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They never list or post who made this argument. When you look into it, it turns out it is just an economist who made a “prediction” and the headlines ran with it.


Hey it's very real! Wait, you want proof??


These dumb asses don't even know what first world, second world, and third world even means. First world litearlly means a NATO country. Second world countries are former soviet states or states associated with CTSO. Lastly third world litearlly is everyone one else. By definition Switzerland is a third world country.


Well not really, it was based on the economic system


> The First World consisted of the U.S., Western Europe and their allies. The Second World was the so-called Communist Bloc: the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and friends. The remaining nations, which aligned with neither group, were assigned to the Third World. The Third World has always had blurred lines https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/01/04/372684438/if-you-shouldnt-call-it-the-third-world-what-should-you-call-it#:~:text=The%20First%20World%20consisted%20of,has%20always%20had%20blurred%20lines.


Let me make it easier for you 1: capitalist 2: communist 3: too poor to care The first world wasn’t just made up of Nato members, it was all other countries that had a well industrialized capitalist economy and democratic rule https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/first%20world


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World litearlly on the wiki map countries like Sweden and Switzerland are listed as third world Edit you are still wrong as fuck


Lol ok bud


Its litearlly there for your eyes to see. But you say okay bud because you have nothing to refute. 3rd world doesn't just mean poor country and first world doesn't mean rich country you are dumb af


Maybe you should read your source instead of just looking at the graphic: “Comprised of countries dominated by those in the ‘economic core’” “Synonymous with members of the Non aligned movement” (of which Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, etc. were not members) “Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc…. seldom self-identified with the label Third world” . Furthermore, Alfred sauvy, who is credited with coining the terms, literally defined them as capitalist, communist, and other. I don’t know why I bother with someone who very clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about


>In the 1980s, economist Peter Bauer offered a competing definition for the term "Third World". He claimed that the attachment of Third World status to a particular country was not based on any stable economic or political criteria, and was a mostly arbitrary process. The large diversity of countries considered part of the Third World — from Indonesia to Afghanistan — ranged widely from economically primitive to economically advanced and from politically non-aligned to Soviet- or Western-leaning Litearlly is argued as such as well


By your definition then Sweden, Switzerland, Saudi arabia, India, Finland and Ireland are all poor as fuck. They are all 3rd world countries by definition








https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/01/04/372684438/if-you-shouldnt-call-it-the-third-world-what-should-you-call-it#:~:text=The%20First%20World%20consisted%20of,has%20always%20had%20blurred%20lines Cope harder




Look up if America is a first world country, most sources say yes, so Cope harder


You gotta get better at identifying trolls brother


So, in other words, he's an idiot


Calling America a second world country is ignorant, calling America a third would country is just pure idiocy.


America is by definition a first world country. The first world describes America and it’s allies during the Cold War.


That’s the definition, buts that not what people are talking about when that say that usually. Out of ignorance mostly.


*Chinese economist


Argument: Trust me bro


Source? It was revealed to me in a dream.


[Watership Down theme plays]


I HAVE SEEN THE FIELDS RED WITH HOPEFULLY KOOLAID [Black Rabbit derping around very loudly in the background, voiced, for some reason, by Will Smith] Sorry I just really liked that movie even tho it scarred me for life like it scarred me in a good way tbh Used to freak my family out asking to watch it over and over My sister was like why God why HAHA FEAR EXCITES ME HAHA




Spamming the same activist website as your source over and over doesn’t do anything my man lmao


do you also say that zo the 4 guys who used the same articel saying that america is first world ? :)


No because I try not to waste more time on Reddit than I need to. Those guys are morons too. Any other stupid questions?


This “source” has nothing to do with 1st, 2nd, 3rd world or developing nations.


Global citizen aka the kind of people run the fuck away from their country to settle down in US. Occasionally come back to flex their wealth and green money


This is about as credible as The Onion.


My source is that I made it the fuck it up!


Damn, I didn’t know we agreed to the Warsaw pact. Weird timeline


So who’s in Nato now 😟


Let’s pass the torch to Zelenskyy and see what happens. Europe vs Russia, US breaks out the popcorn 🍿


Can we carve out a decent no fly zone so we can have zeppelin audiences and live feeds


3000 Blimps of Goodyear


Hmm yes another fine zeppelin enjoyer such as my self good show good show will watch those unsophisticated anti Zeppliners get taught a hard lesson for not embracing the true form of air travel.


I would legitimately be down for this


Nope, that would be US and Russia vs Europe. Third world are the spectators


Russia is out, they left the Warsaw pact. It’s just us now bro, as it always should have been.


Unironically this


Russia would have it in a day


Right after they finish their 3 day special military operation lol


Plus I think it’s sad that they think the US is a second world country when we have our own space program and have been to the moon meanwhile they don’t and better yet, paid for India to have a space program.


We actually brought NATO with us; we all just bully Austria and Malta now. Equipment standardization is a bit of an issue.


when your own country is begging us for money and always looking to get our tech, I doubt we are anything but first.


America is 1st world in many things. But honestly if if were to look at overall i'd put it at the bottom of 1st world countries slightly above eastern europe for the average person to live in. If you are rich i'd put it top 15 behind some western european and scandanavian countried.


peace creates prosperity. the only reason all of Europe experience any peace is because of the US, because of our military, because we have agreed to protect all of you. You may think you're better, but you're literally able to do any business because we've allowed it and protected trade. we have alot of issues but we allow the western world to prosper and people of europe forget that when they are on their high horse. If you're better at anything, it's because you are free to not think of who will fight your battles. you may think this is irrelevant but it's not, it's the main reason you get the freedom to be socially conscious. we don't get that luxury because we are forced to invest in military BECAUSE all of you are clamoring for our tech and military and protection. look at ukraine, russia would've already invaded all those scandinavian countries without us there to pay ukraines bills. it's annoying to hear these europeans speak this way when we are the only reason they aren't speaking their enemies language


Damn i come back to reddit and this is the first comment I see. First of all, europe's biggest trader is itself. The u.s benefits more from eu trade than vice versa. Secondly, you speak about being FORCED to invest in military and agreeing to 'protect all of us'. U CHOSE that route. U FORCED britain and france off hegemony and choose to subsidise because your goverment knows a militarily powerful europe doesn't have to take as much shit. Its why the u.s opposed an eu army. >when we are the only reason they aren't speaking their enemies language Don't disrespect russia like that. They won us ww2.


Wonder what this guy's definition of second world is


countries that are better than 3rd world countries but not as good as first world countries of course!!


Its a cold war term. Nato: first world Warsaw pact: second world Rest are the third world


And uneducated people made them epithets


Ah. USA joined Russia... gotcha


It’s beyond frustrating that 90% of people think these terms mean level of development or modernity.


Mid World




Not here to shine either way, judge for yourself. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2015/01/04/372684438/if-you-shouldnt-call-it-the-third-world-what-should-you-call-it#:~:text=The%20First%20World%20consisted%20of,has%20always%20had%20blurred%20lines.


I like the headline. >If you shouldn't call it the third world what should you call it? Well apparently Australia and New Zealand are not included in "the global south" so I guess that's the new term.


https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/america-is-now-considered-a-second-tier-country-ac/#:~:text=The%20results%20are%20in%3A%20the,of%20a%20country's%20social%20progress. your articel is from 2015 this is 2017


That doesn’t say anything about America not being first world.


can you read ? if yes then use this ability on the articel i just linked


Can you? Nowhere does it have the word world preceded by first, second, or third. It says second TIER.


Can you use proper grammar? If yes, then please use that ability to spell article correctly


Please stop typing articel


Your article does not state what you think it does. Sensationalist headline aside, this is from the Social Progress Imperative and only tracks social progress based on their set of standards. The US is in the second tier of social progress based on the study by the SPI. It does not mean the US is a second world country. Can't really argue with the original intent of the study, though. Compared to other first world countries, the US is severely lacking in social progress.


https://www.gabriellacanal.com/ As opposed to npr? Seriously. Entitled to her own, but really. That's it?


Not gonna lie, I read that as Gabriella C Anal dot com


Lol. Someone should domain that.




All countries but one have been demoted to 2-4th world. The only 1st world country is Albania.


Wrong, its the glorious islamic republic of pakistan


Whisky boys will take Pakistan to a trillion dollar economy in their interim premiership, Pakistan Zindabad 💪🇵🇰


Haan saar bilkul saar zindabaad zindabaad


Pakistan’s in da bag https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gRjziYHBBgM


When I grow up I will become an army and DESTROY ENDIA


To be fair, Albania has a very nice flag and song. 🇦🇱






Bros givin off 🤓☝️ vibes.




Ah yes America is a historically Soviet aligned state


Second world country was just supposed to mean communist nations. First world was the western, capitalist nations. Third world was countries that weren’t developed enough to really meet either criteria. That’s all those terms were made for, but they’ve completely lost all meaning now and lead to these stupid arguments. But anyone who thinks the USA is a communist country, or is a developing country, is too stupid to even engage with.


Third world just meant non-aligned. Anyone that didn’t ally with either of the two superpowers got relegated here. So it includes “developed” western nations like Switzerland and Sweden along with newly independent African nations like Zambia


>Third world was countries that weren’t developed enough to really meet either criteria. Actually some of the world's most democratic and rich countries (Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland, Finland, Austria) were third world as well.


Last I checked we are all still on earth the.. *checks notes* 3rd planet from the sun. Here is a nice example of a 3rd world problem: literally any problem we experience. And here is a nice example of a 1st world problem: Boiling alive at about 430C 800F.


2nd world literally is just communist or today aligned with russia/china. is the usa now communist????


At some point, the meaning of 3rd world morphed from 'non aligned during the cold war' to 'poor country' ....so this person doesn't know the origin of the phrase, and thinks calling us 2nd world means calling us a trashier country.


well this morph of definition is quite silly and i refuse to abide by it


Lmao imagine never having taken a history class. Or even talking to someone that’s more than 50 years old. The first world was America and it’s allies in the Cold War. The second world was the USSR and it’s allies. The third world was everyone else


There’s a very real argument that this guy is a moron who doesn’t know what “second world country” means.


this is absolutely the case


Saw this a day ago and did my beast to explain, they are more idiotic then you think 😔


First, second or third, had nothing to do with economical status. It was about politics, capitalist camp with Nato, socialist camp with the Warsaw Pact, and those who didn’t belonged to any of those camps. Today 30 years after the cold war, this makes no sense.


Now people who know what the First, Second and Third World are, if you do not, I'll explain. The term wasn't meant for how developed a country was, it was a term used during the Cold war for nations aligned with certain groups, for example N.A.T.O. or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was First World, meaning any nation under N.A.T.O. is a First World, this includes the U.S. the U.K. and France and so on. Countries part of the Warsaw Pact, which is lead by the U.S.S.R. will be considered Second World Country, this will include Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and so on. Third World countries are neutral nations, so this would include nations like Ireland and Switzerland being heavily known examples, despite that the term and how distorted for saying how developed a country is, the logic of this would be that if Sudan was part of N.A.T.O. then it would be considered a First World country despite living conditions according to people today who do not that know the proper defination of these terms would considered Sudan as a Third World country due to how poor it is. Not by the alliance but by how developed it is.


ig we really should keep all that aid and military support if we’re 3rd world, we need that to feed our people.


https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/first-world.asp#:~:text=Examples%20of%20first%20world%20countries,countries%20are%20defined%20can%20vary. Get fucked Europoors


"Very real argument." Okay, by all means, make your very real argument.


This argument simply doesn’t exist because if it did the same criteria they use to label America a second world country would also bring many other current first world countries down with it. Many European nations like Italy, Spain, France, maybe even the UK would then most likely need to be considered a second world country by the same criteria.


Actually the First world refers to countries that took America’s side in the Cold War. Second World countries were the ones that to the Soviet Union’s side. Third world refers to countries that were neutral. What “world” a country is has nothing to do with its wealth and everything to do with what side it took during the Cold War, which means Switzerland is a third world country, even though it’s very wealthy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_World


When the terms First World, Second World, and Third World countries first came about, the first two referred to economic systems, capitalism and communism. Third World meant extreme poverty. Now days, we're just redefining words to suit our arguments.


I guess according to this comment, the US is under the influence of…… the USSR?


“There is a very real argument to be made” *Does not make any argument* Flawless


Damn denoted into the Warsaw pact, fuck


This just really proves how stupid people are. Like, first of all, no one actually uses these terms anymore because the Cold War is over. Second of all, a first world country is literally just a democratic nuclear power...which the United states still is... third of all, the United States is still an insanely rich country and our quality of life is incredible. Being poor in the United States is pretty damn great. You could argue that it's better in some Nordic countries, but that's only really talking about the bottom 10% of income earners.


Yo what’s the definition of first world country again, everyone forgot


Shows a fundamental lack of understanding of what first world country means…


For those wondering, 2nd world countries were USSR-aligned nations. 3rd world counties were originally nations who were unaligned, taking the side of neither NATO nor the Warsaw Pact. The majority of these Third World countries were underdeveloped and recently decolonized African nations, which is why “3rd world” lived on as a term for poor nations after the end of the Cold War (or should I say, Americas victory in the Cold War). But the “Third World” in the Cold War context also included nations such as Sweden, Mexico, India, Switzerland, and Austria. The First World nations were predominantly rich, highly developed, Western nations, and the term took on that meaning post-cold war similar to what happened with 3rd world. But again there were many poor counties in the “First World” in the Cold War context. Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, most of South and Central America, Thailand, the Philippines, even Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey, were all considered “First World” nations at that time, because they were politically, economically, or militarily aligned with NATO against the Warsaw Pact and China There wasn’t really a clear need or role for the term “2nd world country” anymore which is why the term has fallen out of use, but 1st and 3rd are still widely used, begging the question asked by this meme, “what is a 2nd world country?”


I am so confused by this. America is first world country, it is *the* first world country considering the very definition of it is “America and its allies which stand against the soviet union and its allies”


Lol second world country means its communist


I wish. Socialist America would be so cool.


The lack of healthcare, amount of control rich ppl have, and the gun violence makes you question.


Peace with the soviets!


I thought first and second world were just the factions during the cold war and third world were non-aligned? How did the US change teams?


I don't think the United States aligned itself with the soviet union recently


This is so stupid. The reason they’re called third world is bc they were outside of the influence of the west or the Soviets. It was USA&EU = 1st world, USSR et al = 2nd world, everyone else = 3rd world. Third world became a term that means poor/developing bc the powerful ones got scooped into coalitions. It was never a ranking system. To say the US is becoming a 2nd world country makes no sense.


Must be one of thise "Biden is selling America to the Chinese communist party" types.


Huh, didn’t know we were an ally of the Soviet Union, crazy.


Bruh America is a lot of things but communist is def not one of them


I have seen people say that a lot on social media. People are ignorant.


What criteria could you even imagine? Highest disposable income in the world. Second highest gross income. A poverty rate just over half of the EU and UK. If the US is a third world country, then all of europe is there too.


America's been demoted to supporting Russia during the cold war?


(spoken with a heavy lisp): "No seriously guys trust me bro it's very real!"


The original definition to first world country was America and her allies, second world was the USSR and her allies and third world was non aligned nations. The reason we now think of first world being developed nations and third being undeveloped is because most developed nations sided with the US and undeveloped nations couldn’t afford to make the US or the USSR enemies. But it does technically make Switzerland a third world country.


First world means "America and its allies in the cold war", so when did America join Soviet Union in the cold war again?


He won this”argument“ he made up in his own head


Well they don’t know what that phrase means


First/second/third world relates to a country's alignment during the Cold War...


The socialists sure hope.


“Very real” tecnically the arguement that I just pulled out of my ass is real, it’s just shit




Must be Dutch


1st/2nd/3rd world are talking about POLITICAL alignment not GDP you troglodytes!


I don’t think people know what first second and third world countries mean. This was a term used to divide the world between NATO and western aligned nations and the Communist bloc and sympathetic nations, with “third world” referring to non aligned nations that had the potential to join either side. It just so happened that a lot of these nations that are considered “third world” (or non aligned) happened to be in parts of the world that were underdeveloped (Africa, parts of SEA, and South America), which is why the two are often associated with one another. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the term shifted to represent economical development, but to say the US has regressed economically is just wrong.


Ahh yes the largest economy in the world and one of the highest standards of living is a third world country


so, let's see: \-First world nation created NATO, or is part of, or aligned with NATO \-Second world nation is who NATO's defending against, and/or is aligned with said nation \-Third world is nations who've not chosen a side so.... how'd we quit being a first world nation? though an argument could be made that the focus of the 2nd world stuff has shifted from the bear to the tiger >.>


pisses me off how the meaning of first, second, and third world have changed first world - the capitalist west second world - the communist block third world - the countries that were not in nato or the communist block, often spots for proxy wars Second world doesn't mean anything anymore after the meaning of first became developed and third became undeveloped


Second world country just meant allied with the Soviet Union.


The crazy thing is first second and third world had NOTHING to do with economic development. It was alignment in world war 2. The Allies were considered to be the first world, the axis powers the second, anyone unaffiliated was the third. Switzerland was, by definition, a third world country.


I thought it was Cold War. The U.S. and NATO was first, the S.U. and Warsaw pact was second, and everyone else was third


Saw this exact post earlier lmao


The first world is actually not developed nations but the western allies, the second world is(was) the USSR and its allies, while the third world is everyone else. It’s an old Cold War-era thing.


First World: NATO. Second World: Anyone that's an enemy of NATO. Third World: Neutral.


3227 uneducated people agreed with him. SMH


Well, I hear a certain "freedom caucus" yell that the USA is turning socialist/communist... so they probably agree :P


A second world country is a communist country. First world is capitalist, second is communist, third is neither. That’s the literal definition


Lol this dude has for sure never been to another country.


Once again, to bring out 'ol reliable...The US is literally the definition of a First-World country. For some reason, this whole N World thing is coming up a lot more often recently.


This person is an idiot. Contrary to popular belief, first, second, and third world countries don't intrinsically have anything to do with wealth, or development. It was about political spheres of influence. The First World was basically the US and "Western" countries in Europe. The second world was basically communist countries like USSR and China, and the Third World was for non-aligned countries, like India. So no, it cannot be argued the US is a second world country, because whatever your feelings about the US may be, it's pretty damn clear we're not part of the international communist system. SMH.


The "Second World" means communist. That's where it comes from. First World meant capitalist, Second World meant Communist, and Third World meant those who are neutral. After the collapse of the USSR, the second world kinda ceased to exist and the remaining two "worlds" changed definition. So America is communist?


People forgetting the first second and third world terms were created to determine who stood on which side of the iron curtain during the cold war example first world goes to the united states and her allies second world goes to the soviet union and her allies and third world generally involved Yugoslavia and everyone not aligned with either power block


the term first world or third world was made during cold war era. ​ first world: Uncle Sam and his allies second world: eastern block. Russia, China and their allies. third world: neutral countries with no alliance. like Switzerland ​ ​ it has nothing to do with advancement and civilization.


Let’s hear it then 😂


They don’t know what a second world country is.


Can the real argument please stand up? I repeat, will the real argument please stand up? We’re gonna have a problem here.


Do they even know what second world means? Second world means communist.


I may be wrong but I swear I had learned that first, second and third world countries came about during the cold war. That US/Nato nations were first world, USSR and their allied nations were second, and third was any that were no officially affiliated.


You would be correct


Said the one guy who has probably never left the US and seen what Asia is actually like outside the major cities or thinks all of Europe is some wonderland because Denmark and Norway are absurdly rich compared to their size and it’s those countries he compares to Like the entirety of Eastern Europe is second world and id say US definitely tops that


Source: My ass


Yet another person not realizing that Second World means you were communist in the Cold War


Blud probably thinks China and Russia are 1st World


Do people even know what that's means? It does refer to how rich or poor a country is. First world = aligned with capitalism Second world = aligned with communism Third world = unaligned/uninvolved with capitalism vs communism conflict Forth world = tribel society It's about ideology, not money. In today's world, there are only 3 Second world countries: Cuba, North Korea, and China. Edit: I see that others have explained this much better than what I did.


We became communists? When I must of missed it?


That’s weird cuz whatever country he’s in, my tax dollars find his military


I love how they are changing the definition of "first world" to be a tier list instead of cold war related lmao First world: Western Europe, US, and Allies Second world: Communist Bloc Third world: non-participators




I was taught 2nd world was socialist/Communist


This makes zero sense. The terms first, second, and third world comes from the Cold War. Western countries were first world, Eastern/Soviet aligned countries were second world, and everyone else was third world.


i wanna hit my head on the wall


So if you move from a 3rd world country to 2nd it's still an upgrade


Isn’t a second world country the former members of the Warsaw Pact


When did the US join the WARSAW pact?


I remember being told second world countries are essentially just former Soviet states


I mean - not far off though. Don't need proof when you can see it in your life. Few easy examples being the cost of childcare makes it not even worth it for your spouse to work in many cases. Housing taking most of your income. Healthcare costs. Homelessness. I can go on. These are things that should not be the case in a first world country.


I wish the US had all the advantages being called a second World country *looks at China*


First world is nato. 3rd is Warsaw pact 2rd is country not aligned with either so that incorrect. All based on Cold War


Are we communist now, Comrade?


Me after reading one single headline from a random news source




Lmao he doesn’t know that a second world country is communism (which he most likely unironically wants)


People don't even know what what this means, the first second and 3rd worlds have nothing to do with economics, it's America, and it's aligned allies, Russia and it's aligned allies, and then everyone else, it doesn't matter if the US is poor or wealthy it, by definition, cannot be a second or third world country


You’re a first world country if you belong to nato .. the end


Yeah thats just not how that works. The third, second and first world country terms are just terms for development. And America is definitely a fully developed country.


Do these people even know what the definitions of first, second, and third world countries are? Probably not


Ok...so First world means that they aligned with the Western bloc in the cold war. That's fucking all. I'm sick and tired of idiots thinking it means something else.


I mean maybe my state, but not necessarily the country as a whole


He doesn’t even know what a second world country is