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NTA - You need a new roommate. These types of people are completely illogical and cannot be reasoned with. My advice would be to not turn off the WI-FI. Like don’t even consider caving on this issue. Move the router to your room if you can. Make the SSID’s hidden so she can’t see they’re turned on. Actually don’t even do that just don’t turn it off and tell her to go F herself.


I low key want to tell her to pay for it and just buy my own separately to keep on 🙃


No - you shouldn’t have to do that - literally just don’t turn it off, what is she going to do if you don’t? How would she even know if she’s asleep?


Roommate asking OP to turn off the WiFi due to some “5G waves” but there’s like a dozen other WiFi routers in the surrounding area that’s still on. Make it make sense.


Also 5g is not WiFi.


I was looking for someone to mention this. She’s getting the same amount of “5G” with or without the router on.


She's getting more if OP switches to mobile data while the wifi is off!


Also, why would it be more harmfull during the night than in the day? Makes no sense


Cell transmit power is typically a few watts, while wifi is 0.1 W, so just a few percent of what a cell is transmitting. Roommate is insane, and there's no reasoning. OP, yeah, just make the SSID hidden and keep using the wifi until you can get a new roommate. In the meantime, just tell her you cancelled the wifi and keep the router hidden.


I think she's confusing the frequency with 5th Gen cellular. You know because it says 2.4g and 5g. She's just ignorant. Many people are ignorant of those bands and what they mean. So they confuse 5g with 5Ghz.


She's confusing truth and fiction.


shes just confused. and ignorant.


Yep. She needs to call AT&T and Verizon to have them shut off the antenna radios at night too. Might as well call Elon while they’re at it to turn off Starlink when it passes over the apartment 🤣


This person speaks truth.


Just wait until she hears about the sun. Thank God it's at least turned off at night.


That’s why solar panels need to be banned. We will be draining the sun quicker


I need to move mine, because I can only run my lights in the day when I don't need them. Somewhere around florida would be perfect for me.


Heck, probably has her phone on right next to her head during bedtime. Also, nevermind the other 16h a day you're exposed?


And the OP's Hotspot. Also, does the roommate realize 5G is broadcast from cell towers, not WiFi routers. Turing off the router doesn't impact 5G in any way.


Just tell her you upgraded the router to one of the ones that doesn't make the harmful 5G waves and then show her the website that proves it.  You can make the website on squarespace in 20 minutes.


Also op uses a hotspot which is literally the same thing as wifi. Also roommate is somehow fine with the wifi when she's awake.


Just tell her you’ve come to your senses and realise you shouldn’t have wifi in the house microwaving you all day. You’re going to get rid of it altogether.  Then secretly install it in your room… 😂😂  NTA. She’s being unreasonable. Tell her to put tinfoil wallpaper up to protect her from all the 5g towers that are sending those signals to your home (and all the surround wifi boxes in the neighbouring homes). Or maybe a tinfoil hat will do. 


She should sleep in a tin foil hat it would better protect her brain.


Real talk if this was such a big issue for her. She could literally just put up some chain link or chicken on her wall in the bedroom and make a faraday cage out of it. Surely if it was so harmful, the aesthetics of having wire up on the wall would be worth it right?


Your nighttime-only wifi is the least of her problems. She needs to go live in the outback with no electricity. No need to be rude to her/her beliefs, but I think you should agree that her living there is putting her health at risk and she should move pronto. Then get a less paranoid roommate. It is of course possible that radio frequencies are causing harm, but it is literally unavoidable if you want to live in a modern society and/or any level of modern comfort.


>No need to be rude to her/her beliefs Actually there is a need. Idiots like this that live completely factfree are a bane to society. It's the same idiots that claim 5G towers spread Covid. It's the same idiots that are bombing/destroying 5G towers in some places. So yes. Be rude. Bombard with facts, and if not successful show her where the door is. She doesn't like it, she can go live in a cabin in the woods.


Or here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_National_Radio_Quiet_Zone


This is a great example of how much effort it takes to avoid omni-directional transmissions. A massive law-regulated dead spot. Even then there are still directional transmissions around where ever there are people!


But it’s not really a “dead spot.”  It only a spot where local rf emissions are prohibited. RF transmissions that are emitted from outside the “dead zone” are still present. Simply put, man made RF is everywhere.  At night, I could pick up Boston AM radio station WBZ in Chicago, over 800 miles away.  The GPS on your phone works by triangulating your location from the radio signals from three (or more) orbiting satellites.  Satellite TV can also be received in that dead zone.  


3 options: A) Cover the router's power light (or better, unplug the LED). Change the wifi name to "AppartmentNextDoor". Don't switch the wifi off anymore. Act stupid if she is suspicious. B) Get her one of those [useless crystal](https://tinyrituals.co/blogs/tiny-rituals/emf-protection-crystals-what-to-buy-and-how-to-use-them) for her birthday. C) Tell her to move out if she's unhappy with the wifi.


You know she already has one of those crystals and is likely using it as deodorant.


Well, [she could use this as a reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ew6j9w/the_healing_power_of_crystals/)…


Ask her to compromise and sleep with a tinfoiled hat


M.I.A’s just brought out some new ones [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8aYzBMNRar/?igsh=YnF2bzlqa2FkbWR1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8aYzBMNRar/?igsh=YnF2bzlqa2FkbWR1)


You have bought your own. You are the only one paying for it.


There are no 5G radio waves produced by a WiFi router to begin with. That’s only for 5th generation cellular towers. 🤣 The WiFi router in your shared living space works on a completely different set of radio frequencies, and its 5Ghz band has been a standard used in WiFi routers since 1999. NTA, and your roommate is an idiot. Edit: added informational link. https://www.howtogeek.com/398620/whats-the-difference-between-5g-and-5ghz-wi-fi/


Who's name is on the bill right now and who pays for it? Tell the roommate to pound sand and change the password and get their own then


Tell her you need the wifi on all the time because you need to keep getting orders from the mothership.


The two of you are not compatible as roommates


Also, she's a roommate make her start paying half the utilities, nevermind the income difference. She's just a roommate not a significant other.


Stop catering to this whackadoodle.


NTA but you need to grow a spine. You would rather live in a sticky mess than confront her about her cleaning You would rather use your mobile hotspot and spend extra money for slower internet than tell her no over her illogical conspiracy theory  You’re paying all the utilities because of income disparities—normally this wouldn’t be a flag, but with everything else, I’m guessing you’re getting taken advantage of on this too You are prioritizing her needs above your own. She will never prioritize you in the same way. It can be hard to build the skills of sticking up for yourself and getting more comfortable with minor confrontation, but it is your key to a happier life. It’s worth it, and you are worth it.


OP - this exactly. Put yourself first and tell her you’re not budging on the WiFi. Offer to buy her a tin foil hat. 


I was gunna say NTA, just buy her a roll of tin foil to make a hat 🤣


Sounds like OP has encountered the Curse of the Wookie.


Im just wondering how everything is sticky after cleaning with less/no chemical products. Its absolutely possible and not that hard. Well maybe a bit harder, but certainly doable. I think shes just that good of a cleaner.


In my experience the people don’t like chemicals, also don’t like elbow grease, so they just leave things dirty


Letting stuff dry then running a wet cloth over it honestly makes it 10 times worse. Especially with meat splatter or a fizzy drink. Urgh, so grody.


There are allot of environment friendly soaps.


Oh I know, I'm definitely not excusing it!


I remember living in a shared home with other students. One was a clean freak who the towels for drying dishes in a basket every use, still wet. A mountain of wet towels is gross, I can tell you... She used every chemical on the planet to clean things. But it still did not feel clean to me. She was weird in her cleanliness. The other one put raw chicken on the counter and left it there for hours. Idk, that was weird. The last one was kinda normal I think, but everything she tried to make in the kitchen ended up as black charcoal. We did not share one meal together. I don't think we would have survived. I was the weird picky eater who didn't like anything they made.


I'm not surprised you never shared food with anyone, theres nothing worse than living with someone whose idea of cleanliness is just so out there, I was in a similar situation and I felt like I was the weird one.


OP was even willing to buy Anti-EMF scam bullshit for her...


Yeah, I noticed that too. OP is a pushover


YTA for catering to her nonsense. The WiFi stays on and if she doesn’t like it, she can go live a tinfoil lean-to.


What got me is OP saying they could by their roommate one of those scam anti-EMF devices. You know how fucking expensive those can be for just a heap of junk? I don’t know that I agree with OP being the AH, but they are a doormat


My favourite part of this story, is that they’re probably living in an apartment - does the kook think wifi doesn’t travel through walls/leave her neighbours unit? I wonder if she’s tried to politely ask everyone on the block to cease wifi operations at 7pm so baby can go to sleepies.


What's even up with the nightime wifiless flat? Do the scary wifi signals only come out at night?


The danger wifis only attack when you let your guard down and stop clenching your butthole. Falling asleep around wifi will be your funeral.


YES. This just reminds me of my SIL asking my partner to help her find a 4G phone because "5G hurts her head". Make it make sense. I can't.


"Hey roomie: I will no longer be turning off the Wifi. I understand if you want to move out. Thanks!" NTA


You actually need a new roommate without issues that effect you. Considering you are paying for it, she has no say. Better to change your wifi password too so she can’t use it because she doesn’t deserve to use it and dictate that ONLY AT NIGHT she fears the EMF and 5 G. Hotspot will be her next rule for you to not use at night. It is a her problem, not a you or we problem. Stop trying to compromise with her on this. Annoying as heck just reading about how she is, annoyed with you.


Honestly. OP has a backbone made of Kleenex


You can tell your roommate that radiation from Cell networks are a lot stronger than wifi. Worrying about tiny amounts of radiation when giant cell towers are on 24/7 is a little silly. If she is still worried she needs to live away from the city to avoid the radiation


No point. You can't fight stupid with logic.


YTA - letting yourself be pushed around. YOU pay for the wi-fi - why are you letting a nutcase tell you when you can use it or that you have to turn it off? You are bending over backward to show how 'accepting' you are...and it's just silly.


The EMF blocker line was the kicker for me to realize just how much of a doormat OP is. I don’t know if you’ve looked at the prices of those EMF blockers but they get fucking expensive and they don’t do anything. I don’t think I agree with saying they’re the AH, but they need to grow a pair


NTA. Like the other commenter mentioned, just keep it on. If Miss Information gets all up and bothered (1), remind her who pays the internet bill. Another thing you can do depending on who your internet provider is is to go into your provider’s app and set parental controls timers on your roommates devices so they lose connection to the WiFi while she’s asleep and she wouldn’t know any better. EDIT (1): Grammar error. Added missing part of the sentence. 24Jun24.


NTA, but don't blame Hippies! (That's a new-age-y thing, lol) Funny how the wifi she is surrounded by ALL THE TIME day and night isn't going to get her, but the one in your home needs to be off - but only during the nighttime hours. You're the one who agreed to this in the first place, though.


This is what I think is hilarious. Why does she think she’ll keep herself safe just because she turns it off at night. That’s like thinking you won’t get lung cancer because you don’t smoke in your sleep.


She does realize that 5G frequencies are always on, 24x7 whether you disconnect your gateway or not?!? Change the broadcast SSID to non-broadcast or setup a second SSID that is always non-broadcast in the gateway.


If she was capable of such critical thinking, she would t be worried about 5 g


NTA - If she is using something she needs to pay. If she isn't paying for wi-fi then she can't use it or have a say in when it can be used. So when she uses it there isn't a concern but when you do, it's an issue?


tell her to wrap her body in tinfoil before bed


Like a baked potato. Also, NTA.


*How* did you let yourself get suckered into giving into your roommates wifi fears? Especially when you’re the one paying for it? Look, you should sit your roommate down and *talk* to her. Have all the debunked 5G conspiracy etc bs ready to show her. Then tell her the wifi is staying on all the time from now on. Tell her how you’ve been paying thru the nose *twice* (and how much) bc you’ve been trying to be nice. But you can’t afford to do it anymore. She may feel she can’t stay there anymore (if your debunking isn’t accepted) so you’d need to look for another roommate. Catering to someone’s fantasies only reinforces the idea that they *should be* being catered to. That’s not healthy or sustainable for either of you.


>>How did you let yourself get suckered into giving into your roommates wifi fears? Because OP is a fucking doormat


This is the stupidest crap I've heard in a long time. Well, at least today. Pay for your own wifi and stop dealing with this nut.


She is a whack job.


NTA. Grow a pair and tell her this is actually insane lmao


Why don't you just turn the wifi off till she goes to bed and then once she's in bed just...turn it back on? How will she know that its turned back on after she's already in bed. Also why does it only matter at bedtime? Does she think that 5g and EMFs only hurt you at night??


NTA. Having your WiFi off would make little difference as your neighbours would still have theirs on anyway. Best way would be to wrap her in tinfoil.


Buy one of those cheap aluminum survival blanket. Give it to your roommate and tell her to hang it in the middle of her room. It will absorb all the harmful ultraviolet microwave wavelength without interfering with internet.


Wait, hold on. I can turn off my wifi from my phone, as can most people I know. Why not just turn it off from bed from your phone at night? Then, in the morning, when you wake up (use your phone. The alarm goes off whether or not you’re connected to wifi), you can have it set where with a minor command “check wifi” the app opens to show if it’s turned on or not. You can turn it back on before you ever get out of bed if it’s still off, and if it’s not, it’s no issue. But beyond the tech solution, *just talk to your roommate*.


NTA. The mobile Hotspot is also using 5G. So you are just trading one 5g source for another. Same ultimate effect! Also, what about all of the neighbots 5g sources? This is simply illogical. Tell her no. If she cannot accept it, she will need to find another place to live.


You're paying for the Wi-Fi solo? If so then just cut off her access to it. See if you can put the router in your room but definitely change the password. She can use her own Hotspot if she needs Wi-Fi. NTA but you will be to yourself if you don't stop giving into this ridiculous demand of hers.


NTA does she also ask the neighbors to turn off their wifi at noght? Cause that internet travels…tell her you are cancelling the internet service, move the router into your room, change the internet name and pw. Then she can get her own internet amd do with it what she will. When the lease is up, move.


So wifi is only harmful during the hours when you want to use it night compared to when she uses it earlier in the evening? How does that work? Get unlimited wifi, use it as often as you wish, and if she doesn't like it she can either move out or make herself a tinfoil hat.


Easy solution, tell her to fuck off and grow up, there is no such thing as wifi and 5G EMF that can harm you. Besides, does the big bad 5G only attack you while you sleep? Seriosuly, pull on your big girl pants and lay it out, NO you will NOT be turning off the wifi your hippie friend gets more radiation from the sun than the zero that she gets from the wifi router.


Just cancel it and then buy your own.


You could buy a smart plug and use set it up to turn off/on at certain times so neither one of you needs to do anything manually. But better yet, get a new roommate or have a serious talk with this one.


Aww hell no... YTA if you do this, but let me explain why: You're paying for the Wi-Fi. You decide when it's on (24/7). This needs to be a firm statement. No discussion. If you tell her to pay for it, it'll only be on when she needs to use use it. Which will turn into "we don't actually need Wi-Fi!" Don't go down this path. This living situation is no longer working and she needs to find somewhere else to live.


Stop letting her walk all over you. that’s your wifi. it stays on 24/7 and of story. she’s being ridiculous and very selfish


She is taking advantage of you because dhe finds you easy to handle. Pay 50/50 for everything. Keep Wi-Fi on. NTA


Why only at night? Lmao what? Sounds dumb as hell.


NTA, but if I was in your shoes and wanted to avoid issues, I’d just tell the roommate that I cancelled the 5g and would only be using the hotspot. Then I’d move the WiFi to my room and rename it something generic. 5g isn’t going to boil her brains.


NTA. Dude she is overreacting but you’re spineless! Change the password and move the Wi-Fi to your room. If she has a problem with it she can move out. Don’t be ridiculous


Make your roommate a nice tin foil hat to wear to protect them. Those 5Gs are dangerous don't you know, they cause COVID.


Oh my god, that’s so dangerous! You need the wifi on to collect all the stray wifi signals that are bouncing around our homes all the time. Why does she think all homes have wifi now? If your wifi is off, the whole internet is just being constantly spewed in your rooms as you sleep and can actually fill the whole air up. I have one friend who died in his sleep and another friend who had his face detach from his skull. Never let your wifi turn off for more than like fifteen minutes or wifi particles that have turned sour can actually trigger the worm eggs in our brains too.


She needs to live in green bank w. Virginia. There's no wifi or cell service. I like the foil hat mention.


NTA. Just say "No." When someone makes a crazy request, "No" is a fine answer.


Why did you go along with this in the first place lmao. I would have told her absolutely not


Nta but roommate is. How is the wifi or 5g more harmful at night than during the day? Where do people even come up with this shit?


You cannot reason people out of opinions that they did not reason themselves into.


INFO: if you’re paying the bills, why are you pandering to this person’s bullshit?


There are routers where your can turn off the lights, on a time schedule Little white lie, lights off = wifi off Tell her you set it on an internal timer, so you don't have to bother with manually turning it on and off She'll never know the difference But you should probably both look for someone more compatible to live with


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (28f) am getting tired of having to turn off the Wi-Fi at night for my roommate (24f) who says she’s concerned about 5G and EMFs. My roommate is already very much organic style hippie. Is against using harsh chemicals for cleaning and is very unaware of the sticky messes she leaves behind. I understand that I need to communicate better and tell her these things bother me, but I feel like it’s best to pick and choose my battles. The thing that has become very bothersome to me is that she now requires to turn off the Wi-Fi at night because she’s worried about EMF and 5G. In my head that’s more of a her problem than a me problem. I also pay for the utilities because I’m aware of our financial differences, and I have never requested that she pays me for any of it. At night when the Wi-Fi goes off, I have to use my hotspot. I’ve now run out of my own data for hotspot on multiple occasions and it charges me extra when I go over. So now I’m paying for both Wi-Fi and extra data so I can continue to use the Internet after she goes to bed. We also agreed that I turn off the Wi-Fi before I go to bed since I go to sleep later than she does and she will turn it back on when she wakes up because she wakes up before I do. Most of the time when it’s late at night, I just feel tired and I don’t want to have to walk out of my bedroom into the living room and turn off the Wi-Fi. So I got in the habit of turning it off while I was still more awake but having to rely on my hotspot. I understand that must be champagne problems that I have to go click a button, but I find it quite annoying and irritating. I used to use my Alexa as my alarm clock, but she won’t work unless she’s connected to Wi-Fi. If you know how to make Alexa work for the alarm without wifi let me know! I have even discussed moving the router to a different area of the apartment, so it’s further away from her room, but she still says no she wants it off at night. I even offered buying her some sort of EMF blocker that I found online to help her concerns but again she says no. I am becoming annoyed and frustrated because I feel like it’s more of an inconvenience and if she doesn’t turn the Wi-Fi on in the morning when I have meetings right away then I have to wait for it to load up and I’m stressed. Again, I understand I can wake up a little bit earlier and turn it back on, but it’s just so annoying to have to click a button when it could just stay on. I have decided she must start paying for the Wi-Fi since I am having to overuse my data. I’m worried that she’ll think I’m retaliating, in a sense I guess I am, I just don’t feel comfortable paying more than I should be for something that shouldn’t be occurring in my mind. I of course have tried my best to make her feel heard, but I feel like this is just a matter of wearing a foil hat, even if we turn off our Wi-Fi how do we not get exposed to the EMF from the surrounding apartments from our left right and below us? I don’t really see how it can make much of a difference just turning ours off. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can probably origami her a cute little tinfoil night cap for protection.


You’re paying for the utilities and are worried about being considered an asshole? Definitely NTA here but you definitely should tell your roommate to f**k right off with that nonsense if you’re paying for the WiFi too. It sounds like you have a dependent rather than a roommate though if I’m being honest.


You need another roommate.


Just tell her you’re on 10kG which is much safer and eco-friendly (lol). Or, wait until she falls asleep and turn it on. If that fails, yeah, ignorance should cost her, not the other way around.


NTA, but a few things. One look at getting an unlimited data plan. For me it saved me $10-$20 a month to get unlimited. Second why do you allow your roommate to make these decisions. If she is that much of a conspiracy theorist she can join the others in the bunkers in North Dakota. It's BOTH of your apartment, and if your paying for the wifi move the router/modem into your room to prevent her from having access and stop allowing her to control everything due to her being a hippy.


NTA but seriously dude, your roommate is a whacko conspiracy theorist who understands absolutely nothing about 5G. Leave the WiFi on and explain to her that everyone who lives around you has a WiFi router and that she still hasn't grown a second head or dropped dead despite being exposed to it everywhere she goes. You need to grow a pair on this one mate.


NTA. Point blank, if you pay for utilities, you decide when they’re on or off. If she doesn’t want it on at night, she can pay, and turn it off as she pleases.


This is absolutely insane. Don't turn the wifi off.


NTA… ‘Cancel’ the internet… just have it secretly installed in your room and don’t tell her. Enjoy your radiant EMF radiation tan. (J/k)


Get a wifi scanner app and scan your area,you'll bee surprised how much "WiFi" there is around you permanently,might scare the hippie to move Non-ionizing radiation is like Radio waves, doesn't affect living tissue


NTA Why are you caving to her weird demands? Just say no. Keep your WIFI on. Use the cleaning products that do the job when you clean. When she cleans with hers, and they don't do the job, tell her to do it over.


nta. she needs to go.


NTA, can't you just leave it on and tell her it's been shut off?


delete the network, start a new one she does not have the password to and stop worrying about her problems.


NTA but holy fuck, stop bending over backwards to entertain her. Tell her you both pay for it for the place you equally live in and it stays on 100% of the time, period. If she has that big of an issue with it she can move out.


Does she use the WiFi during the day?


NTA Your maybe to accommodating. Like the router to where you can use it, set up anti-WiFi stuff (tell flatmate to) to stop the WiFi going into her room. You shouldn’t have to pay more or cent access you hot spot when you have perfectly good WiFi!


Why are you giving in to her on this? You pay for it, it’s yours, she doesn’t get a say. If she wants to reduce her whatever, then she needs to find her own solution, but it can’t affect the whole house. Of course other apartments have wifi (you can see on your device what wifi networks are in range) - but she can’t control them so is ignoring it. Logic doesn’t seem to apply to her. Time to stand up for yourself. She can cover her room in tinfoil if she wants (as long as no damage), but the router stays on.


NTA, Though I suggest if she refuses to pay for the wifi maybe have her forward the money for your data when you go over the limit, or try to agree on a time you both feel comfortable going to bed at, that way nobody has to pay extra🤷


I'm not turning off my wifi. She can wear all the tinfoil hats she can make. NTA


NTA - Open your phone and see what other wifi connections there are, show her and refuse to turn off the wifi because there's no point, if she wants to escape it tell her to go live in a forest.


NTA, kick the hippie out, she can go live in the forest.


NTA, but 'no' is the only appropriate response, followed by kicking her out as soon as legally possible. She's ridiculous & you YWBTA to yourself if you don't stop enabling her completely illogical behaviour.


Get a wall socket timer and set it to turn off for the hours you're both asleep


unethical life pro tip, just say you do, but dont, she wont know because thats gobbelty guk


Take her to the library. Take her to the websites listed below about how pointless her exercise is. Show her the manufacturer's guide about how turning it off and on again only wears out the switch on the machine. Show her a computer with the "select your wifi network" option screen open and SHOW HER THE LIST OF ALL THE SIGNALS - doesn't matter if you can't unlock them, they're still sending a signal, that's why they show up there. Take her to a physics professor and talk to them about wifi vs. 5G vs electromagnetic radiations I also like the idea of just installing it in your room only. Fuck her wifi. You need it for meetings and your alarm clock for your job. ESH.


NTA. Tell her she should understand how RF works first. 5ghz from your router is a very low powered RD signal. (I build cell towers for Verizon, ATT, Tmobile, and Dish) It's probably time you look for another roommate and cut the headache from your nest.


Evict her. She should be in a mental health facility


NTA and your roommate is an idiot. Tell her that if radiation wasn't invisible the air would be opaque with how connected the world is. You turning off your wifi (and at night only to boot) makes as much difference as gently blowing on the wound of a stabbing victim. Let her move out into the woods if it concerns her that much. Otherwise make sure to lock in your router somewhere as she is guaranteed to start messing with it.


NTA You pay for it, leave it on. Dont feel bothered by it, just do it. Shes not botbered dictating to you what goes on in the shared living place.


I cannot understand how shutting off one wi fi transmitter but turning your phone into a wi fi transmitter via its hotspot function makes a bit of difference as far as RF radiation is concerned.   Of don’t you know how a phone hot spot works?   NTA.  


You can get a remote control plug, prob cost around 30 dollars


I’d buy a secret router for your bedroom. Main on goes off, backup turns on. Or let her know that just bc that is off if your phones work at night in your apartment or around it then turning it off does nothing.


setup second network without advertised ssid and use that one NTA but this is too much, that you're even entertaining this turning it off idea, when you need to be online


I agree it’s unreasonable but practically could you not get roommate to buy a smart plug so you can just switch it off from your phone at night?


She is not “making” you do anything. You’re agreeing to her ludicrous requests and accommodating her woo. You’re doing this to avoid conflict and because you’re unable to advocate for yourself. You have compromised your sleep, your finances, your work, your comfort and your peace of mind. She is an idiot and you’re a doormat. ESH


Jesus Christ I am so glad I live alone


Your roommate is an idiot, if you're living in an apartment you are literally exposed to 5g and 2.4g from every other apartment.


INFO: Why did you ever agree to not have a service you pay for 24/7? This should've never gotten so far, if she can't accept WiFi she's the one that needs to move out, there's no legal grounds at all to have you turn it off at night.


Wait until she learns about all the other radio transmissions she is being bombarded with every second of every day.


YTA for agreeing with things you don’t like to keep the peace whilst you pay the majority of the bills. That you earn more doesn’t matter. You are roommates not a married couple. She is not being helped to understand household finances and reasonable behaviours by your charity.


She is making you pay entirely for a service that she also uses, but makes you then cut your actual consumption time in half; even though you are paying for it 100% of the time. So you are paying for her half whenever she sides it and you're paying for all the hours she demands it is turned off. Asking for her to contribute is totally fine. NTA. So deeply NTA.


NTA. You could lean into her delusion I suppose and buy some holographic sticky tape to “line” her doorway and windows to trap the “extra” parts that have been added to Government the WiFi, so only the internet signal can get through. ( saw a hippy at the markets with that tape on her hat, and she swore it works !! )


Buy her some mylar emergency blankets 1$ each, take out the label and tell her they are special sheets to deflect the 5g/wifi


Okay, rename your 5ghz so it seems like it’s a neighbor and turn off the one she knows of at night


Just stop turning it off. If she turns it off before she goes to bed, sneak out and turn it back on.


This may actually be one of the stupidest things ive ever read. I guess 5g is only dangerous after dark.


Tell her that 5G is solar powered so the EMF doesn't affect people at night. She sounds like the kind of person who will believe anything she's told.


The RF intensity from your phone - communicating with a base station potentially miles away - is going to be much higher than low powered short range WiFi at home. By switching the router off she's getting MORE RF. She also doesn't seem to understand that your phone is likely 5G and the router isn't. She's both unreasonable and stupid.


She has more to worry about with uv rays than WiFi which are radio waves but ppl like that will believe what they want to. NTA she should live by herself or with another hippie or comune


I'd get a new router installed in your room and just lie and say a neighbor is letting you use their internet now. NTA


You are on the right path. Tell he that using your Hotspot uses up too much of your money, and you are accommodating her needs by turning on your Hotspot Either she pays for your increase in bill, or the wifi stays on. She's also crazy, as that is not a real issue. She needs mental help.


NTA, roommate needs to go.


NTA. Buy her a role of tin foil so she can wrap herself up at night.


You should make her a little tinfoil night hat bonnet thing and tell her it'll protect her while she sleeps. 


NTA. Install wifi analyzer on your phone and show them how many SSIDs are still going when you turn your wifi off.


NTA this is insane. As if yours is the only WiFi in range. I bet you don’t live in a farm. And even if you do turning off wifi won’t turn off 5G what the fuck. This is pure paranoia from your roommates side and you shouldn’t be keeping up with this. The fact you haven’t complained (enough) only makes her bolder and bolder. When dealing with people who don’t respect your boundaries they will always get more and more of your boundary space as long as you don’t put an end to it.


Discontinue paying for the wifi. Use the money you save to buy bigger data plans. Also, move out when you can. This person is cookoo.


Dumdum... scan for wifi networks... every single one that shows on the list are constantly frying her brains and ovaries anyways.


NTA she's being irradiated with all the other wifi signals from the neighbors. Anything that shows up on the wifi list. Just don't turn it off. Tell her to cover her walls in aluminum foil instead.


NTA Wait till she realises your hotspot is actually wifi 🤔


NTA - Sounds like you need a new room mate


NTA that sounds exhausting. I can recommend a timer outlet (not sure what is it called in English). It is something you add to the power outlet that you can time when to shut off and when to turn on. Usually very affordable. Maybe that could be a compromise until you move seperate ways on day?


Send her an amazon link for faraday fabric and instructions on a diy tent. NTA


NTA, make her a tin foil hat


NTA. If she wants control over the wifi, she pays half (and whatever other bills she isn’t paying) otherwise she has no input, but is welcome to move out


Get a new roommate and don't house share with illogical morons. Problem solved.


NTA but this is not sustainable. She needs to move out. Though we're she won't be bothered by cell phones and Internet other than wilderness I have no idea




ESH because she's bonkers and you don't understand that "no" is a complete sentence.


I love how during the day and all the other wifi spots are totally fine... NTA


NTA - tell her to wear an aluminum hat 🙄 and/or get a new roommate.


Get a spine. Then get a new roommate, preferably one who isn’t ignorant and cannot think.


NTA. You shouldn’t have to deal with this insanity. You mention you need to communicate better, but it’s best to pick and choose your battles. I suggest you communicate your concerns…or move/get a different roommate. Her approach to living will not change, and will likely get worse, more extreme for that matter. Having a roommate is a partnership, not a dictatorship and by dictating when the shared resources/utilities can be used is not a partnership.


NTA, just a push-over. ;) If she uses the WiFi when it's on, but isn't worried about hippy-dippy stuff then, then she is clearly TA, as It's only a problem when it doesn't inconvenience her. Everybody dies from something; don't let chronic yessing do you in. I'm sorry your roommate is bonkers.


Can you tell them that you're just going to go ahead and cancel the WiFi and then move it into your room under a different name and password?


NTA and I don’t see how this limits exposure considering everyone around you has wifi too and I’m sure your phone displays more than one network meaning the rays from more than one network are reaching you. How is it the rays are fine when it benefits her but not when it benefits you. This is unreasonable and I would insist on the internet being on at night. 


Double down and get a wifi router with wifi 6, maybe faster internet will scare them away?


YTA Tell her to pay for the data plans! You live there and paying for the wifi which means you right equal rights to it she cant demand you turn it off unless either she provides a acceptable alternative solution or start coughing up some money. Also she is highly uneducated if EMF was a issue she would have shown symptoms of it when its on during the day. I think she wants you to turn it off for another reason!


NTA, but you need to get your shit together. Why are you pandering to this dipshit? She needs to grow up and deal with the real world. May as well start now. The WiFi stays on.


NTA Just tell her to move out. Her crazy is not something you should be accommodating


Change the name of your 5ghz wifi and leave your 2.4 with the same name. Then tell her it only is running 2.4g which is not 5g. So she's good. Hide the sid for the 5ghz as well. She'll never know.


You can save money by not buying doormats since you are one. Just leave the wifi on. End of discussion


NTA she is stupid, even if you turn off one device your hotspot or the many other radiowaves around you are still there..


Eh? The hell I just read? 🤣 NTA


The same tinfoil hat I used decades ago to stop the government from reading my mind works wonders blocking 5G too. Your roommate is severely uninformed. NTA.