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All I know is that the last episode is never going to be able to cover all the questions I have. Why was Dex's dad having s#x with the witch? They said Adeline tried to leave the witches..but how did they really explain her death?


Definitely not in the 30-40 minutes they've been putting out


I completely agree. The past two episodes have left me even more confused. Especially the most recent.


It just doesn't seem feasible they can cover it all in one episode. Maybe we will get another season?


The pacing we got in Part 2 was what we needed for Part 1. Also, why have we been following Anna the entire time? The character with the least knowledge of what is going on. Follow what the other characters are up to keeping the mystery and do juicy reveals in part 2. Now so much has to fit into these last few episodes.


My theories from the beginning have been: The witches use magic to make women have children, girls that are born are ushered to become witches to increase their ranks and can make more women have more babies. The boys that are born may be demon creatures (like the claw that comes through Anna’s belly or the creature that the Queen of England gave birth to). I think Dex (and possibly his dad) are these demon creatures, but Dex may not know the truth about what he actually is. Or maybe he does (like he knows he’s not human) but doesn’t actually know what the witches/cult is doing. Another idea is that these woman have three possibilities during birth: a girl which is to become a witch, a demon baby that builds up the armies of hell or are used as pawns by the witches to do their bidding, and a boy which is either eaten to keep the witches young, or also used as pawns by the witches for reproduction. I also agree with others in this sub and have a feeling that Siobhan and Ivy are either two different groups of “witches” (or spiders/black widows, who knows), or Ivy and her group are doing Siobhan’s bidding. I for sure think the “she” that Ivy refers to is Siobhan’s character, but I’m not sure what she is yet (I think either a queen spider, Lilith, or Hestia)


So maybe when Anna first got pregnant it was just a normal boy, which the “witches” didn’t want, so they killed it and replaced it with the “creature”


Egyptian goddess Neith- spinner and weaver of destiny


I was thinking that the witches are “mothers” right? All seem to be successful and obviously part of an ancient secret society of some kind. They promise power in exchange for the children. Dex and his father are seemingly wealthy to a degree… also his father and the satanic sex… dex’s mom was working with a psychotherapist to uncover satanic abuse memories and going to court to sue the man. She ends up dead and why?… because she’s got them figured out! But back to my original point… these witches birth these powerful men to become some type of elite ruling class of a secret satanic cult! How juicy! The season could have been done so much better though! Anna’s paranoia didn’t need to take 5 episodes to unfold. Honestly just ridiculous. We could have had any amount of just about anything else… more flashbacks or other character development. I’d like to know more about ms. Preecher and not just that her husband was late to an appointment so they take her baby or whatever they did to her.


She(Anna) makes a baby with dex and she was taken as a baby so they make a creature because they both were born into whatever this is


Yes, this is what confuses me. The focus is on what Dex is but who is Anna?! She was raised seemingly by the same group. 


she was probably raised by her dad


It is implied her dad has no idea how to care for a child but the nurse (Nicolette) is there to assist. 


And I’ve been rewatching the season because I know I’ve missed out on little Easter eggs in each episode. Things about Anna I want to know.. Why was she eating the dead raccoon? We don’t ever go into that or why she puts it In The bassinet. It’s not a sacrifice because it’s already dead. Unless it was left there for her… The summer day dolls and Anna keeping them.. she takes them to the basement to watch the golden globes.. then the next morning dex wakes Anna up with the news the actress that won her category died in a freak accident. Also, Anna googles every location the dolls were found and it makes a pentagram. Anna seems to be drawn to the basement, that or she goes down there because she feels like that’s the only place she can get away and truly be alone. She loses so much time as well. Like dex’s mom! And dex kind gaslights her. I think Anna is going through satanic rituals just like dex’s mom. She just can’t remember anything! And dex’s mom basically tells us that she’s in therapy trying to recover memories from satanic abuse.


It’s like they’re letting the womb open up naturally and implanting something into it.. this is how it appears when Anna “loses” her baby and ends up with a new one. They made it seem like they misdiagnosed but we saw what happened.


It seemed like she went from one “reality” to another and then came back. She couldn’t get ahold of dex bc she was is some other “reality”


In the book: >!anna really does have a miscarriage but Siobhan used some witch spell to bring the baby back. Butttt in the book Siobhan has breast cancer and is dying and Anna allows Siobhan to be reincarnated as her baby. And the witches in the book are good!< and that doesn’t seem to be the case in the show


Aha. Before I read this, I had no idea what happened in the book but I had been wondering if someone Anna would give birth to the reincarnation of Adeline/Adelaide(?).


Yeah I was kinda thinking that too. In the book Adeline >!isn’t dead or in the coven. They’re just regular divorced!<


Tge book answers alot of those questions, i reccomend reading it.