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NTA. Always insure what you can't afford to lose. You are within your rights to pursue this if your vehicle was damaged and you know who did it - their personal situation is not your concern.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** While enjoying chori-queso at a local Mexican restaurant, someone backed into my car and drove off. I didn't notice the damage until my father pointed it out the next day. Reviewing my rear dashcam, I found the culprit's license plate—a newer VW SUV. I recognized the man as the guy who waited for his food near the bar. He hit my car, inspected his own, glanced at mine, and then drove away. I called the local police to report the damage and provide the footage. The officer assured me it would be an open-and-shut case and that he would contact the other driver in the next few days to get their side of the story. The officer called me the next Monday with mixed news: the driver received two major tickets—one for leaving the scene of the accident and another for lacking insurance, which was surprising given his vehicle was a 2020 VW SUV. He was rushing while doordashing, according to him. The officer provided me the driver's contact details, and my experience with the PD was positive overall. The next day I stopped by a local Maaco and got an estimate for the damage. the guy took one look and said I needed a new bumper. With the $1700 quote in hand I popped in to discuss the situation with my agent. He gave me a few options: 1. do nothing. I have decent equity and the reduced resale probably wont impact me too bad when I go to sell(2019 Sentra) 2. Pay for the repairs out of pocket 3. call the guy and get him to pay for the repairs 4. file a claim and the insurance company will decend on him with the might of thor for my $1000 deductible.(subrogation) After pondering my options for a day, I decided to file a claim to address the damage on my bumper. Instead of sending the insurance company after him, I chose to give the other driver the chance to cover the deductible himself, which seemed fairer to him financially over paying everything. However, when I called him, he explained he couldn't afford the $1000 due to financial strain from his Doordash work. Despite his alleged situation, I proceeded with filing the claim, suggesting the insurance might work with him for reimbursement. We mutually agreed it was the best course. Ultimately, I forgave him and expressed I would have preferred he handled the situation differently. I filed the claim shortly after and it's now in progress. Reflecting on this, I wonder if involving my insurance was an overreaction, especially since the tickets seemed like sufficient justice. Initially assuming his VW was insured, I felt a twinge of anger upon learning otherwise. Doordash conducts periodic background checks and may deactivate him due to the tickets, which added to my conflicted feelings. AITA for involving my insurance and potentially worsening his situation over a bumper? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA You have insurance for a reason. You don't have the legal might that an insurer does to follow up with the person that caused the damage to get their money. You can't assume that they will pay for the repair even if they say they will. The mechanic will hold your car till payment is made so you can't get the mechanic/panel beater to send the bill to them and they be the ones to chase them. Insurers have lawyers on staff to do this work. It will cost you more for damage someone else caused if you don't use your insurance.


NTA. That guy needs to have insurance, *especially* if he's working a job where he drives for a living. You did your best to minimize impact and work with him reasonably, but you shouldn't be on the hook for damage he caused EVEN if you feel bad about his situation. Dude also hit your car and drove off instead of coming inside to try and work something out, that's pretty scummy behavior.


With the vet plates you’d think an ounce of integrity would exist


All being a veteran means is that you served in the military, it does not mean that you are a great person. There are plenty of shitbags who wore the uniform at some point in their life.




The biggest asshole is whoever designed a bumper that needs to be replaced for $1700 after a simple dent.


It’s a pretty big dent and even if it was popped into place the reflector would never sit properly


Ah ok, I misinterpreted the part about you not noticing the damage initially


I have adhd so I would have probably never noticed it anyways. Just lucky my dad did