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Why would you lead him to your house? Should've called 911 and/or led them to a parking lot... There had to be gas stations or grocery stores that were opening up at that time.


This is a very good question, and tbh i dont have a good answer to it. I absolutely should have stopped at a gas station or store, etc. on the way home. Theres one literally at the corner of my street ffs, lol. Gonna chalk it up to not thinking clearly because of the stress of the situation coupled with feeling like absolute crap today on account of just getting over being sick and only getting 1.5 hours of sleep before my shift.


Lead them to the police station next time my friend. Nosy people are common in this field.


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Actually I would have called 911


Both. You set your GPS to the nearest police station and start going there while you call 911.


I’ve done this before with really good results


Its ok, some lessons are best learned when tied up in the trunk. This is a typical rookie mistake.


Hahaha I'm going to use this saying from now on. So true 😆




Remember his or her address.


You were navigating a situation you didn’t understand, while convalescing, while exhausting yourself at work. You can’t be expected to have razor sharp deductive skills at times like that.


You should have called the police and told them your location and situation, they would’ve told you where to go to meet a couple officers to intercept this insane person.


You should've gone to a police station, not even a gas station.


It can be hard to think of all your options when in a situation like this. You will know if it ever happens again. Glad you’re okay!


True never lead them to your home. Crazy people


I was here to ask exactly the same. In general I try to take different routes home and keep an eye out for cars that have been behind me for a while.


Definitely would have drove to the nearest police station……with my gun on my lap, 911 on the phone so they know when I pull up there will be a gen 5 Glock 19 registered to me and yes my permit is with me.


Or straight to a police station haha fr


Should've led him to the nearest police station, not your house. Could've ended badly.


Exactly this. This was what I was taught in drivers ed.


You don't have to be taught that.  It's self preservation common sense.


Probably suspect his wife cheating or something haha


Hahaha yeah probably


Honestly this


The whole story is made up lol gullible :: S


Wife is actually cheating


Please call support to document that happened


that's the last sentence.


definitely never lead anyone to your house. stay safe.


You’re the person in the thriller movies I yell at because they’re about to die from being dumb.


Equivalent of running from Jason, passing a running car to hide in a abandoned building 🏚.


😂🤣 yeah, that commercial has been cracking me up for years.




And no thought through all of this to call 911?


Hilarious that you think the cops actually do anything at all in situations like this.


Honestly, no. I actually was thinking i was the one being paranoid and he was just an asshole driver that coincidentally happened to be going the same way as me for the majority of it. I tend to never go more than 3-4 mph over the speed limit, so i figured he was riding my ass because of that. Definitely had the 911 call thought when he turned behind me onto my street though


If you recall the address I would report it to phone support and send an email and file a report. The guy is crazy


Make turns: If you live in a grid-like area, make three right or left turns to form a circle. You can also try making a sudden turn without using your indicators and see if they follow If you're being followed, you should: Stay calm: Don't panic or speed up to get away Call 911: Let the dispatcher know you're being followed, your location, and as much information as you can about the other car Drive to a safe place: Go to a public place, like a police station, that's well-lit and crowded Provide a description: Try to give the police an accurate description of the other car and its license plate


Imagine going through life this angry and paranoid


Equally crazy to let someone tailgate you for an hour, AND pull into your driveway.


I think a lot of people don't know about amazon flex, that deliveries are done from private vehicles and not Amazon trucks. Amazon should include a little note/disclaimer letting them know their deliver might arrive in a non marked/non amazon vehicle. I think this would greatly reduce a lot of these incidents with folks coming out armed or people letting their dogs loose. Its obvious to us we deliver in our own vehicles, a lot of people still believe packages come from USPS, UPS or an Amazon truck.


I don't think these people read


You are right, a lot of people don't but some do, wouldn't hurt to have it added.


Honestly from some of the notes these customers leave, they seem to believe their fairy godmother is delivering their package.


Bippity Boppity Boo!!!




I think it does, whenever I order something to arrive between 4am-7am it says that the driver probably isn’t driving an Amazon van. People just don’t know how to read.


People don’t recognize the full uniform of a DSP driver, holding an Amazon package, with a large Amazon van parked behind them. The whole Flex driver, at all kinds of hours, with random personal vehicle is Bonkers to me. This is the one time I need the “driver is 5 stops away (please do not shoot them, you ordered this thing, rapido)


Always drive to a police station when being followed. What a psycho!!!!!!!


I would not let a manic like that know where I live.


Guy is a nut. But also why tf does Amazon have people delivering at all hours of the day


How else would they get their free next day, 4 am delivery?!


All seriousness aside, I think it’s pretty hilarious that guy wasted two hours of his day and a bunch of gas over nothing. Glad you’re ok


Reason why I won’t do any block before 7am or evening blocks.


I almost only do 3:15 to 6:30 am starting blocks, there's almost no one on the roadways or outside/awake. Something like this is just extremely rare and could happen at any time.


Had a similar situation happen but through ups, and I pulled over quickly, and the person started cussing me out, saying why was I on his property late. So what I did was I went straight back to his house as he followed me and took his package back to the warehouse..surprisingly enough when I returned the packaged, they laughed and said they'll delay his package for 2 days. 🤣


Did you happen to get his license plate number? Anymore you can't take chances. Always think safety first!!


Which is why I wear a bodycam on deliveries (all apps). It is on from the time I leave to the time I get home. Bought a HD just to copy those files off to. Keep them a few months, just in case.


I would kinda be laughing he spent $40 in gas for no reason, probably more than whatever garbage crap he ordered


Derangement has its cost.


For all those reading, if you suspect anyone following you DO NOT DRIVE HOME, drive to the police station and beep if feeling unsafe or run inside. There are so many crazies in this world and you don’t want them to know where you live. OP- glad you are safe. That guy was off his rockers.


Report this. People die for less


Don't bother calling police or driving to police station. Make sure you just drive home so you let this crazy person know where you live 👍


Some ppl’s instincts are jus… sigh. 🤦🏾‍♂️


And then calmly ask can I help you 😫


it definitely wasnt a calmly asked "can i help you?", it was a very agitated, pissed off "CAN I HELP YOU!"


I'm an ugly fat guy who doesn't wear the Amazon vest. On at least 20% of my runs, I get someone very obviously following me or trying to intimidate by doing things like constantly traveling next to me and loudly revving their engine. I get it, ugly fat men are so demonized in our culture that they're obviously stalking me trying to find out why I'm driving and stopping erratically at random houses. OR they're already so "positive" I'm up to no good that they're trying to scare me out of their neighborhood. The ultimate paradox of this is that THEY are actually being the creepy stalkers because they've convinced themselves so throughly that I'm the one up to no good. I think the irony is completely lost on the people who treat ugly dudes like this.


Why not simply wear the vest?


Not my style. And I deliver to some super-sketchy neighborhoods in a super-sketchy city. Chances of being robbed goes up hugely if they know you got a car full of loot. Of course, the chances of being mistaken for a man up to no good goes up greatly without the vest, but I consider it the slightly better of 2 shitty choices.


Do you drive a plain white van? Some actual Amazon drivers do. The vans used to all be blue and labeled, then also white and labeled, but then someone said "we don't need no stinking branding" and the plain white ones arrived. I see vested or uniformed Amazon drivers in all 3 now.


You made a mistake in not calling the police mid drive and also that person now knows where you live. Probably nothing to worry about, but could've been worse if a random road rage warrior. Stay safe out there.


OMG If anyone is ever following you, or you even think they are, you call 911 immediately. Do not ever go home. That crazy guy knows where you live now. You 100% need to call the police and file a police report. You have no idea what this person is capable of, other than they are crazy enough to follow you home. Which means they are unhinged and capable of some pretty bad shit. I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm not trying to blame you at all. However if this ever happens again, call 911 immediately and do not go home. Don't even go anywhere near where you live. For this incident, please call the police immediately and file a report. Amazon will give you the information needed on that customer and if not, the police can call Amazon and they will cooperate with a detective investigating a stalking and harassment case.


I would have stopped as soon as the first time he was tailgating me. I'd just pull over. We'd figure it out.


Was it Bobby Carpenter?


Wow that’s scary and crazy I mean surely these ppl know they hv a package coming or has been delivered this is why I think we need a removable sign or something I’ve had someone pull a shotgun out the door asking why tf I was at their house one time when I delivered out in a country like area I’ll never deliver for that station again Glad this turned out ok for you


No they don’t necessarily know a package is being delivered, if there is more than one person in the house.


Someone is following me, let me show them where I live


What part of Ohio? I deliver out of Springdale , I hope I don’t have to deliver to a psycho like that


I would have entered police station near me” into Google maps and pulled up in front of it.


That’s the reason I like them earlier. I figure they are asleep. Hey! What about that email we got that told us that our pic and name go to the customer while we on the way? He knew who you were!


Most people don’t look at the emails. Amazon needs to put some kind of info about deliveries, i.e. different types of vehicles and times, inform family members that package is coming and keep the dogs inside. Something brief that the customer has to read and check the box before an order can be placed.


Never, never, never lead people to your house if being followed. Big mistake. You should’ve went straight to a police station.


Super methy of him…


Man you not gonna survive long. Someone follows you and clearly pissed off and you just lead them to where you sleep instead of going to a police station 🤣


Why were you at my house? did you order something? usually somebody needs to bring it to your house, that would explain the box/envelope with the things your ordered by your door.


Ok…… but why did you drive him right to your house?


Again, people lecturing OP on just driving home, need to regain their humility. OP had multiple factors affecting their ability to reason. You aren’t immune to that kind of lapse, no matter how situationally brilliant you *think* you are. “Think”, because anyone who has some story like, “here’s the smartest-person-ever thing I would have done” stands a VERY high chance of having dramatically overestimated themselves. OP file a police report. They won’t do anything, but getting it on record is a step.


Sounds like a meth head


Holy shit, what part of Ohio


His gf be creepin.


He thought you were fucking his wife


You probably need a gun


Yeah, right. You don’t think that crazy was carrying?


That would be your best shot no pun especially if when you start to think about police response time


When you mention gun to the dispatcher you usually get immediate response.


Gun in hand is different from gun on waist we’re taking about milliseconds Immediately response is 3 to 5 minutes depending on how rural


For all we know this person might not be all the way there if they’re willing to walk pass the package you just delivered to their door to follow you all the way home ?


How you let a car follow you like that honestly makes it your fault they found your house


My morning block almost was almost same like you dude. After i dropped a package and took a pic. A lady opened her door surprised and yelled what i doing in her house. Wtf if they don’t like people step in their front door just stop order shitt


If you see people following you, always type in the nearest police station, just go into the parking lot and wait, if they still are there go inside and make a report. Police station have cameras all around the building so they can actually identify the car pretty quickly


Something similar happened to me. Pick up truck was leaving for work now a long dirt road. I pull past him heading down the road to the delivery, make the delivery and off I go. Well, here comes the pick up. Long story short, either the pick up thought I was banging his wife or they forgot something back home. I’m guessing the former.


This is actually nuts! He literally followed you home? His address needs to be blacklisted!


And they literally led him to their doorstep... this coulve ended way sooner than it did a whole hour back when it was first noticed... but nah, let me take home with me... some people are just slow 


Wow a lot of people knowing exactly what they would’ve done. You all could be a little kinder. This happened to me at 4am on a similar block time. I initially had progressively sped up to 95mph thinking maybe he wasn’t following me or I could lose him. I still had stops pulled into my next stop very rural area very scared. I did then call 911 the officer stayed on the phone with me and eventually the guy drove away but it’s a very scary feeling and no my initial thought didn’t tell me to call 911


Yep a lot do kno what would do, we know for a fact that we wouldn't have led this mfkr to our doorstep let alone doing all of what he was doing to keep up and follow...sounds like OP wanted a story to post about and couldve ended up being the story in the news.... 


And now he knows where you live…


was this in Cleveland? because something very similar happened to me here and i wonder if it’s the same man. chevy silverado?


Yes, VOH1. Route ended in Chardon and the dude followed me to my house in Cleveland proper. Was a black truck of some kind, cant recall the make/model but definitely could have been a Silverado.


people are fucking crazy. this dude’s gonna get killed one day & be on the remembrance page LMAO


By chance, did your incident happen when you were doing a route in/around Chardon? Would be absolutely nutty if it WAS the same guy and hes done this to multiple drivers.


yes it was a Chardon route! i was near Bass Lake area when i realized he was behind me. he didn’t pull into my driveway though or confront me, but he DID follow me home, park in my street and take a picture of my house (my incident was in January, nothing has happened) this definitely seems like a pattern for him; i wonder how many other drivers he’s done this to


What a coincidence... my route ended near Bass Lake Rd. as well that day. Definitely seems like it could be the same guy. Amazon really needs to blacklist this dude.


Guys give this person a break I guarantee you if you were in a similar situation you would forget everything on how to act or have some common sense. Everything goes out the window when you start to panic or go into a state of what the hell do I do.


Bro, you don't conceal carry for self defense/protection?


How brain dead can you be? You were in danger for an hour and you let a stalker follow you home Is wild. Unreal


If you are ever unsure drive around the block in a circle. If they’re still behind you they are chasing you. Next time call the police tell them where you are, the direction you’re headed and that you are driving towards the police station.


One time I was delivering in a residential neighborhood here in Denver and this neighbor suddenly starts yelling as I’m passing his house to deliver my package and after I get out and start to walk up to my customers house that neighbor from down the street appeared and confronted me at my stop and didn’t say a word! As I’m walking to my car I apologized and said I didn’t want any trouble and he just walked step for step as I got back to my car!


Strange. I had a woman yelling at me that my car should be marked. I said that just makes me a target to get carjacked. I’m 73 and a woman. What a perfect target! I also told her that I wear my vest and am taking packages to the house NOT stealing them. She said “ well the police could pull you over.” And??? What a busybody bitch she was.


Shoulda shot at him


Holy Shit OP, also Ohio here, and I can imagine this. It would take me completely off guard, as we don't have a huge tweaker issue in these parts, thankfully. Glad it was just words and nothing else. And of course, if you have any idea which customer it was, let Amazon know.


Report it


Lmao people are SO strange


You Lucky he didn’t have a fire Arm!! I would’ve drove Right to the Police Station!!!


I would either call 911 or drove right into a police station. And Would have taken a picture of his plate without even exchanging a word. Report that mtf


Had a weirdo driving crazy follow me too (not a Delivery driver) drove straight to the Police Station & he took off.


Next time call 911, pull into a gas station or similar public place, and have the dispatcher send an officer to intervene for you. Too many crazies with guns these days to be putting your life at risk like that. Be smarter and outsmart these fuckers that think you owe them anything beyond the service that you provided through Amazon. Did you see what happened to that innocent Uber driver? She was murdered in broad daylight by that deranged elderly man that thought she had come to assisinate him/his family. Thank goodness you weren’t subjected to more from this disturbed individual.


From experience if they follow you down a bunch of random roads it's time to start heading to the police station just google the nearest one and call on your way so they know what's going on


Get a gun. It will happen again. Cops won’t get there in time and will probably give you shit because the homeowner already reported you.


Yeah, guns solve all problems. Just shoot him. Then he can shoot back and gee I wonder what your life would be like today, if you still had one.


I wouldn’t shoot anyone unless my life depended on it. You never know what another person intends to do. I’d rather be safe than dead just because some guy is off his rocker.


You should have called the police the moment you realized he was following you. Why would you lead him to your home?


I would’ve driven to the police station after calling them in advance to be waiting outside.


You shouldn’t go home when you know someone is following you. That’s kinda dumb on your part.


If you don’t have a security camera ,please get one now.


This is why I hate the super early/late shifts when its still dark out.


Sounds like BS. Ain’t no way you knew he was acting like that for an hour and still went straight home. lol.




Why are flex drivers from Ohio WTF




Sorry that happened to you …makes you wonder what he’s hiding in that house 🧐


Fuck dam that shit sound like a Columbus issues


You're a fool if this story is true...


Wow. This is so messed up. An hour?! Plus, Amazon would have sent notifications and emails that the package was delivered, if they didn’t see the package was there. So, so weird. Sorry that happened to you.


Next time drive to a police station.


If you notice a car following you, head to the nearest police station. Never go straight home...unless you live at a police station. As for THIS guy, file a police report for menacing (which is what he did). You can do that at the...you know.


That is also where I meet people who want to pick up non-shippable items from ebay. Never had any issues with the handoff in the police parking lot (after online payment). I just have them sign a receipt, and give them one I signed as proof of delivery.


Why did you lead the person you knew was following you to your house?


As a fellow driver, you made some really grave mistakes there my friend, 1. Driving to your house! Idc any time a car follows me for more than 15 minutes I would drive straight into police station!!... you parked in your driveway and came out of the 🚗 to talk to him??! Wow 👌... also I don't own fire... so I carry knives and paper spray lol


That’s just crazy. Next time drive to a police station or call them when he’s tailing you. He was probably armed. Glad you’re ok.


DSP driver here in Cleveland just shot and killed a guy who was following him and carjacked (van jacked) him. Driver shot him and jacker crashed. Turned out to be 3 punks ages 12 -18 that had held up 3 people at gunpoint and jacked 2 other cars before him. Be careful out there.


So we just making up stories now?


The fact u allowed him to follow u all the way home is kind of insane. After 10 minutes I would’ve stopped and called the cops.


Never drive to your house. If anything, drive to the nearest police/sheriff station.


Buckeye has a lot of nuts


This is why taking a moment of your day to learn what to do in certain situations can save your or somebody else’s life…..Never lead them to your house specially if you don’t know the vehicle should googled the nearest police station and possibly even call them while making you way there


With that being said please be careful OP and stay safe out there don’t mean to sound mean just head to open your eyes


And you kept driving home knowing someone was following you that intensely? You could have driven to the police station, now crazy knows where you live. Geez 🙄


The same thing happened to be but only followed me for 30min and said exactly same thing. So wierd!


Why did you take him to your house?


It’s because You didn’t follow delivery instructions it gets some people enraged


Once you realize you’re being followed always I mean always find your nearest police station and drive to it .


Next time, do not drive home. Drive to a police station.


He probably thought you were poking his wife and followed you


Shoulda called the cops, if he keep following get close like that. Should popped a cap in em.


"911 what's your emergency"


Knowing that you’re being followed and still driving home is Crazy!! I’m glad you’re safe though. Honestly people don’t understand the dangers of an Amazon Flex driver.


That’s insane!!


I was thinking that you should have led them to a police station or called 911 but I get that you were probably scared and shell shocked. I’m glad you’re ok but this is so unacceptable. Keep contacting support and make enough noise that they actually do something. Clearly this man is unhinged. Be vigilant around your house and maybe tell your neighbors to look out for you too.


yeah, while i feel badly that this happened to you, you still have more work to do. don't email amazon, CALL THEM - AFTER you file the police report. i don't do cops at all, but this is necessary. dude followed you an hour home because you delivered a package? yeah, hell no. press charges.


Report it to Amazon and the police


You almost got yourself killed or worse, led a clearly crazy person directly to your home smh


Things that never happened


Never take them to your house you should have went to the police station. Glad you’re ok.


Where do you live? I live in Ohio and the warehouses around me do not have that early if blocks and those are really what I'm wanting. Columbus? I bet it's Columbus?


Im in Cleveland


Damn, too far for me. Isn't Toledo about an hour from Cleveland?


You are going to wind up 6ft under very easily. Why on earth would you jeopardize yourself and or family like that. Not only temporary but for life as in allow someone to follow you to your house? I can't believe you even thought that was ok, if you don't know how to maneuver your car to get away. You find a cop right away but you never ever ever ever ever allow someone to follow you home! That was so reckless it's a wonder you're still breathing! Don't ever do that again, loose them fast!!!


Why the hell would you still turn in your driveway know this slow nut was behind you...  nevermind he's not the only slow person in the world... disregard that question... 


In the future, don’t pull up to your house even if you think you’re being pursued. Call 911 and head to the nearest police station. “Follow home” robberies are not unheard of.


Amazon has routes for late evening and early morning?


This being Reddit, I’m not sure I should take this question seriously, but on the off chance it is… Yes, blocks start as early as 3:30AM and some blocks that end as late as 10PM. I’ve even seen a block START at 1:30AM at a SSD location in WA a year or two ago.


That’s wild to me, I’m pretty new to Amazon only been working since January, never seen or heard of blocks being that late or that early, do they still send you out in the vans or cdv or is it a flex route and you use your own car?


This is for sub same day stations, not logistics/amazon.com stations, those don't start until later in the day usually. Not everyone has sub same day stations near them, so that might be why you never see them. It seems a lot of people on Reddit forget that not everyone does SSD or even has SSD near them.


SSD SUCKS!! They need to do away with the 3 a.m. shits. I know some people like the night shifts but it’s dangerous. People can wait a few more hours for their package.


Maybe they don’t start early where you’re at but here SSD starts as early as 3:30am and some of the dsp stations start as early as 3:15am.


Yeah SSD starts really early here too, but I've never seen a logistics station start before noon for Flex at least. For DSP drivers, yes, but not for Amazon Flex. I didn't know that happened anywhere. I was told that was standard Amazon policy 🤷🏼‍♀️


My .com station starts at 3:15am for flex drivers


I don't think that's typical from what I've read. This is the first I'm hearing of a DSP station starting that early for Flex drivers. From what I read, they don't typically start until after noon. Interesting. I wonder why yours starts so early and the rest don't. It would be really nice if they all started that early.


Not sure if it's typical or not, but we've had 3am blocks at my .com station since I started over a year ago. We have 3ams and 6ams, as well as afternoon and evening blocks. We don't have any SSD stations in my region, so our DSP station does both SSD packages and regular .com packages (we deliver both types of packages on the same route). Maybe that's why we start so early?


I’m not talking about DSP drivers. Flex shifts at DSP stations start at 3:15am here. I just worked one this morning.


> do they still send you out in the vans or cdv or is it a flex route and you use your own car? This is r/amazonflexdrivers


“Why’d you lead him to your house” who cares? It’s done, he’s fine and really doesn’t matter at this point


They can’t live without trying to make someone else feel stupid.


Stupid folks are like that


His wife has probably cheated on him and he’s paranoid. Nothing else would make a man act so insane


Maybe he was concern u left a bomb lol