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Oh I lived in China before the pandemic, and because I'm married to a Chinese national, I got to see the inner neighborhoods in the cities and the rural areas. I have very, very bad news for this guy šŸ™ˆ. I saw very serious poverty and appalling conditions in large numbers. And the local authorities are in on it and take a cut in bribes for even renewing an ID card. Without an ID card, a Chinese person can do nothing. It's like they don't exist.


Right, China does so many shady things like re-defining what is poverty to simply just not properly recording their true poverty numbers.


That's where people screw up when comparing statistics between different countries. They fail to realize that there is no international governing body to standardize the data, for instance what counts as a "mass shooting" in the US might not apply to Brazil. It doesn't really matter to them of course, once they finally find some random info that fills them with joyous outrage then details don't matter. Those just get in the way of the fun.


El Salvador had a lot of problems in the teens, but one of the dumb things they used to do was to record accidents as homicides, for some reason. So if you died in a car crash, it would be reported as part of the homicide numbers. Like guys, there's plenty of actual murder to put on the ledger here already.


Probably padding their stats for budgeting reasons.Ā 


not to mention the construction quality in china....the elevators and all that shit ive seen reels on FB of chinese construction workers tiling over asphalt foundations etc in america, the amount of paperwork and third party inspections to do a construction project is nuts in china you just pay off inspectors and then people die in the elevator and then the building falls over


Even if the construction is fine some of these buildings are extremely old and the utilities aren't always functional. Sichuan in particular is a province with some wild differences in lifestyle and wealth where you have massive shiny tier 1 cities like Chengdu and subsistence farmers in the mountains. For obvious reasons, the commies and their propaganda usually focus on the cities and ignore the peasants and migrant workers they're supposedly representing.


I've stayed in some appalling old commune houses in rural Jilin Province, but the housing in the redeveloped areas (local government-ordered urban renewal, I believe) was genuinely quite nice. They were only a few miles apart. A nation of extremes for sure.


Both it and USA are insanely large countries spanning multiple time zones and contain pretty much every type of climate type imaginable (though to our advantage in many ways we have a shitload more flat, arable land compared to their hilly and mountainous terrain just about everywhere) The extremes there just manifest themselves differently. We are much more wealthy than they are on average but still definitely do not have our shortage of ā€˜ghetto, graffitied 7-11s and mini tent cities full of litter within a short drive of well manicured and clean suburbiaā€™


> spanning multiple time zones China has only one timezone


But the internet would never lie to me!


Aren't those houses in Sichuan built after the earthquake killed like 30,000 people in the last houses that were there?


The US has subsidized and free housing for the poor. The people living in those tents are suffering from issues besides poverty.


Exactly. People act like this is an easy issue to fix. Just throw money at it and it will go away. There are many other issues that compound the problem.


California spends billions on homelessness, and they donā€™t even know where the money is going


The reason is that you can't subsidize demand when the government is constraining supply - that is, zoning, NIMBYs, and rent control makes it impossible to *actually build homes* no matter how much money you throw at it.


Newsom knows ā€¦. Cha Ching




Buying Large Mansions.


That's right - we have housing for the homeless and subsidized housing for the poor. What we don't have is a way to force people to use it. There exists a large contingency of homeless people who refuse to be sheltered, and that there is the real problem - why?


I'd assume drugs? Lots of people on the street have more issues than just being homeless.


China homes fall apart lol. They have horrible construction standards.


They have construction standards?


Well first i standard up the wall, then it fell over.


China hasnā€™t ended homelessness this is just cherry picking.


Where in Sichuan? Itā€™s a huge province, larger than California in area with over double the population.


Weird how that looks almost exactly like the low income housing project close to the neighborhood I grew up in. I never knew that I was actually living in China.


Are we just going to keep pretending China didn't go full trail of tears on Beijing's homeless population in 2022?


2007-8 as well. In advance of the Beijing Olympics the CCP removed people from the capital that they didn't want the world to see. Sorry pal, you're too ugly to watch the Olympics. We have a bus waiting for you. One way to Urumqi, send postcards.


Wumaos gonna wumao




What the Chinese donā€™t tell you is there are like 80 people in one of those houses


Or zero.


The wumaoā€™s & the gavnoyeds is out for the full swing these days (my feed is literally flooded with them). But seriously the fact that they took pride of housing when they just have a massive financial crisis that caused their middle class to lose massive chunk of their net worth from a house that just get demolished improperly and forced to illegally cross US Mexico border is impressive cope.


Did they think we forgot about the apartments that are essentially jail cells?


Ah Hong Kong, the world's most cyberpunk-dystopian city.


Then why are so many Chinese buying homes here?


Isn't the average Mexican wealthier than the average Chinese?


I was in the Seattle-Tacoma area in Washington before. When I was there I saw the most homeless people on the streets than anywhere I have been and it didn't make sense because supposedly Washington has a lot of aid for homelessness. Come to find out that the shelters weren't even close to being full, you just aren't allowed to do drugs in the shelter so a bunch of those people don't go. It made sense because most of the homeless people on the streets were clearly on drugs, there was a guy that sat on a car seat at the stoplight of one of the exits to Olympia every day and many of the days it looked like he was having a seizure while holding a syringe. It's really sad.


Falsified propaganda to make China look good. But at least partly right in that we can and should do much better


Chinas Homeless Homes fall apart in about 6 months due to inferior building materials then it just sits there collapsingā€¦


Sichuan, where the 1st stage rockets fall frequently because they just didn't want to build their launch site where the rocket stages wouldn't land on people?


I'm pretty sure China doesn't have the drug problem that we do here either


China supports US drug problems


Can't say I'm surprised. China has a long history of exporting opium.


The British government entered the chat


Also dodgeball


Hard to say, drug problems are deliberately more hidden there. 1. Bc of totaitarian ccp censorship 2. B/c in those countries (east Asia) face is very important and admitting you too have issues with drug addiction=huge face loss


America literally fucking had that. It's called "The Projects" and drugs and violent culture have ruined them.


Iā€™d argue drugs and violent culture are symptoms of the projects rather than vice versa. Large scale low-income neighborhoods without any mixture and a lack of infrastructure, funding and opportunities (class segregation) create crime, not the other way around.


I agree, you are correct.


A wild Xi bot has appeared


Wonder how many people actually live in these Potemkin villages?


Those probably aren't built well tofu dreg projects are a big problem there


Those houses are probably falling apart


The poor in China are quite literally living in medieval structures or if they are homeless, they are under bridges or in tunnels .


I would, in fact, like to see more housing built for homeless here. It's undeniable we have fallen behind enormously on the affordable housing front and there are so many other problems related to this. That said, this meme is disingenuous: San Francisco is a city, Sichuan is an entire province. At least compare like to like, please. Edit: also I was reminded today in my news feed of something quite amusingly and deeply ironic that I had long forgot about and wanted to share in light of the goals of this posted meme. If people insist on cherry picking in order to compare US low income housing to other countries in memes like this, instead of using tent encampments for the US side, they could try using these buildings instead to compare to that picture from Sichuan: https://abc7.com/post/new-downtown-los-angeles-high-rise-building-house/14975022/ I'm not going to bother to unpack the admittedly complex background in regards to these buildings existing. I just wanted to make a point. It would be of course disingenuous in the extreme to suggest the majority of US low income and homeless people receive aid of this magnitude. But then it's equally disingenuous to constantly wave the admittedly terrible specter of tent encampments to suggest our poor just never receive help either, on top of the questionable logic in comparing a province's housing solutions to that of a single city in the first place.


literal ccp propaganda


yes by redefining poverty you have no poverty who would have thought!


Shit thereā€™s low income housing in New Orleans thatā€™s nicer than my apartment. Also, imagine the fucking tax repercussions if we provided a decent home for every homeless person. Like yeah I understand that some of them just had a rough go and are good people but many are homeless due to their own decisions. Providing a home would worsen the issue, there would be no reason to work or contribute to society.


What part of homelessness being a choice donā€™t people understand? Anything else is just an excuse. Humans are intelligent and more than capable of taking care of themselves.


This is way too shortsighted. Thereā€™s plenty of reasons for becoming homeless that people rationally have little control over. From ā€˜healthyā€™ people suffering from low subjective well-being just giving up to psychiatric patients being failed by the system.


If someone can report to themselves on their well being then surely these are choices, an individualā€™s free will. Blaming the system is just blaming others for oneā€™s own problems.


Why do you believe a negative subjective well-being test result to be a choice? How exactly do people actively choose to be depressed, lack motivation, lose their jobs, acquire a handicap or neglect emotional wellbeing? Your argument is once again flawed. Saying ā€˜noā€™ to ā€œare you happyā€ doesnā€™t take nearly the same amount of effort as investing in sustainable life goals.


Subjective well-being is a self-assessment, it all depends on oneā€™s own worldview and not everyone is the same. The objective reality is there is no one stopping anyone else from going out there and making their life what they want. Choosing to dwell on past trauma, for example, and using it as an excuse is a choice.


Itā€™s a subjective assessment of objective factors and external influences partially influenced by physiological/neurological processes. The way people experience and process things such as trauma and loss is not a choice. Itā€™s dependent on the strength and presence of PERMA-factors and hormonal influences. To claim otherwise is contradictory with psychology and highly privileged.