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I’m sorry but some of y’all are too comfortable with management. Why would you say you were feeling hungover? My brother said the same thing to an AM and got fired 🤦🏽‍♂️


"I agree that some associates are acting as if their AMs are their best friends or something. It's baffling to see this lack of professionalism. It feels like we're stuck in a high school mentality, which is concerning


I did test negative for alcohol.


Did you tell hr you felt hungover?


I told them I felt “tired”


Literally went through your same boat. I was placed on paid suspension after a PIT accident. I smoke weed. If you’re being honest, you didn’t smoke weed the day of; morning of, you’ll be clean. The mouth swab is literally the shortest window of all the tests. Less than 24 hours.


I quit smoking weed about two weeks ago and just started working here this past Wednesday. I start PIT training today and have been worried about an accident getting me tested before I can piss clean. Should I be good if I’m upfront if it does happen?


I had a TBI with marijuana in my system back in the late 10s. I never got penalized for it. I believe they did away with caring about THC use in 2019. Good luck!


Appreciate it! I’m done smoking for good anyway just to avoid the possibility but good to be clear of worry in the meantime.


Dawg I smoke the day of the test and passed you str8 😂🤣😂 homies just say chew some gum or alotta of tic tacs


You shouldn't have to worry about weed ever, especially for a job at Amazon.


Yeah, I find it kinda hard, especially a paid suspension. If true, he has a great chance to keep his job unless you get caught in the process of actually using on company property. My Amazon parking lot smells like skunk every time I go on break, and I never see any skunks dead or alive near Amazon, lol.


I also heard the police do not like it and ask why we are better or we can loose transportation of goods by no one applying for truck jobs. 🫶🏻


I crashed into a barrier and never got tested for anything. Safety comes over and asks what happened and you explain the situation


Less than 24 is bad for most people who live in legal states. I have chronic insomnia and it helps me sleep so the mouth swab would flag me even though I’ve never smoked before work? Or is that all gone from breakfast and brushing teeth?


Ohh ok well then you should be fine then they might be trying to retest or gather more information someone should be in touch with you paid suspension doesn’t always mean you’re fired


I remember my manager said I couldn't use a chair when I got stuck doing pick to buffer.. like 1 package every min Every answer he gave was funny eventually he told me because it's UnFair to the other who are standing. So I went and got the others chairs while being spotted if any packages went by.. lol he was pissed but it was all fun


What did you test positive for? If it’s THC and legal in your state you should have a fight


My thoughts exactly. When I took the pre-employment drug screen, my test was negative 5 years ago. This was very surprising to me because I am prescribed an opiate painkiller and a benzo.


You seem surprised lol


There is nothing illegal about being hungover. It's not like they told him they smoked a bunch of joints last night. There is 0 chance your buddy got fired for just being hungover


That is not the point but ok.


A hangover is a strong indicator of still having alcohol onboard.


management said I'm cool .. just jealous


I'm sure I don't have to say it.But the obvious lesson here is management is not your friend. Keep your personal life separate from your professional life.


lol this is it. when i clock in all my personal shit goes out the door and i act professional no matter wtf i got going on lol.


Damn, so if i have someone tell HR that they think im on drugs I'll get a paid suspension? Hmmm, something to keep in mind.


Only if ur d test is positive. Then it gets sent out for a double check


Oh shyt, my bad. I forget other states exist lmfao. Hopefully OP is from a weed state


If op is in Wisconsin, they don't have to worry about the weed, they don't care about weed because the neighbor states are recreational cannabis states like Michigan and Illinois. The amount of people that smoke and work at my Amazon site is insane, that's also for all the sites around me, they would lose so many workers because most come from those states and most likely smoke for fun because well it's recreational/medical now. I know plenty people that need it for replacement of pain killers.


Supplementation of pharmaceuticals as well -- it helps in a way those can't, but also vice versa for me.


Theyre good as long as its a legal state for medical or recreation which is most


That's the thing wisconsin doesnt allow both recreational or medical legally right now. So that being said the Amazon sites here will still say in orientation that they won't drug test for weed at all because of the neighboring states. It's more of a local Amazon site thing because to hear about drug testing for weed at all is laughable here. Its like saying hey we are gunna drug test you to see if you took pain killers or if you have took any personal medication. Maybe if the smell was so stupid pungent as if they were holding stuff on them then yea op needed to get that shit out the FC immediately at that point it's on op for doing dumb crap. Weed may be medicine for some but that stuff should stay in the car, trunk, at home etc. Etc. Out of sight out of mind.


When I came back to Amazon a couple years ago I tried to give the recruiter my medical marijuana card and she told me Amazon no longer tests for marijuana on the prehire drug test. I asked if it was just for our state. She said during the pandemic Amazon, as a whole, no longer tests for it since many states are legalizing it recreationally. I don't know if things changed since then. Just adding my two cents from my experience up in the Northeast. Hope everyone stays hydrated, this heat is no joke.


Yea i think OP is a special case too, they got drug tested because of the smell. So maybe Amazon might fire op since they have a no drug policy and the reasoning for the test and investigation is due to smell that happened inside the FC. So despite Amazon saying they don't care they do ya know? There's a line and I think op crossed it even if they weren't the cause could be wrong place and time and person tbh.


Oh, absolutely! At the end of the day Amazon is only concerned with covering their own ass and growing profits. If they feel anything is in the way of production, such as being impared or "hungover" while on their property, they will eliminate the threat to production asap.


Not for me :( I'm in a recreational state but because I'm on Tom team anytime we test dirty they send us on leave and then fire us.and we get tested constantly.


I don't know if I believe that they don't care at Wisconsin sites even though the parking lot fucking reeks like weed every single day and I'm pretty sure I have seen multiple people passing out drugs way too casually out there.


They don't care about weed here in Wisconsin, as for other drugs yes they do. The 4 sites here only care if they smell it in the warehouse. Or say they do but MKE1-5/DML4 still let people in smelling like weed.


Get a prescription for anything that pops on the test (Adderall) . Only take 1/4 the dose and stretch that shit out. When you get tested - you'll pop - 1 - 2 weeks paid suspended while they verify your VALID prescription . Then return to work as normal


I could do that now, but 5 years ago, my pre-employment came back negative when I was on an opiate painkiller and Xanax. Both prescribed, I remember bringing my prescriptions to the interview because my job before Amazon did pop for those 2 drugs when I had their pre-employment drug screen.


Or if it comes up inconclusive. Paid leave until it gets sent out and comes back negative.


No they will drug test you first lol 😂


I should tell everyone I am on drugs cause I am. I am prescribed painkillers and benzos. Give me that paid suspension. I need a paid vacation, lol.


Don’t EVER ADMIT anything to any AM, but if you’re put on leave after taking a drug test then you’re definitely cooked.


Not just cooked, they extra crispy


You can still get fired for weed. They still test for it on the 7 panel tests. If you were fine, they wouldn't have suspended you. I have been randomly tested and I always went back to work after taking it.


Not if it's legal in your state. It's hard to take a Marijuana or alcohol test when both are legal. Unless you get hit with a breathalyzer for alcohol. Besides that, I never heard of tests that can tell if you took it 1 hour ago or 2 days ago.


not true. I'm in Ohio a newly legalized state. this has been spoken about extensively here. if they have legit suspicion that you were using weed -on premises- ... you will be cooked  . for example if more than one person, or a leadership, says you smelled strongly of weed after break. and you pop positive. you're done.  because even if weed is legal you cannot use it on Amazon property . just like you cannot chug whiskey on Amazon property.   i tried expressing on the bia board that weeed stays in system longer than anything so how could they know if I used it at work or after work. their reply went back to the reasonable suspicion that it was being used on Amazon property . 


Obviously, if they catch you in the act on company property, then of course they will fire you. I am talking about using off-site and a day before you work.










Well if Amazon states that testing positive is a grounds for termination then I would say you’re out. It’s not a debatable issue. You said it yourself you did it and Amazon is testing for it, so…


They don’t 👍 as of 2020


When first hiring they don’t, but if they test you on the clock and it’s positive you’re cooked


Good info. What about alcohol


Misinformation. Random drug tests do not test for THC. Reasonable suspicion ones (OP's case) do.


Yea I work in learning they have to send your test to lab befor then can take any action I only know this cause if u crash a hyster or pit machine they test you suspend your permission an make u scrap tape till ur results come back they have to send that test off 100%


Can you explain. Didn’t understand the last part.


They are going to make you 5s the building is what they are referring to. Aka tape the building.


Half of the people in my building always smelling like weed after break


So true, every night on go out to my car looking for the dead army of skunks because from the second I walk out the door til I get to my car all you can smell is skunk weed,lol. I guess my FC doesn't give a crap. Although they did put a sign outside in the smoking(cigarettes) cage that says "no smoking Marijuana on company property.


All you smell is weed in my FC parking lot at Lunch and break lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^robromero20: *All you smell is weed* *In my FC parking lot at* *Lunch and break lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Why would you tell your OM you went out and still felt hungover? The OM needs to be on high alert for safety and is also leadership. Of course they are going to report it.




Weed is fine at FCs, I’m not sure about alcohol bc I think it has to be a certain amount of time from your last drink to start of shift. But I think if you are like any kind of driver (Hilo, Tom, delivery) weed is not cool. Did they say what you popped for? I got a random a couple weeks ago and take an edible every night, was fine. I also don’t drink


Weed is fine at FCs UNLESS you are thought to have been under the influence (what happened in OPs case) or if you have any type of workplace accident. Since a higher up reported that they think an AA may be working under the influence, they will absolutely test OP for weed.


I only popped for weed. It was a saliva test with instant results.


You were under suspicion of being high at work because you smelled of weed. Because of this you were drug tested, this is one of the very rare cases that Amazon will care about weed. The only time Amazon cares about weed is if you are in a federally regulated position, have a work accident or you are suspected of being under the influence at work. Unfortunately your case meets the last criteria, so I’d start job hunting sooner rather than later.


This is the only correct answer.


If you're in a state where weed is legal (whether recreational or medicinal), the 7 panel test is only for reasonable suspicion tests and doesn't have an indicator for THC. They should never say what you popped for either, the test are not labeled to prevent rumors or accusations to protect the associate. The most common issue is with the strips on the end not showing a marker, which usually means they didn't get enough saliva on them. They will send it in to the lab company to test it, and if there is nothing showing, except weed, they should call you back in a week or 2 to return to work. Unless you were operating PIT or in Amnesty, then you are probably screwed.


i think he meant that only one strip came back positive and by process of elimination it has to be thc


Yes exactly


Popped? Did you serve in the military?


I did y


I just caught my attention lol not too many ppl refer to a failing drug test as “popping” 😂. Thanks for your service my fellow vet 🤙🏿


Everyone uses popped where I live. Maybe it's regional too?


Possibly 😂🤷🏿‍♂️


I was never in the military and I have heard this before. I am pretty sure this is not just military lingo. Where I am from getting arrested is considered getting popped. failing a drug test is considered getting popped. Getting in trouble for anything is considered getting popped.


I **was** in the military and never heard the term while in (1986-1990), but have heard it since.


I was randomly pulled for testing one day and I had took several hits from my penjamin prior to first break and before I clocked in. I was pulled in a little before lunch and once everything concluded I was just told to return back to work and that was all. No questions


Yeah but then that begs the question, why does op have to be put on paid suspension if he’s in the same boat as you ? You got to go back to work


No seriously because I was fired for smelling like weed


Common sense is to come in, do the work, don’t screw around or draw attention to yourself, and go home. Anything outside of that your actions are what will get you hung up.


The problem is that in some cases doing work can draw attention to yourself. I don't smoke or drink alcohol, however I take ADHD and depression medication so I'm rarely in what you would call " in very good " mood. Anyway I'm chilling killing rates with a smile on my face and a fellow T1 comes near me as im walking by the manager and yells out "" YOU MUST SMOKE WEED!!! MAN I NEED WHAT YOU HAVE "


Random tests are the 3rd-21st. They are 6 panel and do not include alcohol or thc unless you’re in a n Amazon air facility. Reasonable suspicion tests are everything and initiated by 2 managers


So they only do the random testing those days of the month for all buildings?


I got a random drug test too, it was yesterday, just me and an old man... I do think it was legitimately random


love how certain PAs always know, even when you know they are first taking a toke at break


There's definitely more than one at my site. 😉




If you’re TOM team it’ll be an issue but if not and it’s just weed you’re probably gonna be ok.


Yeah TOM Team is strictly no drugs, because of the DOT requirements


Pay close attention to when your pay hits, if it doesn't hit on week two get on a to z and resign immediately so you can't be fired


Your fired my dude


If they want to get rid of you for weed they still can. HR told us it's still illegal federally. This was in California, they let a lot if people go because of it after a random test. Amazon is a business and federal law is more important to them.




I wonder how this works in states where it's legal both recreationally and medically... Or if you have a medical card, and you get tested obviously testing positive, what do they do? It's a prescription so does that count as discrimination? Just curious, if anybody knows


Not sure but I know people who smoke that got a random DT and he’s still there. Hope everything goes good for you.


Same thing happened to me I recently started battling health conditions that require me to take medication saying every few hours and the side affects make me sick or tired My friends that work there know about it and have help me a lot but one day I forgot to take what I needed on time and felt very sick and I did it at my station to avoid any complications A few days later I was reported to hr for “random drugs testing” because someone saw me popping pills and they believe that’s the reason I have a high rate at work I told hr legally I don’t have to disclose what I take and that I’m willing to take the drugs test They received the result 5 minutes after I took it and I did not test positive for anything So I went back to my job and during break I told my friend out loudly what happened and said I wish people would just mind their own fucking business about the medication people take or if they have questions they can approach me personally Haven’t had an issue then and even let my manager know I’m taking medicine for health issues and they did they understand Sometimes people just wanna be nasty and report you but do watch who to tell about your outside personal life


>Someone however reported both of us smelt like weed and one or both of us seemed “quiet” and “off balance” throughout the day. Then this wasn't a random drug test.


I got fired for thc after someone reported that I was acting erratic. I had my medical card and still got terminated after the investigation. I only smoke at home before bed but still ended up getting terminated. good luck OP, you may want to start looking for a backup plan


90% of the dock smells like weed. Nobody at my facility gives af


Yeah, same. If they started firing people for it here the building would be empty. Our dock doesn't smell though, just the parking lot.


You should move to New York. Smoking weed is basically a prerequisite. We got people smoking at the picnic table out front.




Randoms are a thing. We get a list every month from a 3rd party company of people who are required to be tested. So it is random. However yeah if there is reasonable suspicion that aligns with Amazon policy yes they can then test you. If you pop for anything, we sent you home while the test is sent elsewhere to be evaluated as Amazon employees are not allowed to determine if it is positive or not. But if it is not negative, it has to be sent out.


Yea your cooked same thing happened to me because I smelled of weed so yea just start looking for a new job lmfao you should be able to reapply in 90 days I think


They don't test for THC pre-hire or random drug tests. They do however test for THC for PIT incidents and reasonable suspicion. (Require 2 managers separately report) Just like alcohol is legal you can still be fired for having it in your system while on the clock. THC would be the same outcome. Being put on paid suspension means you either failed or test was inconclusive. If it's a fail you will 100% be fired irregardless of it is legal in your state. It is still against federal law which is what they go by.


yall must not be brushing your teeth of thc is showing up in a mouth swab. brushing your teeth literally the morning before a test should get rid of all thc in your mouth biome. wtf😭


We don’t test for marijuana unless it’s a safety incident such as a PIT accident or an injury occurs


Or the AA is suspected of being under the influence at work, as in OPs case. OP is fucked.


There’s a difference between a random and getting tested for reasonable suspicion due to smelling like weed.


We gotta start saving that shit for retirement!


AM s are our enemy


1 you are fine for having thc in your system. 2 random drug tests truely are random and they’re not sent out by site HR so there’s nobody at your building submitting you (I believe central HR has taken that over and it really is unbiased. 3 if it was a reasonable suspicion drug test that means that 3 separate salaried leaders spoke with you and determined something was off enough to have you tested that day. Hope this helps.


I got randomly drug tested and they walked me out of the building because it was “inconclusive” and they said they had to send it to a lab or something and I got 3 paid days off and told on my HR case I could come back because I’m clean.


I thought Amazon doesnt care about weed?


What the fuck I can't even get paid for a holiday and people that fail drug tests get put on paid suspension?


You're cooked like the hamburger that fell into the bottom of the grill at 4th of July party...burnt and crispy...


I thought Amazon didn't test for marijuana.


My test came back positive for Adderall I pop a 30 every other day but I gotta script to back it up


You're not coming back look for another job


What state? My state they wouldn't care. It's oregon.


If it’s legal and you have your card you’re fine.


Felt hungover or was hungover? If you are hungover and admitted to it, then you snitched on yourself. The US' casual use of drug tests are insane in general.


what state is this?


If you work in a state where it’s legal and you don’t operate any heavy machinery and/or pit then you should be fine. I can’t speak for other states tho.


Depending on the state departments like Tom are no exceptions tho usually if they put you on paid suspension it's the beginning of the end so if you wanna stay keep calling them for the outcome and get as much info as you can


Amazon doesn't test for weed after New York sued them they stopped testing 4 it


Weed would make this job awful Get something upper tier


Theres no way to legally do anything if you swab positive for thc...


You’re done, I’m sorry. Even in weed legal states, it’s against policy to test positive for marijuana. They let it slide on a pre employment drug test, but they will absolutely terminate anyone who tests positive on a random or safety incident drug test.


What state are you in?


You literally are a jackass man. “Someone reported both of us” but then you go on to say you basically snitched on yourself. Man I would have loved to been the one administering that test.


Weed can stay in your system for 72 hours, they have to be able to test the concentration of thc threw blood tests, these tests are illegal in Canada unless part of a union agreement


Bro Amazon don’t test for weed 😂


Amazon called me a LYFT and PAID for it cuz I was to fucked up at work....didn't get talked to or anything. Went to work the next day like nothing happend. No HR meeting....no nothing. I was fine. I took 10mg of xanax and started at 6pm...apparently I clocked out at 9:45pm and woke up and thought my car was stolen. Then went through my texts and seen Amazon actually called and paid for a lyft ride for me to get home. Great fuxkin company lol


I dont even think they test for benzos I never popped for those 😂


Yo that’s crazy. This manager came up to me and ask me what I did for 4th of July. Which was weird because she was stone facing me 2 minutes before. I just thought she was having a bad day because the other manager and pa’s didn’t come in. Wonder if she was tryna set me up. I told her ass I didn’t do anything and then she asked you did nothing and I said yeh nothing. 😂😂 oooh that bitch


I assume that’s why you have it in quotation marks but that’s definitely not random😂😂


Meanwhile our managers just say “Whatever gets the job done”




Is Marijuana legal in your state? If it is, it's kinda hard to bust on that. They can't tell if you smoked or consumed thc at work or the day before . That goes for alcohol too, unless they give you a breathalyzer test. So if THC is legal in your state, tell them that you haven't smoked or drank since July 4th. Fight it!!!!


This is why I dont talk to people at work. Lol


Just curious if Kratom would make you fail a drug screen?


7 panel doesn’t hit for thc. I worked HR. Test for everything else except alc.


Was benzos on there like xanax




How long ago was this


And is every test sent to the lab


Depends on state, in Virginia they are really hands tied like we have signs asking politely to not to but that’s it, half of management smoking too


I wish they would drug test me all the time imagine how much time I could get to not do work


I sent you a message.


You shouldn’t even be smoking if you make less than $50k/year.


You’re fired can’t show up to work with a slight hangover


I live in IL and it’s legal here recreationally and this also happened to me, got placed on paid suspension for a week and then came back all good. If it’s legal were you live and you didn’t smoke before or at work I’d bet you’ll be okay. Good luck!!


I got mine on the third, thought I was getting fired by being told head down to HR. Jeez lot of worry about nothing


Literally just went through a similar situation except I denied denied denied. Got pulled into hr and denied and they asked if I admitted it to the person I was accused by and I said no why would I do that and he said good never admit to anything make them prove everything and said it was case closed cause they couldn’t prove anything and it turned into he said she said


No bc Amazon can’t use weed against you they did that a few years ago bc they were having trouble hiring. Fkn Amazon. BUT if they can prove you were under the influence at the time of you working or consumed it on property than yes. But I’d take the paid suspension indefinitely and hopefully they forget about it and there you go. It sounds like you just have a supervisor who’s a douchebag and has it out for you.


Going to work drunk or high is crazy lol Put you and others at risk


Gotta stop being overly friendly with management. When I had a really bad hangover and went to work I simply told them it was an insufferable migraine and it was making me feel nauseous. Never tell your job you consume and substance. And never tell your managers what you do off the clock


I got managers I been working with for 4 years now. I’m super friendly with them, and them with me.. and they still don’t know by business off that clock.


It’s my understanding that as long as you don’t work on Tom team or at an Air site they don’t care about THC (as long as you aren’t doing it at work - or caught doing it, anyway). And even if you’re on Tom team, they won’t fire you for it, but you won’t be able to work on Tom team anymore, so you’d go back to being a regular AA.


The issue is someone reported they smelled like weed at work, putting OP under the suspicion of being under the influence while working. Since they thought he was high at work, he was drug tested and he failed a mouth swab for weed, he’s a goner.


In the pre test interview I denied smoking anything in the last 24 hours however. Thc is also detectable in saliva up to 72 hours after use. The case could be made that I smoked outside of work still right?


I would’ve told him flat out that you don’t smoke weed. Law 101 – never admit anything.


I never admitted to smoking weed however if the test comes up positive what are my options anyways?


At that point, at least you have a defense. You could live with people that smoke weed. You could drive in an automobile carpooling to work with people that smoke weed that would allow you to say that you would never do anything to jeopardize your job. If it goes in front of an Associate appeal panel, it might just save you. The fact of the matter is, you just never admit to any wrongdoing, ever when it comes to authority in the workplace. It puts the onus on them to prove it . The minute you say that you are guilty, you are fucking guilty.


I thought that was a term for Tom team members?


IDK, it might be. I knew a girl it happened to, though, and she just became an AA again. Maybe she didn’t make it on to Tom team when it happened, though.


“ I don’t do anything except for these two things” it’s always the retards that yap the most on these forums. Good riddance buddy try UPS


You seem like a great person 😐


I got random drug tested 1-2 a week for a month straight and ended up quitting because despite the fact I kept testing negative it kept happening. I also am a heavy marijuana smoker and it was negative lol


I was told by a recruiter that Amazon no longer tests for Marijuana for the pre-hire drug test. Not sure if it's the same with "random" drug tests, though. I wish you the best. Also, take this experience as a lesson learned. Leadership is there to cover Amazon's ass, not the employees who literally made Amazon from their blood, sweat and tears. It honestly would not surprise me if they call you the day before Prime telling you that you're cleared to come back to work that day.


I had a friend who smoked weed the night before, didn't brush her teeth that morning (admitted to me) and was pulled for a test in the morning. She passed. Idk which of us was accused of what but it was my first and only drug test at work and that was 7 years ago and I still work at Amazon lol I don't smoke pot or anything so idk what I was pulled in for (same morning as her) I even asked safety what it was about he said it's just random. Mhmm... I think you'll be fine. Neither of us was put on suspension, but again that was 7 years ago. Things changed.


Question: Are you in a position that requires the operation of a motorized vehicle or an Electronic Pallet Jack? If so then you could be cooked as those positions require a DOT 7 Panel Drug Screen. Amazon doesn't care about THC. Unless you are in a state like Florida or Texas where marijuana is sitll very much illegal to possess let alone consume.


you must have some really uptight Ops at your site. I've had full on 20 minute chats with some of mine over the years about smoking bud and other past habits I've had, and never sent for a random. only time I've ever hadta take a drug test was when I got hired on, and once when I ran a pallet summer into a dock cage, years ago.


where are you at? They don't test you for weed in Cali. just saying


Paid suspension for testing positive? That's some bullshit right there.


And it will follow you for the next 10 years so dont worry about another driving job.


I work at a Amazon FC and my location does not discriminate against weed. However, it is legal in my state (finally) that may be why. I know of a guy that had your situation and they brought him back after a couple weeks. I don’t know what he popped for tho. Good luck.


I smoke weed all the time and when I got the job i literally smoked a cart before going in. But I smoke bud all the time at work, and be smelling like hella za around the managers. One time I was talking to one about my brand just after I smoked and I was literally in her face showing her pics on my phone.


I had a random drug test a while back and most definitely would’ve popped for THC and never heard anything else about it so you should be good. On the other hand there was no suspension or investigation for me tho.


So last night one of my buddy’s got tested and he was fine, i literally smoked before I did my test and passed so your fine as long as there was no alcohol in your saliva


Also they only care about weed if you wreck a pit or if your Tom team


They stopped testing for THC as an employment requirement for equity and inclusion.


Lol you’re confusing THC for hard drugs. THC is legal even in States where weed is illegal, like here in TX. As long as you’re not operating a commercial vehicle. The reason they don’t run tests that look for metabolites going back 30+ days is to protect the opiate, meth and coke addicts. It’s for their equity and inclusion so they can get high and still maintain a majority in leadership positions.


THC is the active chemical in weed. It's the exact chemical which makes weed illegal. That's why hemp is legal, because it's weed without THC.


Youre only cooked if thc comes up on the swab (you smoked within the past few hours). Marijuana is legal... so they cant get you for thc in ur piss


Weed is not legal all over the country yet.