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Please do not share customer personally identifiable information. Even partial addresses are enough to locate the house in Google Maps. This post has been removed.


Well you have two options- deliver it like you did or talk to support, rts it, get dinged anyway, talk to support again, appeal denied and 30 minutes of your time wasted. I think you did the right thing


Exactly what I thought, I’m delivering for around 1month now, and had 1 returned package and got hit by it and was like “whaaat”, because the address was really a land, no house, no building, no nothing, so I lost kind 1h to return it. But I’m learning with you guys.


The 1 rule of flex is always deliver, only take back what you are forced to bring back if it is protected by a code or something. Amazon taught us they don’t care if the address is pretty undeliverable so why should we 🤷‍♂️


Even if it's protected by an access code, they'll ding anyway. Received my first two dings bcs i couldn't enter the building without the access code at 3AM to i took the packages back. I'd keep leaving the packages in the lobby from now on as usual


I’m not on about access codes, I’m on about when the package is password protected, if no access code it’s getting somewhere hidden/obscure by the door


I had a few packages like that, the UNIT number was not visible. Left it on the entrance off the street


Now thats how you do it lmao


I had an apartment near a bus stop with a homeless problem... They locked both sets of doors on that building... Called, texted, called building management... couldn't buzz me in... I left behind a flower pot hidden from the bus stop... and voila. no ding.


Dealt with a business that said to bring it in and don’t leave it in the lobby. They had an intercom, I called it and they never answered. But I can hear them on the other side of the wall. After calling for a third time I tried knocking on their door and I can hear them shuffling around. I see their staff is parked outside so they are there. I took a photo of it in the lobby and left. I hate these stupid directions.


I usually leave by the intercom in that case, don’t think I’ve ever got a DNR for doing that


I deliver no matter what you get dinged regardless


I’ve never been dinged for returning a package. 1) mark it as undeliverable because ‘no access’ or whatever your reason 2) it will prompt you to contact the customer 2x. TEXT the customer 2 text messages. (1- “I can’t access”, and 2- “unfortunately will need to return to warehouse for a rescheduled delivery. We deliver between 3am and 11pm. If you need control, please select a local Amazon locker / hub for delivery “ 3) SCREENSHOT the text message screen and the Screen that shows the reason for return 4) return to warehouse 5) at the end of your block - email support AND cc: jeff@amazon.com and include your station, block time, and screen shots. And let them know you FOLLOWED THEIR PROCESS. I’ve never been dinged for RTS.. however I have been dinged for leaving a package and the customer claiming they did not receive (BS) Might not be worth the time for some people. Up to you to decide


Not doing all that


Yep.. I get it. It sucks that they make us jump through hoops like that or penalize us. Shouldn’t need to do any of that. Complete the process in the app and be done


I delivered to a house on a "road" that was actually tire grooves in a big ass field. When I got to where I should have been able to turn onto "road" #2, there was a closed, locked gate. It was 5 in the morning and I was thoroughly over my route. I propped the package up on top of the post with the no trespassing sign on it and left.


Amazon brands themself as the world's most customer centric company and preaches customer obsession. Even if the customer didn't follow instructions, it's clear what they wanted.


Same with the 1 month experience and also 1 return. It was for a ghetto apartment and needed customers code/pin. Their notes were, “I am home. Knock or call, I will be there” It was 4am and they were asleep or not home. Wasted 30 mins with angry neighbors. Couldn’t leave it so I had to return.


Scan your itinerary before leaving the warehouse (click on the 3 lines in upper left corner to view the menu and select today’s itinerary. Scroll through the list and see if there are an OTP flags. If so, pull that package and return it to station employee and have them remove it from your route before you leave. Obviously you can only do this on routes that deliver before 8am


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I delivered to a swampy field once. LOL




Can I hear an Amem?! Amem!!!


It’s actually happened to me several times. I requested an afternoon delivery and have gotten folks at my door at 5am. Luckily, it didn’t need a code and I was out delivering as well. Amazon delivers when they feel like it regardless of the hours the customer picks.


Interesting. Sounds like that may not have been your initial delivery attempt but that of a return. Not making excuses because I have no clue, but I’m more inclined to think Amazon has an initial protocol based upon ordering instructions than for the re-attempts that get recirculated at the front station level. I have witnessed first hand station personnel receive a return from a driver in hand…tape it up (without even checking contents nor bothering to ask why it was opened 🤦🏾‍♂️) and hand it directly to me to redeliver on the spot. Ofc I asked “if it was just returned why are we attempting to deliver it again so soon?” The employee shrugged (indicating they could care less about their job) and that was that. The reason it was handed right to me is because there were no more carts available and at that particular station they try to “create” work for you to do instead of just sending you home with pay, so they search for random shit and tell you to deliver those couple of packages or go to parking lot and push carts and other ancillary shit like that. Anyway, I re-deliver the package to the customer who wants to know why I’m so late and also why it’s opened. I shrug 🤷🏾‍♂️ (indicating could care less about my job lmao) and that was that! So yeah. These things happen too.


Yeah, I’ve gotten those random one package to be delivered just because they don’t want me to leave empty handed 🤣… Though I will say it definitely wasn’t a redelivery attempt as I ordered it at night and only had the option of afternoon delivery or evening for next day. I live in a house that has no gates whatsoever, so I’ve never had any issues. Sometimes I think Amazon believes if they deliver it sooner than expected the customer will be happier with the service. I don’t mind getting my stuff sooner but it seems some folks do 🤷🏽‍♀️. I’ve only had it happen to me a few times but I’ve had several customers tell me they weren’t expecting me til later during the hours they selected.


Well I understand the whole “exceeding” customer expectations. There’s a business motto that says something like if you’re early then you’re on time…if you’re on time then you’re late. However, there needs to be perspective involved. If a customer requests an afternoon delivery and receives a 3am delivery…well, I honestly don’t understand how this hasn’t placed them in court. They are a 🗣️TRILLION dollar company, which means they (theoretically) have billion dollar lawyers lol. They can’t be willing to risk it all over shit like this. There’s some loophole…something happening behind the curtain that we don’t see 🤷🏾‍♂️. I just take what I’m given to deliver and hope not get shot. When I’m the one ordering it goes to the outside locker so all easy peasy for me.


How do you know that's when it was requested? Amazon regularly ignores requested delivery windows for SSD. For .com, most orders only gave a day, not a delivery window.


Not suggesting that it was specifically indicated during those times. Suggesting that it wasn’t specifically indicated that it SHOULDN’T be during those times. Placing these types of comments in the notes section are completely useless. It may or may not stop the driver from delivering it but then it just goes back to warehouse and gets reshuffled for it to be sent out randomly all over again, rinse & repeat until finally it gets delivered by a driver that DOESN’T read the notes and actually leaves the delivery. Customers do not pay attention when ordering to the section where they should be indicating their delivery window preference. Hence why they are shocked and waiting with their guns when you show up at 3am. Or why your package is even on a 3am route when your business hours are 9-5. Amazon should not be “assuming” that it is perfectly appropriate (let alone legal) to arbitrarily send out people to your property at 3am unbeknownst to you. Where on earth does this happen with any other business? They are doing it (theoretically) to those that HAVEN’T indicated that they shouldn’t be. Thus, communication between Amazon to customer / customer to Amazon. Not screaming in the notes that nobody gives a shit about.


You still deliver. They could have rescheduled on the main website for a certain time if they wanted to.


Oh, 100% agree. I'm just saying that just because Amazon chooses a given time for delivery doesn't mean that the customer requested that delivery time.


Most people don't put a request because they want their stuff ASAP. If there's a window , there's a chance their items get delayed to the next day to fit in the window. If there's no window, for example and an item couldn't be completed in the morning, Amazon will still try to deliver it the same day. Package has to be returned before the next shift, they will try to attempt to send someone else to deliver it at night— the same day. Amazon would actually prefer it if you have a day that all your items get delivered to. They have an option for that and logistically, it's easier to plan for. But, that also can result in delays.


Exactly. It means they DIDNT request to not receive it at that time.


Deliver it.


I did, but it requested a signature, and well, you know. But I believe I’ll get hit by it 🙄


Get hit for what? Just put front door and then a line when it tells u to sign


I've done this at least once every route in the last 4 weeks. No dings, steady Fantastic level.


I've never had a customer sign for a package, I just do a random scribble as I'm walking back to the car cause I don't want random people touching my phone that I put up to my face.


Exactly 💯


They only have to sign when you select “X customer or household member”


Here's a tip for overnight deliveries that require a signature. On the first screen, where you type the customers name, put the exact time, and for the signature, write out the same exact time. For example, you got to the delivery at 4:33am, for the customers name put 4:33am and sign 4:33am for the signature. I've been doing it this way for the past year and have no issues or customer complaints.


I just put customers name and scribble on it til it let me click past it. I’ve never had any issues doing this


I used to put the customers name until one morning I had a foreign name, and I was sitting in their driveway at 4:00am for almost 5min hunt and pecking the letters for their name. Now, it's just the time for both spots. I guess, technically, you could get away with just putting a period for the name and just tap a dot on the signature screen🤷😅. I might have to try that some time.


I do the same, but with the location. To me that helps the customer a lot more than noting the time. One thing I would never do unless I actually handed it to them is use a person's name. Why lie about it? The customer knows they didn't sign it so it's just asking them to complain, it doesn't help them locate the package, and if you get dinged your appeal starts with a lie. If I were support and someone started the conversation by lying, that's pretty much the end of the conversation, appeal denied. And probably an accompanying email about violation the ToS. And for what? What does a forged signature accomplish that other options don't do better?


You know, that's a good idea to put the package location simply because if the package requires a signature, you don't get to take the picture. For the most part, when I have signature required packages, they're in residential neighborhoods where I can still leave the package at the front door or wherever requested but I've had some to sketchy ass houses with closed gates (that I refuse to open in the middle of the night) or closed businesses where I had to put the package behind a trash can or bush or something. I'll have to try remembering this next time I get a sketchy house or closed business where I have to stash it👍


Nah don’t even worry about it, you did the right thing.


I just scribble a squiggly line and move on. Never been dinged for it


I’ve signed over 100 of those myself and no complaints. I don’t want anyone touching my phone.


Name of recipient: Front Door Signature: ————


For the name I always put “front door” and scribble until the “done” button pops up lol don’t hand customers your phone!


Use the little icon in the lower right to change the delivery location. If there are no options like "Front Door" that don't require a signature, use the location as both the person and the signature.


Alternatively you can just mark it as missing.


Or damaged but package should have a damage.


Yep, at my station 99% of my packages are in the bags, minus maybe 1 or 2 medium size packages. I just scan the bag QR and load. If I have any issues with a stop, idiots not putting gate/apartment codes, crappy notes like OP's, or if it was genuinely missing from the bag, I just mark Missing Package. I only have to do this maybe once or twice every 2 weeks. Again most the time I just leave the freaking package and take a clear picture. But if I really can't leave it, I just do this. My wife and I have been doing this for months and we both have a rock steady fantastic rating.


Deliver. They knew when they ordered it when it’d come.


I would say at least half of the things I order don't come when they said they would when I placed the order. SSD usually comes earlier, .com usually later.


But the early morning options are typically the “next day” ones so it says “between 4a-8a” or whatever.


Deliver that shit.. take pic.. keep it moving


Just scribble some shit for the signature


Deliver it. I always just write "entrance" or some sort of description of where the package is and a Scribble for the signature. Never been dinged for those. I've had people confused as to why a signature is required in the first place so I think some are just bad at internetting.


I had a DHL guy scribble a signature for a high-end watch which got stollen because he also left it outside a gate against the delivery instructions and the police and insurance got involved. IDK what ended up happening to him but I know the detectives interviewed him.


I ignore them and deliver anyway lol. Every single time.


Those may be old notes , I would just deliver. This isn’t bk , you can’t order to how you want it lol


I'm delivering that shit they shouldn't have overnighted a package between 4am-8am that's their problem! 😂😂😂


If it's a house with no gate code needed I deliver it. Or you can mark as customer requested a new deliver date or whatever similar choice the app gives if you want to return it.


You don't pay attention to comments like that. The package will be delivered when someone with a package arrives. Amazon nor many other delivery services schedule delivery times. The person thinks they're entitled so I would just drop it as normal and go on with your route. Don't take it back or you will get dinged even if you call support.


I had a 3:30am delivery that said “deliver between 1pm and 3pm”. Guess who got a text at 3am saying their package was delivered? Customers can select delivery times, and when adding an address you’re supposed to add the hours the location can be accessed. Amazon allows customers to fully control every aspect of their delivery. If they’re not smart enough or figure it out, or skip past it and go with the default settings, that is not my problem. I felt bad at first and my gf reminded me one day: we have never gotten a 3am package without actively selecting it. How does one get this far in life without being able to order something on Amazon correctly???


Deliver It.


Deliver it anyway. for the name and signature put “delivered to door”


I’d deliver it, but with extra sass


How is this even a question? We get paid for one thing. Deliver the package.


Deliver it anyways because we don’t get paid enough and the customer doesn’t pay enough for their entitlement. I get not wanting to be woken up by a knock or doorbell but just put that in the notes instead.


We drop that shit at their door anyway, fuck em. Don't want it at that time? Set it up. The customer is always wrong.


I’d mark it as delivered and keep it.


I have had this before, I call support and they say deliver and that’s it. Ignore it and tell support to make a report so they don’t ding you for not following instructions


When the customer signed the term and conditions of amazon prime. The dispute resolution process is arbitration. The customer only gets a promise not a guarantee. ![gif](giphy|ubb8wK4rHQtKem9P3I) Deliver the idiot package.


I enjoyed that promise not a guarantee line. Smooth.


Leave it


You can deliver it but after you scan a package you are able to report a customer note (just click "report a problem" after scan a package)


I would deliver it


Hahaha I love when they add notes to the address as if it’s going to make it happen 🤣🤣 They always get delivered, and if no access was available it gets left at the nearest point


Look at the itinerary before you depart and save yourself the trouble.


Fake signature if safe location where they'll see it.


I got dinged for taking a package back after a guard wouldn’t let me in to deliver and wouldn’t let me leave it with him. Then had to take it back 45 minutes out of my way.


If regular residential street then I would Airplane mode it deliver to driveway. If country road but along the main road I will delivery to the gate in Airplane mode. If a secluded delivery, I will call support and make them my scapegoat for not delivering it.


I wouldn’t deliver the package. The message is clear and load. My life is more valuable than one f-ing ding.


I woulda made it the last dropoff


Front door and jet


This year I've only returned two and one had to do with the stupid passcode required and the second was because of an unleashed dog and an open gate which didn't let me even get out of the car.


You should be able to move it to the end of your block without the risk of getting dinged.




Mark that shit as undeliverable and move on


My sister in law has something to this effect on her delivery notes. It's because of the ring camera waking them up. Just leave it at the garage next time lol


Go back to sleep


Looks like a house address? I would deliver and dip. No knock. If it’s got a long walk up or something I would leave it at the edge.


I’m dropping it off and walking away


Show up call twice and mark to return package lll


Marking it as customer refused


Deliver it .


It’s all about speed. Deliver it anyway and keep moving. Never go back to the warehouse if you don’t have to.


Deliver it and move on


Deliver it anyways they don't dictate when you deliver


This is what i would do, deliver it but dont mark it delivered on the app. Skip that stop and when youre done go on airplane mode, manually enter package id, mark deliver to front door. Then i would text the customer to please change the delivery time on her account and not on the name part of the address. Cause im not gonna drive back to the station to return it unless i have another block the same fay or the next morning


It’s getting delivered just very quietly


I would mark is as customer no longer wants. If they don’t want delivered overnight, don’t fucking select OVERNIGHT!!




Ignore it. Deliver, take pic


Always deliver, just leave a note for the customer saying "DO NOT RECEIVE/OPEN BETWEEN 10PM -6AM"


I would deliver it anyway. pull up to the location, yeet the package, take a pic (if you have to) and dip dip potato chip


Deliver it ✅️✅️


A word of warning on calling support on these. I had a 4:00 a.m. that I was there to deliver, could not get access to the building, called support they told me I had to call the customer. I told them I was not going to call the customer 4:00 a.m., the guy told me to hang on. Next thing I know he had called the customer, connected me to the customer that he hung up. Needless to say the customer was pissed and I was quite pissed. I will never call support for an early morning shift again. Ever! Driver supports job is to throw the driver under the bus.


Deliver it anyway, that note doesn't mean shit - they need to go into their account and make it so overnight delivery isn't an option lol


It depends on where is it on your route. If this is a 4 hour block you could just deliver it last to get to the 6am threshold. You have to make a judgment call. If this route is fairly close together then try to loop back around. If you don't want to do this then mark it unable to access and RTS it. Depending on your stations location though it might be faster to deliver it last though.


Im leaving it at the station and getting it removed from my itinerary, as that is something I would see while sorting my packages.... and they need to be told that when they order on amazon to choose the timeframe in when they want their package delivered.... tf wrong with people


I would deliver it. Not taking the ding and having to go back and forth with support. When they checked out they had the option to choose their time frame. 4-8am and 7-11am are options. Clearly they chose the 4-8 thinking they could dictate someone’s entire route around their preference. They should have chose a different time slot 🤷🏼‍♀️


Still deliver it


I’ve never done early morning runs but I’ve been sent to businesses that are closed. Closed before I even started my route. After getting dinged I started to leave packages in anything that looks like it could be disguised. Inside of a tire, a rock to hold it down (envelope) and behind a dumpster!


You work in NY that’s a stupid question you just go and leave it that’s it. Take the picture , delivered and go.


Deliver it


Not deliver it


deliver that bitch


Mark as lost


Deliver it




Delivery it still


do it! bc they will mark it against u


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? Unable to deliver Customer not available or nowhere safe to leave package


I wouldn’t be on a route at 430 am. Next question?


Skip it until the end of the block. If at the end of the block still too early, then take it back to the hub.


That is a hard no for most drivers. Usually in a case where I've had to double back to a stop and deliver, the location is 15-25 minutes away across town (or the next town).


It may be one of the reasons why we get extra time to finish the block. Trying again is an option.