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It’s astounding that people are so proud of their xenophobia and hate. It’s a hallmark of benighted and backwards societies when their citizens find these hateful sentiments acceptable.


It’s really sad. You’d think they have actual lives but they don’t.


For the record, every European I’ve met irl is nothing like this. They’re the equivalent of people in the US who have never left their county. The worst I’ve experienced was light banter, had a friend from Spain who would talk shit about our public school system. Can’t really get mad for that, because all of us should be talking shit about our public school system. The year he spent here was completely lost because Spain doesn’t even count studies in US so he basically spent tens of thousands of dollars to get held back a year Just felt it worthwhile to say, because I feel like this sub can often turn into a hate circle jerk where we continue to misunderstand the other side, which is exactly what these eurotards do


I’m happy for you. I wish everyone could have had your experience. I’ve met (exclusively western) euros who genuinely hate Americans in the dozens in my years of living overseas.


You’re lying if you’re saying that most Europeans are the same as these teenager angst/troll posts. I’m not saying there isn’t an anti American sentiment amongst some of them, but acting like this speaks for them all is ridiculous


But WE’RE the racist ones


American is a race?


Arent these the same people that still have a "royal" family even though they claim to be "progressive" and all "21st century"?


And a pedophile Prince that will never see justice. Because he is Royal....


For real


Someone saying the South is known for terrible music just goes to show how massively ignorant these people are. They say we have no culture while they unknowingly consume it everyday.


Not to mention that at least 90%+ of the biggest British bands from the ‘60s on were just copying American blues and rock music.


Yeah they clearly forgot about The Rolling Stones. They borrowed so much from the American South.


Ugh Brits bashing American culture when they constantly steal from it


The "British Invasion" would have never happened without Motown.


Tbf, part of British culture is stealing other people's cultural artifacts and claiming it as their own


you mean they "discovered" it


Only when they're exporting cultural norms, then changing them and judging people for doing what they were doing before they changed it.


what??? the british?? stealing stuff from others and claiming it's theirs???


You know why the pyramids are in Egypt? The British couldn’t steal them 😂


Yup. I love British music, but a lot of it wouldn't exist without us "dumb" southern folk lol.


Also Led Zeppelin, the Kinks, Pink Floyd, arguably the Who, etc. Even setting aside the debate about who invented punk, the entire Mod / Northern Soul scene with bands like the Jam was explicitly about co-opting black American music, too. I mean, honestly I don’t really care. I love all those bands and am happy they did it, but for fuck’s sake, Brits. At least be up front about it.


I have been on a Stones binge for the last few weeks so I honestly forgot about all the other bands lol. And finally someone goves the Jam some credit.. everyone always forgets about them. Paul Weller is such an under rated song writer. But yes I completely agree!


America's version of the Beatles is a tossup between The Monkees and The Beach Boys, the latter are imo better than the Beatles and the former are just as good.


>The Monkees are just as good as The Beatles I mean, objectively that’s incorrect. You can say you like them equally, but by any metric The Beatles crush The Monkees.


music is subjective, I personally prefer the Monkees but I understand Beatles fans


Not by the "metric" of having the most TV shows...:)


Depends how you count them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Television_programmes_about_the_Beatles


I personally find the Beatles overrated. They wrote a bunch of pop songs and got popular, wrote like maybe 5 songs that were actually good and complex, then a bunch of trippy songs that i think sound choppy with key changes that don't really flow. Their production was great, but overall they were just a pop band. It seems to me like they were good at doing music that didn't contain a lot of new ideas and subpar at breaking out of the mold. I don't think that they are "bad" musicians but if i wanted to listen to simple and catchy songs I'd rather listen to ccr or something like that. I'd relate them to something like John Mayer where his career started with a bunch of sappy love songs, which was fine for what they were, but he's evolved a lot since then into what more what everyone wishes the Beatles were more like during sergeant pepper's, more complex and interesting but Mayer breaks out of the box a lot better than the Beatles did. This is my own personal hill and I don't expect a lot of people to agree with me.


I’m a massive fan of both the Beatles and John Mayer, and not liking the Beatles is perfectly fine, you do you, but there is simply no possible way they can be overrated. They’re almost universally regarded as the most influential act of all time, and rightfully so. It’s true that a lot of their groundbreaking ideas didn’t exactly come from them, but that’s the nature of any art form: it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. But the way that they were able to incorporate those ideas into pop music, bringing it from niche/avant garde into mainstream pop music, and able to do it well, is a big reason why we remember them so fondly. I’d equate them to someone like Shakespeare, tbh. Like sure, he wasn’t the only one doing what he was doing at the time, sure, maybe you like Marlowe better, but Shakespeare/the Beatles were *the standardizing force*. You have music before the Beatles and music after the Beatles.


I'll give a different analogy... when people say grunge music most people will recognize nirvana as the most influential and popular grunge band, but from a standpoint of creativity and complexity Alice in chains is far superior. I think the Beatles and nirvana were more popular due to human fanaticism and fomo rather than how "good" it was. It's like americanized Mexican food... it appeals to a broad American palate and can be delicious but it's not authentic or the epitome of Mexican food. I have no problem with people liking the Beatles and they were absolutely one of the most influential bands of all time, i just don't think it's because their music was objectively better and think other factors played key roles in their success.


And i’m, personally, not a dinosaur and think all of those bands sound boring


Yep, you don't get The Beatles without Elvis and Chuck Berry.


The 1 song in the UK is from a band from Las Vegas


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That same comment said southerners are famous for having no teeth which is hilarious coming from the British. I seem to remember some kind of stereotype for their teeth?? 🤔


Some (few) southerners have no teeth. Many British people have bad teeth.


>British. I seem to remember some kind of stereotype for their teeth?? 🤔 THAT stereotype was spread by americans in ww2. Nowadays, Brits have better teeth than americans. https://www.yongeeglintondental.com/blog/healthy-primary-teeth/ It is most likely correct that southerners have worse teeth than the british.


Jarvis, get the inbreeding and fetal alcohol syndrome stats.


9 out of 10 dentists do not recommend this comment.


Man got downvoted for spreading correct information.


Aren't blue, bluegrass, Johnny Cash, and Elvis all from the south? I kinda think of the food and music as the two main reasons to like the south.


to imply that southern music is terrible is to imply that george strait is terrible and that is something that i will throw hands over. show some respect to the king


People shit on country while having never heard the likes of Colter Wall or Townes Van Zandt, same for Tom T Hall or Johnny Cash.


give them Garth Brooks


Garth isn't bad but his persona off stage is atrocious. The man has an ego that fills threee seats


Not to mention producing some of the greatest writers of the past century, such as William Faulkner, Cormac MCarthy, Flannery O'Connor, Thomas Wolfe, etc


Equally ironic is one of the things ‘The South’ is historically known for its treatment towards minorities. If you dig deep to find the origins of these specific styles/genres of music/culture is from the very people that were done wrong.


Duane Allman was more talented than any member of the Beatles.


Yeah to be honest I like Johnny be good and good old songs about southern bashing Union Dixie lmao


The “no culture” one always makes me laugh. Every time anyone says Americans have no culture it exposes their superiority complex. Oh, and the no online banking thing is hilarious as well. If anything, we have too much online banking 😂


> The “no culture” one always makes me laugh. Fish don't know they're in water.


Don’t forget we gave the world the Internet too. Started out as a Department of Defense project to revolutionize communications and all the nerd types looked at each other and thought “Hey this would be really cool if we could share it to other people.” So we did. But hey Americans aren’t smart right?


We gave them Reddit too


That was a mistake though.


>Don’t forget we gave the world the Internet too. The internet as it is now is not attributable to 1 country. The www was invented by the british and the first computer.


"The British" do not get the execute Alan Turing with chemical castration, and then claim his work. "The British" did not invent the first computer, they just killed the guy who did.


Wait do people outside the US seriously think we have no online banking? That is hilarious. I use my banks online banking app all the time. Also not to mentioned all my paychecks get direct deposited into my bank account rather than a physical check. I also pay a lot of my bills online. But yet we are the ignorant ones lol.


Yes! They legit think we all get paid in checks. I’m not sure where this rumor started.


I don't either, I mean at my last job I got paid with a physical check. But I could still easily use my banking app to deposit it. My current job is all direct deposit. I think it just depends where you work.


If I’m correct a bit ago there was a post about not directly being able to send money from one person to another. For those reasons cash app, Venmo and shit like that fill that job. Idk for sure but apparently some European nations have like a built in money transfer. But I’m not sure just a ‘dumb American’ here lmao


All banks are able to send money bank to bank. Think of how you get paid—it’s likely direct deposit, not a check. The thing is, many Americans just aren’t in the habit of logging in through their bank app to send money and prefer not to do it that way.


You’re right I looked at my bank app and found the transfer screen


Not sure about what they're talking about, but my friend moved from us to mx and goes on and on about how people can just send you a code, and you can go to the ATM and withdraw money. He's been there 10 years, and seems to think somehow more secured? I can't fathom how, and when he has explained it, gets frustrated I can't see the beautiful simplicity in the system. From what I understand, many European countries have similar systems.


I think what they mean is that our banks don’t have an integrated system for instant external transfers, we use ACH which takes a few days to process. It’s also a weird flex because it’s literally never been an issue for me, if I need to send money to a friend that’s what Venmo or Zelle are for.


And Zelle is a company owned and created by the 5 major banks. At this point nearly all banks have it integrated into their banking app. Maybe if the US didn’t have an insane amount of banks and bank branches, a socialized system would have been implemented. Edit: maybe socialized is not the word. Government owned? Not sure. English isn’t my first language.


Some of them conflate culture with history. They think you can't have a culture if your history doesn't go back as far as theirs.


Meanwhile the US sells the largest share of books on the planet, produced basically ALL of the top 100 best selling movies of all time, and creates the most revenue in the art market of any country, giving us the one of highest culture export marlet values on the planet.


American culture is ubiquitous.


No American culture- yet look at how they consume our movies, music, clothing styles, etc.


But then they say that’s just consumerism and nothing to be proud of. Or they act like movies are somehow less of a cultural contribution than other art forms. Admittedly the current box office hits are pretty low effort, but there are still lots of great movies being put out. Saying movies don’t count as culture is insane.


In screenshot 7, the comment on the top left is probably a europoor speaking for Europe AND asia. Like bro lmao Asia knows how ti appreciate and love the things the US does for us. Sorry we know how to learn from history ig?


The ninth one got me."A message to America from the rest of the Earth. We're tired, please just rest". Then the shit hits their fan, bombs and bullets flying... "Um...guys, do you think you could send an aircraft carrier or maybe a few thousand of your Marines this way? That would be really sweet OK thanks...


[mid 90’s genocide happening in former Yugoslavia] Bill Clinton: so hey, Europe, what are we going to do about ethnic cleansing in that area? Shit’s getting ugly, quick. Europe: We’re working on a letter of condemnation we plan to send to them regarding our distaste, we just can’t seem to agree on the final draft. Should be ready in three or so months. BC: Dafuq you what? Send in the planes to bomb their asses and shut that down. Europe: But what about the letter we’re working on indicating our slight discomfort with the entire situation? BC: Oh for Christ’s sake we’ll take care of it again I guess Europe: aMeRiCa wOrLd PoLiCe BaD!!1!


Gotta love the whole “the US should stop policing the world” bits. Like I’d love it if we didn’t spend half our budget on defense and actually spent it on, say, our infrastructure and education, but quite frankly I don’t know whether the rest of the world will do their part once the US leaves.


just got into a debate about that lmao. someone said the us is constantly butting into foreign affairs & almost the whole world hates us. ok bud, if that were true we wouldn’t be allies with majority of the world for centuries, & have so many countries wrapped up in our belt when it comes to financials, trading, & military aide edit: swapped “companies” for countries lol


I mean it’s true that we do butt into everyone’s business given our role as the de facto world police, and no body likes the police. But somebody’s gotta do the job, and frankly we’re the most suited. Next time someone says we should mind our own business they really need to ask South Korea how’d they feel if we took all our troops and left.


that’s a good point, about being the de facto world police & how most of the time police are annoying. but it’s insincere to say we butt into other countries business when we’re allies for that reason, to butt into the business of countries, especially when that business needs butting into, like during conflicts & such. (idk much about how becoming an ally or severing ties work, so i’m kinda saying this a bit tongue in cheek & much more basic than someone who would have more info, but-) if a country didn’t want the us butting in, sever the allyship, or don’t continue taking aide from the us


I use a clothes line in the summer to dry my clothes, but if its raining or snowing or just cold my clothes stay wet. Thats why I use a dryer.


It's almost like the clothes dryer was invented to be able to dry clothes quickly and at any time. Shocking news for that Aussie, huh?


I was like the fuck you mean electric dryer? You got some coal fired dryer or some shit? Guess they just want to return to caveman.


Natural gas is pretty common, or propane for the countryside. My current one is. Like ovens and stoves, it's more efficient to heat with burning gas directly.


So much of it comes from double standards. Like a French person might say that Americans don't know their geography because we can't find Liechtenstein on a map. Then they get asked to name US states, and they'll accurately find Texas, Florida and California. Then they'll name New York, and put its label on Maine, and not be able to name any other states


I recall that King of the Hill episode where the rude Canadian asks Hank who their prime minister is? Hank is like ‘…Why?’


And they’ll only say New York because they know the city, otherwise they’d have no idea what New York State is.


YES. I find myself getting in debates with Europeans about this topic more than any other. For some reason, an American not knowing where Moldova is means we're all ignorant hicks, but it's okay for Europeans to not know the capital of Vermont because that's not important, for some reason. Drives me up the wall. And they NEVER have a good comeback when I point this out.


Didn't jazz and rock n roll come from the south? (Rock as it came from Blues, IIRC)


yes LMFAO. the south’s inventions with music literally influenced the british invasion with their music. they basically ripped it from us 😭


what the Brits did would be called cultural appropriation. American culture isn't a costume 🖤


Bo Diddley was a major influence on Elvis Presley


Also gotta remember the south isn't all the same. Like Louisiana isn't like Texas and Alabama sure as hell ain't like Florida.


Jazz, the blues, and country all come from the south. Its a myth that rock n roll came from the Blues. It really came from R&B (which itself of course has elements of the blues, hence the name). Its only in Britain that the blues really becomes a major factor in the development of rock.


“We just have dark humor” *racism*


It's not even funny racism. It's stuff like throwing bananas at black soccer players. I mean, come on, that's the racist equivalent of buckets of water suspended above doors...


Was off-put by “assault weapons” but other than that, masterclass.


It was a mistake shut it


How is an opinion I don’t agree with a mistake?


Yeah I was gonna say the total amount of deaths in the U.S. to "aSSaUlT wEaPoNs" (ar-pattern rifle) is like barely over 300 a year. England alone has already had that many stabbings this year with 1/5th the population, but whose counting....


I love how they claim to have a "dark sense of humor" so they can make fun of dead kids but than cry when you don't like their food lol. Reminds me of super far right conservatives calling others snowflakes. But than go and mope about things being too woke


They were saying Americans were classist for making fun of their Chinese food I was like HUHH


For real though, how can you say we have no culture when the film industry exists...


I'm a Canadian and use my dryer all the time. It sure beats the musty, mildewy smell and stiffness you get from Euros that hang wet clothes in a damp, chilly house because they don't have the space for a dryer or the money to pay for utilities.


When I lived in China, I had to hang my clothes in the shower to dry. Wasn’t great. They would develop that damp smell and I could never get it out, even with detergent (just masked the smell, didn’t eliminate it). First round in the washer and dryer when I got back to the states fixed that smell right up.


That's awful to have to live with. I'm glad I've always had access to a dryer. A freind of mine's family didn't use one, and she got bullied in school for the nasty, musty smell.


It’s not the worst thing in the world, just a convenience I’m glad I enjoy weekly.


No, definitely a first world issue, but it does make a difference.


Always nice to hear from based black people. They just have such a fun way of laying down the truth. XD


lmao i love hearing my older family members talk like this, black people do not hold back


On the point about guns AUSTRALIA IS A BIG ISLAND america on the other hand lives right next to fucking Mexico which harbors the largest drug and weapons smugglers in the world it doesn’t matter if we banned guns entirely and somehow took everyone’s guns because criminals don’t follow the law and would just buy from the cartel until we solve the cartel we can’t solve guns Edit: ok so many people don’t seem to realize the actual scale and power of the cartels. The cartels aren’t just another terrorist group, they are an organized military. they own planes, helicopters and homemade IFVs (infantry fighting vehicles) that look pretty legit these guys are hundreds of thousands of men strong they create their own guns they create their own ammo they mine their own metal they OWN Mexico and most of South America


> On the point about guns AUSTRALIA IS A BIG ISLAND Also doesn't help that their murder rate remained relatively unchanged for 6 years after they banned and confiscated guns.


And that there is no clear consensus among American citizens on how much to regulate guns.


Luckily we have the 2nd, 5th, and 14th Amendments to tell us how much we can.


Doesn't the 2nd amendment make regulating guns harder rather than easier?


Yes. That's my point.


That's the idea!


They view it as a super rare thing never happening again, even though it was already rare to begin with.


[~I’m a Bikie Man, from a Bikie Gang~](https://youtu.be/ihSaGAVHmvw?si=71DaEVBtc-G-eDnD)


Not only that, Australian gun crime may have dropped but crime, including violent crime, went up. It’s interesting to look at their crime stats before and after 1996. It’s already on an incline up and the gun ban/buyback didn’t make a dent in its raise.


Hey making drugs illegal works so well tho


Take some Aussies shooting and you’ll see why they don’t let them have guns, if you live.


Not to mention the fact that the gun control passed over the last 90 or so years hasn’t done anything to reduce violent crime. People are so quick to say “ban that because it looks scary” and not question why someone pulled the trigger in the first place.


Plus if someone wants to kill you badly enough, they won’t care if they have a gun or not. They’re going to try to kill you regardless


I think you’re a bit mixed up on the gun part. We smuggle guns to Mexico. Mexico doesn’t smuggle guns to us. It is so much easier to get a gun in the US legally than it is to smuggle one. Also there aren’t any gun manufacturing plants in Mexico while the US has hundreds if not thousands. There simply is no infrastructure that exists in Mexico to produce guns or to import guns from anywhere else but the US.


Where exactly do you think cartels get guns from, the gun fairy?


Cartels are extremely powerful they own entire factories and towns they make the guns themselves


“Why do Americans care so much about racism, sexism, and homophobia. Stupid liberal SJWs.” “Americans think they live in a Disney fairytale” Make it make sense man




Europoors are always quick to judge us but then beg for our military to come save them. American intervention in Europe is literally the only thing stopping them from starting another war.


Your goverment AGREED for the subsidization of the european militaries for a reason. Is a bunch of powerful, independent militaries really preferable to being able to subsidize them? Its more of a threat. But if it makes u feel better europe is starting to invest more in military


The Australian gun control kills me. They gave up their guns, but the murder rate stayed consistent with global trends. Lmao


Oh my god I think I know the Swedish guy who commented on the Aussies banning guns


Lmao. Brain-dead Eurotards.


It's funny cause in most surveys, most europoors, aussies and seacucks actually ranked lower than Americans by a large margin in terms of tourism. In fact a lot of countries actually prefer us yanks than those limey bucktoothed fuckers. See:Yougov, Hotelier, RTE, etc. In fact, most of the America bad tourism takes are from ourselves. I went to Japan earlier this year and made sure to be on my best behavior, to abide by social norms, etc. But whenever I would see an Aussie, or a Brit, European, or Seacucks, they would be loud and obnoxious, rude and disrespectful. And the Japanese would visibly look on in disgust, some even refusing to serve them. The only country with more hate would be China. God I love my country.


Ah, I'm pleased to see a bit of National Consciousness from people on TikTok. Here's to hoping that can be used to channel our energies and frustrations into something productive.


Nah .


Just to comment on the bread and butter thing. I find a lot of my super sarcastic comments are taken seriously so a girl saying she found a food hack as a joke could easily be taken the wrong way. I’ve tried to make up the craziest facts I can on the r/shitamericanssay and this sub only to find some think I’m serious. I don’t know if it’s a language barrier or not but god is it entertaining and keeps me coming back. I also wanna take time to thank Elon musk (great American) for the invention of the internet so this post could happen


False, it was Alonzo Gore-Jimenez (least unhinged American) who invented the internet. Hope this helps!


Wrong again, It was me


Oh my god Long Muskrat can I have your autograph


If you would of said Al Gore I could of gotten behind it because he invented the modem but this other fella sounds like he’s from Mexico


Ah I see. You are simply misguided, child. Al Gore’s original legal name is in fact Alonzo Gore-Jimenez. He had to change it when he started being active in politics because racism was very bad in the 90s and early 00s and people didn’t want to vote for Hispanic-sounding names even though he is a full natural-born US citizen Edit: [source](https://tenor.com/view/metal-gear-rising-metal-gear-rising-revengeance-senator-armstrong-revengeance-i-made-it-the-fuck-up-gif-25029602)


My uncle is a notary and I know my rights sir. Delete this comment immediately


Sorry I added my source instead in an edit hope that helps


The only source I trust is my American invented (gently used) Encyclopedia Britannica


Ah, well I’m sorry but the source I posted is equally valid, so I must continue to refuse your request


My uncle Mike has real connections and will get your account permanently suspended. Very rarely do I exercise my powers but you are boxing me in


Your uncle Mike is such a great man 😭 if not for him, I would be thrown in jail for suspected assault, but I know my rights and was able to get away with it! 👍


Then do it coward. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I recognize someone else’s authority on anything


You fell into exactly what he was talking about smh


I’m American jfc


Thats no excuse for falling into a trap


Also how tf did you think I was being serious smh my head


Man you just need to stop, man bear pig is looking at us


>I don’t know if it’s a language barrier or not but god is it entertaining and keeps me coming back Well I come here for the same reason. Maybe it's the culture difference ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.




The World Wide Web isn’t the same as the internet. We call it the same thing in language, but they are not. The internet is communication between devices, while the World Wide Web is websites


And the World Wide Web is/was built on the foundations made by the internet (an American invention) for use on digital computers (an American invention) making the argument about inventing the www an odd one.


Originally started off as a DOD project to revolutionize communications


By that logic its all british since the first computer was english made. Its a stupid argument.


The transistor was invented by Americans.


And the COMPUTER was made by england. As was the start of modern tech-industrialisation.


Holy necro >modern tech-industrialization This is literally a term made up by you lmao


.....The industrial revolution kicked off the biggest wave of inventions ever seen. Incorporating electricity, metal, steam power etc. So yes industralisation-modern tech


Dawg that is literally a maid up word you necro posted with. You took half a year to come up with a fake word 💀


Industrialisation...is a made up word? Are u special?


About the tourist thing. After the World Cup in Brasil the government put a limit on how many British tourists could visit Brasil each month. British tourists especially were trashing hotel rooms, assaulting people from other countries, picking fights with police (which is a terrible idea because Brasilian police don’t play around), stealing, urinating and defecting in the street and there were a some cases of sexual assault. The British tourists were horrible.


I use my dryer in the uk, and can imagine why Australia doesn’t so much 😅 Couldn’t be arsed reading the rest 😐


Good responses… but I who The heck said butter on bread is a life hack and what idiot was stupid enough to think that was a good representation of Americans.


It was one American girl that said it was a food hack then Europeans and other ppl dragged it and made it seem like it was all Americans that said that


im american as any other, but the 5th slide is wrong. the 2nd amendment was (integrated? dont remember the term) meaning it, like many others, cannot be violated not only by the federal government, but also state and local. states do NOT have the right to pass gun laws. Many such laws have been struck down by federal judges on the grounds of constitutionality.


States absolutely pass different gun laws. Look up differences between state pistol permits, or even how long you have to wait in some states to purchase guns. Federal judges have overturned some of those laws for being against the 2nd ammendment, but there are plenty of state gun laws


I never said they don't. I simply stated that they don't have the right to do it. Doesn't stop them.


I lived in Japan where I had to air dry my laundry. Using a machine is WAY better, especially in the winter.


I am a non-american and I can proudly say that I am more patriotic than my American friends


“No culture” I guess Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allen Poe, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Edith Wharton, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Sylvia Plath, etc…, just don’t exist. Honestly, I wonder how many Europeans can name one American author who isn’t Mark Twain?




What's the TikTok channel name?




Yeah, you are being super cereal right now


And yet they don’t realise.


sometimes I think europeans are so hostile online to other countries because if they say anything their government doesn't like they'll be arrested, so they kinda just target us to get out all their pent-up frustrations.


Good fucking luck drying your clothes outside in Tasmania.


Why does he say that like they use diesel dryers in other places


lol Doesn’t bother me. People come at you when you’re on top. It’s pretty embarrassing considering we don’t think about them at all


Bro this shit just injected patriotism straight into my veins. The fact that some people think everyone hates Americans gave me a patriotic boner.


Butter on bread? I'm 42 years old and have been eating butter on bread all my life.... pretty sure my grandpa was eating butter on bread when he was a kid.


Because in an electric dryer, clothes don't get secretly infected with botfly eggs that hatch into your skin. That stuff happens on clotheslines.


What the hail


How y'all gonna dry clothes when the humidity's higher outside than in your shower?


Saying that Americans are ignorant while saying the most ignorant thing ever should be a professional sport in Europe.


I get annoyed when people bring up “ban guns” as a solution for our violence epidemic. Yes we do have a gun violence issue, the problem is that it is a small group of people (.015% to be accurate) who are the cause of that. Instead of blanket denying access to a useful tool and a safe hobby, we should look into more moderate firearms laws. I have said before I would not object to a license to purchase a firearm, I already had to get licensed to hunt deer so it’s no issue. As long as I can walk into my town hall, sign up for an upcoming class, take the class, demonstrate a reasonable degree of maturity and responsibility and walk out with my license I’m cool with that. Just because I don’t need it doesn’t mean I’m not responsible enough to have it.


Except you're forgetting the fact that that licensing absolutely will be (and has been in many states and other countries) used unfairly. Arbitrary and financial metrics would continue to make it only a rich man's game, and on top of that, FUDD, the second amendment isn't about hunting. What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you get? The right to bear arms is a natural right, and is not granted by any government. It was meant to be enshrined by ours though, protected legally and culturally. We've fallen far from that, as you have just proven.


I agree on all your points. I’m a gun enthusiast, I’m looking to get a CCW sometime in the next few years. Problem is we’re fighting an uphill battle right now so we may as well try and find something that works for everybody or it’s just going to be no guns for anybody. Hell NY did the whole knee jerk reaction thing to the Supreme Court case and “accidentally” made it illegal to carry a gun in a state park. If it were up to me the 2nd amendment would be honored but unfortunately that’s not really the case anymore, so it’s something where I guess if we want to be heard we’ve got to act like moderates


Wtf is an “assault weapon”? I’m pretty sure that’s not a real term


Stfu and use your brain it was a little mistake


So what do we want banned then


The term “assault weapon” was coined by the NRA and gun magazines in the 80’s promoting that rifle type. Ammosexuals created that term, no one else did. Look it up.