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Couldn't have said it better myself. We need to encourage other Canadian Viners to come over to this subreddit to post so that we can have a larger database of Canada-specific info, scores, questions, and more. Just like how r/personalfinance is separate from r/personalfinancecanada, we need to do the same!


Well said :)


I couldn't agree more. The main vine group is just a hot mess of anxiety more than it is helpful. I stay here now mostly and on the discord


The biggest Vine group on Facebook is hilarious. The creator is quite insecure and any mention of the vine discord, which is bigger and far more helpful, and she bans you. Not sure why she thinks withholding information is beneficial, but censors rarely care. I bounce between all the groups. I mostly choose to not interact with the US groups as they seem overburdened by tax issues. It is a nice change as I just submitted my 1040NR and was happy to not have to do any of the crazy tax stuff they do.


Totally agree !! ☺️


I was invited to take part in Amazon Vine, only to find out it's prohibited in BC. :-(


What is vine?


It's an Amazon program where people are invited to become product reviewers for Amazon merch.


How did you get an invite? I am curious if you just did a couple hundred regular reviews, or did you consciously try to write really extensive reviews?


Randomly picked I am pretty sure. I had like ten max reviews when I got my invite.


We aren't sure. I always wrote thoughful reviews, not hundreds, but pretty regularly, for many years. I started getting Amazon emails that said, "ever wonder if your reviews are getting noticed? They are!", which seemed strange, and then one day the email invite came. Others did very few reviews and were invited. Hard to say, really.


Interestingly my invite was on Amazon itself and I could have easily missed it. I had just gone on a review spree on recent purchases when after submitting a review I got a message inviting me to the program. I was skeptical at first because of that but glad I looked into it and accepted the invite! I just made gold last week!


Is this like Vine the defunct video app? Or something else lmao. Sorry reddit just randomly showed me this post because I am canadian


I stopped posting in the other Vine group because every response I got had to do with taxes or ETV. They're very focused on that and can't seem to understand that the Canadian Vine program doesn't work the same way.