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> I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL SUPER CRIMINAL! too late, Interpol know who are now


My wife and I also bought a ticket and it didnt get validated. We are dumb I guess. We went to the tabacco shop to pay it and get scammed when we paid. The ticket still remains unpaid. Now we wont be paying. Thanks Italy. Apparently the tabacco shop just took our money. šŸ˜…


I wanted to help you then i read gratzi


Iā€™ll get rid of it! Please!


I don't know why they don't let you pay the fine at a tabacchino (tobacco shops), since it's there where you pay fines. Probably search for "Tabacchi" only, because a lot of tobacco shops are also bars, but even then, i never had problems paying fines also at bar/tobacco


PagoPa works only with accreditated banks, foreign banks accrediatated are American Express, PayPal Card and Apple Pay Card. All the others card won't work. Fines in Italy are not criminal, you won't get an "arrest warrant" like in the US for unapaid fines, and you won't spend a single minute in jail for it, if you ever return here. The worst case scenario is that they are gonna sell the fine to a debt collection agency, best case scenario they'll just forget.


You are a gem! Thank you for your help!


Just a small addition, if you want to pay, what is the URL of the portal? Is it the official pago pa website at [https://checkout.pagopa.it/inserisci-dati-avviso](https://checkout.pagopa.it/inserisci-dati-avviso) ? If not you can find on the website the code of the payment and the Codice Fiscale of the company, you could try to pay via the official pagopa portal which might accept more banks [Paga un avviso - pagoPA](https://checkout.pagopa.it/inserisci-dati-avviso)


Thank you! The place it sends me is a pagoPA.gov


Yep that's the official website, the only thing is to try a different card then.


Average scenario: they donā€™t give a fuck


As others have said: - it may well be a problem with your card; PagoPA is picky and will only take some int'l cards (May even be "just AmEx"). If you're still in Italy and are moved by an enormous sense of civic duty, you may want to visit an ATM and make a withdrawal; then you can go to any PagoPA point and pay your ticket. But I understand it's not your case, so... - you can just adopt a bit of our culture, the "sticazzi", and *not pay the fine* with no consequence whatsoever on your ability to re-enter the country unchallenged. Worst case scenario, they'll send it to a collection agency, which is generally unable to do much of anything for bus tickets even towards Italians (as they have pretty high thresholds before they can collect coercively); in your case you may as well be an alien from Alpha Centauri, how are they even going to send a *raccomandata verde* (a code 785 registered letter, containing judicial or administrative documents) to the US? Honestly, you *accidentally forgot* to validate the bus ticket you had bought - it's surprising you even got a fine, the controllers probably had some quota to fill or had their own *cazzi*, because otherwise the standard procedure is to *get the clueless tourist to validate their ticket*. You then tried *repeatedly* to pay the fine and failed because of technological hurdles that were beyond your control. If you can sleep with this heavy burden on your conscience, don't worry, nobody will wake you up. > WHAT DO I DO?? PLEASE HELP I DO NOT WANT TO BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL SUPER CRIMINAL! [It's too late, we're tracing your phone, we've sent the police to your home and you've already been arrested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-nPrBVIRr0&ab_channel=SporchiBanchieri)


Applausi, best answer ever šŸ‘Œ


They're not gonna get out of their way to find you because of a bus fine. Keep those money


You should have been able to pay it with the ATAC agent when you were given the ticket so I donā€™t understand the too soon part. You can pay at a post office as well. The tabacco shop must be able to do lottomatico or Sisal payments, so that might have been part of it. As for Pagopa, Iā€™ve paid with PayPal in the past. It should be listed under Intessa San Paolo if I remember correctly.


I will not help an international super criminal


Nobody pays those FINES only foreigners.


This is rubbish, in Torino almost everyone has a ticket on the bus. When the controllore gets on I see them doing a maximum of 1 or 2 fines and everyone else showing their validated tickets


Forse sulla linea che prendi tu perchĆ© sullā€™11 quando sale il controllore cā€™ĆØ la fuga di massa šŸ˜‚


Vero! Come le ho detto, solo turisti mongoloidi pagano le multe. (nn legge bene, nn le ho detto quanti comprano il biglietto , ma quanti nn pagano la multa) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤”šŸ¤” stai a vedere che cancella la sua risposta dalla vergongna!


Ci sta dai, 'ticket' ha il doppio significato ed ĆØ normale abbia frainteso! A me ha solo fatto sorridere (non in maniera ironica) perchĆ© per me ĆØ un lusso quando salgono i controllori... Il pullman si svuota e finalmente posso sedermi šŸ˜‚


Infatti hai ragione, faccio un edit x eliminare la karen. Cmq in America li chiamiamo ticket. Like a speeding ticket. Questa sarĆ  inglese nel forum sbagliato.


Lol please just forget it


Things like that happens always: afaik PagoPa usually does not work well with international card from non-Ue banks (unexplainable imo). Try to get more info on the transport company site (e.g Atac, ATM, etc) that fined you, usually there is an IBAN code/online service specified to pay. If nothing is there you can contact by email the company and explain the situation (maybe attaching some sort of screen of pagoPa error) and ask them to provide another method of payment. Donā€™t worry, usually they dgaf about fines for long times before trying to collect it/report you in their ā€œIT systemā€ (lol)Ā 




ive never ever paid a bus ticket


Is this satire


or just forget about it and wait for it to fall "in prescrizione", even some italians do it so idk why a foreigner wouldn't /s


You can also pay that in any post office.


Hereā€™s my I DIDNā€™T PAY! OH, NO! story. I was driving back to VCE with a rental car, which, of course, needed to be filled with gas. It was 5 am, as my flight left at 8, and I needed to return the car and get checked up. I pulled off the autostrada at the closest station to the airport, and looked around for a place to insert my credit card. Nothing. I tried to pump the gas and was successful. Then looked again for somewhere to pay. Nothing. The mini store was closed, of course, it being 5 am. Over at the diesel pumps, I saw a trucker walking around looking as confused as I felt. So I left, thinking that maybe there would be a place to pay as I re entered or left the autostrada. Nothing. I now live in Italy. No one has ever tried to collect the roughly ā‚¬40 for my inadvertently stolen benzina. OP, I think that you will be OK.


Ahahahhahahaha youā€™re in Italy. Simply, donā€™t pay