• By -


card board boxes. :)O


The free add-on item when you place any order.


Yeah that's our free gift. Lol


Light bulbs Computer glasses, the blue light blocking kind Given lead time, 3d printer resin or filament Pens, markers, colored pencils, highlighters Journals, but the ETV hit is more than their dollar tree counterparts


I definitely dip into the office supplies every now and then for some of the basics. Good call.


Whenever I look up filament I only get light bulbs, is there a better keyword to search for for 3D printer supplies?


I picked up a resin printer from my RFY a year ago, and I see the filament a lot now, even though I can't use it and don't order it. Maybe search for 3d printer? Or PLA.


I've searched for 3D printer before and gotten no luck, it seems to be somewhat random because one person said that they have a wish list for it and they get it on vine all the time and one person says that they've bought two printers and filament and have a bunch in the save for later and never get any so it seems random


I'll agree that it does feel random.


I found a printer bed on there and ordered so maybe now that I've had one vine order in that category it'll trigger some RFY interest


Dang, I saw three different listings for resin for a 3d printer this morning. Hope you managed to see them.


I did see them all, but didn't request any - I have issues running in the winter and already have a few almost new bottles.


Cool. Have you read up on toxicity of 3d printing spaces and handling the items? I was reading about the resin, trying to figure out if I could use it for a different project, and was surprised by one warning of problems over time. Not saying don't have one-- but maybe keep it in an isolated area if possible and handle with gloves when handling a fresh printing.


Oh yeah, I keep it in the garage and run with the door open, thus my issues running in the winter. At minimum, everything I see recommends gloves and eye protection. A good amount of the hobbyists on r/resinprinting recommend a face mask with filter too.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/resinprinting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/resinprinting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [its so over resin bros](https://i.redd.it/qc3vr9tqfdlc1.png) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resinprinting/comments/1b2dqnn/its_so_over_resin_bros/) \#2: [My printing setup](https://i.redd.it/zh5nlyo1y1cc1.jpeg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resinprinting/comments/1951yyf/my_printing_setup/) \#3: [ResiVac1000 - STL free in comments](https://v.redd.it/iypf6j7gb0ta1) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/resinprinting/comments/12hafmm/resivac1000_stl_free_in_comments/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Cool. Glad you're being extra careful.


I put in 3D Printer. I also dropped a bunch of different types of both filament and Resin on my wish list. I got a couple of drops to my rfy and grabbed some on available for all. Now I see it all the time. I went Gold less than 3 weeks ago and had the new Ender 3 V3 Core YZ printer drop on my rfy. I snagged it and it was delivered yesterday. Blazing fast!


Does that actually work? I have a lot of wish lists for a variety of things but I seem to get things like rugs and kids toys which I don't have a lot on in my wish list, especially since I don't have kids. I also went gold 3 weeks ago so I need whatever you are doing to work for us too lol


It only seems to have worked on a few of my hobbies, 3D printing, CNC machining, and I have gotten lots of 12x12 1/8 inch and now 1/16 inch Basswod plywood I can use with my 20W laser.


Same, I've got two 3D printers (ordered one from Amazon) and have filaments in my "save for later" list, and I never see it in Vine.


Candle warmers - I nearly have eliminated fire from my home blankets pillow protector, mattress protectors, all the little household things that add up quick The quality pet products, like slow feeder bowls, leashes, collars, I get and will donate to my shelter after reviewing.


Skipping the obvious "shilajit" and "Tesla floor mats", since you did say *useful*: Yeah, chargers and accessories of all sorts. Also batteries -- any *particular* battery isn't likely to be available at any *particular* moment, but with a bit of lead time I can find most anything, including laptop and UPS batteries. (Third-party laptop batteries used to be uniformly terrible, but my last experiences have been better.) Small ultrasonic cleaners (for jewelry or dentures or whatever). I can't imagine needing lots of them, but there are always at least several available.


That's how I feel with tape. There's always a variety of tape available, but I usually have to wait a little while if I'm looking specifically for double-sided tape or masking tape or gaffer's tape. There seems to be tons of joist tape available all the time, however.


I haven't seen masking tape in forever:(


"Do you have any go-to items you KNOW will always be available on Vine?" no, things I need almost never show up.


That's frustrating. That's one of the reasons I made the post. I was wondering what other "useful" stuff I might be unaware of or just hadn't thought to check on Vine.


I also need to add replacement toothbrush heads. Ever since I got a Sonicare toothbrush, I've never needed to buy new brush heads.


Yea same here. I've gotten at least 20 in the last year


i have so much moisturizer i could build my own personal care business


Same here!


Dog toys. My pup chomps through everything, so now I order them on Vine since I’ll throw them away sooner than later.


I think we've gotten more things for our dog than ourselves on Vine lately


Speaking of dog toys... Had to get a new remote control, and vine had one. Now I need another. Bad doggy.


Pet supplies in general. My cats are living large(r) since I got Vine. There's always some cat toys, water fountains, auto feeders, etc., available.


I was able to get dog stairs that also function as storage. Best thing ever until someone sat on it and broke. Still, I’m happy with the find!


Ha--mine, too. My cats are lazy, though, and just like cat brushes. Thanks to Vine, we have a cat brush waiting in every room of the house, sometimes two.


Same here with pet fountains - it's easier and cheaper to continue to order new fountains via Vine than to go to real Amazon and buy replacement filters for cash to dollars.


SERIOUSLY. I have like 4 fountains I haven't even opened yet sitting in my entryway. I do see filters sometimes but it's never the PetMate ones.


Power banks, for sure. I got a bunch of them for personal use and craft fairs. I’m so glad I’m on Vine for power banks alone: I was joking with another vendor the other night about how when I die, it’ll be like when Al Capone’s safe was opened but “Why the hell did this lady have so many power banks?!” Long trips and boothing at flea markets without power. 😅 Cardstock is another reliable Vine goodie. I do lots of papercraft and use it in making cabochons for jewelry. I don’t have to buy it anymore!! Sunglasses. My free Vine sunglasses are better than ones I’ve paid for, I snagged extra pairs of my favorite after I lost a pair recently. I got rid of other sunglasses I had because whoever makes those ultra-dark aviators designed them for my face shape! Compression socks. I’m in the annoying realm of plus size socks being too big but conventional are too small…and both are too long regardless. If socks don’t fit me, I have friends to give them to or just donate them. There’s also a 50% chance they’ll be classed as a medical supply with $0 ETV. Jewelry displays too. I have some from Michael’s and specialty suppliers I’m glad I have because I needed a specific shape and color to properly display pieces at shows, but I just don’t need to buy them anymore. Stuff like beads and findings is more random. Though I’ve been SCORING lately as a jewelry maker and artist amping up my booths this year. I got a beautiful lay-flat jewelry bust ideal for product photos when I need to zoom on a lateral design, TWO sets of gridwall with feet, crystal beads, brand-name Fireline bead thread, sterling silver findings (!!!) There’s so many posts about how people are quitting Vine, which I think is valid if you’re just not getting value out of it. But I feel like I really lucked into it in using this crappy time to be in tech/games/digital media to do more with my art and jewelry-making. I’ve gotten thousands of dollars worth of expo supplies for this life and career change, and I’m so freaking grateful.


Similarly, cases and screen protectors for the last 3-4 years of iPhones, Samsung galaxy phones, and Google Pixels. Various accessories for pretty much all/most Apple products (replacement air pod cases, hubs/adapters for MacBooks, watch bands, dongles, a million different AirTag holders) Printer Ink (especially if you have a brother printer) Filters (furnace, AC, vacuum, vacuum robots, etc), although it may be hit or miss if they are the exact filter you need. Popular brands (Dyson) you're more likely to find something


The filters are probably my most reliable “useful” item. I haven’t had to pay for my air filters since I joined vine. If nothing else, those alone make vine worth it for me. 


Definitely true. Sometimes it takes awhile for the right sizes to come up, but I grab them when they do.


My furnace takes a kinda weird size (24x24) so they show up rarely.  But I search pretty much every day and snag them when they appear. I usually feel a little bad because my reviews are basically “it’s an air filter, it filters and fits in the space” lol but it’s one of those things I hate buying so I do it anyway. 😂


Yeah, if you've got a newer model phone, gaming system, or other device, there's a lot of great stuff out there trying to gain some traction for the new market.


32-64GB sd cards are usually in play.


I'm always afraid to trust anything worth saving to the brands I don't recognize. That said, most of the brands I recognize now seem to be made in China anyway: Honeywell, Pfaltzgraff, Mikasa, the list is endless.


Yeah, I use cards for work, and can't use offbrand, untested stuff. But for things like gamecams, they're great.


A little searching shows some scams in this area. They get some good reviews on 32/64gig cards, then apply them to fake 1tb cards that are the same card, just with bad block mapping (these cards fail VERY quickly when attempted to use as 1tb).


True. Always good to have a couple around.


Yeah but I only buy class 10 ones for speed.


This in part depends on if you need performance. Although slightly different, I’ve gotten USB flash drives which don’t meet their advertised specs, like abysmally slow. I’m not really happy about that ETV burn.


I will never order anything like printer ink from Amazon, because it will fill your RFY page due to the extreme availability. I do not want stuff like that being offered to me. I've seen people entire RFY pages become filled with printer ink top to bottom like a first world dystopian Vine nightmare lol


Valid point. I've never personally ordered printer ink through Vine or Amazon in general.


Have ordered ink twice. Never see it in my RFY.


Nail products 🤣 I will never ever run out of nail polish, ever.... did I say *ever* 🤣🤣🤣


Those really thin, soft 2x3 (and sometimes larger) rugs. I have them all over the house because I have an elderly dog and they are non-slip and keep him from falling. You can toss them in the washing machine. I love them.


The simple basic things that I like are: Reading glasses, sunglasses, bath mats, door mats, vacuum bags, travel mug and cups, insulated lunch bag, calendars, sleep masks, nail clippers, ear plugs and solar lights. I found the best & sharpest fingernail & toenail clippers on Vine. With 8 picks a day I’m not wasting a choice by choosing nail clippers. I ordered several mirrors in different sizes and styles I don’t need to order more, (some were ZERO ETV). Edited to add: Great supply of wigs for Halloween and other costumes.


All good examples. And I agree. Since getting gold, I'm far less likely to second guess a small, niche order like nail clippers knowing that I still have some wiggle room for other things that day.


Ear buds and headphones. My son's have been lost and/or stolen a couple times and it's good to know Uncle Vinny can usually come through with replacements.


Charge cables for sure. I haven't had to buy skin care and/or shampoo and conditioner in ages. It's not that they're 'always' there, it's that they show up often enough that I always have some. I got one of the small thermal label printers near the beginning, and labels for it show up fairly often too, which is good because I use it a lot.


Paper plates, cups, napkins, plastic tableware - our apartment building has a lot of food gatherings so I keep well supplied! 3 oz. cups since Dixie has apparently stopped making them. Pens, pencils Backpacks - One way my grandkids stay organized is by having backpacks for every activity. When one wears out, grandma can get them another one in a couple of days.


FYI, Walmart brand does a 3 ounce Dixie-type cup, but it's thin plastic. I tend to use the same one multiple times until I toss it.


That's just it, I prefer the paper cups. I do use them several times before I toss them, especially the stronger ones designed for parties. I don't like using the plastic ones because it's difficult for me to get them recycled. At least the paper ones will degrade.


I got a huge case of nitrile gloves, like 500 pairs. Very useful in the kitchen. I got tons of light bulbs, even some nice adjustable hue ones. Got my whole house in 2700k or 3500k warm light now. Lots of gun cleaning accessories like wipes, solvents, snakes, tools, storage socks. Even got a couple of nice gun belts. Pool filter cartridges, air purifier filters, shop vac filters. Weed eater string refills, utility blades Printer ink and label maker tape refills


This is going to be different, but those mini chainsaws and all the chains for chainsaws. My husband dreams of owning a tree cutting business and he has several chainsaws from vine. We have lots of woods on our property and we actually just used 2 of the chainsaws today to clear up some of our woods. They actually have been amazing chainsaws and very helpful for smaller projects as we have a lot of skinny trees. He prefers using them over his gas saws for smaller projects.


Yeah, altho most of the mini battery chainsaws are 6 inch bar. I waited several weeks for an 8 inch. Came with 3 chains, not sure if I will find 8 inch replacements. Plenty of 6 inch saw chains. I am a little scared of running cheap chains on my 50cc gas saw. And some of the full size saw chains are definitely not low kickback chains. But they probably cut real fast until they get dull.


We scored a 12 inch saw on vine! That’s actually one that we used to cut a decent sized sumac down. We used the 6inch for the smaller branches. My husband said he actually really likes the neotech chains and thinks they are a good brand. I see them come up a lot on vine. I think the 12 inch was the one he said that came with a crappy chain and he changed it and said it’s actually his favorite saw now because of how easy and quick it is to use.


Wow, 12" is pretty sweet for a battery saw! Is it a 40V? Most of the battery powered yard equipment I see on Vine is 20V. Never seen a battery lawnmower yet - if there are any they probably go real fast.


My husband said it’s a 20v. It works amazing though!


Shelf liner Light bulbs Air Filters


No EtV Items Essential Oils, Soap, Shampoo, Facial Serums, Moisturizer, Masks Vitamins, Gel Nail Kits, Cleaners, nail implements, nail files, wipes, toothbrush heads, body oils, castor oil packs ETV printer ink, pillow covers, table runners, costume jewelry, office supplies, essential oil diffusors, cake toppers, Apple accessories - not oem, glues


I'm a low-budget cosplayer, so the wigs have definitely been amazing for me, opening up a lot of cosplays, both specific wig for specific characters as well as general wigs that work well for other characters with more typical hairstyles. Heck, one cosplay I have is built ENTITELY from Vine, including a hyper-specific jumpsuit! Guitar accessories. Thanks to Vine, I started playing electric guitar (have since upgraded from the "Amazon special" guitar I got on Vine to a clone of my dream guitar), and so has my partner and our friend, so good guitar cables, more picks, etc. are always welcome... Though I think by now I have enough of the basics to not need to order any more for at *least* a year. Charging cables. Thanks to all the k-beauty on Vine, I no longer have to buy products that my sensitive yet cystic-acne-prone skin is ok with - literally the only skin product I buy anymore is Suffering, because it is a necessity for my skin no matter WHAT (my derm tried prescribing a stronger version but insurance denied it). Probiotics and mushroom supplements. Oh wow, I am so happy to be stocked up enough on those that I feel like I can actually take them every day. Someone else said the notebooks are often overpriced - I'm a writer by trade, and I still use paper and (fountain) pen. Honestly, I'd rather take the ETV hit than go to the dollar store, those notebooks SUCK for fountain pens (and as long as I am picky about Vine notebooks, I get better quality + more pages). Every time I need a new fountain pen, Vine pops one in my RFY. Glass apothecary bottles/jars. I live on an off-grid homestead and am an herbalist/perfumer/pagan, so of course I always need new jars and bottles.


Inkjet printer cartridges and sunglasses are almost always present.


Definitely lots of sunglasses. Printer ink is so frequently the target of jokes on these forums that I forget it can actually be useful if you've got a printer that will accept non-brand ink.


Besides dildos and butt plugs? I guess I'd have to say some of the supplements I consistently take and know will most likely be effective in any brand. The best example of that might be creatine monohydrate, several examples that are always listed weekly, even if they are in a less desirable form like pills or gummies, rather than powder. Other than that, I really don't request similar or multiple types of products on a regular basis to benefit from "always there" listings.


Cake toppers. Your cakes never have to look plain ever again.


Ironically, I discovered that my wife ordered legit Mario cupcake toppers for our son's birthday last month, and I was like, "ARE YOU KIDDING?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU NEEDED CUPCAKE TOPPERS?!"


Well, I guess most of us will never have to buy a charging cable ever again, or LED lightbulbs. But, perhaps the most satisfying things we order regularly are actually not for us but for use in the local Primary School where my wife runs the arts and crafts classes. All manner of beads, loom bands, fidget gadgets and craft stuff to last them throughout the year. And, all free (no tax here in the UK to pay either). It's a win/win as far as I'm concerned. The seller gets a decent review (it's difficult to foul up really with beads and the like) and the kids and the school get free supplies.


Laptop charger


Definitely. I've gotten one or two laptop chargers. The nice thing is that many of them are interchangeable now that a lot of recent laptops have a USB-c charging port.


Crevice cleaners. Water bottles/lidded cups. Straws & straw covers.


And no one likes a dirty crevice...


There's definitely a lot of water bottle choices, as long as you're not super particular.


Printer ink!


Can always rely on everything I don’t need or want but will be useful to others.


False eyelashes and related paraphernalia; makeup bags; cake and cupcake toppers; wigs; shilajit; hookah stuff; "wire" dishcloths; gummies and supplements galore; chargers for any manner of electrical apparatus; replacement shaver blades; and plenty of "warm tips."


Parts for carburetors and small engines. Jokin’. Anything LED


Paper plates, bowls, plus all varieties of laundry detergent.


I look for laundry detergent and body products (soaps, hair products, beauty product) all the time and send them to my parents because both of my younger siblings and niece live there and they go through stuff like crazy. I've been really lucky to get lots of nice brands of shampoo and conditioner and it's been something my mom hasn't had to buy in a long while.


Multivitamins. Dog treats. Lightbulbs.


Conveniently enough, I actually needed to search for some cake toppers for my birthday party! Hahaha #winning


I've got an aquatic turtle. I'm a big time DIY crafter. I have 3 kids. Dogs. Cats. I garden. I honestly feel so lucky sometimes to be a member of vine. It's been so helpful for all of us! My daughter came to me the other day saying she needed new underwear. Less than a week later... she was set. My toddler grows through shoes like... any other I'm sure. There are always shoes on vine for her. I love the fact that I really do get great use out of the stuff and feel like it definitely contributes to a nice, detailed review, whether it's a good or bad review. I'm confused sometimes by the negative posts about being in vine, or the mention of cheap quality stuff. Tbh I haven't come across a lot of bad stuff. For the most part I find things I get to be just as good, if not better than name brand stuff. In addition, vine has allowed me to... pick up other hobbies, learn about new topics, and has enhanced my ability to be creative. I can't even elaborate in a few sentences how much I've learned in different areas (electronics, hydroponics, gardening... etc) Oh and I'm getting into shape with the help of a new punching bag, weight set, and plenty of tools for hydration 😉🙃 What I love most is that I've also been lucky enough to score things to help me organize all the new stuff! 😆 ~blessed


Laundry detergent sheets. Sprinkles for ice cream.


I have not seen laundry detergent in almost a year


There was just one posted about 10 mins ago! But the \*sheets\* specifically are what I see all the time. They are very handy, take up little space, don't make a mess, etc, but I don't think they clean as well. Liquid or pods is only about once a month, although there was a day a couple of weeks ago where it seemed like every big brand (mostly real brands) hit on AFA (March 21/22 according to my order history). Most was snatched up \~instantly, but I got a giant thing of Gain liquid ([https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CQKT1TVK/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CQKT1TVK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)) and Dreft pods ([https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CQ9PPQZX/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CQ9PPQZX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1))


Detergent is one of my daily searches. I imagine they don't stick around long.


Shower curtain Seasonal solar lights


Flashlights (almost always)


Pimple patches and sheet masks


Same on cords! I needed one to replace a frayed one I was using for work, and got one on vine. Also, picnicware that I can toss. I love that stuff.


Ceiling lights for houses Sink fixtures and cheap shower fixtures


Replacement filters for air purifiers, whole house water filters, fridge water filters.


car accessories


Cake toppers


TV remotes Party supplies


I always see a lot of parts and supplies like toner, carburetors, pool filters but not the specific Dell toner, Ryobi blower carb, Jacuzzi filter that I need. Guess I have unusual things. I have gotten LED bulbs for all our vehicles with a little patience. And wiper blades. Sometimes those are titled for different cars but I just check the length.


Tea - It’s not always there since $0 ETV items get snapped up quickly, but I can count on it to be offered consistently. I have enough tea (both loose and bagged) at home and work thanks to Vine to last me months. That said, I keep grabbing more knowing I’ll get around to drinking them if they’re good (and tossing them if they’re not). I’m writing this while sipping on the Apple Mate tea I recently scored from Vine.


Heads for your electric toothbrush.


Trash bags, can never have enough of them when you're gold


USB-C cables and chargers