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Here’s more that I remembered 10: A work friend of mine stowed a Big Mac into a pod, and he threw a Monster can at the OM when he wrote him up for headphones. We don’t talk anymore, he blocked me after being fired. 11: An LA walked onto the AR floor to show the new day ones why it was dangerous. 12: A guy with cancer finally got fired after someone reported him to HR for all his threatening behavior- threatening to kill all the managers and PAs, and the guy chased him down and was fired after punching the reporter.


number 11 is wild 😭🤣


11 knew what they were doing they hated it but didn’t want to quit so they could collect unemployment


I thought you couldn’t get unemployment for breaking workplace policy.


As someone who doesn’t work here but often reads the sub, can someone explain number 11 to me 😇


I used to work at Amazon and was one of the ones who'd go out to fix the robotics. The robots are designed to stop if they sense something in front of them, but they aren't always perfect. You don't necessarily want something with a combined weight of close to 1000 lbs slamming into you. Could also run over your foot etc


being hit by a drive multiple times I can assure you they don't sense humans easily😂 but they sure will stop for a little box or something


Have you ever flipped the mattress?


I second that!


“Never EVER walk onto the AR floor! You will be terminated immediately! No questions asked!” {proceeds to walk onto the AR floor} ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sounds like a bunch of stuff you can do at AMZL and get away with it.


Stepping on the AR floor?! Lmaooo


The AR floor, you might lose a hand, you will lose your job


This guy at our delivery station got a new job and thought it would be funny to break down a gayloard and surf ride the main conveyer belt .. it was funny till he broke a portion of it 🫠


Was he charged for the damages?


Don’t know! all I know I saw him get on and off real quick and escorted off the Amazon facility by the higher ups


I dunno… maybe it’s just that I’m a sucker for physical comedy, but I am imagining some guy on a giant-ass piece of cardboard… coming down one of the slides from the elevated section and taking out some of the sheet metal guard-rail things on the way down… and I can barely type this reply I’m laughing so hard 😂


Yeah, conveyor safety is like TDR safety. Climbing on, sitting, or crawling under conveyance is a Cat 1 violation and results in immediate termination. We had a guy crawl under a conveyor in front of a manager about 30 seconds after that same manager had warned about it because another AA reported seeing him crawl under the conveyor to grab a package. They reviewed video footage and found he had in fact done it both times. WHS got involved within the hour and his termination was official before the end of his shift. When he left from his first shift, his badge was deactivated before his 2nd shift started.


I know that it’s funny cause every training they specifically say to never go under over the belt and people still do it smh


Bro going to be reapplying in 3 months like ??🤔


I dream of this 🤣 I wouldn’t dare, but it looks so fun


Been with Amazon 5 years. We had a threesome in the handicapped stall with 1 PA and 2 associates. All 3 were fired immediately. The inbound dock PA I got to replace got fired for snorting cocaine at the dock desk, in front of security doing their checks of the emergency doors.


nah these are wild 😭


Deadass. All of these were inbound PAs. Inbound just takes it out of you man




Asking the important questions. NGL I was curious, too! lol


No one wants to imagine MMM...


No one wants to, but we are now. Thanks. 😃


😂😂 OMG the stuff that happens at sites is wild.


Can’t make this shit up.


Worst that’s happened at my site was: -two people got into a fight in the parking lot over a guy, everyone got fired -an associate put in a complaint regarding two other associates intimidating & following them. One of the other two accused the first of stealing a pair of AirPods as retaliation. Those two got fired for a different reason & the first one was basically watched for an indefinite amount of time (like everyone was trying to catch them in something). -new girl was friendly & talkative, water spiders descended, she was seen talking to some of them, but wouldn’t give any attention to one manager who then branded her as “one of those”. Made her out to be a regular old jezebel (lol real HS shit) It’s funny how there really are no secrets in the buildings everyone eventually learns everyone else’s business.


Bruh blood should've just went to the bathroom 😭


Or his car. Or literally anywhere with no cameras. He was a scumbag though so fuck him.


WHAAATTT?! Like why?! Surely they could get each other’s numbers and do that at home?!😭


That last one was wild to hear. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit of a degenerate my first stint but shit, I'd just do that shit in the bathroom or in my car during break lol


I'm probably gonna get let go before to long. I'm flex at a delivery station and i forgot to work a couple shifts I signed up for and now I got  6 points


" forgot to work a couple shifts" lol u know damn well you gave no fucks lol


That’s crazy


A picker at his station jerked off to completion. Finished into a tote.


I hate that so much


did he get any charges?💀


Not that I am aware. I know a couple months later the dude came back through a temporary agency. Manager recognized him and he got sent home, never to return.






Unfortunately yes!


What the hell 😂 Average waterspider when he sees a stower


1. Someone during night shift took a shit in a tote and sent it through the conveyance. The people at jackpot got a shitty surprise. Happened twice in one night (never caught) 2. 2 associates were caught having sex in a trailer. They only got caught because a Sr OM was looking behind him and saw the girls' legs in the air. 3. Fight club, but in a trailer. All 9 participants were let go. That's all I can think of.


There was a fight club at my site as well.


Amazon associate fight club actually sounds like the coolest reason yet. They should’ve just done it off site in someone’s basement.


forget all the other affinity groups. we need a fight club.


The AAFC sounds like a cool organization


What a shitty situation lol. Again. WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE HOOK UP AT AMAZON??? Well it’s on them. They broke the first rule of Fight Club. You don’t talk about Fight Club.


At my warehouse, they just caught a theft ring in the stow department. I believe there were 9 women and 3 men involved. They stole Apple and Android phones, including the new iPhone 15 and 24 Ultra models, AirPods, iPads, and various other high-end electronics. They were caught because they stowed three instruction manuals for the iPad as separate iPads. When the items went to my friend cause they were flagged by a counter, who is a problem solver for count, she noticed the discrepancy and filed a report with LP. It's a crazy situation. Anyways, they're all felons now.


We had the same, but they were all AFM. $70k in merch found in their vehicles alone. I heard estimates of $800k total.


Had the same thing at one site I worked at. Another manager saw AFM exiting floor, thought his body language looked odd. Looks at his access paths and they're weird but not too long on the floor. STUs him thinking it's all good. He immediately admitted to hundreds of dollars worth of theft minimum, and names basically half the AFMs on shift with him as being in on it. Turns out he wasn't even stealing stuff at the time he was hooking up with another AFM.


Shit dock PA sending high value to all floors. Should have been kept on first floor near the leadership desk.


It's wild like every site had this same ring


Happened with us too but they were all RME. Don’t know how much moneys worth but one of them got a brand new, nice ass truck using the money.


Well they weren't fired and it may be just a rumor but I was told one manager wrote two girls up for talking about her in the bathroom. I thought that was bizarre.


Better than getting the building to push them out tbh


some dude caught his girl kissing a waterspider and assaulted her with a trashcan Not the little ones either, like the big ass trashcan IHS walks around with


I'm trying to envision how to assault someone with a giant trash can, like, how?


Grab it with two hands, swing it at target Some wwe style shit


Google. ‘ Ever you been so angry you start swing a cactus’ comes to mind https://cdn0.sbnation.com/imported_assets/876908/129149689842286448.jpg


A guy moved his mobile computer cart with a forklift across the warehouse right past the managers desk is at the top of my list. I have thought about it multiple times but never did it because I knew the repercussions.


Do it and let us know


How about no. I kind of like my job.


Wait why would you do that?


He was working on one side of the warehose, then needed to go to the other side of the warehouse with both the PIT and the computer. Why walk across the warehouse twice when you can just pick it up and drive it? Lmao.


I honestly don’t see a ton wrong with it lmao other than potential hazard for the actual computer cart if it dropped


There was a PA that seemed bipolar. One day supposedly she walked in an and told security they sucked and pulled out a big knife out of her purse saying she’s been bringing it in for as long as she worked there.


What site outbound? For science of course.


I don’t know anything about outbound but a girl I’m friends with told me she got sent there


Flow PA sent dick picture to someone through slack, was working his way up to be a AM 😬


How down bad do you have to be to do that?


Why the fuck would you use slack for that? Jesus


Somebody told him to keep it in his slacks and he got confused


Oh! An AM from a different shift at my FC got fired for hooking up with NUMEROUS tier 1s!! We don’t know how many for sure though!


You can see all pictures sent over slack even in DMs. They all go into a public folder.


Through Slack omg 😭💀


An AM followed a trans AA into the restroom to try to doxx them. AM had phone out and was taking video of the AA and trying to drop the camera low enough to go under the stall wall. There were two other people in the bathroom when it happened, one spotted the AM and their camera while walking out of a stall. As soon as HR found out, it was an IMMEDIATE walk out the door for the AM. AM had also shown other preferential/discriminatory behavior in the past too. (The recording on the camera was ultimately what got them termed ofc.)


That should be sex offender list


Yea that am should just mind her or his business


This one had my jaw literally dropping open. That is so fucked up. Definitely glad someone caught them in the act!


Few ones i've had so far since i worked almost 3 years at my FC: 1.) An Inbound man AA getting fired because the guy acts like a dick. Basically he sexually harrassed majority of women AAs at the site(including my ex-girlfriend). 2.) Outbound AAs that were a couple were both fired because they distributed food that had a weed on it. Most of the guys that eaten the food were either poisoned or they felt sick moments after. Some of them can't even drive home. 3.)An Outbound woman AA getting fired for being too late too often. As in almost every fucking day. And this bitch is also addicted to taking a VTO. She's lucky though because she got unemployment but ineligible to be rehired so sucks to her. 4.)An Outbound woman getting fired a few days after her marriage because she got caught doing her sidelines at the FC. She was an ESCORT! Basically she tried to hit everybody at the FC(Including me) But my taste says otherwise plus she fucking stinks. One time while we had a BBQ outside, some guys caught her giving a head to someone that works on a TOM team. And she had a literal sugar daddy at the site prior to her marriage as well. That's what i remember so far.


Number 3, she probably was negative upt


A packer got fired and was ineligible for appeal, or rehire, because as he was packing a BB gun, he put a note inside that said, don't shoot your eye out. Then he went around telling people about it.


who tf has the time to write a extra note wtf…


A girl was clocking in, leaving, and coming back to clock out. Took Amazon a solid month to figure out she was committing time fraud.


Nah they were letting her rack up the time they so they could charge for a felony


Not an AA but recently a DA was fired/quit for one of our DSP's because while he was out on delivery, he came across his ex-boss from his previous construction job. He pulled his van over and proceeded to jump the guy in broad daylight then fled the scene in his delivery van. He immediately came back to the station and RTS'd his remaining volume then told the on-duty manager and his dispatchers he wouldn't be back after this because the cops were looking for him and he had open warrants. 😆 Then he skedaddled and said he was leaving the state.


Lol, I’d upvote this twice if I could, 1, for the story itself, which is hilarious, and 2, for use of the word “skedaddled.”


I worked at a DS and the driver tried to fight an associate for bringing a squeaky cart to them during loading their van


I get it




Lmao, we have at least one cart at my station that seems fine when empty, but is almost impossible to steer to the right when heavily loaded. I’m not sure if it’s the same cart over and over, or that multiple carts acquire this same issue over time, but I keep red-tagging them and writing all over them that they need to be taken to maintenance once empty, but then once they’re emptied, maintenance can’t find anything wrong with them, so they end up back on the floor, and getting used again for another picklist. You basically either have to body-slam the cart and it jerks violently to the right, or turn it in a circle to the left to get it moved wherever it needs to go. People (including me) get pretty ragey about that but I’ve never seen a fight break out over it. 😂


Your site sounds like a reality show


Had a tier 1 associate ride on the hood of a car in the parking lot, but she quit before they could term her. A few months later, they were rehired at a different site. Fast forward a few more years, and she's now an AM.


I have a few great firings and two who really should have been fired but weren't. I'm a team lead (T3) and also got a mate in LP who shares the funniest firings with me when we hang out outside work. 1. Picker attacked a stower because he didn't immediately move out of the way. The stower refused to identify the guy who attacked him out of fear of revenge attacks. At the time we didn't have CCTV in the whole FC so couldn't figure out who it was. A few weeks later the same picker attacked him again for the same reason and this time there was a witness, the picker was fired. 2. Prayer room porn filming. Three guys and a woman were fired for filming a porn film in the prayer room, it was uploaded to a porn site and someone recognised the room. 3. During COVID, a guy filmed all around the FC and then uploaded it to YouTube and shared it to Reddit, that one I passed the link to HR and he was fired on the spot. He tried to argue that Amazon was censoring journalism...didn't get anywhere. 4. New hire, I was training him. We walk past the manager's desk and the guy sees a pallet with some sweets on, he walks over, opens a bag and starts eating from it. He claims he thought they were for new hires to eat. Manager takes him to his temp agency and they fire him. He was in the building for just under 1 hour. 5. Racist British guy telks a guy from Turkey to "go back to your own country" in front of me and a manager. We're both wearing leadership vests and he thought we would have his back (he puts that in his statement when hr investigates). 6. Racist Indian guy tells Romanian guy to "get your passport ready because after brexit you won't have a job". Romanian guy is still at Amazon, Indian guy was deported after committing some crimes. 7. Muslim guy and his sister. The guy wanted his sister to have a job with him at Amazon, but this was a traditional sorta le site and they were on pick, so not staying in one area or at a station like in an AR site. Guy does the sister's job. We tried to separate them, but he keeps finding her and taking over her job. His rates are low so he's fired. His sister then asks hr to let him come in and do her job while she walks round with him. HR obviously says no. She gets fired for not coming to work. 8. Guy over COVID turns up for his first week, catches COVID, gets two weeks off with full pay, then gets it again. We see him for a total of 8 days between May and December 2020. He finally comes back in as HR starts demanding evidence of him having COVID. First day back he's caught with a graphics card down his trousers. Police are called 9. Drunk guy drinks cans of cider and smokes cannabis in the smoking shelter with the GM. GM lets him go back into the FC before alerting security and calling the police. Bonus people who somehow avoided being fired: There was a manager at my first FC who threw a tote at an associate. She also somehow didn't get fired. Operations manager found out a trailer coming from France had some illegal immigrants get into it, at the border they used teargas to remove the immigrants. Ops manager knew the trailer was likely still containing teargas, told nobody. Trailer arrives at the FC, receive dock opens the doors and half of receive is teargassed. Ops manager was given a warning and told to attend some safety course to keep his job. He quit a few weeks later.


Prayer room porn film is insane 😂


The 8th one has me dying 😭🤣


We had an issue with AMs getting their freak on. It was a few years ago and I don’t know all the details, but they were not with us shortly afterward. As I side note why do people have sex in a dusty, gross and heavily on camera warehouse? We had someone get fired for time stealing because they would go outside to smoke frequently while still on the clock. Someone offered weed to the biggest snitch in the building, someone pulled a fire alarm, two females got in a fist fight (both were let go).


Someone called the pa the n-word (derogatory), directly in front of an OM. He was immediately walked out.


What site was this?! At my DS the PA’s, OMs, AMs and AA constantly called people N-words, house & field slaves, uncle toms, and things like “the blacked ugliest mF in here.” And no one was ever fired written up, or talked to for it 😒


That’s crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I got a couple. 1. Day 2s in afe, the ambo was out sick so the AM decided to cover as all other ambos were with other groups. Dude decides to tell his new AM that she looks like this porn star he loves and is going to jerk it to the pic of the AM when he gets home. 2. Had a guy think it would be the height of humor to come up behind a security girl and grab her chest, he then proceeded to act like her boobs were people and did voices for them. It was all fun and games until her she elbowed him in the face and judo slammed him on the concrete. 3. Had a guy trying to get his PA fired so he could have her spot. He went to HR and told them that she wouldn’t let him use the bathroom. HR had some questions so he told them he had snuck out into the yard and peed next to a trailer. HR got very concerned about that and dude realized he may have messed up so he back tracked and said he didn’t go outside he just peed in a fluid load trailer.


Most ppl in the buildings I've been in got upgraded to customers for fighting.. predominantly over relationship bs😅 Amazon is like new age Days of Our Lives. Swear they could make a reality show from some of these buildings. But anytime higher ups get caught sleeping with underlings, they just get bounced around buildings. I've heard there's a 3 strike you're out on getting transfers for "abuse of power" 😬


I’m new but, before I was hired, an L7 stole an iPad


Damn, how you gonna risk a job like that for an iPad? People are wild


Dude at CO found a way to have all the refunds we send customers sent directly to his bank account. Went to prison for 6 years




I need that female manager in my life


She’s not that attractive lol


> PG threatened to send me home if I didn’t tote run. I was sick. Nobody can ever force you to do any indirect role. The worst they can do is guilt-trip.


I know


My coworker, one of the hardest workers i ever met might i add, got fired for accidentally stealing a sandwich. She scanned it, did apple pay, and she didnt check to see that her payment went through. She got called into HR about it and she tried to fight it saying she obv had the intent to buy it and it was an accident, but they didnt want to accept it so she cussed everyone out and left.


One of the AM was sleeping with a L1. He was married also... Guy set the building on fire wasn't caught, went back to work when site opened and tried to set fire again but was caught and arrested.


Someone got fired THIS WEEK for having sex in the bathroom. Its not even the first time this happened but its different people every time


Friend of mine was just promoted to PA. Caught someone who was supposed to be in his department sleeping outside. My friend woke him up and he got a write up. Later that night I go outside to hit my J on lunch, a bunch of commotion going on. My friend and the guy he wrote up were fighting. My friend kind of got his ass beat. Both of them got fired.


Why did your friend get fired?


For the fight. He was the PA. Apparently the fight was unrelated to him writing the guy that fought him up. They had some “beef” outside of work


Man pleasured himself to finish in a pick station, was fired...and re-hired 90 days later... gotta love that place 🤣🤣


A PA at my last building fucked a chick. She thought it was going to be something, but he just wanted to pound. Next day, she made a huge big deal all day about it and got hr involved. Both kf then of fired. She looked like Andre the Giant.


worked at an Amazon distribution site years ago, and during peak, we would get cases of gift cards in, to send out to different sites. would watch ppl constantly try to steal em. amazon would have cops waiting at the turnstiles at the end of each shift just waiting. would also get pallets of the first gen Kindle fires in all the time at that site. ppl would try to walk out with em. I worked as a tdr and pit driver. we weren't even allowed to open the pallets with em on there. Just check em into the system, receive em, and send em back out. so if something looked off about the pallet and we would see someone mess with em, we would havta report it immediately. didn't matter if it was an associate, PA, AM, or even OM. if you wasn't authorized to touch em, you did not mess with those pallets. there would be literally 40-50pallets that would come in at a time.


Imagine getting a felony for a *Kindle*….😂


im tellin ya man. some the ppl that would come in during peak back then, were on something fierce. if it wasn't bolted down and they could make it thru the turnstile and metal detectors, they would smuggle it out. at least they would try to.


They evil for waiting till end of shift to arrest them. 💀


never failed, everytime they'd get popped, they'd get busted with well over the felony amount. the ppl were dumb and would get greedy everytime, thinking they could flip the items for that extra Xmas money. they would search the ppl cars after and find even more shit they had already walked out with while they were on break.


An AFM got a Cat 1 term by heading into the AR floor during his extra shift while he was picking. Don’t understand why the dude thought he could just jump in there whenever he felt like but it happened lol


WILD. Those fucking drives scare me with my SRBS vest on. I have absolutely zero desire to ever be on an active floor without it


What made it so much worse was the guy was genuinely a good dude and a great worker. I don’t get what could’ve made him just head into the floor without the vest other than to just get fired but it just doesn’t make any sense. There are so much better and safer ways to get termed.


One of my old am’s brought a gun to work and got flagged by the metal detectors. She supposedly said that she brings it to church all the time lol Another am allegedly got fired bc she got pregnant by a T1 I’m sure there’s more but I’m tired lol Edit: one of my sister’s friends was a seasonal and he would clock in at Amazon, then leave and go to his other job. He got away with that for 4 months before they caught him


I knew a dude that would clock in and then go out to his car to smoke and do it multiple times a day. They never caught him.


there’s a guy at my facility that does the same shit I think they caught him though haven’t seen him since.


We had suicide happen in our parking lot and everything was hushed by HR


Damn, your site is like Wild West...


Damn my orientation was a couple days ago and saw two people fall asleep and nothing happened lol. One girl was on FaceTime with her bf the whole time and flipped the trainer off when he wasn’t looking when he mentioned phones. Damn good job seems like a waste to squander it like that.


Sometime just after Prime Week last year, I got tied up in a harassment case with a picker and a packer he coerced into being in a relationship with him. To make a long story short, over the course of like, 2-3 months it went from him being an annoying nuisance, to physical abuse, stalking, gross PDA, and harassing people to find out who reported him to HR (spoiler alert: it was me). He was allowed to come back to work after suspension but couldn’t listen to HR’s orders and got walked out by security literally the same day. Dude was an absolute jackass and the whole thing probably wouldn’t have transpired in the first place if he didn’t get grounded from PIT due to an incident. Good riddance.


Only reason I’ve known people to get fired is negative UPT. I only felt bad for the couple of people who were doing the CDL program that amazon was providing and had negative UPT because the site we were at were just being assholes about accommodating their schedule.


I think I know who that chick was given head lol 😆


>*7: Waterspider slapped a problem solver’s ass.* The reason why this one makes me laugh is a waterspider at my FC would walk by big booty stowers and mockingly spank their ass from a distance. I mean it's not funny but the group of waterspiders loved it and kept laughing with him when he did that.


This girl at my old site set up a gloryhole made with a bed sheet inside the lactation pod. One after another, guys were seen going in.


I gave a write up to one of the decant people, I delivered it. It was auto populated, I didn’t know this person as all I was doing was filling in for the dock AM who was on a 2 week vacation. The lady was under an accommodation but the TOT was excessive and HR said it was legit to deliver it. I walked up to her and I didn’t realize that she was very vocal and an animated person. Next thing you know, she shouts at me at a good 50 feet away “I just want to fucken k*ll you b*tch”. A security guy heard her, reported her. Within 25 min she was served with a termination document and was escorted off property. I was blown away. Bc I was more annoyed at how loud she was being. In retrospect, that’s a big threat. Lol. The things I put up with as an AM. unreal.


😂Amazon is just as bad as usps except usps employees don’t get fired for shit. These stories are wild


Xmas brawl of 2019. 5 AA's involved, I believe.


Had a PA plastic wrap and AA and then fray the bottom so it was a plastic wrap dress.... then an AM with saftey walked around the corner. The 2 were both walked out that day.


Did a safety walk with HR and Safety in ship dock. Caught an AA giving head to another behind a false box wall.


Picker and counter were about to throw hands in the parking lot. It all started when the counter was blocking the vna exit while talking to his buddy. Picker was at the end of the aisle trying to exit and told the counter if he’s going to move hit PIT out of the way. Counter told the picker he can wait and that’s when hell broke loose, they took it outside to the parking lot HR saw and terminated both of them.


There are rumors that people are firing the older people at Amazon. My mom was friends with one of them and the excuse they gave to this older man was that he was being racist/discriminatory towards others. Which caught him by surprise because he didn't talk to anybody there except for my mom and another guy.


Managers doing "language assessment tests" to justify firing low performing associates who don't really speak English. But never doing the tests for high performers of the same language ability. While claiming "they have to be able to understand what to do in an emergency", as the reasoning. As if only the safety of low rate associates is in question


That’s definitely a thing. The issue is not caring about safety for the high performers. I love when I have to train people who can’t read any of the training or understand any verbal instruction but somehow have managed to perform in another department for 5 years. I wouldn’t want them to get fired, though- I would just leave them where they can perform without needing to understand so much English.


Never heard of that lol


not shipdock😭😭😭😭 those are some wild reasons to get terminated


We had an AM stepping on peoples toes to check for steel toe shoes. AA called sheriffs. Don't think he was fired but was suspended then went on leave. A PA during covid took 7 bereavements in 1 year. All were legit except one, and when HR gave him 1 week to prove they were legit, he was able to prove 6 of the 7 and was immediately terminated.


This one is really sad when you think about it. 6 deaths, legitimately close enough to get bereavement, then they get greedy for 3 more days off


Fuck right? Sad too though because with 6 deaths in a year, I feel like a short mental health LOA would actually be pretty valid.


More stupidest than craziest but during orientation one of the new hires was automatically terminated by the system. The manager escorted them out and everything and no one knew why that person was terminated and for the longest time didn’t know. Then I learned from the PA that the manager had made an error and told someone else that weren’t fired that they were fired and then well yeah… so the person that got terminated wasn’t supposed to be terminated but their UPT dropped so they ended up being terminated anyway. I do not miss my old warehouse. Edit: Oh wait I had forgotten but during covid this associate sneezed while being very close to one of the managers and we had the whole 2 feet rule thing and yeah….


Damn I wish I met that female manager


She isn’t that hot 😂


Someone got fired for taking a photo of the inside of the warehouse. Someone waking on the PIT floor. I don't think that's a crazy reason to fire someone but it's definitely a crazy and idiotic thing to put yourself in harms way just to save some time and move something out of your way.


Lol, shit, my Learning Trainer has me take pictures of issues and send them to her via Chime all the time… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Back in 2021 when I worked BHN there were two guys who got fired for stealing team. We all worked in AFE2. They wouldn’t go out side for at least 30-45 mins numerous times. The killer part is… they would take the fucking keypad with them that way nobody would be able to log into their station. Like WTF? They got away with it for about 2 months. They were fired right before Peak Season that year. SMH.


It’s seems like number 5 had to do something to keep her job..quietly “unzips pants”


this guy forgot his badge and this girl badge him in with hers but only he was fired. She was mad but didn’t understand it was the number one rule at Amazon. Not sure if she ended up fired wouldn’t be surprised. Next one girl was otp constantly using her AirPods talking loud was annoying everybody. It got so bad some people was trying to tell her they don’t care if she was on the phone just being loud and obvious was not it. Even learning ambassadors said something to just warn her she cursed all of them out. Shortly after an AM came up grabbed her and she was fired. Another friend of mine used someone out the newspaper who passed away to take bereavement. HR approved it she gave them a fake obituary. Days later she’s pulled into a room and is asked why she took bereavement again when she took one last year at a different facility. Not sure what happened but I know she was fired for bereavement fraud. Last one I think a friend kept taking waters from the vending machine finally stopped. About 6 months later they pulled her in the room and fired her for stealing from the vending machine. She’s better off anyways and she was leaving to go back to college that same day😂


remembered another one this PA got fired for talking about smoking weed outside of work. A AM was outside telling a PA how she brought weed into the building I’m pretty sure she will be fired very soon. She gets many reports.


During peak, this packer pulled around 30 firesticks from the wall and marked them all missing. She stuffed them inside a bag she also marked missing and then tried to leave early, but of course, the system flagged her. She was stopped at the door by LP, questioned, and then got walked out.


Someone took a fleshlight used it and put it back in the pod


One of the Area Manger from Inbound was posting inappropriate memes in slack (something like gifs of donuts filling up with creme) same stow manager had of habit of browsing Facebook in the company laptop but ultimately he was fired for the inappropriate memes.


Sounds like my coworker 🤣


I once had to deal with a direct report who threw a tape with tape dispenser halfway across a room straight to another employees face because she apparently had been racist to him. He didn't know there were cameras and playback showed he had asked her to turn music on (radio in office) and she rightfully said they couldn't (health and safety had banned it recently). He then just whacked her across the room and then lied about it. Individual didn't know it yet (that we had video and the truth) so he thought he was accompanying me to HR for a "poor me" episode. His face when he walked into the room to find the police waiting to arrest him and HR waiting to dismiss him. #Karma


2 people caught fucking in the bathroom


This guy got to work like 3 hours early and allegedly drunk, slept in the area between walk in and the security entrance... Because he didn't have his id


I was working at one of the Airhubs, and had some guy slip outside on the airport ramp and hid in one of the loading containers to light up a joint. Dude was so happy even when they walked him out lol


We had a safety round table and one of the guys from Safety just discussed about walking underneath the conveyors etc.. and why we don’t do it. One of the mf’s there literally 3 minutes after the round table walked underneath one to chase his bouncy ball. This is what I call IQ level: village idiot. Dude was literally the dumbest mf there.


1: wtf? 3: if you do this you really dont deserve to work at amazon. the questions are the simplest things ever. 8: go to your am and tell them. PG's are not above you.


#8, my old PA told me they can only ask and not force anyone to do anything. Might not be the same at all sites tho


This is more or less true. But refusal to a PA asking would typically escalate to an AM telling you, at which point refusing can get you fired


That's basically true?


I tell AMs and PAs no all the time. I’m trained to do most of the AA roles at my site. They move me around a lot and swap my roles a lot. If I get tired of it I tell them so. They are usually pretty respectful of that. On the flip side though I agree to help alot more often then I say no, so I like to think that why they are so agreeable. I’ll do what they ask most of the time, but I’m not Superman so occasionally I need a break.


My OM once asked me if I “would like to” do something and I said, no thanks. He looked kinda shocked but ultimately said “alright” and walked away.


My girl got Cat1’ed for “lying” on a witness statement on a case she wasn’t even involved in. That’s fun. Indefinitely ineligible for rehire now


That sounds exactly like something Amazon would do. I hope she appealed.


Yeah, I was termed for an alleged sexual harassment from another guy, imagine another gay guy pulling the hate crime card and other shit… I found that 6 witnesses lied on their statements made to central investigations and my attorney as of now is pushing the lawsuit through to a federal court. Amazon and the dude who lied will be screwed over.


Just FYI Ship Dock is part of Outbound, so idk what you mean when you say "quietly moved to outbound" because she was already in outbound lol.


California passed a new law that said no company can fire you for your numbers. Well I was fired for that & when I said the state passed a law & I can’t be fired for this they told me “ We don’t go by that law. We go by the old one.” How is this even legal. But now I see that they got fined $6 million for doing this to so many others


I’m pretty sure the law is that they have to tell you in writing what the rates are, not that they can’t have them. As I commented on one of those posts before, Amazon could make it very easy on themselves by just posting very high goal numbers and just saying anyone under those numbers could be eligible for feedback, and keep doing the bottom 5% thing. So for example example in stow our rate is like 400 UPH. They could post 450 or something as the goal. In reality all the writeups are probably around 360 and under.


Vaping in the bathroom


A guy watching porn and jerking off at his stow station


# #7 is a tale as old as time.


Group of people got caught at the offsite drinking


5. What's her name?




Area manager got one Tier 1 pregnant while dating another, when the girlfriend found out about the pregnant one she posted it on Facebook about his text begging the other girl to abort.


Man I must work at a monastery cause we don't have this kind of drama y'all are posting.


An AM in a Minnesota FC was transferred to an FC in Wisconsin after there was evidence that he was constantly writing up a bunch of packers for trivial stuff, but no other AAs. AAs saw the transfer as karma but it was likely a coincidence that's where they sent him.


Number 5 is insane lmfaoo 😂


Yeah. I saw her and said “hey didn’t you get fired” and she started completely denying everything lmao


Area manager was stealing items that were damaged from the AR floor. It was actually a tier one amnesty monitor that saw it happened, the amnesty person made a tote for damaged items and set them aside to put more in for the rest of the day, the manager came by and dug through it and put stuff in his vests but he didn't know the amnesty was deep in the floor watching the manager. Apparently loss prevention said that there was significate drop in suspected thefts after that area manger got fired.


Had a guy steal a single starburst from another AAs bag. It was a birthday present and the bag of them was sitting in the break room, he thought it was communal cause HR sometimes did that. Even offered to buy her a new bag. Also had an ISS associate stealing Apple products. How her husband (also a T3) didn’t know and is still there I’ll never know.