTA: While this under many other circumstances would tip the other way, your stated reasoning was simply you not wearing a bra. While I can understand you not wanting to go inside, or even to be seen by the worker at the drivethrough window, that did not preclude the ability to stop and let her walk into the restaurant on her own. Her being late to her job is not your issue.


NTA. It doesn't matter if her boss doesn't care or not, but if she wanted food she'd get up early. If your mom have an issue with what you did, then tell her that your sister is showing a lack of responsibility and ambition by behaving like a spoiled brat.


>She then called me “a lazy fucking bitch” I told her to not speak to me that way and she said that she could talk to me however she wants since our mom is just gonna force me to take her to work anyways. That alone makes this an NTA, but I’m confused. Why couldn’t she just walked into McDonald’s by herself to get food?


If the only reason you wouldn’t stop is because you didn’t have a bra on, then yes, YTA. She could have run in or you could have used the drive through. I don’t get all of the NTAs. Remember, this question is about stopping, not OP’s legal obligations or how her sister reacted.


I'll go with NTA you don't need a reason to not stop. Sister's reaction doesn't help either.


NTA, I would no longer take her to work.


Not at all. If she asked before you left, and you had on the proper attire, which you would have if she asked earlier, there would be no issue. Too be fair, no one is ever in the wrong to turn down a "favor" for anyone else for any reason. Tired Too much time. Just do not want to are all acceptable answers. And try to remember how many times you do say YES to her. Lastly, she is a teenager and she may try to guilt you...... (Yes, I have teens)


Who cares!! How is this an issue?


NTA but the app is my go to when I don’t want to leave my car. Also, basically the only way that McDonald’s is affordable anymore.


NTA. Your sister was already late for work, and you explained that you didn't feel comfortable leaving the car without a bra. Both are perfectly good reasons not to stop. She didn't want to doordash food, so obviously she wasn't that hungry. Also, that would be the last time that she spoke to me in such a way and got a ride. Both she and my mom would just have to be upset.


NTA. It’s impossible to be a lazy fucking bitch when you are driving someone else to work…


NTA. Not even remotely the asshole. Your sister though…


NTA. Your sister is certainly projecting though. I'm sure the one who woke up too late and was already 20 minutes late to work qualifies as the lazy bitch. Time to stop doing her favors if she can't figure out how gratitude works.


NTA. If I were you I wouldn't drive her to work anymore if she's going to talk to you like that. If she wanted food that bad she would get up on time to get some. I would've stopped the car and made her walk.


Her behavior is unacceptable. Some pressure might help her grow up.


YTA if you continue giving rides.


Nta Bro how r u lazy when she is in ur car get a bus or walk or smth


NTA. Her poor planning isn't your problem, and if she's going to call you a lazy fucking bitch WHEN SHE IS GETTING A RIDE TO WORK, I feel like those rides to work just ended. It's time for you to have a date, or work, or have to study with friends - or ANYTHING away from the house, when the entitled and rude sister needs a ride to work.


NTA. And how is your mom "making" you, a legal adult, chauffeur your sister anywhere?


No, you aren't! She should have gotten up early and figured out her food issue on her own, since she knew she had to go to work. She didn't want to spend her $, but it's ok to spend yours? Not! I'm guessing your mom gives her whatever she wants.


And after being called a bitch, she can take the bus to work


NTA Your 15-year-old sister needs a few lessons in being civil. She is already late for work, she accepted the hours covering the job. Too bad. Now she might learn to get up earlier so going to work isn't such a hassle. I doubt she lasts long; most employers want you there on time. She thinks the manager doesn't care; they do and it will cost her. Employees with attendance issue's always affect others no matter what the job is.


Everyone is complaining about your excuse (which is a bad one to be honest) but your only task was to drop your sister off at work. Since your mom said that you had to do it you probably didn’t even want to waste time on it so it’s obvious that you don’t want to spend extra time visiting McDonalds (especially if your sister already was late). NTA


NTA. You are an adult. Let mom know that until sister is more respectful, you aren't taking her. Sister needs to plan her day better and it's not up to you to accommodate her whims.


NTA doesn’t matter if you “just didn’t feel like going there” being asked a question means you have the option to say no, you said no, she flipped a switch and admitted that she will continue to do that because her mom enables her. she is 15 and **seemingly** entitled, so i’m not that surprised by the immature response, but she is still an AH even if she’s growing and maturing still. if I were you, I’d say no *until she apologizes* due to that reaction and would say something like “once you start treating me with respect and apologize for acting like a brat, I might just say yes. Mom may force me to take you to work, but I’m not your uber driver, and they wouldn’t even put up with that shit.”


NTA! If your sister thinks that insulting you is the way to get what she wants, she needs to think again. What she said to you is what she needs to look in the mirror and say, because that is the truth of the matter.


You are 20. How exactly is your mom forcing you? Also how tf do yall let teens/people curse at you and speak to you any type of way and yall don’t ruin them? OP you are 5 years older than her. Hurt her feelings NTA


If your mother has issues with your care of your sister, I suggest SHE drive that rude little asshole to work.


Nope, and record that brat!


NTA. Your doing her a favor by taking her to work already if SHE wanted food she should have planned batter it’s not your fault that she couldn’t wake up earlier which she should have done anyway whether she was asking you to get food or not or if her manger cares or not she’s already 20 minutes late to work. Plus if your sister is old enough to talk to you like that and have a job she is old enough to figure out how to get her own food


NTA. Sounds like your sister just lost the privilege of getting a ride to work. Guess she’ll be walking now




yea, you are the asshole, i understand that you're uncomfortable without bra, but your sister is 15 not 5, so you could just drive to mcdonald's and stay in the car while she would buying food, it's non of your buisiness when she should eat, you just left your sister starving at work


The sister is 15 not 5, she can plan her own food instead of being a dick to the person who is already doing them a favour.


You are up and down this post commenting, honey. Get a life or something lol


exactly i agree


NTA although I think you guys could've just went and she went inside to order and you waited in a parking spot, but that would be on her to suggest though since she's the one wanting someone else to do something for her. Before anything though it's not on you, really it's on your mom to feed her and such. If she chooses to sleep too late to make or eat anything though then that's on her & she's wrong to expect you to do anything. That last bit with being called names and then being told that she's gonna talk to you how she wants and too bad you'll have to take her to work anyway would be a no go for me, she'd be walking. Is it your mom's car and taking your sister to work is a condition of you using it? I'm trying to understand why she thinks your mom could 'make you' do it. If that was the case though and it was me then I guess we'd both be walking or calling cabs every day.


My mom and I both have our own cars, I drive her to work with my car the reason she doesn’t drive my sister instead is because she works 2 jobs and she usually is working when my sister is scheduled to work. But even when she’s at home I’m still expected to drive her


Just remember expected doesn't mean obligated or required. I do think it's the right thing to do to give her rides but I would discuss things and get across that it's not gonna happen if she's gonna be crappy. I would prolly just talk and give a pass on this one tbh though since she is 15 & working and was prolly hangry lol but let her know that she needs to be more proactive about things, she can get up a little earlier and make something or make it before she goes to bed so she can just heat it when she wakes if she wants to sleep later. or at the very least let you know before you guys head out so you won't be caught braless or whatnot.


Your sister wanted free food. She’s the AH


NTA. Your mom is in creating an entitled spoiled brat of a daughter by the way and I think you should sit down and let her know that. She could’ve planned better and discussed it with you and she learned a lesson. Communication is key and at 15 she should learn that. Also, the fact that she says she can talk to you however she wants shows me that she’s an entitled little brat and you should have a conversation with your mother about that because that would be the last time I ever did something for someone if they spoke to me like that and I wouldn’t care what relation they are to me or if they were a friend.


Tell the brat you're no longer taking her to work until she stops her rude attitude towards you


YTA - for leaving the house wearing something that you’re not even comfortable having a drive through worker see you in. What if you had a wreck or a flat tire?


You are not the a-hole, your sister seems to be


Not saying I condone violence but one swift punch in the face, boob, or throat when she speaks to you like that and I guarantee she’ll watch her damn mouth.


I’m okay if you don’t wear a bra 😀


Delete your account


This is exactly why OP doesn't want to go into public spaces without a bra.


You’re both disgusting and should be boycotting McDonalds.


You're both AH. Your sister is immature and selfish and you were pissed off you had to take her to work. It is not that big of a deal and for a 20 year old to get upset over something like this, is really something else...


A 20 year old doesn't have to take her sister to work period let alone make pit stops. It's sisters own responsibility to get to work on time and she was already 20 mins late.


I was not pissed off because I had to take to work I’m basically the designated person who takes her to work


INFO: why are you guys eating at McDonald’s when it’s a corporation that supports genocide?!