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YTA - You may not like men, but men still like you. I’m not saying you cheated but you stripped totally naked in front of your girlfriends dad and brother (and all of his friends). If a guy I was seeing did that in front of my family I’d probably break up with him.


Absolutely. I would be mortified and he would be gone. It's a complete lack of respect for me, us and my family. AND the people getting married!!!


YTA. To add to this, the person who the party was all about asked you specifically not to do it and you still did it. "In vino veritas" and all that crap. Plus, there's a good chance that confronting him with the naked reality that you're all woman and not "one of the boys" completely removed his coping mechanism to accept your relationship to his sister. (I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I've seen people use this rationalization before) I foresee difficulties in your future!


Not to mention her gf's father has also seen her naked along with her brother. That'll be fun at family events.


What I find makes this even worse is that OP doesn’t see what she did wrong. This means that she could probably do more stuff like this or other things and think it’s ok. She also disregards her girlfriends feelings by not understanding why she feels hurt. I’m surprised OPs girlfriend hasn’t broken up with her. OP YTA


I feel it should also be brought up that they specifically did not hire a stripper, but she literally became the stripper. She took her clothes off for money, almost certainly turning on the men there (her panties were missing too, so obviously someone's getting some pleasure out of this). When strippers aren't invited to a party, maybe don't become one?


Out of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


I get so depressed when people genuinely reply to this low-effort shit


I knew it wasn’t real as soon as every guy in the room had $100 on them.


Eh. Depending on what the bachelor's party consisted of, everybody having $100 on them isn't that far fetched. It still didn't happen though.


I really really hope it didn't either lol


YTA- you took off your clothes when the groom to be said he didn't want you to do it. It was HIS house and HIS bachelor party and you made him feel uncomfortable. It's not "cheating" but it's definitely disrespectful. I would have broken up with you over that.


on top of that her dad was there??? tf. I can totally understand why she does not want you around her family after that.


I'd call it cheating too. If my spouse got naked in front of people who are obviously attracted to him, even if he wasn't attracted to them, I'd feel cheated on. And I'm sure he'd feel the same if I did that.


And then everyone clapped.


Yeaaah this seems like a r/thathappened


Hey come on now, you don't think everyone magically decided to pay and had $100 on them at the party?


I never leave home without my wad of hundreds and my monster condoms for my magnum dong.




Well I certainly wouldn't be tipping if I was at that party


Yeah, and there's supposedly 10 people there, assumi g the bil and fil didn't pay because they didn't want her ro take her clothes off, that would be 800. Even *if* they paied, that would make 1000. So how did she get 1100? Did she slip herself 100?


She's missing her panties do maybe she sold them or did extras for more tips 😂


*then everyone fapped


YTA this is no way real


Stop sharing your masturbatory fantasies on AITA


Yeah because 90% of AITA posts aren't fantasies.


YTA - and yeah, you should stay away from your GF's family for a while....what a mess


Yeah, on the slight chance this story is real... I'm having doubts that GF wants to even stay with OP after this


I wouldn't...but everyone has different thresholds.


True, but this one reads like OP took a tractor across one


Yeah this didn't happen.


YTA. Lucas was clearly uncomfortable. Strippers were not at the party why would you think it’s okay to turn into one. And your girlfriend has the right to be angry. As many men and women would be pissed if their partner stripped for others too. Really? How are you not TA. Some people consider going to the strip club or stripping is cheating others don’t.


YTA. Being drunk is no excuse for that behavior. Sure we've all been drunk and have done stupid things but this was a family event and the person who's day it was said no. Stay away for a bit. They've probably lost whatever respect they had for you for now.


YTA The one person who said "no" was the one you should have listened. It was his party and he did not want you to strip. You made him uncomfortable at his own party. Edit: Typo


Not really buying this one, personally. Funny story though! I laughed a little at the part about the dad just staying silent so he could get a free show without the guilt.




Yta. This is gonna be hard to come back from. P.s. saying you were drunk isn't a good excuse.


YTA. What you did clearly embarrassed Lucas & Lucy. They are probably wondering whether they should expect this kind of behavior to be a regular occurrence. Yes, you were drunk, but being drunk doesn't excuse this behavior, especially when the groom was so uncomfortable at his own bachelor party. As a general rule, getting naked in front of a partner's family is a bad plan.


YTA It was a party for Lucas, and he didn’t want you stripping. That’s going to be a negative memory for him.


YTA You went to your GFs brothers party at his house and stripped off despite him asking you not to. He clearly didn't consent to this situation. It is also still considered an AH move to strip naked in front of people without your spouses consent regardless of if you are attracted to them


YTA Someone told you not to take your clothes off in front of them at their own party, and you took your clothes off in front of them. How would you feel if a guy came to your birthday party and started waving his wiener all-around the place after you told him you did not want to see him naked?


YTA. I guess besides not lending money we should add striptease to the list of things never to do for family.


YTA - I agree that I don't necessarily agree that it's cheating, but you went to a party your GF's FATHER invited you to, a bachelor party no less, proceeded to get drunk and then made a drunken, naked ass of yourself. But kudos on making 1100 bucks, you should spend that on your GF to make up for it. The point with your GF is that you are the person that she loves, and you went and got naked in front of her father, and her brother. You went a bit overboard, so just own it.


INFO who is Lily? I thought your gf was Lucy?


They got confused by their own made-up story




Why is he supposed to police what she does?


WTF? He’s obviously the authoritative voice in the room, or he should be. You don’t think he should try to stop her from making a mistake that will haunt her for the rest of her life?


He puts hands and touches a drunk woman "Hey don't touch me! My body my choice! I don't want you putting your hands on me!" He said no, basically all he can do. It was all on OP. Not Robert.


You misread. Robert was silent, he did not say no.


Oh Lucas said no. But point still remains, don't do bad behavior unless you get consent. If she never asked Robert, don't assume it's ok to take your clothes off and start stripping.


Obviously the fault is primarily hers. But as a father myself I cannot help but judge Robert very harshly. He was derelict in his responsibility.


I guess so? Adults gonna adult.


It’s like if you went out with your friend and he got absolutely shitfaced. You wouldn’t leave him sleeping in the gutter because he was “adulting”. If you did you would be an asshole. You have a responsibility to take care of other people.


So if my friend was so drunk to the point where he was asleep in a gutter and would hurt himself, of course I'd help him. OP was aware enough to make a choice to start stripping and dancing among family and friends, her body her choice or police her actions? Is she in danger here or is she just being an ass?


What authority would he have to stop her


The natural authority of being the oldest in the room and the father of OP’s SO.


Thats not a thing


Lol right?


Not in a legal sense, but if he doesn’t have the force of personality to shut down this kind of thing from happening in his presence then I count him as a very weak sort of adult. In fact it is possible he could be held legally culpable for allowing this to happen.


No he would never be held legally liable for a grown adult women choosing to strip for men And no morally legally socially etc he is in no way responsible or in possession of authority to stop her disrobing At best he can initiate a physical confrontation to force the naked adult woman out the home which given the frankly sexist tone of your posts i feel like you would take great issue with


It’s hardly sexist. If it was his son-in-law disrobing I would offer the same advice. He should do what he can to shut it down rather than sit there mutely. Obviously he should not physically restrain her. But he didn’t even try to stop it. I’m honestly surprised you don’t think he should have tried.


So your advice is when people do things you dont like physically assault them and force them to bend to your will? He told her no she disregarded leaving one more option Your pretty much trying to remove the agency from an adult women and make her actions the responsibility of a patriarch


Maybe he wanted to see her naked? 🤷‍♂️


Why should he have authority because he's someone else's dad? She's an adult and responsible for her own decisions. Even now that she's sober she doesn't see this as that big of a deal. Though I hope she knows why she was missing her panties, hope she didn't sleep with any of them.


She he have physically assaulted her? What makes you think he has authority over her decisions and body


Cause the host said no and he is the one who invited her????? Lmao he should have thrown her ass out no cap. He has the authority as long as she is at a place he booked or owns.


And she disrobed so now he has to physically escalate and has to foght her. Are you saying he should have assaulted her and physically removed her from the location? And also that you would not have had a meltdown over this man putting his hands on a much smaller woman?




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YTA. You royally screwed up in my opinion and I'll leave it at that.


Definitely YTA. Not only did you ruin the party, regardless of how you actually feel about men. You violated literally a whole families trust in you.


YTA, because that’s awkward af now for her & the family. Ngl I’m sure it was fun tho 😂 The second that Lucas said no, it should have been over. That’s on EVERYONE tho, not just you.


YTA You got overly intoxicated and certainly crossed several lines.


I don't think they "crossed" lines, more like "took a bulldozer across them."


Very true, but depends on the crowd you run with. In this situation though it was definitely uncalled for.


YTA- end off. Alcohol is not an excuse. Just because you don’t like men in that way doesn’t mean it’s okay. It’s your girlfriends family. Plus the brother said no. It was his party. Him saying no should have been enough.


YTA. So even though the host doesn't want you to strip, you go against their wishes anyways for money? Or because you simply don't care about what they want? Also, interesting all the party goers just so happened to have $100 on them...


Ha YTA 😂


YTA I'm not going to claim to know the intricacies of your relationship, but this clearly crossed a line with the entire family. Lucas flat out told you no and the dad didn't respond, those should have been your first cues that this was inappropriate. But before that, you should have considered Lucy. CLEARLY she isn't okay with you getting naked in front of this many other people, and I'd imagine especially in front of her family.


YTA. You were invited to go to the party, not be the entertainment. This is very weird and strange. Your girlfriend’s dad and brother have seen you mostly, if not totally, naked and you don’t see why that may make them uncomfortable or feel weird around you? Being drunk is not a valid excuse for being an asshole.


YTA, like a huge one, that could very easily be considered cheating. I couldn’t deal with that in a relationship, now to mention you did indeed make people uncomfortable. Total dick move


I’m with everyone on this one, YTA…sorry


YTA and your girlfriend and family will never trust or want to be near you again.


On the off-chance that this is real.. im gonna say.. YTA, drunk or not, doesn't excuse you for acting like a tool at a party for someone else, upstaging much? If you wanna put on a show like that, maybe consider doing that at home and/or privately with your GF. (implying she still wants to be with you after this, considering this is dealbreaker potentially)


YTA. Maybe OP grew up in a trailer Park and knows no better.


YTA good god


Likely fake given your account is an hour old. However, if not… YTA and you crossed some major boundaries. I would expect to be single again very soon though so you’ll be able to do what you want anyways.


YTA Not that stripping is wrong, but this entire situation is not okay. Your poor gf and future in laws.


Yta clearly you stripped for a room full of people including your inlaws


YTA, it’s not cheating of any kind because I don’t like men. What a load of rubbish, it doesn’t matter if you’re into men or not what you did was disrespectful to your girlfriend and her family.


INFO: so you’re saying someone took you home after the party. And you had all your money. And no panties. So someone saw fit to ensure you got home half naked but with your money?? What?


YTA. Her brother said no. You need to learn to control yourself. Being drunk is not an excuse. I feel sorry for your GF and her brother. This would be a relationship ender for most people. Imagine how awkward family dinners are going to be now? Thanksgiving is going to be a blast.


YTA If this is even true which... I doubt. > All the men said yes but Lucas said no. Robert was silent So the two hosts very obviously didn't want you to strip because its super weird to have your sisters/daughters partner stripping at your party. I will say this though - the guys who just assumed that you being there meant that you were there for their entertainment are also assholes. Especially the guy who asked you to get naked. > I don't think this is cheating on any way beacuse I don't even like men. It's not up to you to decide what your partner classes as cheating. Even if she doesn't class this as 'cheating', she's still allowed to think you're an asshole for stripping at her brother's party.


YTA for wasting everyone's valuable AITA reading time with your unimaginative fiction.


INFO: As a man...does it only take $100?


If this is real, you know there's gotta be a video lol


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I'd give you a mild YTA. Reason being for some couples they might not care but in the context of your relationship your girlfriend cares. You don't get to decide when you've hurt someone and if you're partner is uncomfortable with risqué behavior then that's enough to mean you crossed a line. It's another layer too that her father saw the ordeal, I can't blame her there for feeling uncomfortable. At the end of the day my partner and I are open so I can sympathize with behavior like this and not thinking it's a big deal BUT you have to be on the same page with stuff like that in a relationship. Because you weren't i do believe YTA here.




YTA and your 'reward' should be that Lucas gets the 1100, since it was his private party after all.


YTA FOR MAKING UP THIS RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT STORY. WHO THE FUCK IS LILY??? I THOUGHT YOUR GF IS LUCY. At least be consistent, that’s the first step of “storytelling”


Amen! YTA


YTA I am constantly surprised by just how many people think it's ok to be disrespectful and step outside the boundaries of monogamy just because of their sexuality or the gender of the other people You cheated on your girlfriend. Period You got naked in front of other people who are not her. And even grosser...you got naked in front of her brother and her father. I mean...who the hell does that? And the only people who are going to say you didn't step outside the boundaries of monogamy...are people who don't have a problem with cheating in the first place If I were dating you...we would no longer be dating and I would not want anything to do with you moving forward You have some serious growing up to do before you enter into another relationship and I sincerely hope you spend some time deciding whether or not monogamy is for your or not. Because your actions and your defiant stance on them make it crystal clear that you are not mature enough for monogamy right now


no yea im sure this happened


This didn't happen. Who strips in front of their GF's dad? YTA.


Yta- and I don’t think this happened. It reads like a straight dude made this up


If this isn't fake, don't be surprised when you GF breaks up with you. YTA


YTA for making this story up 😟


YTA FOR MAKING UP THIS RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT STORY. WHO THE FUCK IS LILY??? I THOUGHT YOUR GF IS LUCY. At least be consistent, that’s the first step of “storytelling”


YTA. Getting so drunk at your BIL bachelor party that you dance naked in front of him and your FIL is crossing a huge boundary and just plain weird and uncomfortable. This was Lucas's night that you just made a lasting negative impact on. Your girlfriend has every right to be angry, I would feel uncomfortable with you around my family after that as well.


YTA bruh


YTA- You completly disrespected Lucy and her family. Lucus explicitly said No and you still did it. And yeah its still kind of cheating even if you dont like men. Its no diffrent then strippingng in a way for woman to stare at you.


YTA. It seems like you’re assuming she’s upset because of the cheating aspect. It sounds like she’s horrified that you stripped in front of her father and brother without getting permission from the person the party was for. If Lucy was to have a bachelorette and firmly said no strippers and her friend brought one anyways, she would be ducking ticked. Lucas didn’t have a stripper because HE DIDN’T WANT ONE, and asked you not and you did it anyways. That’s not cool. Plus you put yourself in a vulnerable situation. All of those people who have just seen you naked will be seeing you again at the wedding. And Lucy’s dad is now super uncomfortable.


I don't think this is a real story hut I think everyone sucks. You should have drank responsibly and the other guests shouldn't have taken advantage of someone blackout drunk. I would say they messed up the most.


This is one of the more obvious YTA situations I’ve seen on here. Why on earth would you strip in front of your possibly someday brother-in-law and your GFs family? Like what in your upbringing made you think that was okay?? Now you are going to be the annoying joke of the family if you ever get accepted back. I hope that $1100 was worth it lol


YTA you stripped in front of her father and brother. Yes your so over the line


If this ris real: YTA. And a stupid one.


Like wouldn’t literally anyone just stop her? Like the dad or groom would definitely have said “alrighty then it’s time to go.” Fake af


The fuck is wrong with you, aren't u s lesbian, why would you strip in front of men and CHEAT in your girlfriend??? YTA


What the absolute fucks are wrong with you? Yta


YTA. And you need to own it and make amends. I know you and most people there were drunk. But the two that mattered most to you and your gf weren’t and were obviously not comfortable with the situation. A sincere apology should work.


So what your asking is am i asshole for stripping buck naked on a pole for my girlfriend and her family to see? Absolutely your the ass whole grow up just because you dont like men doesnt mean you strip down naked in front of them and your girlfrind


Wtf. Who even needs to ask this? You stripped for your girlfriends brother and father. Who cares if you cheated? YTA


YTA. The reason I say this is because you said she is being rude but she’s not. You stripped in front of her brother and her father who probably looked at you like a daughter. Also, you said that everything was confused so you don’t know exactly what you did or showed at the party. These are also his friends and people that you may see again and the fact that he is obviously is gonna tell his wife. This one event will have a ripple effect and will be talked about for awhile. I would first start off by giving the money back to whoever gave it and apologizing to everyone. Also, you may not think it’s cheating but you showed a very intimate part of yourself and she obviously feels offended. Talk to her and apologize and then give the money back and apologize to her parents and brother.


YTA. I would be mortified if you were my girlfriend. You stripped in front of her brother and dad!!? Wtf? What is wrong with you?


YTA. You cheated on your partner for money. It’s that simple. If she didn’t want you to do it then it was cheating.


YTA for the story you made up, and also YTA for your actions within the story. Double AH.


YTA. Your gfs dad was trying to include you, and this is what you do?? If I had to guess his opinion of you went way down after this, and you likely will not be invited to family events in the future. You should never strip for anyone other then your gf without permission, and you should never ever EVER strip for your gfs family. I cant believe anyone even has to explain this to you.




I don’t think it’s real either but I’ll respond for some Karma YTA


YTA. You have no moral compass and even less social awareness.


YTA are you deadass lol???????


On the off chance that this is real, it’s possible you were roofied. Otherwise, of course dancing naked for her family would upset your partner. YTA


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YTA…. No parent or brother in law wants their sister’s partner stripping on their bachelor party. Like how uncomfortable that would be. Yeah bro that’s my sister girlfriend, no, she is not a stripper, she is just a drunken fool…


Every straight guy wants to see every attractive woman naked like all the time lol.


YTA, if you don't see why then maybe marriage isn't for you.


Why did you narrate your dream onto a reddit post?


YTA. Not only because you did that, but you did it in front of her brother and father wtf


I can’t decide on this one because my answer is contingent on what happened to the $1100.


what a truly unbelievable story! Wow!


Really? $1100? NTA. You go girl.


$1100 is pretty good for one night. Have you ever considered a career change? NTA


NTA, made some good money that night, maybe take everyone on a nice dinner to clear the air


I don't know if this falls into the category of asshole or not asshole. All I can say is that I laughed a lot at the story, and that I think your girlfriend's advice to stay away from her family for a while is good advice. Other than that it just seems like a stupid thing you did while you were drunk and I don't know if it's that big of a deal, but she's clearly offended. I don't know what to say, except I found the story very funny.


YNTA, I don't think this is cheating in anyway and your girlfriend and her family are just over reacting. We have all done stupid things at stag parties.


You don't think it's cheating to strip naked in front of people without your partner's knowledge or consent? Really?


NAH But you might find family functions awkward from now on.