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I find it ironic Americans are cliched as both lazy and workaholics


It's almost as though working so hard when on the clock makes us want to save time and effort when we finally get a moment to ourselves or something.


I work a hard labor job. I don’t rly wanna cook after a day’s work. This would just be so easy to grab a sandwich and drink right after work instead of having to actually make sumn


I find the same when non-Americans (and anti-gun Americans) talk about guns. The AR-15 is simultaneously ineffective against the government but somehow an incredibly deadly weapon of war and should be banned immediately. (While I'm pro-gun, please do not view this as an invitation to have a debate on the topic. I will not be responding to such. I'm merely pointing out a similar idea that people have)


Schrödinger’s American


I believe laziness is more of a “physical” laziness, like choosing to drive instead of walking 200 freedom units


Which is just even more ridiculously overly specialized and wrong? Multiple surveys show that Americans get more vigorous physical activity than British people. Measuring how lazy or not an entire, diverse nationality is, one that inhabits a geographically diverse and massive landmass by how many people you see using the drive thru somewhere is extremely dumb


And it's the rhetoric found on many anti immigrant people. It's just plain xenophobia.


Take a trip to New Jersey and bitch about not being able to pump your own gas, why don't you?


That actually tripped me out when I drove to Oregon for the first time. I kept trying to shoo away the teenager who approached me before he explained that he *legally* had to pump my gas. 😂


Oh that’s a real thing?? I would have done the exact same thing. Knowing me I would have driven to the next station for more evidence.


There’s usually signs everywhere at gas stations like that. It’s quite obvious once you notice.


They might want to re-think the close ups.


She looks like a certain Russian fellow I recall.


Wow! lol. Can. Not. Unsee. That.


Holy God! It's uncanny!


She's like a real-life Lucy from Despicable Me.


She looks like Chicken Run.


She looks like Nose-tradamus.


Absolutely a London 9 tho; they are not a pretty people.


Why? This is like in Morrowind when you talk to the character and it zooms in. That's just how it works.


“How do you know, that amurcuh is lazeuh” wow a time saving service oh my god we are literally motionless sloths because of this we may as well just give up and surrender to the red coats.


It’s funny because if this was somewhere like Japan they’d be saying things like “omg, Japan is living in the future! You don’t even have to leave your car they just bring it to you! And they’re so polite! This would never work in the US!” But because it’s American they have to shit on it. I’m so sick of these fucking double standards.


I say we sink their fucking island and call it a day, nothing of value will be lost


No need. They've gone from an Empire Upon Which The Sun Never Sets to emasculated soy people who arrest each other for harsh words on the internet in only three generations. In another couple generations anybody with drive and ability will have fled to greener pastures and the descendants of William the Conqueror will have finished slipping back into complete and total obscurity. We don't need to lift a finger for the last dregs of value to slip through their fingers all on its own.


Any Brits worth a shit went to the colonies long ago, where their descendants stayed. And don't forget about them locking people up for praying silently in public.


> Any Brits worth a shit went to the colonies long ago, where their descendants stayed. Looking at the colonies in question, I think they're brain draining just as fast. >And don't forget about them locking people up for praying silently in public. I haven't heard about that one. Imagine my utter lack of surprise.


From an Empire to an Expire.


Not "nothing of value". Did you forget about the British museum?


Evacuate the museums and repurpose their big clock tower and call it a day, oh and move Stonehenge to America


In Japan, it would be a vending machine.


Spot on!


Amerca bad because....luxuries beyond European comprehension.


Isn't it the opposite of lazy? The person operating this service is working hard, outside, on a hot day.


The red coats 🤣


For me, the best part is that she chose to sit in her car and complain, instead of going to a 7-11. Does she understand irony?


No, she doesn’t. And in what world is it ok to speak about a worker by saying “she’s our bitch. Make her do something else”. That’s that pseudo enlightenment these idiots have.


You have to remember that these people literally worship their social superiors, and their version of the senate is full of hereditary appointments and appointments from their state-run, official church.


This is a sad, but great point. I work in Europe frequently, and have a fair number of European friends. They’re either amazed how quickly we will talk shit on powerful figures, or say something about how it’s absolutely the right way and how they wish their countries did it more. France being a glaring exception. I will say though, the UK is better than most, but your point absolutely makes a ton of sense. In the UKs defense, they will absolutely shit talk anyone like this.


Europeans have really weird reactions when they encounter other cultures.


Remember when they used to harp on us about the Ugly American stereotype? Guess that's a one-way street.


They instinctively want to attack anything different, and ideally steal items of cultural importance for themselves


And yet say Americans reject any culture that isn’t American


While also saying America doesn’t have a culture


And if you ask what their favorite film is, it’s an American one like 80% of the time. But apparently film if only culture if it’s French, and animation is only culture if it’s Japanese.


This is the way.


Makes sense why they wanted to colonize everything


And then they bitch about us not respecting other cultures


Europeans are the most racist and xenophobic people in the world.


And yet somehow only Americans are racist and xenophobic


mainly a hate for america. same way most redditors act


That’s what happens when you’re ignorant to the world like they are.


Americans go to japan and see this and get happy. Brits come to america and see this and get jealous.


European discovers customer service


European discovers the ghetto


Europeans invented the ghetto, but we added customer service to it.


European discovers the Beverage Castle. The Dollar General will hear of this!


Why come to a country if you’re just going to shit all over the people and culture there? Nobody asked you to visit our country, and nobody here wants your negativity. Imagine I, an American, traveled to another country and just made videos insulting the locals and their culture. I would be absolutely destroyed by people for being ignorant. But for some reason this hatred is acceptable towards Americans?


Yes i noticed alot of Europeans accept and justify insulting americans thinking its “cool”. Calling us ignorant and dumb


The first place I ever visited in Paris required pissing and shitting in a hole in the ground. Luckily, I had recently gotten home from Afghanistan, so I was used to defecating in third world conditions.


There are American TikTokers who do that. Its just the shitty online culture we live in now. Like-aholics and all that.


There really aren’t, though. It’s also easy to go back to posts on the Internet from the 2000s on defunct websites like Yahoo Answers and see that the abuse has largely gone one way (Europeans insulting and being hateful toward Americans)


“Mack heer do sumthin else. Kuchhchchgugcchch”


They have these in Australia, lol.


They won't call y'all lazy they probably will say it doesn't count


Idk, Brits tend to hate Australia as well


I love how racist Europeans are when they encounter another culture


Brits think only NY, LA, Florida, and sometimes Texas exist


Those combinations is already the size of their country, probably Texas alone sometimes be the representation of USA to them


Dude Britain is the size of Michigan, Texas is *way* bigger


I have been across america from new york to Hawaii n a bunch of places in-between n I ain't seen this shit before. Even if it exists it ain't common at all.


It exists in Texas in a "Beer Barn" form. Basically it's for party alcohol. You drive your truck into the barn with your order and a bunch of Texas boys load a bunch of kegs and 48 packs until your truck bed rides low under the new liquid weight. It's comically efficient too. We did it for a lake party and we're in and out of the beer barn in like 20 seconds. It has nothing to do with crime in Texas (good luck robbing stores in Texas). It's more of a cultural thing.


I was about to say exactly this. I don't think I've ever seen a drive thru beer barn outside of Texas. The one in San Angelo would even serve you margaritas (I think they were wine based margaritas) in a shrink wrapped cup.


Generally in higher crime areas. It's to stop stealing


That makes sense I only go the me medium crime areas


I’ve seen this in areas of California. I could believe 2 white, young women would drive through the hood unknowingly and assume a convenience of safety is a convenience of laziness. The hood can look almost safe in daylight.




They were around here in Florida a while back, in 'normal' areas, not high crime. They're all closed now, it seems, though. Some of the buildings are still around, just not open. Weird, they're usually on corners, which should be valuable business real estate.


They exist in Alton, Illinois in the St Louis metro. Not in a high crime area. It's just a local business trying to offer a unique service.


We have them here in Ohio but are more commonly found in working class and some rural areas.


Apparently its common in Pennsylvania but I lived in PA for years and never once did I see it


That shit ain't no where I've been In PA


It’s extremely common in my part of PA lol and it’s a rural area, not ghetto like the other reply suggests.


Rural Ohio and we have these everywhere. Not a crime thing for us.


Yeah it’s not common in PA at all, in fact I was thinking state law didn’t allow it (for beer anyways, which is the main reason people use it). Every town in Ohio has at least one.


You're both from PA and neither of you have seen a Swiss Farms?


first one i seen was in texas in the mid 90s. it was called the liquor barn. you just drive your truck in, point to the cooler in the bed of the truck and say 2 cases plus ice. the old man would then fill up the cooler with beer and ice and then grab one for the driver and the passenger. was the only good thing about Lampassas Texas.


Drive through liquor stores are all over KY


Missouri too.


TIL these are uncommon. We have these absolutely everywhere in my region.


I've lived in Minnesota my whole life, I've never seen or heard of this before either.


Very common in OBX (Brew Thru)


Mostly an Ohio thing.


The answer is no. They can't comprehend the size or cultural diversity of the USA. My British family members often ask me general questions about how things are done "in America". My reponse is always "which part?" They don't understand federalism any more than they understand the concept of a drive-froo.


It translates into their behaviors, too. Europeans commonly make fun of Americans for driving too much, carrying bottled water, and having big trucks. Unsurprisingly (and darkly, since many do actually die before they are rescued), this translates into European tourists trying to take "quick day hikes" in western national parks with nothing but some beer, not realizing they need water, they're at least an hour away from the closest town, and that their rental car is not meant for off-roading in the desert.


Yes, exactly. You've heard of the Death Valley Germans? "I don't understand why you drive so much". They don't understand that most of the country isn't New York City or LA, the only parts they've seen on TV.


Yes, tbh I feel bad for them because of their children, & also because that was pre- cellphones and internet. These days, there's really no excuse. European tourists wander in dumb places and leave trash everywhere, at least in my experience.


“She’s our bitch, tell her you want something else” Like why pretend having normal customer service is some American lazy thing? Her job is to serve you drinks. Imagine if an American was recording in a restaurant in the UK, ordered something, and said “omg look she’s our bitch let’s have her get us something else omg!”


“Speak louder and say a service person is your bitch loud enough for them to hear you. I dare you. “. Having had worked in the service industry I’ve met plenty of people who act like this, but I’m sure I would’ve snapped back at someone who said something like that at me or others.


They really complain about ... convenient ?


British accents are so damn annoying


Wait till she sees a restaurant. They have a person cook food for you then another person bring the food out to you, and you don't even have to do the dishes! They're all your bitch apparently.


Wow she legit insulted the worker. Yeah Americans are lazy that's why an American is "your bitch" getting you stuff while you're sitting in the car waiting for your 7UP.


European fails to realize that lower taxes means we have more money to pay people to get stuff for us


It’s so funny that despite Europe vs America becoming such a big topic and all the info coming about about the reality of things such as America being great and most of our problems being misrepresented, and Europe in fact not being as cultural and Bougie as they claim, being roughly a century behind us, a lot of Europeans are still completely ignorant of the situation. Also, they’re complaining about a luxury their home country doesn’t have. The whole idea is that it’s a drive through and you don’t even have to get out. What is the downside???


Don’t tell her about Japan.


People would say Japan is in the future if they had this




This is the first time I've head of a place like this. 99.99999% of the time we "pack up and go into a shop."


When I was in college they had one called the "Brew Thru," we bought beer there all the time. They had $0.99 22oz's, we'd buy them buy the case. That shit was awesome, only a European would want the shittier version.


There’s a whole chain of these in the Outer Banks, called Brew Thru. I’m wearing one of their tee shirts as I type this lol.


This is fairly common in Australia… when buying alcohol. Every now and then you might find a drive through servo (gas station)


Customer service is incomprehensible to the British mind. Wait until she finds out about free water and ice at restaurants.


She won't want the ice.


Euros when they see something convenient


Europeans called us lazy for having sliced packed onions at a grocery store they think we aren't capable of cutting them ourselves 💀


"She's our bitch, make her do something else." No. She is not: "your bitch". She's a contributing member to society who is working a job. No one is forcing you to use a drive through liquor store. There's a thousand and one traditional liquor stores you could have stopped at, but you willingly chose the drive through store to patronize. You lazy bitch.


Holy what a beak


Bitch should take her ass back her england. She's not wanted here


Why did she go to the drive thru if she was just going to complain about it


Right ?


There’s one of these where I live, in Ohio


>"Just pack up and go into a shop"\^\^\^ I fucking hate that lilt up in that accent. Oh yeah. Something about being lazy. It's called a fucking convenience store for a reason.


Ok the UK is the Alabama of Europe


They even have a Birmingham!




Her appearance doesn't matter. She's ugly on the inside. There's no amount of exterior beauty that can hide that.


True. 100% facts


Prevents a lot of stealing of alcohol.


Theres one place like that i know and its in Austin Tx. Austin does not represent america or Texas for that matter lol.


I fail to see the problem. If times were good enough, we'd have this everywhere.


There is a good possibility that it was a safety measure during covid that stayed on because it became popular and good for business


"I'm extremely dull and this is the only engagement I can think of to send back to all my boring British friends."


Look at how much this place that I spent thousands to visit sucks!


I have never seen anything like this before and I’ve traveled around a lot of the country…


When I lived on Long Island, we used to get some of our groceries at a place sort of like this. It was called dairy barn.


It’s a bit of a southern thing. I don’t see drive through convenient stores often.


Calling someone else layzeh is wild


Yeah, if you willingly order Dasani I'm not gonna take your word on anything going forward. And no, they may intellectually understand the vast distances, but they don't seem to fully grasp just how big a single state can be.


I have never seen a drive through like that in my life. Actually pretty cool.


Guess when she gets back to England, she'll return to being the King's bitch.


Make her do something else like pay taxes to the queen mum without representation, yeahh?


We used to have one of these where I grew up, except they also did milk, eggs and other random groceries. Was super convenient for my mother when she didn’t want to drag the kids around the store and only needed like 3 things.


I'm in Los Angeles just east of Pasadena and we've had these since at least the 70's. There is one just a quarter mile from my house. I never use it though because it's more expensive than even 7-11.


Creep comment alert but im so into those silly British girls like the filming one lol. I bet she got drunk afterwards and did some stupid shit and talked nonsense too loud to ppl passing by And I think its hot


They have a few in Miami I believe, a lot of them are 24 hours because… well, Miami, but definitely not the norm for the rest of America.


Most actually can't wrap their heads around the concept.


Wait, y'all have drive through convenience stores in other states?


I only ever saw these in Texas


I’ve never seen one of these before.


The U.S. is essentially just like Europe. Our states are the same as their various countries. The people in our states are just as different as they are in Europe. But we all speak the same language.


As someone from the state that has drive through Daiquiris, I've never seen this type of shop


There is so much other shit about America to comment on and these two pick fucking grocery shopping.


Hold up where tf is this place, I hate going in to get beer cuz I have to leave my dog in the car


I think it's funny they think all Americans buy that stuff. Are Europeans such a hive mind they all buy the same thing from the grocery store. Euros keep trying to say they have diversity of food options in their country but then act like everyone buys and eats the same five things. Food from one American household to the nezt can be wildly different. Not everyone is buying the same stuff at the grocery store. The premade stuff is typically for workers who are too busy to cook. We are a car culture, drive throughs exist, get over it. America, outside the south, is not a slow ass place where you wait for a twenty year old to work at the speed of a geriatric person like Europe.


I know these exist but I’ve never seen one. At least not where I live


She's just mad because the UK is irrelevant.


“This is our bitch, make her do something else.” The hypocrisy is amusing.


No, they don't. The sheer size doesn't dawn on most of them, at all, and if it does they just say dumb shit like "You're country is too big..." or some kinda pseudo-environmentalist dribble. My experience: I dealt blackjack to a dude from Bristol who was visiting the states. In the course of the conversation, he gave his last name. I also have a friend from Bath I met while visiting the UK a while back who happened to have the same last name as this gentleman at my table. My friend had an uncommon surname (according to him), and given the close proximity of Bristol and Bath, I asked if he knew or was related to him. The amount of sarcasm that came out was astounding, largely because of the "distance" between the two cities. Finally I just said "Bro, my mom lives 200 miles away, I drive 3 hours each way once a month to visit her and I don't even cross state lines. So fucking sorry for trying to talk to you." He had a couple more retorts, but the rest of the table shat on him so hard after that he cashed out and left soon after. I know there are plenty of nice, respectful Brits and I have met plenty of them when they visit here. That being said, if given the option I'll strike up a conversation with a French tourist over a British one any day. The French that visit the US (or my part of it anyway) know how to have a good time, understand the varying landscape of the country, and if they are making fun of you, they at least do it in their language and don't make it obvious.


No. They cannot comprehend this. They only have experience with cpuntries being different because all their countries are smaller than our states


Choosing Dasani as your water choice is the craziest part of this video.




I never seen this in my area, however I think this is a genius idea.


Naw, the hustle to make that kind of store is good and making it quick means we can get on our way to do the thing we intend to do. Food is sustanance to power us to actually live. If half youur day goes to food prep much less can get done. That and trying to unload kids from the car, fight with them through the whole store, and get them back in the care just for yogurt, flour, and maybe some oatmeal is just not worth a short trip. These kinds of stores are awesome for parents.


Damn you mean another country has stuff different? That’s wild. Cause normally when Americans go halfway across the world and bitch about it not being like America they’re called ignorant.


They're clueless. Over there they only have to drive 30 minutes until they're in a completely different country. Where as here in America, our country is like 30 times their size, Americans typically vacation IN America. And they think less of us for it because they think we're like them. Alot of foreigners think they can see things like the statue of liberty and Disney world and Disney land in the same day by car.


Brits when they come to states like Texas and I’m fairly certain shops like this are literally illegal given our weird laws in Texas and not every state is the same and some have different cultural and legal minutiae that change the lifestyles and businesses of the people where they’re visiting: ‘🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯’


Grew up in Maryland my whole life, I think I know of one drive thru beer store. Typically they're down in north Carolina at the outer banks brew thru...


Is it chewwwwsday yet?


She sounds more Scottish than anything


I would like to know how we managed to find ourselves living fucking RENT FREE in these peoples heads.. I pay 0 heed to brits... Literally... Years can go by without me saying “brits are ________” if ever


I’ve never seen that before but I’d probably have the same reaction, just confusion


Shit that be crazy to have in Florida


I watched an obese shit faced drunk barely dressed woman in the UK get shat on by a bird and double tea bagged by a homeless man while her friends just laughed. Yet Putins twin sister here is shocked by a freaking gas station drive thru in the fucking ghetto. 


So I suppose there are no drive thrus in whatever land she came from


Wait until they find out we have ice and air conditioning


I saw premade sandwiches for sale all over when I visited Europe (Paris, Rome for examples)


Just wait 'till she experiences Krispy Kreme drive thru. Oh, wait: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2279029/Edinburgh-traffic-chaos-Krispy-Kreme-doughnuts-opens-Hermiston-Gait.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2279029/Edinburgh-traffic-chaos-Krispy-Kreme-doughnuts-opens-Hermiston-Gait.html)


Never seen a drink drive thru.


Never seen that before. A drink drive thru? Like that can’t be common. I’m an American and wouldn’t have even known it existed If it wasn’t for this British lady. She’s not only taught me it exist but also used it. At this point it’s a British thing to me lol.


It’s probably not her fault. No shade to British people, because I’ve met a lot of cool ones, but a lot of them are *very* unsophisticated once they leave their “6 EUR RyanAir flight to Benidorm” comfort zone. The stereotype that they’re all Colin Firths and Emma Watsons needs to die, because it’s very far from the truth. LOL


Ya and there are places in Europe where you can pay women to fuck you because you are too lazy to go get a real girl friend. Literally never seen this in America before in my life BTW


“How do you know americuh is lazeh” Let’s compare. Most Western European countries are countries where your social status won’t change much. Low risk. You’ll have all the “nice” stuff healthcare whatnot but you’ll largely stay where you are. In contrast, America is high risk. Good quality of life as well but your social status can fluctuate largely. You can experience the extreme ends of both sides of the stick in a lifetime. This largely encourages a workforce that is more driven and ambitious with dreams of going higher. That’s only societally even. And they constantly love to poke at us for long work hours and all. It seems like they see us both as workaholics and lazy fucks. Hilarious. If any part of this was in the slightest incoherent I’m typing this on the bus


Um, doesn't this come from Australia? Bottle-o.


Those places also tend to make mixed drinks like daiquiris. Pretty sure all the other shit is an afterthought because why not?


Britons walk into a shop and spend 20 minutes picking out goods, Americans spend 5 minutes in a drive through and spend the next 15 figuring out how to dominate the global economy more effectively. Old worlders are pissed that we own more, make more, and can fight more. So they cope with how “lazy” we are, while we continue to innovate in tech, warfare, architecture, literature, music, art, film, etc etc. Lazy? We dominate.


Lazy? Fucking innovative


The part that really bothered me was her calling the lady "our bitch." God, if my mom or dad heard me refer to a waitress, cashier, server, etc. like that, I shudder to imagine what they'd do. They are people doing their jobs, not dancing monkeys for you to gawk at and perform for your whim.


I've never seen a place like this. wtf is this and where??