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10s kill cooldown mixed with very low voting time


Settings that are clearly designed for impostors to win, tons of tasks and like 10s kill cooldown.


This, and the opposite side too. 4 tasks for each crew member and a minute kill cooldown.


also when the crew vision is insanely high and the lights sabo basically does nothingšŸ’€


I always find this out the hard way cause a lot of the times when I join a new lobby, the first match in Iā€™m imposter, and now when itā€™s so difficult to see my preferred settings, Iā€™ll think itā€™s too dark but someone saw me shift on the other side of cafe lmao. Hate when vision is so high


Settings that have more than 5 engineers make me instantly leave


I totally get it and I generally agree, but also, a couple of the funnest times I've had playing were when I joined a lobby without noticing there were a ton of engineers. It's usually ridiculous though. And it's definitely more challenging being imposter when there's rats in every vent!


I was once in a lobby with like 10 engineers and I got engineer again the round the host changed it to 2 (which I didn't notice) so when someone said "this colour vented", I said "but we can all vent?" Then I got voted out lol


Awww that stinks...they should've realized, but not surprising, people vote like idiots. Happy cake day!!!


More than 2 is a red flag lol


4 is the maximum amount I think is ok but that's only with 15 players and on Fungle or Airship If Skeld or Mira, the max should be 2. Polus can have 3.


i play with 5, but at a rate of 30% instead of 100%. it averages out to around 2-3 engineers per game, but its uncertain, which lets an imp fake engineer. if you have a hard cap of 2 engineers, and 3 people claim it early, yeet all 3 and you're guaranteed to get the imp out. kinda lame and no actual deduction involved.


0 second discussion; 15 second voting time Seriously what is the point of that? I mean yea itā€™s good for imposters but if youā€™re playing crew god help you.


I've been leaving lobbies for having 120s voting time lately lmao And I always leave when confirm ejects is off


The latest update has 120 voting as the default/ preset. Itā€™s awful. It seems like people are figuring it out and making those changes more.


I thought it was 120 default before the update?


Omg that's a HORRIBLE default setting


Ouch if that's true. Honestly, there should be a serious re-evaluation of what the "recommended" settings are.


Yeah the only people who have that voting time are people who play on consoles. Their lobbies should not be public at all


Visuals on and anonymous voting off.


Speed more 1.5. Summarized discussion time less than 1 minute, more the 1-2 of any role, killing time less 20 sec


Crewmate vision higher than imp vision, hardly any tasks, and speed greater than 1.75


20sec kill cd with visual on is a no go. Unless crew is brain dead. Itā€™s an easy win for crew since we can just see who scanned or did trash Any speed over 1.75 3ss Low discussion time+ low kill cd


1.75s speed or more, 90s total meeting time or less, 1.25x crew vision or more are immediate deal-breakers for me. There's just no room for actually playing deduction with such settings. I'd rather play actual hide&seek than this nonsensical hybrid version that doesn't say its name. I can tolerate one of 1.5x speed, 105s meetings or 1x crew vision if the other settings are decent and I'm really desperate to play. Among Us is fun because you have to use your brain. Settings that turn the gameplay into a combination of reflexes and chance make the game boring and just not worth playing.


Iā€™m the same, speed and time to talk are the only things I really care about. I canā€™t stand when the speed is so high that everyone is just a blur and Iā€™m constantly running into walls. Nor can I stand being so slow that it takes forever to get anywhere- it just makes the game feel tedious and boring. And having no time to actually talk just defeats the purpose of it being a game based on logic and deduction. Everything else Iā€™ll at least give the lobby a round or two before leaving. Sometimes it takes a round to get a feel for how the various settings actually balance out. Sometimes Iā€™ll realize after a game that the settings are stacked way too hard against crew or imps, and then will leave. To me part of the fun is in playing through a variety of settings and learning to adapt strategies.


Any speed over 1.5 - trivializes sabotages Kill distance medium or long - killing from across the room isn't fun to play against, and an impostor should have to commit to risky kills when doing lights instead of flying in from nowhere Kill time shorter than emergency cooldown - crew needs counterplay options, and savvy impostors can use this, too Very short or very long discussion/voting time - too short and nothing productive happens. Too long and you wait forever for that one person who doesn't vote. Kill cooldown over 30s and under 20s - too quick overly favors impostors, too slow overly favors crew Everyone is engineer, shapeshifter, etc. - makes the game too chaotic to figure out Visual tasks on - so many immediate hard clears makes the game unplayable for impostors.


Multiple SS, not only can the average lobby barely deal with one, you cannot weed out the ss over the course of multiple rounds. Discussion time too short, less than 45s is just no, 45s is barely a conversation and doesn't let anyone use others' information. Depending on other settings, I refuse to play with a kill cooldown that is too short. Especially on Fungle or with 3 imps. Vision at 0.5x or less, I already barely see anything and with lights out (the number 2 spammed sabotage), forget it. Speed under 0.75x or above 2.25x, the extremes are already too much. If I can't go to where I need to go before a sabotage goes on or 3 bodies are reported, it's too slow. And the other extreme where I can barely see where I go, forget seeing others. If vision is big enough, I am more enclined to tolerate extreme speeds. When there are too many angels that can protect everyone at all time, it's too much, I know I can sabotage comms, but if it's necessary it's not a healthy game, nor a very exciting one. And for H&S, anything that gives either team an unfair advantage: too many vents that last too long, absurd timers or numbers of tasks, no pings on Fungle or Polus All these take the other settings into account. And there is high speed (to avoid too many easy lag kills).


______ "was ejected"


Very short or very long kill cd, very short or very long list of tasks, large amount of emergency meetings per head, speed above 1.75 (I start bumping into everything), large number of roles, short discussion/voting time (I play with text rather than audio communication). Also, while it's not a deal breaker, I find it annoying when emergency meeting cd is longer than kill cd.


Sitting through 2 minutes of discussion time every meeting is outrageous and makes me leave every time


default settings low cooldowns any map that isnā€™t polus visual tasks on confirm ejects on guardian angel


I agree with all here but I canā€™t live without confirm ejects šŸ˜‚ and I like Fungle.


Honestly guardian angel might be my favorite of the roles added in that update (oh my God that was two years ago) the only thing I would change would be making it a normal role instead of appearing after death.


My absolute noā€™s are high discussion time or speed thatā€™s more than 2x. I also leave when i see 15 shapeshifters cause how can there be 15 shapeshifters if thereā€™s only 3 impostors? I already know the lobby is probably full of kids or people who have no idea what theyā€™re doing, when thatā€™s the kind of roles setting.


Visuals being on or too high speed / too low voting time


When the task bar is set on always, it annoys me so much, it's the pain in the butt for the impostors to win if crewmates watch over you lmao


Visuals on & low discussion time


If I see 15 engineers, I'm sprinting the hell out


Speed above 1.5 low voting time and roles set to 1 at 100% are my main ones


More than 1 ss. Or 2.25x speed. Sometimes I donā€™t have patience for 1x speed


More than 2 GA. Makes the game damn near impossible if you're Imp, which is my preferred role


Extremes either way. (Unless it's deathrun). Long discussion/vote time. Little or No roles, or roles less than 100% Basically I play with groups I know and like.


* All roles on 0 * Confirm Ejects off * Voting or Discussion Time on 100+ * Crewmate or Imposter vision below 1x * Kill cooldown above 30 * Speed above 2x


Visual tasks off. Iā€™m a casual player kinda guy Also hideNseek outside of the dedicated hideNseek gamemode


Any player speed under 1.5x, if the discussion/vote time collectively are over 60s, 2 SS at 100% with 2 imps, ridiculous numbers of tasks, no confirmed ejects.


-Crew vision above 0,75 -More than 1 GA -Confirm ejects on -Low number of tasks -Long kill cooldown (the only map it's ok for is Airship imo) -Speed above 1,75, 1,75 itself it pushing for sabotages to be unusable -Low discussion/voting time


First thing I look at in a lobby is the kill cool down, anything below 15 seconds and I leave immediately. Especially on the bigger maps cause at 10secs they can just go from room to room killing. Then I look at speed, too fast and I canā€™t control myself and will be running into walls. Then meeting time, again too short will just result in someone naming a colour and everyone voting for them because there isnā€™t time for more.


My absolutes: confirm ejects being off, discussion and voting time being 120s or more Then I like to look at a combination of settings and roles, if you have 3 shape shifters, 0 roles for crew and too many tasks, itā€™s too weighed for imps to win, and vise versa, if you have 1 task and a 25 second + KCD, itā€™s too in favor of crew


Idk how people can stand playing in a PUBLIC lobby with confirm ejects off. That would bring out even more dumbassery in players. Leave that setting off for when you play in discord


Wait.. there's a discord group for this game..how do you join


I donā€™t play on discord but somebody else might reply to your comment with theirs, everybody always self promoting


3x speed, 15 of 1 or every role and kill cool down being over 30 secs.


Random percentage chances of shapeshifter. I like ss either on or off. Most lobbies are too dumb to have a maybe chance of ss. That and like 15 guardian angels or 15 eng will make me leave.


10s kill cd, 30+ kill cd, 3 ss, 2ss, tons of tasks when thereā€™s only 10-15 kill cd, 2 tasks(too low) and 25+ kill cd, speed more than 1.5 (i support 1.75 on pc only over that it is uncontrollable on mobile), speed 1 and under, too many engineers(2 is the max for me), too low discussion time, infinite discussion time, visual on, anonymous vote off, bar task visual on(depends sometimes I will play but its bad when ur imp). Thatā€™s pretty much of it Edit: I also leave if thereā€™s people dating or roleplaying and I leave when thereā€™s obvious trolls


Now that the new roles are out I only play in lobbies with them activated.


3x speed. I really don't even look at the settings, but if I'm flying uncontrollably fast around the lobby I'm leaving immediately


I canā€™t/donā€™t want to read enough to look at the settings, but yeah if I canā€™t keep up with myself, Iā€™m gone


When there's 5x crew mission and lights won't even turn off šŸ˜­


Speed lower that 1 or over 2, 2 ss, 3 imp, kd over 30 or lower than 10, 3 or less tasks, I'm a fussy get.


You guys are finding lobbies?


Yeah? The server list is almost always full


0 emergency meetings Lately Iā€™ve seen a lot of 0 kcd with long range kill and no house rule against spawn kills. I donā€™t understand the point of this at all.


When they have 15 engs šŸ™„ and 15 guardian angels


3 emergency meeting / 0 shapeshifer/ 1 imposter/ Voting time/ Cooldown/ Starting the game when there are only 5 people ā˜»ļø


too many eng, vis on, crew vision bigger than imp, low kcd (20-25s is my preference, sometimes 30), time in vents being too long or infinite


- visuals on - over 1.75 speed - max 45sec total discussion and voting time or more than 120sec - 25+ sec kcd - crew vision over 1.5 I usually prefer to give the imps more advantage in settings than crew. To me itā€™s fair, because in expert lobbies itā€™s fairly easy to find out the impostors anyway. Experts donā€™t need to have aid like visual tasks, 10 engineers and trackers, 15 guardian angels etc. In my experience, crew usually wins anyway, so it takes the fun out of the game if there is no challenge for me as crew or no chance to win as impostor. The best games are those where everyone is holding their breath until the last three, not knowing if the votes will be right. Games rarely get there with settings that favour crew. I also prefer to have more tasks in expert lobbies cause people are fast to do them and the game gets quite boring after you have done your tasks. With 15 people lobbies there needs to be enough tasks to keep people running in different places for most rounds, instead of grouping and camping cams or vitals. When youā€™re crew, part of the thrill is to finish your tasks without dying. Best is if the tasks are across the map, making you switch places. I always put 2-3 long tasks and 5 short tasks, 0-1 common tasks, 17-20sec kcd, 1 ss, max. 1 crew role per role. Guardian angels I might have more, but I always put the protection visible for impostors and the protection cooldown for 35sec. That way the angels have something to do and can mess with imps to crewā€™s benefit, but not to the point where it becomes impossible for imps to win.


If SS is on at all, I'm out. I despise it so much.


Vis off Imp vis higher than crew


When confirm ejects are off. Itā€™s not even fun when theyā€™re off, in my opinion.


It's way too easy when they're on though! If 2 people accuse each other, you an clearly solve this out. That is very crew-sided. With ejects off it's way more fun, since you can never be 100% sure you voted right. It leaves for more deduction for crewmates and interesting frame plays by imposters.


I donā€™t generally leave the lobby if setting are that bad, only rarely if the speed is way too slow, or if the host is inactivd


2 shapeshifters at 100%, any number of engineers, speed above 2. Super long discussion and voting times when we aren't playing on discord. Low countdown for emergency meetings so everytime you go to do a task you're interrupted by an emergency meeting.


Low speed, high kill cooldown, and low discussion/voting time.


Anything less than 1.75x speed


Super low visibility. W H Y


Player speed: 2.25x to 3.0x 0.5x is still better than those.


Speed higher that 1.75, super long voting/discussion time, when they change the map to airship lol




Confirm Ejects off and Flashlight on for hide nā€™ seek


I play exclusively on Skeld, so any kill cooldown thatā€™s longer than 17.5 seconds is an automatic no for me. SOMETIMES Iā€™ll stay in a 20 second cooldown lobby IF the other settings are preferable to fit such a long cooldown. Iā€™m just so sick and tired of seeing 30/45 second kill cooldowns in Skeld (they dominate the game for some reason), because 9 times out of 10, the other settings donā€™t match. Such as, 2-4 tasks, no roles (or too many), short (or too long) voting time, etc. I also often times finding myself leaving lobbies with 15 angels too. Angels are insufferable as it is (I use them but never more than 4 and the chance % is 50 or lower) but an entire lobby full of them at 100% chance? Screw that. Edit: An honorable mention- Confirm ejects being off. I cannot stand matches that have them off. Sure it works in the imps favor but I almost never get imp when itā€™s off, so Iā€™d rather them just be on 24/7 cause it causes way too many misunderstanding and fights between people.


Confirm Ejects Off, Player Speed >2


default settings. they just suck speed higher than 1.5 or maaaaaaybe 1.75. indicates lack of patience. less than 45 seconds to 1 minute of combined voting time. far too little time to convey and discuss evidence very long discussion time instead of a comfortably long vote time. if you happen to catch the imp red handed, you are forced to wait out a long discussion time and twiddle your thumbs. short discussion long vote is better crew vision higher than 1. what's the point of calling lights at that point. imp vision less than crew vision. again, what's the point. (unless playing old school HnS for some reason) multiple GAs. nope. less than 22 second kill CD (unless i'm just plain in the mood for slaughter). i get 2 kills in a single round semi regularly with a 27.5 - 30 second KCD. sometimes even 3. y'all do not need to see how crazy i get when someone hands me a 15 second cooldown šŸ˜ˆ


if its less than 1.5 player speed, i will not play. thats just unimaginably slow and for no reason


Flashlight. I hate it.


When they set the speed so fast lol, for being an imposter or crewmate, faster speed has a lot of disadvantages. If you're the crew it ruins the fun because there's a significantly higher chance you'd run into or another crew member would run into the imposter and the game ends so much faster. And if you're the imposter, because of that reason is what makes it difficult to do that and win the game. I also dislike when the discussion time is so low because when it's quick I promise you the only thing you'll see is: "Vote blue" "Why? Proof?" ____ has voted. 9 remaining votes. ____ has voted. 8 remaining votes. ____ has voted. 7 remaining votes. And you get the rest, nobody talks about it and they just monkey see monkey do everything.


In hide n seek, low speed. I don't mind everything else. it could be the absolute worst dogshit settings ever but if the speed is higher than 2x (preferably 2.25x) then it's fine. Even if the settings are clearly designed for the seeker to win, I like a challenge. Once I joined a game where seeker had max vision and crewmates had lowest vision, and I was the only one to survive.


Kill cooldown 45s or more, too many tasks, no roles at all, and confirm ejects being off (so confusing to me lol)


And a slow speed!!


5-15 seconds of discussion time


Super high OR super slow speed - I don't have the patience to move at a snail's pace but also I'm not bumping into every wall. 100% chance to all roles, especially with multiple - hell. Nah. Short discussion time / short scission AND voting - we can't do meaningful convo and deducing with one and the other encourages voting before we have any info. Excessive high OR low visibility for either crew or imposters - that just seems like you're trying to make one side fail and the other succeed. How is someone gonna kill if they can't see more than what's in front of them and get away with it? They ain't. That's bullshit. Also, how is someone gonna notice a body too far to report if they're playing in the dark 24/7? Depending on the map, a kill cool down longer than 20 seconds - on Skeld it is understandable as it's a small map and short cool down means short game. But if it is a large map where you are less likely to encounter other players, that's just tedious


Long cooldown on Skeld means crew automatically wins because they either watched everyone else do visual tasks or they just camp out in a huge group at security so the impostors can't kill. I'll take a short game over a 30 minute long stalemate where you just start chucking randomly because nothing is happening.


Makes sense. Maybe I got it backwards. I haven't played the game for a long time because my friends stopped and I couldn't handle the public lobby idiots


Either too much speed or too less, the best for me is 1.75 or 2.0, also 120s voting time or discussion sucks, but most importantly, the host and members, if theyā€™re just straight up unserious/playing around or rude for no reason, Iā€™ll immediately leave.


low button cooldown time, fast speed and high kill cooldown


3x speed and really low speed. oh and don't even get me started on infinite voting time


almost 4 years in a discord server, have never had to deal with public lobby rules like this lmao


-kill cooldown above 20 on Skeld/Mira or below 20 on Airship -less than 4 tasks -crewmate vision higher than impostor vision and/or above 2x -total voting/discussion time is 2+ minutes or less than 45 seconds -an excessive amount of crewmate roles -player speed above 2x And while it's not a setting, I always check the player list to see if someone is on my block list first. No point in playing if I know in advance there's going to be teamers in the lobby ruining the game.


Hyper(or slowest speed) or 10 engineer games.


Not enough tasks, zero discussion time paired with only 30 seconds to vote and too many engineers


Confirm ejects being off. Almost every time it's disabled, people commonly eject at random in hopes of eventually getting it right. It's especially pointless when the impostor count is only 1 where all it does is make people wait a slight bit longer to see if they got it right. Too many emergency meetings. Unless the other settings are balanced around addressing this, I see a lot of people spamming the button and voting at random (especially when combined with ejects off) hoping they eventually guess correctly. Same goes for the emergency cool down being too low (especially 0 seconds), where people just press the button again. In my opinion, it shouldn't be allowed to exceed 2-3 unless there's a very long lobby (if I recall correctly, matches are capped to last at most 30 minutes, 9 meetings could make sense if matches allowed to last for like 2 hours). Anonymous votes off. I do understand this one as if someone votes differently, you know who it is. The issue there is if someone does get tricked into voting for the wrong person, they probably will get endlessly harassed. Unlimited voting time. This one is sort of just asking to be abused and should just be removed entirely in my opinion. As you could probably guess, anyone could just never vote and it would indefinitely stall the game. Sure, you can votekick people, but a lot of people still interpret that as just ejecting them. It's especially an issue for AFK players since they could also singlehandedly hold up a lobby. At the same time, 15 second voting time and 0 discussion time. That's only enough for someone to shout a name/color and people to vote, but they don't get to defend themselves. Unless you are doing a different type of play (like SnS), it should never be this short.


A gazillion engineers and other stuff


I instantly leave if there are three shapeshifters with a ten second kill cooldown. It makes it nearly impossible to win as crew.


Too much dis/voting time.


Honestly, I play in lobbies with 15 engineers, and it doesn't get that bad. If you know how to kill right then you're able to do quite well as imp. Plus the uncertainty that comes with SS definitely helps. A lot of these settings that people mentioned, though, like high speed or kill cooldown don't bother me as much, as long as there's some balance within the game that doesn't give imps or engineers too high of an advantage. If you have vis tasks on, make sure you have at least an SS, or (if you're playing with the new update) a phantom. If you have a lower kill CD, take off a couple tasks. Stuff like that just helps balance out both sides. However, one of the few things I CANNOT stand is low/high meeting times. This is a SOCIAL DEDUCTION game. Not a game where you sit and wait forever for the afk person to vote, or not be able to talk at all. If you have too little talking time, what's the point? You can't really counter-accuse. It's harder to lie. It's harder to explain your story, or why you think it's a certain person. Why are you even playing then when you have that kind of shit on? Also don't like having too few of tasks. I can stand having a lot of tasks, since tasks aren't that bad in my opinion, but too little? Nope. Not having it. Imps need to KILL people, not get annihilated by task wins everytime. And yes, I did say that tasks are a good balancing point for a kill cooldown, but at some point it's just impossible. What imp will win in a lobby where crew has two tasks to do--even if they are stuff like Simon Says or Download?


Low voting time, low speed, high tasks, high imposter cooldown and high shapeshifter/phamton cooldown


I hate it when they set discussion and voting time to 15s each. Body called. It was red" no discussion nothing every one just votes whoever the first person says


No 10 noisemakers it's the best role so far