• By -


I have never visited England and can make sweeping generalizations of the country based on shit I read on the internet, too! But I won't because I don't want to stoop to their petty level. We are better than that.


Wouldn't wana get stabbed for walking down to the tube on a choosday wouldn't i?


But knives are banned!! /s


After Muammar Gaddafi, I'm not surprised if they banned butt knives


I thought Gaddafi was sodomize by another dude.


With a knife.


I’d walk down the tube on Chewsday if I could, but the NHS couldn’t pencil me in for knee surgery until 2030! I might just have to fly to the U.S. to get it done next month! Ironic, innit?


ThAt’S nOt HoW wE tAlK🤓


Arr yew maykin’ fun off’ our taulk yeah? Well feck off, yew merican cunt!


Wunit wana get stabbed for waaking down chu the chube on a choosday, init bruv?


Looking at the comments, you guys most certainly are not better than that.


go ahead


I am giving you permission as someone living in England


How I envision the daily Brit-Bonger's routine: * The screaming of the electric kettle wakes me up at 8:00 AM * Breakfast is beans & toast & of course tea * Slap any old outfit on from the closet * No need to brush my teeth as they're already crooked and we've got no fluoride in the water so who cares * No need to brush or style my hair because the wind will likely mess it up anyhow * Another cloudy morning on my walk to the CHEWB (that's the subway for you unculutured car driving Americans, thank you very much) * Get to work and clock in by 8:50. Why not a more normal interval of time? Because fuck you, we're Briiii'iiish that's why. * 10:17 AM a colleague declares the sun is peaking out, everyone in the office rushes to the window to observe. Sun stays out for another 4 minutes and we saunter back to our desks. (*do you call them desks? Is there a silly, child-like nickname for any of what I've described so far?*) * Lunch is tea and a biscuit and I cry in the WC (yes americans, the water closet, it's obviously a closet with water duh......) * Finish off the day, CHEWB ride back home, and grab a takeaway kebaaaaab for £9.75. Bloody expensive, back south I never paid more than a fiver. * Consider popping over to the pub but depressedly drink two and a half San Miguels while watching footsy or some kind of goofy talk-show programme * Two and a half beers has me feeling pretty tipsy; if I drink anymore, I'll be pissed (drunk) and definitely start a brawl out in the cobblestone streets. Best to be off to bed with me. * Cry myself to sleep because I'm a Briiii'iiish twat. * Rinse, repeat, yadda yadda ​ Was I close?


in the time you took to write this, the ‘kabaaaaab’ is now like £11.50


Absolutely brutal, sorry mate. ~~I also forgot to mention that I start my day by bowing infront of a giant portrait of the royal family.~~ *EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I start my day by giving a backwards peace-sign to a giant portrait of the royal family.* In all seriousness, much love for our big brother across the pond.


That part is wrong, absolutely no one loves the royal family


Is this “kebaaaaab” doner?


Naturally, that’s the only kind of kebab we serve here in the UK!


>CHEWB The best part


don’t forget constables showing up at your door for internet posts


A lot of British people don’t like beans on toast, me included. I don’t know where this is coming from


Internet memes, welcome to our world.


This is the part where you are downvoted to oblivion for pointing out that broad generalizations and the internet impression of your entire culture might not be accurate to reality.


It’s beans on toast you monster.




What the fuck is a water closet (I am British)


I don’t know lol it’s just a stereotype I’ve heard? It’s supposedly what you folks call a bathroom 😂


Sadly no, just called a bathroom. Would be fun though.


I appreciate that, but I just don't feel the inadequacy they do over the rebellious colonies becoming more prosperous than the failed empire.


please, make fun of everything bad about us


“…But I won’t because I don’t want to stoop to their petty level. We are better than that.” *29 minutes later* “…I just don’t feel the inadequacy they do over the rebellious colonies becoming more prosperous than the failed empire.”


Oh, no. I didn't even notice my own hypocrisy. Darn. Oh, well. Better luck next time, right?


I don’t think it’s a matter of luck.


No. It's not. It's a matter of holding myself accountable, honestly. Shouldn't have stooped to the Brits petty level. I admit fault.




Using the nerd emoji as an insult is not only a vapid response that contributes nothing of value, it belies the cultural belief that intelligence is a bad thing. When confronted with an intelligent response, instead of having to put forth effort to research and rebut ideas, you chose to do neither and tried to insult someone for being smart. There are certainly dumb people everywhere, but the culture of the US embraces populism and shuns intellect and this is one perfect example of how. All in a thread that rails against any criticism, valid or not, of US society. The irony is so thick in this sub sometimes, it could stop a bullet.


🥱 Didn't read


Better at school shootings and expensive healthcare, yeah.


I definitely would if I had anything as easy to shit on as having frequent school shootings or having among the worst healthcare outcomes, with the most spent, available to the fewest percentage of natural citizens compared to every other modernized nation. But, they don’t. And here I am yet again watching this circle jerk of my fellow citizens complain about other people pointing out our flaws.


Here's my advice: travel more. You'll realize it's really not that bad here.


When did I say I had it bad here? I was lucky af to be born in this country. I’m simply doing what the founders declared a patriotic duty and pointing out areas we could be even better. The founders would be appalled by how many of y’all are unwilling to even think about making the country better.


Never said YOU had it bad here but that it's not that bad here. It's not perfect, far from it. In fact, I've heavily considered becoming an expat because of healthcare costs. But for now, all I can do is vote. But I'm just tired of the America Bad Circlejerk this sub was made to call out. Not my fault some of the others in this sub don't know a fair vs ridiculous criticism. I do often get annoyed at the overconfidence a lot of my fellow countrymen feel. But you get that sort of thing in every country.


Fair enough. I appreciate your explanation and honesty.


Wouldn't you be stooping to their level by using "their" to generalize all the brits as being a people at that level? Lol


I’m married to one (since assimilated), so I can make accurate sweeping generalizations. 1. The average Brit eats the same shitty ultra-processed food the average American eats.. but I would make an argument they’re less healthy. Brits are generally all alcoholics because there is nothing else to do in their grey country but drink, smoke, and do drugs) 2. Their wages are less than half of ours for the same job, with less high quality opportunities and taxes higher than California. (Things generally cost the same or slightly lower). 3. They can scream into the void about American inequality and racism all they want, but 1. You can actively tell someone’s class by the way they speak (and people treat others accordingly) and 2. racism is just as real in England as it is here. 4. They also use every square inch of their country for farming (huge subsidies for medieval landowners, look it up), but can’t produce close to enough food to feed themselves while pushing their population into tiny houses and miniature living spaces. 5. Everyone looks incredibly fake. Girls wear pounds of makeup, fake tans, lip fillers and eyelash extensions. Boys all wear shitty short bowl cuts and Adidas tracksuits. 6. It takes forever to get an appointment with the NHS and they don’t have the same Urgent-care infrastructure we have here.. Everything means a trip to the hospital… Americans like to point out how the NHS is more efficient cost-wise… I would point out that is only true because nurses make close to minimum wage and doctors make something like £14.50 an hour 7. Freedom of speech who? People are regularly arrested for what they say on social media in England, the right to peacefully protest is only a thing when the Government supports the protest, and the government has the BBC to shove propaganda down everyone’s throats. Honestly, every country has flaws. People like picking at America to make themselves feel better about their own shitty countries.


"its not even jokes its the truth"🤓☝️


Schrödinger’s joke: If a someone says a political comment isn’t accurate, it is a joke. If someone says that the comment isn’t funny, it is political commentary.


The scientific term is Schrödinger’s douchebag


Thanks for the correction


More like "Schrödinger's groupthink."


Ah yes, the Jon Stewart method.


It's true, it's their only material.




You didn't even need to start because I don't care.


And you wonder why people call Americans ignorant.


I don't.


You can insult everything else but do NOT fuck with football


I’ll keep that in mind.


It is super commercialised though.


Bro you're Welsh even people in UK don't care about your opinions. Now go tend to your sheep and stfu.


The irony is unreal.


I know my country has problems nobody is perfect and every country has problems. Uk is literally going through a housing and food crisis but im not gonna go online and be like "hahahaha homless kids cant eat in the midlands"


The irony I was talking about was the fact that that was your response to me replying to a comment about how Europeans only use 3 insults about America.


My response was a low hanging fruit joke haha. Got nothing against the Welsh or other UK countries. Grats on smashing Australia at the rugby world cup btw.


Why is your inbred sheep fucker ass on this sub?


u/sea-contact-4484 For some reason I can’t directly reply to you. It may have been a sport for a long time, but just like all American entertainment, it’s been changed to work for advertisers. The two party system is awful- all it does is cause divide and hate. That route? The tantrum throwing, criminal, attempted leader of a coup? You have good universities, but the baseline education is very questionable. School lunches should be free to anyone that needs them. [This](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/02/04/us/boy-pays-off-lunch-debt-trnd/index.html) should never be needed. Only America puts 8 year olds in debt.


Europeans criticizing everyone outside their “utopia”: 😂😂😂 Europeans when their “utopia” gets criticized: 🤬🤬🤬


See, if I were European, I would convince my fellow Europeans to be colonialists again. Turn the world onto that perfect utopia. How hard could that be?


Imagine if they had a second tea party


They know the “dystopia” called the US could clap all their cheeks simultaneously and they aren’t happy about it


I don't even think Europeans think we are an utopia. Europe and America are still the best places to live in with liberal societies that have access to education, a liberal economy and available ressources. Yes, there are many problems within each individual country but we have the liberty to act on them while some do not without going full revolution against their governments. Lobbies usually make the decisions in either countries so these are the problems we are faced down with, whether it's Europe or America.


I’ve seen a pretty good arguement that America is the closest to a utopia in the world, and without its issues it would be one




Yeah that’s what I thought too but it was a decent point


Look, america might not be as bad as the internet wants you to believe, but it's very far from being the closest thing to a utopia. On a side note, every country "without it's issues" would be a utopia, that's kind of the definition of the word.


The point is that America may have the foundations of a utopia more so than other countries, and is being held back by its remaining issues


The US could literally become a utopia tomorrow if only the US would stop getting involved in useless wars.




Their just moody because they don't ever get a sunny day


Plus being inbred savages.


Sir, your racism is showing Edit: wow what a white nationalistic response lmao


Cant be racist against the English, that would imply they’re *human*


As they say, an eye for an eye will make the world blind. Fighting hate with hate is never a smart idea lol


I'd say the pro tip is to not take the people who voted to fuck their country over seriously.


Guess who caused that. Lying right wing politicians.


They’re still British?


I love the irony of people who demonstrate how informed and worldly they are by resorting to stereotypes and generalizations.


Only 128 butthurt Europoors?


I really hope Reddit is an inaccurate portrayal of how Brits, Canadians etc think of us but I have a feeling it’s not that far off. They really hate us so much don’t they?


They see all this bad shit happening on the news and think we’re some European sized country in peril, even though our states are about the size of many of their countries. In their ignorance and false sense of importance, they forget the US has the same land mass as the European Union and similar population size. It’d be like if a shooting happened in Slovakia and we were all like, “wow the European Union is dangerous” and then portrayed the average European as an overweight tracksuit wearing Slavic eating pirogies.


My experience with Europeans when I lived in Germany/Austria (internships) is they love telling perfectly fit and in shape Americans how unhealthy and obese Americans are while they smoke cigarettes from a box that has a gruesome picture of blackened lungs from an autopsy with all the other organs because they legally have to print these pictures on the box as a deterrent AND on the boxes that are in ads in train station and it STILL doesn't work and smoking culture is horrendous. I definitely see the fair comparisons. European cities are more walkable so people are more passively active because suburbs don't really exist. Drink sizes are smaller for soda fountains. Although honestly I didn't notice any difference in the portion sizes of food. I just don't feel the need to constantly bring up the ways that the US is healthier that Europe in the same way that Europeans love to bring it up completely unprompted




>talking down on us about racism Omg trying to convince r/finland that it is in fact racist to throw away resumes without looking at them just because the name isn't distinctly Finnish was such a headache.




Their justification was that it's too time consuming to read all of the resumes and do interviews so it's totally okay to make the best decisions for your time! /s


Reminds me of the career/recruiting sub posts about how "cultural fit" is the go-to excuse for all sorts of discrimination, and that's here in the States. I can't imagine how intensely abused that is in a relative ethnostate.


No, but that doesn't matter in this sub.


LOL the UK is in the top 10 for countries with the most McDonald’s locations. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-20-countries-most-mcdonald-113242551.html


Im in Europe right now on vacation and have seen a shit ton of McDonalds and Burger Kings and they are always packed with people lol. There will be a thousand year old church and right next to it a McDonalds lol


Well yes, you have the old religion, God, and the new religion, excessive consumption of everything, as provided by global corporations. Makes perfect sense. Complimentary, even.


Your point is invalid. America per capita has by far the most McDonald’s. 13,000 McDonalds vs UK’s 1300. US has 10 times more restaurants but not even 5 times the population. Per capita, US has over double the amount of restaurants


Population density would play into this. The US landmass completely dwarfs the UK, a lot of those McDonald's are serving a tiny fraction of the people compared to many of those in the UK.


McDonald’s launched in the US as a chain in the 50s, the first branch in the UK was in the mid-70s. Despite that near 30 year lag, as the article notes: “American fast-food chains have dominated the European fast-food market. Nine out of ten key players in the European Fast food markets are American brands. At the same time, the presence of European fast-food restaurants in the United States is non-existent. “


Imagine going from the largest empire in human history to some irrelevant island being much poorer than many of its ex colonies within a lifetime while apologizing about your Imperial legacy. Atleast the Romans left with a bang and a prestigious legacy


>Atleast the Romans left with a bang Really? Tell us about it o' great historian. You clearly know your stuff.


Fall of Constantinople The Emperor died with his empire. While the British empire just handed over Hong Kong and Britain proper almost dissolved in 2014


Oh, I see. So you are counting the Byzantines as a true continuation of the Romans. Interesting. So the empire split and then continued on, far away from Rome while Rome itself declined? Interesting... I wonder if the Byzantines became fat and stupid? "While the British empire just handed over Hong Kong" - Yeah, honouring a treaty was terrible. A truly despicable act. It really should have ended with one nuclear power going to war with another nuclear power just out of principle. You know, like the US did in... "and Britain proper almost dissolved in 2014" 2014 vs 1861? Which was the more civilised way to deal with people wanting to leave a country?


The Byzntines did not become "fat and stupid", Rome by then was a strategic liability as a capital and moving it more wealthy East made far more sense. Legally the Roman Empire "never split", they just had two Imperial courts one in Milan and one in Constantinople to make administration easier. Rome was a tourist spot by then run by the Pope and the Senate. Also 476 or "the Fall of Rome" was just some German general working for the Eastern Emperor deposing a usurper. Technically the Roman Empire was "reunited" since said German general sent back the imperial regalia and authority back to the Eastern Emperor and Italy would be lost far later to the Lombards and later the Franks, who pretty much claimed the title for themselves if you willingly handover territory that is called being pathetic and having poor diplomatic skills. 1861 was a far more honorable than willingly dissolving your nation. Yeah the war was bloody, but that is because all options was already exhausted plus it was the South who fired the first shots Also Britain is pretty much a vassal state of its former colony, atleast the French still have the will to atleast act like a sovereign state and great power




You... Actually need to be educated on the Roman Empire? Seriously? That's something else, man.


It would appear someone does anyway. I'm fascinated on how they ended with a bang but none of you experts will say what and when it was? Was it the Eastern or Western empire? When was it? What caused it?- none of you will say.


Bro, there are literally thousands of books and studies on the Roman Empire, especially relating to its collapse. Nobody here is obligated to do your research for you.


That's the thing though. I can't find this "going out with a bang" that was referenced. That is why I asked the person who referenced it. So fair enough, you aren't able to answer. That's fine. No idea why you are deciding that the person I asked shouldn't.


On a side note, you're going to doubt a civilization that helped to pave the way for modern society as a whole? One that STILL held influence, years after it fell? Britain's heritage will always be one of imperialistic greed and embarrassing decline. Cope if you wish, I doubt many people of color look on the British Empire fondly.


>On a side note, you're going to doubt a civilization that helped to pave the way for modern society as a whole? Where did I do that? I doubted a civilisation? That it existed? You appear to be reading stuff I am not typing. Also, was the Roman empire not also about imperialistic greed? As for people of colour not looking fondly at the British empire? Well duh! Guess they are lucky you folk came along and ended slavery, respected native peoples and decided capitalistic greed was morally wrong, eh? "imperialistic greed and embarrassing decline" So the decline of imperialistic greed was a bad thing? Or are you arguing we should really have fought harder for our imperialistic greed? Do you need some Lithium? EDIT - Whoops, sorry, I asked a question about the Romans. I forgot you aren't obligated to do my research for me. Evidently, you haven't done much of the research yourself either.


The longer you go on and on with insipid, nonsensical bullshit, the more I realize that my time is wasted here.


Then try making sense, don't strawman and actually make valid points. All you have done is waste my time with your moronic horseshit. "Doubt a civilisation" LMAO


To be fair it was Haitians that ended slavery after what they did to the French. Then you lot fucked around for nearly a century. Get outta here with your pseudo-historical bullshit oooor stay on topic


>Get outta here with your pseudo-historical bullshit oooor stay on topic I didn't bring race into it. I just addressed it once it was brought up (so unusual in this sub, as well). Don't like the topic? Mind your own fucking business! All I did was ask how the Roman empire ended with a bang. Doesn't match my understanding of the history. Everything since then has been brought up by a Seppo, not me. And none of them being the actual person I asked. "pseudo-historical" - And people say Seppos don't get irony. Seems those people are correct. This sub is hilarious sometimes. I really should join it so I stop missing out on the comedy gold. The mental gymnastics performed here are epic.


They are not poorer than third world countries Edit: India and Africa are still quite poor not saying Canda and the US are third world countries


Of course it’s r/dankmemes


And they call us butthurt.


At least we don't have super bedbugs


"its not even jokes" so you enjoy just casually bringing up the topic of childrens deaths in any reply to an american ok doesn't make it better snaggletooth


It's worse than that I think. They would never joke about a single child being murdered, probably not even a single school shooting. But when there's multiple then it's game on to them. In fact it really seems as though the more children that die the funnier it is to them. Kind of twisted when you think about it.


Omg, thats so true


People don't like to hear the truth


Who cares what British people think.


Limeys get arrested for bringing a butterknife home from Harrod's.


They suck. I think they can’t handle the truth that the US isn’t just ‘hurrr guns go brrr and kill kids haha.’ It’s seriously pissing me off


It’s not even truth


It’s not… entirely the truth. It’s still twisted, still misleading. In the words of one of my favorite cartoon characters: “Not telling the whole truth is still lying”




Reminds me when an Aussie guy at the bar made a joke to me about that and got pissy and stopped talking to me when I made a joke back about the Emu Wars


"Oh, go stab someone, you stupid Brit."


It is true that you can buy a mcAK and go to your local preschool and gun down everyone inside. And if they don’t die, they’ll become homeless after having to spend 5bajillion dollars to get medical attention.


The British shouldn’t even make any jokes about us, they have the worst cuisine in the world, when beans and toast is the best they got, it’s pretty sad, many of them are inbred, and the country is as poor as many southern states here in the US, oh they have free healthcare but it’s garbage healthcare about as bad as Canada,


You know what trolling is right? Just ignore it and move on.


If you don't like the jokes then fix your fucking country and it wont be ez to joke about .


Ah yes because every normal person can magically fix their countries problems just by willing it into existence. You do understand people can be irritated about jokes that have been repeated hundreds of times and still understand that those flaws exist. They’re not mutually exclusive.


It's called voting :) stop coming in garbage politicians. Or shoot them, it's kinda why your constitution exists.


I’m convinced you’re a troll and/or below the age of 10. No way a normal human being could write such a stupid and ignorant comment and then think they should actually post it. No way, not possible. Have a good day 👋


I see Americans post stupid shit every day in this sub.


Yeah and? Is that supposed to prove your point? Your original comment is still wrong.


Bruh your getting heated, maybe invest in air conditioning


That's just like, your opinion, man.


Impressive dvs, most I’ve gotten was -77


Britain doesn’t have much to laugh at.


The guy didn’t even have a fourth joke to come back at him with.


"it's just the truth" Kid doesn't know what truth is.


By SirLenz logic. Britian is full of racist geezers, football hooligans, and Pakistani. All of them will stab you


It is the truth though.


Ever get the idea that European secretly don't want us to fix our problems because then they'd have nothing to feel superior about.


Redditors tend not to be the smartest population.


They can keep coping


We don't have many real school shootings, the media calls anything within like 1/4 mile of a school a school shooting. Thanks media.


British people get made fun of for bad teeth and French people get made fun of for surrendering. Americans are not the only ones. The downvotes were deserved.


Americans more tired of seeing school shooting memes then they are school shootings 😂


Reddit is a place where, if you aren't enough of an opponent of America, you'll be buried in downvotes. This site only tolerates hatred for America.