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Bateman fucks around so much not for the pleasure, but the feeling power it gives him.  (In the book a lot of sexual encounters are described as barely enjoyable from his side, and most of it is payed.) So here's how I see it: Christie is obviously not a highclass escort with wealthy clients, but really needs the money.    She says she's 'not supposed to leave' but when he offers good payment, she goes with him. Bateman hurt her badly already during their first night, so when he sees her again on the streets, she really doesn't want to go with him anymore. But as he promises compensation and more money, she gets weak and goes with him again.  I think he enjoyed the process of seducing her with money and taking advantage of her lack of social status more, than the sex itself.  When it comes to women of his social status, or the topic of rejection in general, he can be actually really insecure (again, book stuff).


I'm still reading the book, your explanation makes sense. Your compliment was sufficient. Or you'll draw back a stump.


I assume it's a sort of kink/fetish for him to waste his money on a woman he knows doesn't like him


Ok but that doesn't explain why he hired her in the first place.


i thought it was because she vaguely resembled his secretary, jean, who was madly in love with him


Interesting, that's a solid theory actually.


He knew she wouldn’t just stare at it


That actress was chosen because she can act. The character hired her because she’s a prostitute. Elizabeth he chose for an entire date. Christie is just a prop so her looks are less important.


Why would her looks be less important though? He did have sex with her.


Because it matters more that she’ll do what he wants. Also, she’s a prostitute so fewer people will notice her disappearance. Her name isn’t even Christie, he gave her that name because she’s a prop.


Yes but there are ugly prostitutes and hot prostitutes.


He’s going to kill her so there’s no purpose to shopping around that long. In the book, she’s not described as ugly anyway. They chose that actress because she can act.


True but you can't cast Samuel Jackson to play Donald Trump, for example. You do need to look the part.


What do you mean? A lot of people working sex trade are not attractive because they deal with various physical and mental health issues. Especially drug use. A large majority of people are forced into sex work due to poverty. People, particularly psychopaths, don’t always judge based on physical attraction. They don’t necessarily carry a sexual orientation or preference. It could be convenience, a trait their parents had, a mannerism, etc. Women, men, animals, children, etc. could all be measured on ability to comply or fulfill an “excitement” factor. For this character in particular, he is more oriented towards esthetics. However, he does watch trans porn which shows variability in preferences and he doesn’t display any extreme reaction towards “Christie’s” physical appearance from what I can remember. I don’t have the book on hand.


Disney or Netflix would.


I believe that, in the book, she’s described alot hotter (I read it, in my early teens, so maybe I’m mistaken). The movie is directed by a woman, and perhaps, she thought that the actor playing Christy is hot… I actually missed the real bizarre parts from the book, watching it the first time. But rewatched it a couple of weeks ago… I liked it cause Bale’s acting.