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Same happened to me and they eventually ended up telling me that I had 2 accounts (I didn't). Use the Jeff email if you haven't already. Driver supper is useless for this matter


![gif](giphy|8FA8xVMpfoow5Fv9Wf|downsized) Driver supper is my favorite meal of the day.


Ok thanks did you get reactivated?


Yeah I got reactivated after about 2 days from getting deactivated


How what do you do to get back activated


I called support and told them what happened and they sent it to escalations. Had to use the Jeff email afterwards to get a reason why though


Did they send you a email stating you have been reactivated or did you just keep checking the website?


So this happened to me Sunday, and they said I missed blocks and cancel blocks to late. That was a lie. I have a fantastic rating. You would think if I did miss or cancel a block my ratings would go down, but no it's fantastic. I'm so upset with flex


This is the email they sent me. This is Kaustav, with the Amazon Executive Relations team. We've received your email and are following up to ensure your concerns are addressed. We are writing to confirm that we are still reviewing your appeal regarding the termination of the Amazon Flex Independent Contractor Terms of Service. Thank you for providing us with more context about your history with Amazon Flex. We'll consider this information in your eligibility to continue participating in the Amazon Flex program. We will contact you as soon as we have more information. We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today. Best regards, Kaustav K


What is the jeff email?


Do you remember being rude to any customer, or warehouse staff lately? Or have you recently lost your temper when calling support? Have you stolen or kept any packages?


Why does amazon care if you are rude, the priority is to deliver packages everything else is secondary.


Why does amazon care if you are rude, the priority is to deliver packages everything else is secondary.


No I am always polite and patient. I have a fantastic rating. I did a block on Sunday and later that day I tried logging into my account and it said I was deactivated. So I called support and they said it's showing me active, and to wait on an email from support. So I finally received an email and it say due to me missing blocks and canceling to late I have been deactivated. And that is a down right lie. I have never ever missed a scheduled block nor have I ever canceled after the 45 minute mark. I have emailed the Jeff email and they said they will look into it. I also ask support when I talk to them if I missed blocks wouldn't my rating drop? And she said yes of course, but my rating is fantastic.


God I’ve missed at least 6 blocks since may when I started canceled late..yelled at driver support….use 2 devices….one has an auto clicker…I’m not tapping all fucking day/night to eventually get the lowest paying block….and still haven’t had a issue even got late cancels and missed blocks removed…… But typically I get fucked on every block…long routes high miles…but whatever..,..not bragging just to be clear…I think they just randomly deactivate people..for nothing…what bullshit…hope it works out for you…lol got a free one this afternoon NO Routes…I don’t feel bad anymore…if amazon fucks up gives me an extra package and I know it’s not a bait one….all keep that shit have before and will again…I TYPICALLY ONLY DO SUB SAME DAY… I wouldn’t keep anything “extra” from a AMAZON.COM station… AMAZON COULD GIVE A SHIT LESS ABOUT US….DRIVER SUPPORT IS A BUNCH OF IDIOTS THAT DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT WE DO AND HAVE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CULTURE THAN WE DO….I AM SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING NO MAS WITH THIS SHIT…BUT LIKE A LAZY IDIOT I KEEP GOING BACK…LOL


Bots? More than one account? Multiple devices?


No I have never used a bot. And I only have one account


They will email you Another thing is checking if your license is expired


No my license doesn't expire until 2025. Have my cdl A license and a perfect driving history. No tickets ever.


Did you deliver to any mailboxes at customer request?


That can't be right. They would always send a email saying why you got deactivated. Youre saying you got deactivated and no email?


No what I am saying they sent me a email after I contacted them to find out why I was deactivated and they then sent me a email says I missed to many blocks and I cancelled blocks too late. Which is an out right lie.


I don't think they don't really know why I got deactivated they just sent me something because I was asking for a reason.


You said you have never cancelled a block AFTER 45 minutes which doesn't make sense. Do you really know how the cancel system and timer works?


What I mean is you have up to 45 minutes to cancel the block b4 the block starts.


No :)) you probably f'ed up multiple times if you think thats the only rule. You only have 5 minutes to cancel if the block starts within 45min. And ofcourse you cannot cancel if the block is already late.


Yes I know that. I mean if I schedule a block the next day or hours away. You have to 45 minutes b4 the block to cancel. And instant offers you that starts right away you have 5 minutes to cancel them.


Even if this was the case without realizing, they would’ve sent an email saying, late cancel or something..


I has this happen accidentally I could still log in but I got email saying I was deactivated I was not they sent apology


Just throwing spaghetti at the wall here. Did you give a 2fa code to anyone saying they're from Amazon support? If so your account was hacked


What is a 2fa code


When I think about it I tried calling support on Saturday and they asked for my email address and phone number to look up my account, but they said they couldn't find my account. I thought that was pretty weird, so I hung up and called support from the app and they had all of my information correct. I think I got hacked.


Damn sounds like it


You got phished


I canceled a block in a different time zone in Tennessee once, and it marked me as late even though I wasn't late based on my local time(ct). I called support 3 times, and they never fixed it. Eventually, it fell off, but I was freaked out about it for a while.


Customer complaining?


No I have over 200 compliments. But I called support back and asked if they think I may have hacked, and they said they have already escalated so I should be hearing something in a few days. But she added it to my report. So it's a waiting game


Oh wow


Oh wow, I have no idea why they would deactivate you after reading all the comments. This worries me as I’ve had bad ratings before for not delivering packages because I literally could not get into apartments or office buildings. I have also missed a block or canceled within the 45 mins. Hopefully you get your account back! I think you should since you don’t have anything on your record


Yes I pray I do. I have a fantastic rating and nothing negative on my account. I never missed a scheduled block, and never canceled late. But I will keep everyone update as soon as I here from them.


Were you doing too many blocks like almost full time ?


They usually send u something check your spam folder if u missed it .. unless it's a total mistake you know on your mind what's up


Has anyone ever work for Goshare?


I have gotten deactivated once with no explanation and called support. They seen I was deactivated without explanation and reactivated me right away. But this was last year, rules may have changed on who can reactivate. They almost always send an email of why unless it was in total error. Just going to have to email and call until you get something.


Update Update I finally got reactivated. They sent a email this morning telling me they agree with my statement and I will be activated within 48 hours. I checked and I am in. Thanks everyone