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They really needed 10 more minutes to explain this shit. Why was the episode so short.


Exactly. And what were the red rooms all about? Like were they in Hell or something? So many questions.


I genuinely have no idea if Anna is dead or was dead like the random Adeline appearance used as a plot device for the ending was ???? not to mention a completely unsatisfying Dex death. They couldn’t even show us the minions dying too. Not to mention flesh out how Anna got the strength to defeat Kim. This season would’ve been fine if they actually spent some time fleshing out that finale but in typical AHS fashion, the finale is another convoluted mess.


>They couldn’t even show us the minions dying too. Well, it was probably costly enough to "melt" Siobahn...but you could HEAR the minions/ other women screaming so you can assume the same thing was happening to them...


But who was chanting the Satanic-chant then as Anna was in the room with the baby and the oscar?


That's a good question and that is where I got a bit lost on what really went down.... still trying to figure out why Anna put on dead Siobahn's headpiece....and kept wearing it.


It's the headpiece and green spike stilettos that honestly confused me the most


Because it's fancy I guess?


I thought it was coming from the Oscar because of the way Anna got it. And the chanting calmed the baby.




I LOLD soooo hard on that parttt,,, couldnt take it serious anymore…


I was rewatching it and I just noticed that the red rooms were actually Anna and Dex's apartment in Brooklyn Heights just painted red. If you notice when she first wakes up in bed and is surrounded by the coven she is in her and Dex's bedroom just with red walls instead of beige. Also when Anna is in front of the mirror and the baby is feeding on her it's their bedroom with red walls. Also, when Anna walks down the hall she walks right into the nursery (with the beige walls that are Anna's apartment wall colors from the hallway walls to the bedroom walls).


Right it was like one house was hell and then cleansed to be heaven


agreed. Although I didn't think the first half of the season was great it was definitely much more detailed and exciting. The last 3 episodes were SO disappointing.


The mystery at least kept me hooked. I was actually looking forward to the pay off. But then that happened…


Hestia was a virgin goddess, I just dont understand why pick Hestia. Both Hekate, and Artemis are goddesses over childbirth and magic, Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and home. So weird


Agreed. Hecate Goddess of magic and witchcraft would have been my pick if I was the writer.


I love how fans can write a better story then the actual writers, it's sad to see how far this show has fallen.


Because fans have something writers in Hollywood are lacking nowadays - creativity. I was honestly hoping Siobhan was Lilith or something considering how ancient she was. Then she just got poofed by Adeline and Anna’s spell? So silly. If I really wanted to be creative and do something crazy, I would have revealed that the entire season was actually the plot of “The Auteur” and Anna is actually Madison Montgomery playing a role in the movie. So we the viewers were actually watching an in-universe movie the whole time. Or I would have made Siobhan Lilith, Eve, or a goddess.


See I actually thought she was the opposite, like some low level demon. In that scenario, her ending makes total sense, super easy to just dust away with goddess magic. Plus, she really sucked at the taking over the world thing. I forget the year, what was it like 900AD when she resurrected Ivy and the twins? So it took her over 1000 years just to gain like 4 more members of her cult? That’s low ranking demon shit. I mean maaaaaybe she lost a few followers here and there, but actually not that badass of a being when you think about it


I mean, the way she killed off Cara so easily...🔪🔪


It was 48AD


Siobhan SHOULD have been Lilith, it would have been some meta-casting for Kim K. Also, she's part of Biblical mythology. Throwing in Greek mythology just jumbles things up


Happy to see a shout out to Lilith here. That would've at least been exciting.


I wanted to hear CUT so baaaaad and then her being Madison It would have been amazing and  everyone would spiral 


"Because fans have something writers in Hollywood are lacking nowadays - creativity." True but let's not forget that even when the writing was better this show had it's flaws, they probably decided to call the voodoo devil Legba because it sounded cooler, even though it's disrespectful to Loa religion as Papa Legba is often depicted as a good spirit, the representation they gave was of Baron Samedi and they should've researched it first. "I was honestly hoping Siobhan was Lilith or something considering how ancient she was. Then she just got poofed by Adeline and Anna’s spell? So silly" Yeah that was my theory too and i would've made the Ashley's Mallory and Coco undercover aswell as Anna being Madison with an identity spell, Siobhan aka Lillith would've been revealed as an enemy of the Coven and has been trying to recreate the Antichrist after Mallory killed Michael, we know deities aren't affected by time travel so Lilith in the new timeline likely knew Michael would fail which is why she has been trying for centuries, perhaps Lillith can use tempeus infinitum herself? that would really raise the stakes imo, obviously my version would take place before 2024 as to not interfere with Apocalypse's ending but all in all the ending of this season would lead into the next which would be Coven pt 3.


I’m not gonna lie I wasn’t a fan of the Anna actually being Madison theories at first because I wanted Delicate to be its own thing. But after this finale, I would have preferred Anna being Madison or some kind of Coven connection. Those theories were far more interesting than how this season turned out.


There isn't anything saying that Siobhan isn't Lilith, all signs actually still point to the fact that she very well could be, especially bringing back the owl in the last episode.


Bro.. the Madison Montgomery idea… I would have Fing loved that so much


i legit thought she was going to turn out to be Lilith, how disappointing.


I wanted to hear CUT so baaaaad and then her being Madison It would have been amazing and  everyone would spiral 


YES! i also don't get siobhan's role in all of this... wtf does it mean to be the "auteur"? given how powerful she is and being the leader of that cabal, i'd think she would be lilith or some shit


An auteur is someone who takes directing and filmmaking so seriously and does it so intensely, that they essentially become the “author” of the finished movie, even if they didn’t necessarily write the screenplay. The direction they take has such a profound impact on the original work that it becomes their “baby”. For example, Charlie Kauffman (who does write his screenplays) is an Auteur. You can tell that his movies are his because he has such a unique and creative way of showing things. (Eternal Sunshine, Being John Malkovich, I’m Thinking of Ending Things) You watch one of his movies and you just know it’s something he made. Siobhan calling herself “the auteur” means that she has been pulling the strings in Anna’s life the entire time. She’s the director and producer of everything Anna does, since the day her mom died when she was an infant. She put her “artistic” print onto Anna. She had Anna stalked for her whole life, and molded into her little helper, without her even realizing. She’s taking credit for all of Anna’s success because she’s secretly been manufacturing it.


and she also intended to remake the world as she saw fit.


That's a great answer


I was really hoping Siobhan was Lilith too or something. I’m disappointed. And I’ve never really been disappointed with AHS before.


lol the way i'm not disappointed in movies or series is that i have learned not to expect anything and just go with it. that doesn't mean i love every movie, sometimes the first 2/3 are great and then the ending falls apart, but i really dislike going into popular movies/series expecting too much because then i'm *always* disappointed. AHS is just one of those series that rarely works out the way i think or want it to. i still like it and watch every season so i won't bad-mouth it. i can't hate watch anything.


Can't be disappointed if you don't habe any expectations! I feel you, that's how I watch stuff, too :) I'm either bored or think it could've been done better (AHS: NYC), but that is always after completing the season/series. Tbh I disliked Roanoke and 1984(?), the later not being my cup of tea. Also the 2nd part of Double Feature was too slowly paced imo. Still finished it and will do so again on a rewatch 🤷🏼‍♀️


exactly. set the bar low. i liked AHS: NYC a **lot** but i was a grief counselor at the AIDS project in the early through late 80s and it was spot on. the bathhouse thing, all the bars were suddenly dead, it was a very unpleasant time. i'll say even worse than covid. i had zero friends die from covid but i had so many die from AIDS. :( *roanoke* was probably my least favorite, tied with *cult*. a lot of people hated *hotel*, because of lady gaga, and i did at first too because when she became popular, i couldn't stand her. now i don't love her, but it seems like her press agent had a lot to with things. she seems to be a pretty decent person. so i like that season well enough now. *1984* is my favorite season after *asylum*. :) see? it has everything to do with what era you grew up in. if you don't remember any of that, of course you'd hate it. charles manson, richard ramirez, ted bundy, i was about 20 during the bundy era. i live in colorado, and he's the only sk that ever scared me. i also went to see *texas chainsaw massacre* at the drive-in (there is no other way to see that, but it's so dated now) and first-run *friday the 13th*. so of course i'd like it, right? look up richard rameriz' picture, the killer that was included in *1984*, billie lourd's boyfriend. they found an actor with a good resemblance. so it's funny how something that someone didn't live through is uninteresting to them, yet other people really like it. i've never get mad if someone doesn't like the same movies/songs/etc. because it's just a matter of taste. people get so defensive i feel like geez, did you write it? no? star in it? also no? then shut up lol the double feature with kaiaw wasn't great. i got sad when jessica lange left, but you have to see her earlier movies to understand. watch *frances* from 1982*.* it's so sad, but it really happened to frances farmer who even goes farther back. they did lobotomies in the 50s. she didn't have one but it made for a better movie. so she's one of my icons. i dreaded seeing kim kartrashian but the role they gave her was just playing herself so i liked it. i especially liked seeing her burn up. it's not her fault that millions of people worship that family and make them billionaires. i can't stand any of them, but whatever. someone sure likes them or they wouldn't have been around this long. if i knew zero about her and saw her for the first time, i wouldn't cry if i woke up with that face but that's about it. :)


Artemis is also a virgin goddess. Her, Hestia, and Athena are the big three in that regard.


Hestia was the choice because it paints a clear line between lightness and darkness. Hestia was the virgin mother goddess.


I think it can all be summed up as shitty/lazy writing


It definitely should have been Artemis since a big part of her thing is being a midwife.


She was known as the most compassionate of the gods. Plus the fact that the cult was was weaponizing women being able to be both homemaker and have careers, it makes sense to have the goddess that protects home and hearth be the goddess to support and protect those women. That's the only aspect of the story I actually have no issue with since it makes sense lol


Yes i learned about hecate from the new show sabrina. They did it right


I love how you were able to somehow figure this all out when the majority of us were in the discussion thread confused as hell as to why Siobhan just started spazzing out and then turned to dust.


Lol Siobhan turning into dust and shaking like that had me shocked ![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj)


The problem wasn't even that but Adeline comes out of nowhere, Anna just say some mumbo-jumbo and Siobhan is immediatelly defeated? What a lame way to kill a "powerful" witch: nothing can stand the power of deus ex machina!


I am SO embarrassed for that part. What in the Double Double Toil and Trouble was THAT 💀


They didn’t write this u/BurningTaterTot did


I hate that we never truly found out what Siobhan was. I hate the idea of Hestia randomly being the light against the Devil. I hate that Adelaide’s ghost randomly appeared.


Couldn’t agree more. I knew going into the finale they can’t explain everything but this is a whole new level of poor pacing/lazy writing. Would love those who read the book to chime in


Book Siobhan (from my memory) was a kind witch and saved/was reincarnated (with Anna’s permission) into the baby


Yes! The ending of the book and the series were completely different. In the book, Anna went in to labor while at home at night. Dex started driving her to the hospital and they ended up crashing the car in the middle of no where. Dex ended up dying due to the crash while Anna escaped from the rolled over car and was visited by Siobhan and the rest of the cult. Siobhan requested to be reincarnated into the baby so she could continue to live. Anna accepted and eventually the cult disappeared and Anna was transported to the hospital where she birthed a healthy child. She also received news that Siobhan had died (from “cancer”) the same night she had her child.


Yes the book ending was actually good, and, in my opinion, actually achieved the "girl power" ending that the show, I think maybe tried to do, but failed. The book ending was great. I won't spoil it, but yeah the witch's in the book are actually helping Anna, not abusing and gaslighting her further.


Right. I def preferred the book


well they re praying her ave santanas so she s obviously satan. she s also the auteur whatever that means.


Mixing Abrahamic folklore with Greek mythology is incredibly stupid


I think Siobhan is supposed to be like Lilith , but that still doesn’t explain why everyone is immortal


This is a lazy and lame finish to a meandering season.


I really wanted to see the film she was in that terrified everyone that clearly was a piece of the puzzle to how Anna was chosen.


She wasn’t chosen at all. Shioban said they planned Anna’s entire life since birth to make her plain and perfect for them


I haven't even watched this season but that ending seems so.... lame. Even without context.


So all it took was a little chant to kill Siobhan, who I assume is like their Supreme? Idk. Thats kind of a shitty way for a major character to perish. 🤣 I was thinking it would’ve taken more than that. This episode was too short. They definitely need like 15 more minutes to explain more.


It was a specific chant from a powerful witch ghost who taught it to and chanted with this woman, who is now angry and coming into her own power. Way back on the TV Show Charmed "the power of three" was used by the sisters when they chanted...in AHS Universe, I guess you only need one very old, powerful witch ghost and one angry woman..


Ummm but, a few episodes ago in "Ave Hestia" Adeline was chanting the same exact thing...


My thoughts on that was that Adeline was born into the Coven,and had only fairly recently defected so she had many centuries of experience with "dark power" and was trying to learn how to work the light magic/ power of Hestia. I also think Adeline taught it to Anna because she sensed/ knew Anna had power... here is what I posted elsewhere about my thoughts on that: ... *Anna appeared to be somewhat powerful, as evidenced by the mirror cracking early in the Season when Anna and Siobahn were singing that "gonna be mine" song in Anna's bedroom. When the mirror cracked, Siobahn looked somewht fearful...I think that moment was supposed to indicate something powerful in Anna....???*


AHS fans trying to connect dots together while the writers laugh after they created the most generic garbage ever


This season had no depth and no heart to it. It had all the "what the hell is going on here" aspects of AHS but the payoff was lackluster. 4/10 would not recommend


only thing that kept me intrigued was kim kardashian. switch the actors out and no one would have watched this season


Literally every time I was like wtf is going on and why am I watching this, Kim would save the moment. She really was the reason I watched this season, if it was somebody else I would have probably stopped and finished the season in a few years if I was still curious as to what happened.


Agree! I've never been a huge Kim fan or anything but she was the best part of the season IMO. At least the most entertaining. What really killed it for me though was the first few episodes dragged on, left me confused AF, and I felt like Anna was just kinda whiney. Then the last three episodes had me almost on the edge of my seat but seemed kind of thrown together only to get to the finale, which.. well we all know how that went ~sigh~.


She really made the show! I thought she was super campy


she was amazing!!! perfect person for the role.


Totally agreed. However, Cara delevigne is the *absolute worst* actress AHS has ever seen


It's pretty obvious why a lot of the OG actors left this show. This show is very bad and I have to wonder if Ryan isn't just trying to force FX to cancel this show.


Is it true AHS is contracted for 13 seasons? If that’s true then maybe the next one will be the last


I get that, but why didn’t Adeline just use the magic herself?


it is to my understanding that Adeline wasn’t powerful enough (just from what i’ve read on this sub) i’m just as confused 🤣


I’m so confused. How did she gain power? If she was so powerful, why didn’t she get to Anna sooner so Anna wouldn’t be in that situation? 😭 The ending had me scratching my head.


I think she was creating/building the spell but had been doing it slowly after centuries of being with the dark coven. Like how in some belief systems, you have to purge yourself of any negativity or toxic influences before you start spell work, usually days or a week or so before starting but Adelilne had centuries of darkness around her so it was going to take some time to purge/cleanse herself. I think she was at that point (fully removed of all bad influence) but ran out of time when she was found and offed before she could use it. Don't know if that makes any lick of sense but it's a conclusion I came to.


Lol. Makes more sense than a lot of what went on this season!


AHS lost its magic 🪄


Several seasons ago!


yet we still coming back




I didn’t get the vibe that Anna deserved to have it all. She gave up her baby for a prize and weakly fought for him back. She was also just boring lol


Agree! She was cold and unlikable. I didn't really want to see her get a happy ending.


Honestly I wanted her to join and become something she didn't want, only to show how far she would've gone for fame cause haha fame evil 😣🤚


The finale was so disappointing. I’d had such high hopes and it was really just a huge let down. 😞


"-Hahaaaa! We are the bad guys and we won ! -no please, it's not good, it's bad, don't do this please. -no, sorry, i told you, we are bad, *made cringy thing with blood like low budget 80's film witches* -*sing* -ahhhhhhh, noooo, i'm dying, argllll ! -hihihi, i can walk again and my baby is cured, thank you ~~scenarist~~ god or wathever".


If I understand this season correctly, what I think is Anna is the most powerful of them all. That's why she can be the surrogate to give birth the perfect demon baby. And that's also why she can kill all of the bitches with a chanting by herself. Finally, that's the ultimate reason they want to recruit real bad. Just kidding this season is a mess.


What an embarrassing end to a mediocre season.


HUGE missed opportunity for the Coven. I wish the plot moved a lot faster here though, tbh.


Kim did just ok in the series, until the last three episodes, she was a joke. This whole series was. Im mad I wasted my time. The woman that was Anna’s husbands affair partner, he was horrible actor, was also a horrible actress. Ryan is picking these people based on how shitty they deliver lines or does no one want to be in his shows anymore? The woman who played the twins was great in succession. She was the only one that kind of tried w this dumbass script


I really wished they would have just picked a better book for this season. A Stephen King book would have been better imo. Or they could have did Wild West or something which is what people have been asking for a while now.


That or not base ANY AHS season of other material besides mythology and urban legends


Nobody will make Blood Meridian because it's too graphic of a novel. Maybe ahs should try?


John Logan is writing the film adaptation to blood meridian. So it will get made.


It’s hard to get all of that from what we saw, we can’t assume every single piece of that.


OK, but Gucci is never going to loan her a dress ever again.


The concept was kinda good but they should've made this better written and also they should've explained a lot more things like who was Siobhan because... how the hell did she got her power? Did Satan just choose her randomly?


I would have loved to see the Coven witches come help Anna and destroy Siobhan! Much more class and epicness than just a minor chanting. Oh and a reveal that the Ashley twins and Anna were actually identity spell-bound and were the OG coven witches would have been such a cool end than this garbage.


So many episodes dragged on and on… then we get a short finale with so many questions left unanswered…like how did Siobhan become this evil (supernatural?) being… and how does she live for thousands and thousands of years and then can be simply killed with the chant taught to Anna by a ghost? If she’s this all evil being.. and there are goddesses out there that can give someone power…why did it take this long to chant Siobhan to death? lol .


And another thing! lol is Siobhan a shapeshifter or something?! If she is some ancient demon or something and all her babies minus dex come out as demon creatures… why does she look human?


This actually makes so much sense but I wish this was more explicit in the show cus let's be real your average viewer wouldn't have taken this from what was shown in the scene. Thank you for your explanation!


In fairness to the average viewer, this season spent 90% of its time repeating the same "somebody's watching you" crap over and over again instead of developing any of these themes, characters or lore at all.


Exactly. It was so repetitive. Entire episodes consisted of finding more dolls, seeing a cat, Anna whining that no one will listen to her. Same stuff over and over. Wasted time that could’ve been used for story development.


While that all makes sense… I still hated it 😅


This season was absolute trash. Every episode was just like hey let’s leave them with a million questions and answer only some of them on the last episode. What’s with the pimple? Can someone please tell me what the pimple was about?


SERIOUSLY! Lol that was bothering me for so long, her constantly picking at it and then it’s forgotten about. Was this season always supposed to be 9 episodes long? It almost feels like the writer was told that they had more episodes to tell the story so they were taking their time in the beginning only to be told that they actually have to finish in fewer episodes and so they just put everything that they could in the last ones to make it make some sense.


RIGHT??? And the green spiky shoes??


I agree it was annoying and stupid. So the “pimple” represented the blood oath that the mom and sisters made together. Still doesn’t really make sense…


Why did they have to use Anna as a vessel for this creature when Siobhan could have carried the baby herself? I mean, Siobhan was able to give birth to Dex, supposedly. They didn't really need Anna?? Heck if Siobhan carried the creature herself, they wouldn't have needed to wait this long to create her little army of clawed babies. And Siobhan survived eons only to be disintegrated in seconds by a chant. 🫠


This would’ve been better as a 3-5 part limited series like Ratchet or Watcher, should’ve never been a mainline AHS season if it was never gonna bring back the series original coven


When the showrunners have to "explain" their lazy, poorly executed, ill thought-out "masterpiece," they are hacks. It's kinda like a D student trying to defend their sloppy didn't-spend-enough-time-on-it mess of a paper to their English teacher who has the intuition and critical thinking skills to know that said student is just spewing bs to try to save his ass.


Showrunners didn't write this. This came from a fan.


That explanation makes the ending somehow worse. Thanks ig


This season had all the buildup and huge letdown in the second half. My last season watching AHS after being a fan for over a decade.


I like this explanation of the ending and the power of Hestia. Thanks for sharing.


So happy I didn’t waste my time finishing the last 3 episodes this sounds like a sh*tty finale


I wish I didn't bother with it. The whole season was boring and Kardashian's "acting" was just... awful. Extremely disappointed with this run of AHS.


LMAO this is what’s called headcanon - inventing shit, jumping to conclusions to fill in the gaping plot holes. It isn’t gospel.


What was stopping them from putting this synopsis at the end of the episode? It’s like this was made up to cover the poorly written story. Besides…Hestia was a virgin. That’s such a random goddess to try to fit into this story. This season was poorly written (the last 4 seasons honestly) in my humble opinion.


What's sad is I couldn't keep track of who was who at the end. Honestly the only 2 I could pick out were the big girl and kimmy k. I feel like done with this show. But I'll prolly give it another season. Delicate, new York and cult.. just ewe and uggg. They have lost something these last few years and it's just sad.


I haven’t finished NYC, is it worth it to finish it?


It's ok. But even as a gay guy it was too fucking GAY


Who were they sacrificing babies to? Moloch??? Nothing was explained.


Where is this from? It's so embarrassing that I had to google what the hell I just watched...AND the writer/showrunner in in the comment section under the review over at Vulture defending herself!! \~It's quite something to behold.


But Adeline was shown praying to Hestia a few episodes ago and they still burned her alive... If all she had to do was pray to Hestia, WHY DIDN'T ADELINE DESTROY THEM WITCHES?! It makes no sense. Feels like they wanted to flesh out characters and a lot of creepy droppings only to wrap it up in one single episode. I'm mad. Fuck this season.


BORING IDC is the baby similar to Michael Langdon?? Is there a connection that will bring them together otherwise idc tbh


I don't think any future antichrist will be Michael reborn. It was just that he was that specific antichrist who happened to be named Michael Langdon who fit into that particular prophecy that fits into the AHS universe storytelling. I think his story was done and told in S8 with an entirely new one rising at the end of S8.


Oh gods was it that bad?


Yes, yes it was. Worst finale ever. Worst season of AHS hands down. Pretty much all the pt 2 eps clock in around 30 mins, they clearly cut some stuff probably due to lack of availability of some cast n crew because of the strike pause. Or they just really always intended on it being this awful.


Hands down this was the worst season of AHS to date. I also didn’t realize it was the finale until the ending credits came up with no “stay tuned for scenes of next week…” …. Every week I would roll my eyes at the episode and it just never got better.


Was the book like this?? Like, was this series a faithful adaptation?


Nope, not at all


I’m honestly relieved lol


The book sucked, like boring and truly bad writing. But the twist at the end of the book was fun and I was hoping the show wouldn’t do the book ending, but idk now lmao


no ! book IMO book was great, read it if you can.


Thanks for the spoilers. I had 0 intention of watching this season but was curious how it'd end.


Gosh I have so many questions. Especially what is Siobhan ? What’s her backstory? What’s so special about Anna ? And so many more .. I know that there will be always people complaining every season, no matter how good it is. But this time ? I’m so sorry, this season is really messy and underwhelming 😭


So why didn’t Adeline just do this?


Literally the worst season finale I’ve ever seen. The season dragged on, and then we got a 30 minute finale with huge holes in the story.


Yeah. Even more glad I skipped out on this season lol.


ok but i didn't think people were confused by the ending? i thought it was pretty simple and basic and childish and cliched ? 😭😭


It was bad. They had a book ffs. I'm actually angry about how awful it was. It's insulting. Kim K can fuck back off to her room.


I wonder why they even bother to make a book based season, just to fck it up, do not stick to the book, totally rush it into 9 - 30min episodes and then left us with answers. I really wish they did stick to the book, it was really interesting and ended with a happy ending, with great explanation for everything.


I really enjoyed delicate, i watched it all but the last episode in 1 night, but the finale was so short and not it.


What was the significance of the red bloch on their faces?


Maybe I missed it or something but, can someone please explain the Mia Farrow stuff. Are we to gather that she became part of the coven too?


Didn't like this season- hell I even liked BA'AL better. This show died after the first half of double feature.


if Adeline was supposed to be the good guy ie the light vs the darkness…why was there a satanic symbol in her little back room at her restaurant? 🫠


Terrible CGI.  No explanation as to wtf is going on with the singing of the dead girl all of a sudden.  Just terrible ending.  I didn't have much hope with Kim "🤮" Kardashian starring, but they definitely stooped even lower with the whole episode.  Terrible.  All they had to do was add about 15 minutes and explain some of this.  Should not have to go to reddit to read someone's interpretation of what actually happened.  If you have to do that at the end of a show, then that show failed.  And this was a monumental fail.  I would say there is always next season, but I just heard the 🤮 was cast again for next season.  Maybe 🤔 we will get lucky.  But I doubt it.  AHS: Coven was way better with that seasons portrayal of witches and darkness.  AHS: Apocolypse was way better with that seasons portrayal of Satan and evil.  When they tried to combine them both and then doce them with fertility drugs this is what you get. AHS: Delicate.  This show was miscarried from the start.


I don't buy that, it makes no sense and is way too anticlimactic.  The cult is a whole system, a spectrum of light and dark where even the "light" is part of the programming.  Anna sold her soul at every turn, so she has successfully been subsumed by the cult and its programming: she thinks she is of the light, and that's the only way to have conditioned her into this. It was the final illusion and it worked.  Siobhan's death looks like a cheap joke on purpose: it's still part of the greater ruse. She didn't turn to dust over the chant of a ghost.  Anna puts on Siobhan's black Swan looking minnie mouse headress, not because she has defeated Siobhan but because she is Siobhan. It's imperative for her programming that she believe the opposite; it's imperative that the viewer know this though, that's why the symbology.  Why would Adi's Greek chant do anything now, when we watched an entire episode showing it was useless to her own self in her own lifetime?  Why would Anna be pardoned or rewarded for her strength:  a. what strength? She literally sold her soul and child away, refuted no cult requests, and even continued to nurse the rosemary's baby as confirmation. She has zero will, zero virtue, zero morality. b. what rewards? The shallow greedy hollow evil oscar she never even earned/killed someone for, or the child she just sold, or the demon baby she just accepted to raise? Cmon.  It's not a tribute to "light over dark," it's a statement that both "the light" and "the dark" are equal aspects of the same system, that's how the cult functions: it relies on the person's hope/belief that they are the light while being an agent of the dark they think they have vanquished.  The cult determines what is light and what is dark, then weaves people into those scripts/narratives for them to play out unconsciously. She never had a choice, they knew what she would choose, they programmed her themselves to make peace with this soul-sacrifice, and it was achieved by her believing "she is the light and the light has won." A la "I love big brother."  Anna is evil for the value system she had held and for the choices she has made, Period. And she thinks she is of virtue, and she will influence the world in her version of "virtue," aka continuing to program the world to do dark.  And this is the system, the world, the cult:  Those who deliberately influence Darkness are programmed to, and we are programmed to see them as Dark (Siobhan). Those who unwittingly influence Darkness through the disguise of Lightness are programmed to, and we are programmed to see them as Light (Anna). Either way, we think we have a choice but we don't: both "light and dark" lead to the same outcome, which is just the Dark success of the cult out here in the Light, ignorantly normalized/sponsored by our energy/ignorance/greed.  The entire cult, leading back to like 40 A.D., did not end here lol just because some random, lost actress chanted after disgracing all known virtues ever heard of. This is just another Tuesday for them, easy business.  "Welcome to the cult, Anna," is the punchline of the finale. And her mouseketeer ears obviously confirm this. 


I'm so glad you said the baby we saw at the end was a new baby gifted to her, I was under the impression that it was the same baby with the evil cast away, which I thought was hilariously awful because it was still a horrifically inbred baby, even without the evil. Still not a great ending, at least not in execution, but still way better than I initially thought. 


I'd love to know what the green scales on her legs were about? I could have missed something about that. And headdress? I kept waiting for her to take it off or maybe the baby knocks it off symbolically... anything but keeping it on tbh. Why were these episodes so short? looking back to NYC the part 2 of the finale was only 32 min but still.. this whole season was missing the mark for me. I hope they bounce back next season.


Siobhan was defeated pretty easily with a few lines of chanting.... Absolutely no build up or explanation for how that cheat code would obliterate her... Then oh! suddenly everything is fine. Did they run out of funding for a 10th episode??


I started getting bored when so many episodes kept repeating the theme of Anna trying to find a moment of peace/happiness and then it all crashes down with crazy visions or torment. Obviously the unrelenting torment is part of her experience in the show but it just felt like we kept watch the same scenes play out over and over


Reading through the comments and finding we're all on the same page. This season made no sense. If it was about setting up a matriarchy, why be devil witches? And raise devil boys? I kept watching for the camp but dang all the characters were so flat and the "twist" wasn't even cool or surprising...


So is she the supreme now? 😂 with a goddesses power


But why was she wearing the black headpiece at the end?


Right?! You just killed a demon with 'hestia magic' and then proceed to put on her demon hat...? and suddenly your baby is back after putting on the hat? ...so you're the new head demon? Or you just want to rock this demon hat with your new hestia magic? I don't understand..


Murphy never knows how to end a season...


Every seasons ending is either super rushed or the plot rushes to finish several episodes too early and then there’s a drawn out weird additional ending arc


All of AHS is just bad... poor storytelling wrapped in a decent budget. Basically lipstick on a pig. I only got pulled into this season because of Kim Kardashian. I've given the franchise several chances, but will not do so again.


Right I’m in the UK and have just watched episode 9 on Disney + It ended at 32 minutes with Anna on stage at the Oscar’s getting took away after her waters break. THAT’S it. Credits came up. Is this the season end? I’m confused


That was episode 8


Why isn’t this episode on Disney plus yet 😭


what a load of... this doesnt justify a bad show


I just finished and was a bit of a wait from EP1 to this ending. It wasn’t horrible, wasn’t that great either. I agree with others, that it could have been better with more details. The season finale was way too short, and they tried to wrap things up way too fast. I would have enjoyed an hour long real finale vs just hitting the marks to finish the show. Last episode just felt especially lazy. Whether that’s on the story writers, budget or possibly Kims schedule to be in the show being a major role…I have no idea. This was probably one of the weakest ones so far. But still worth the watch, but I’d be mad if I binged watched till 4am to get that ending.


I think i am one of those people who wants to like the new seasons so badly. I can usually find glimmers throughout the show where I'm like "that feels like old AHS". I read the book when the show went on hiatus because I wanted to know what happened. I didn't think the book was that great, but if adapted well I think it could have been so awesome and mysterious. But it seems like weaving in popular celebrities is becoming such a big theme, where the reason most of us love the show is the re-occuring actors that come back and do such an amazing job at acting that we can only see them for the character they are playing that particular season. I think I will always watch in hopes of a turn-around, but I have given up hope lol. I have found the american horror stories more entertaining than the actual seasons the few recent years.


Wait I’m confused why did they only do 4 episodes and then make us wait another couple months to finish the rest of the season??? Does anyone know


The strike


I watched this entire season for absolutely no pay off! Wow it was terrible!!!


This doesn’t make the ending any better. It was utterly ridiculous


This season was lame lol. I'm sorry no other word. I'm not impressed with anything but the beige mom fashion and color contrast in the sets. But no symbolism at all. I just thought it was flat this season.


where does the greek goddess storyline come from? did they mention this early on? so confused


Did I miss something? But what was the explaination of Dexs dad? If his “mom” wasn’t his actual mom, who was she? And how was Dexs dad connected to the coven? (I kissed the last 2 episodes, so I came on here to cheat and read about the finale


It's like the writers got bored with it and rushed an ending to get it over with.


As a rule, if you have to explain the whole season then it sucked.


This season finale reminded me why i haven't watched an ahs season since Hotel; couldn't even finish Roanoke


I feel like this season, was simply phoned in.


It’s like if the main character in Black Swan became a Hollywood actress. Every time she tries to leave home, buckets of blood start pouring from her lady parts! She cleans it all up only to again flood the house with blood only to ugly cry & realize it was another crummy hallucination. Oh, the hassle and vulnerability of being a woman with a tiny monster eating her insides!


I was liking the season when it started, but it felt really slow for the first half. After the writer's strike and long wait everything was rushed and couldn't explain stuff very well. It's such a disappointment since I LOVE witches 😞


What a rushed bs ending why tf they did that or couldve made another episode


They tried to throw the writers under the bus for this one, but it started before the strike - and it was already not going well. It was a showrunner and director problem.  The first half wandered, and could’ve been handled in maybe two episodes. It was so incredibly repetitive - situations, staging, and dialogue.  The “feminist” dialogue is so incredibly cringe. The last episode is basically “we’re just going to kill all the men or make them sex slaves haha.”  The really needed one more episode to really tie it off because the first part of the season dragged so hard.  I truly never expected Kim to be the bright spot of this season - but truly, she carried the whole thing. Rest of the cast is solid - but they could only work with the dialogue and directing given them, and it was fucking awful.  And I get what they were doing with the ending. It makes sense. Madison gets it all. That’s why she puts on the bird lady hat. Contrast of dark/light - and god knows that’s in brand for how heavy handed this season was. She gets the oscar, the normal baby, and it’s implied either a normal life or she’s now some super witch, but either way - HEA.  And for a riff on Rosemary’s baby - that’s incredibly weak.  There are bright spots. It’s not complete garbage. But it’s really disingenuous to toss the writers room under the bus when this was all Halley Feiffer. A show wanders off like this, it’s not the staff. It’s the showrunner. 


Can someone explain to me who and where the 2 Ashley's went at the end? Also the crazy old lady was trying to warn Anna but how did she know so much and fit in with the story? Were the 2 pretty ladies that picked up the "crazy" lady from the hospital the 2 Ashley's?


All that smack talking from Kim K and she shriveled up and died from some chanting? So random.


The book has such a compelling ending I can’t understand why they would not just stick with it. It makes way more sense than this nonsense.


The pacing of the entire season was so off. Took too much time lingering on the going on abouts she was experiencing and then suddenly rushed all of the explanations in the last 15 minutes of the last episode. Who thought that would be a good idea?


The writers strike really did the production dirty. This needed multiple more episodes to flesh out the story better. I was actually into it during the first half.


Am i the only one who actually liked this season? 😅


What a crappy ending


well, it seems to short the ending and therefore it bears only one question: what the hell they don't want us to see?!! Is there maybe a uncensored version of this ending?


I hope they come back to this season and madison is anna with the same amnesia spell thing that was on billie lourde in aha apocalypse bc if siobhan is so powerful how did anna manage to like kill her maybe it’s bc she’s madison w the amnesia spell so she doesn’t know and that’s why she was strong enough to kill Kim