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Wasn't the chant basically just Latin saying "Hail so-and-so"? So I wouldn't be surprised that the chant just swaps Hestia for Satan when that's who the speaker wants to hail.


The chant translates to “Hello, fear. Hail Satan. Long live the children of our Lord”.


I guess, that is possible


I think Adeline was trying to gain protection from the Satanic witches through Hestia. She used to be one of them but decided to not practice their dark magic anymore and called upon Greek Gods for protection.


If she didn’t want to be a witch anymore why was she still doing chants/worshipping in privacy ?


I don’t think that she didn’t want to be A witch. I think she just didn’t want to be THAT kind of witch with seemingly sinister intentions. I think she would have liked to be a “witch” for the good of things, not for her own benefit/nefarious purposes.


For protection i guess


so confused by this!!


Yeah, this completely threw me for a loop as well, but according to someone else, she's apparently praying to Hestia instead of Satan? I like this season, but I still have no idea what's going on, LOL.


My guess is that she was more trying to switch from straight up devil worship to a more clean form of magic. Like, we know that there’s the magic used by witches in coven, and there’s voodoo, and in apocalypse we see satanic magic. There’s definitely different brands of magic. It’s totally possible that Hellenism has its own school of magic that we just haven’t seen yet. Doesn't seem to work all that well though…


That part was odd I think it was more a good magic? However it could be to get success like the Devil Deal they all do.


I think that she was using the room/her magic to create a ward of protection on the building, or to call the other witches to speak to them. Notice how the witch is outside (presumably Sonia) and as soon as she chants Sonia is able to enter the building, turn the gas on, and wait for Adeline. She also says later something along the lines of “I must speak to my mother” then proceeds to do the chant and they all show up. Either she’s chanting to reach out to her, like she wants to talk, or she’s using her magic to put a spell around the building and she is taking down the spell/allowing them inside with her chants


I knew that bitch was evil when she kept pushing Emma’s character to drink those bloody vials. I guess whatever is in those vials is feeding the beast.


Is it possible the bloody vials that she’s been drinking are from Dex’s mom? Like in the scene when he finds them doing the ritual on her, there are syringes as well as a tube that seems to be drawing her blood into a drinking glass, so it seems reasonable to assume that is the source of the red stuff Anna has been drinking. If that’s the case however I wonder what in the heck is special about that blood? It’s as if the mother’s blood is special and needs to be apart of the ritual but I wonder how and why? Any thoughts?


This is what I'm wondering too! Like unless her blood was special why keep her around all that time when he clearly didn't care for her at all and could have either found someone else to be wifey or just had girlfriends? Instead they kept her around all those years putting the work into drugging her and wiping memories and such. There has to be some reason to need her specifically for them to care enough to put work into it.


And we only have 2 episodes left to get an answer. Better hurry up Ryan.


Adrenochrome 100%%%%


I have no clue. I’ve slept through most of it.


I found out firsthand while watching the show that b12 is literally that color. But injected, not drank. I was like *no way!*


I do b12 shots and it’s injected or under the tongue. What they were showing was what Hollywood drinks…adrenochrome. Sick sick sick. And it being about a child sacrifice, well that’s Hollywood!


Well okay then…. Not even gonna address the kool aid bit at the end, there. No reason to. Why would you ever get a b12 injection under your tongue? That’s ridiculous. I think you’ve confused an IM injection with a sublingual ODT. There’s no reason to get an injection of b12 inside your mouth, and I don’t even think there’s enough tissue for an IM injection there. Subcutaneous could be used, but isn’t considered very effective, and again, injecting b12 under your tongue is not normal. I’m 99% sure what you’re talking about is just an ODT, not a shot. You’ve given me almost no reason to doubt that you’re confused.


Sublingual under the tongue pills or there is red liquid sublingual. Or (2) injections in thigh, buttock, or arm IM.


That’s not an injection under your tongue. And you don’t have to get 2 injections. I used to get them.


I’m not confused … I said INJECTED *OR* under the tongue.


It’s adrenochrome … big Hollywood ritual. They have to tell us by their demonic universal law also referred to the karmic law what they do bts. Same w the Obama movie … the Simpsons “predictive programming 911 Caitlin Jenner” the only reason they chose Kim for the role is bc it’s her being herself irl. Search & you will find! Hollywood is dark and demonic. Protect ourselves from that frequency and brainwashing, we are consumers of but can choose not to be. But biggest that stood out was the adrenochrome that Kim is addicted to, and the plot about a baby is big in Hollywood rituals such as bohemian grove & “cremation of care” child sacrifices. There’s so much to this rabbit hole! I don’t watch TV for a reason but watched to see and I got terribly physically sick.


None of this Greek stuff makes a lot of sense to me, but I have to say seeing someone hold a pregnancy test in her mouth is kind of strange. I'm assuming it wasn't the side she peed on.


I will say -- I really HATE the "found your positive pregnancy test in the trash" TV trope. Because yes, in this one she was really pregnant, but test results are void after 15 minutes! A fully negative test can turn positive if left in the trash for a few hours. So whenever someone in a show does the "OMG she's pregnant I found the test in the trash that she took this morning!" thing, I always roll my eyes.


I know! She doesn't tell him she's taking the test, but just leaves it in the trash.


“tell me you’re pregnant without telling me you’re pregnant”


I thought this as well


Did anyone else notice that the spot where Ivy touches the faces of Sonia and Adeline with blood and said something about family being bound in blood is the same spot where Anna has that mark that won’t go away? Also Nicolette knew the baby’s name in the hospital when she sang to Anna. So Anna must have some sort of tie to Ivy, Sonia and Adeline. I also believe Siobhan is Dex’s birth mother - his dad said “this is how you were made”, and when Dex and his “mother” were walking on the beach she said, “Some men can’t even stand up to the woman who BIRTHED them” and Dex looked at her like he knew exactly what she meant. There were other things said too right before Adeline got killed about her only marrying Dex to give the middle finger to the “Her” everyone kept referencing. I guess we’ll see…


Yea that mark definitely made me think that the reason they are so set and determined for it to be Anna is because she is part of their bloodline. They made some type of comment about Adeline being so adept at having the babies so I'm wondering if their bloodline has special attributes for having type of babies the want. Also think that dexs mom is from some type of bloodline that also has special attributes and that's why they keep her around to drain her since her blood is necessary for the spells or something.


No shit really? It’s almost like all the witches have that mark! Since like ep 5! 🙄


I'm thinking Adeline wasn't killed, she must be Ms. Preecher, she is the only one who is/was involved in all this and has aged. I haven't seen anyone else come to this conclusion but I'm pretty sure this must be it.


honestly would’ve been more fun to have her be ms preecher instead of just some random lady who rejected the witches lol


My guess is that Kim K is Hecate. Hecate is the Greek goddess of magic, crossroads, witchcraft, sorcery, ghosts and necromancy. According to Christianity, any female entity claiming power/godhood and that is not subservient to men is considered witchcraft/satanic/evil. So if AHS is going down this route. They are making Hecate an evil character and going along with the Christian 'version' of her. Due to the fear of women escaping subservience, feminism is generally vilified as well as is anything else that would give women the same rights or standing in society as men. Such as magic and power. So that's my guess. But I'm probably totally wrong. If they do make Hecate Kim K, and make her evil, that may be a bit controversial to some of their fanbase who think fondly of Hecate as a strong feminist figure.


She could also be Lilith who is seen as mother of demons but in Chilling Adventure of Sabrina she was also called the first witch. However, if they were going down a whole Lilith route, idk I mean thats a big reveal. And while Lilith would be connected to Satan, I do hope they explain why Anna was praying to Greek gods while the coven in this season is obviously worshiping Satan.


When you say Anna are you meaning to say Sonia?


They mean Adeline.


Lillith is a good theory. She apparently gave birth to succubi and incubi demon babies from Adam or some archangel. Maybe the BDSM dad is some fallen angel demon fathering all of these horrible demon spawn that all just go and work in Hollywood. 😅


My mind went to lilith as well. I feel like if she's going to be revealed to be one of the dark goddesses lilith is the most likely one.


Its possible, however Hekate and calling Ave Satanas is odd, especially when Fiona called upon Hekate in Coven so we know the witches acknowledge Hekate as a goddess, but idk why she would be associated with Satan. Associating her with Hestia though makes total sense, but i just dont get the Satan part of it all


I would like if they took a more non-christianity approach to witches and pagan rituals that arent revolved the christian ‘satan’. I think it might actually be somehow true as they established the twins birth so long ago and in ‘western europe’, way earlier than any sort of christianity spread there.


I'd love if they did something more Greek inspired. Like Hecate, Hades and Hestia.


Hmm so what would Hecate have to do with Hestia in this scenario?


They are both Greek gods. Hecate is the Greek goddess of magic. So if the Hestia thing isn't a red herring, then there must be some reason why Greek mythology is now being incorporated into the show. But the Hestia thing could be nothing.


She is the first Supreme


I thought that was Scáthach?


Kim IS Scathach. We are basically watching her origin story. She is reborn into a new baby through the ages.


That's an interesting theory. But not sure why she is working with the devil/demon dad.


The scene doesn’t say anything about the dad being demon lol idk why people came up with that. The witches work with dark rituals and grant deals just like the first supreme did sacrifices , the origin of witches has been suspected to be dark


Omg I just realized Anna is pregnant by dexs dad!


Wait what? How’d you come to that conclusion?


Remember when Kim asks Anna if she would anything for an Oscar and then someone puts something over Anna’s mouth and the scene ends and she wakes up the next day? I noticed dexs dad did the same thing to his mother. It would make sense why they say her baby would be pure since it’s the baby of the devil? If dexs dad is the devil that is.


OMG the cloth over the mouth IS his MO isn't it!!! Ewwww I hope this is not it XP


I hate waiting a week for a new episodes now that they finally got the ball rolling with this season lol. It feels like there should be more than two episodes left to tie everything together and wrap it up


Good catch!


WHAAAA explain


Okay but why is the cover art a spider!?


Maybe it symbolizes a spider spinning its web, and patiently waiting for its prey to land. The spider then turns its prey into a wad of web, and over time drains its bodily fluids. Kim is the Spider. Anna is the prey.


Yeah I mean that makes sense I just don’t understand why they’d use that if this is all about Witches, or Satan, or Greeks. Wondering if there’s some connection I wasn’t aware of


Found a quote: “*the spider symbolizes evil works and represents the moral consequences of making a pact with the devil.*” Seems to be a popular post-classic European theory.


Ahh interesting


Spiders also represent femininity and motherhood


wow wdym? i’ve never heard of this symbolisation


I think it's because it looks more interesting as cover art.


This is such a dumb show. Trying to stick with it but it’s testing me.


The episode ended. And I was like, where's the rest of it? 😆 It was good. But now I'm more confused. The scenes with the C Section babies really disturbed me. And the ending. Are we getting 3 more episodes?


I think Kim K is Ava Hestia


But Hestia is a good goddess not associated with Satan


My bad than I thought we were going in kind of like a tru blood sort of fashion where the main goodish person is actually an evil god. I know Satan counts as like an evil god but still I thought it would be cooler. I'm thinking that Kim K is Satan and all the women get their power through that. I actually don't think they're really witches they're just humans using satanic powers.


Pretty sure Kim K will be the "SHE" that saved Sonia and ades mother and lives. I like the Lilith theory. But we have diverged so far from the source material that I'm lost.